Product References
Protein phosphorylation during Plasmodium berghei gametogenesis.
Experimental parasitology
Alonso-Morales A,González-López L,Cázares-Raga FE,Cortés-Martínez L,Torres-Monzón JA,Gallegos-Pérez JL,Rodríguez MH,James AA,Hernández-Hernández Fde L
03-7720 was used in western blot to investigate protein phosphorylation during Plasmodium berghei gametogenesis and its role
Tue Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Quantitative analysis of receptor tyrosine kinase-effector coupling at functionally relevant stimulus levels.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Li S,Bhave D,Chow JM,Riera TV,Schlee S,Rauch S,Atanasova M,Cate RL,Whitty A
03-7720 was used in ELISA to measure how RET activation by artemin is quantitatively coupled to key downstream effectors
Fri Apr 17 00:00:00 UTC 2015
The F-BAR protein PACSIN2 regulates epidermal growth factor receptor internalization.
The Journal of biological chemistry
de Kreuk BJ,Anthony EC,Geerts D,Hordijk PL
03-7720 was used in immunocytochemistry and western blot to elucidate how PACSIN2 regulates EGF receptor signaling
Fri Dec 21 00:00:00 UTC 2012
The F-BAR protein PACSIN2 regulates epidermal growth factor receptor internalization.
The Journal of biological chemistry
de Kreuk BJ,Anthony EC,Geerts D,Hordijk PL
03-7720 was used in immunocytochemistry and western blot to elucidate how PACSIN2 regulates EGF receptor signaling
Fri Dec 21 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Phasic phosphorylation of caldesmon and ERK 1/2 during contractions in human myometrium.
PloS one
Paul J,Maiti K,Read M,Hure A,Smith J,Chan EC,Smith R
03-7720 was used in western blot to investigate h-CaD and ERK 1/2 phosphorylation during myometrial contractions
Thu Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2011
PECAM-1 functions as a negative regulator of laminin-induced platelet activation.
Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH
Crockett J,Newman DK,Newman PJ
03-7720 was used in western blot to examine the effects of subendothelial matrix components on platelets
Thu Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2010
Neuropilin-2 interacts with VEGFR-2 and VEGFR-3 and promotes human endothelial cell survival and migration.
Favier B,Alam A,Barron P,Bonnin J,Laboudie P,Fons P,Mandron M,Herault JP,Neufeld G,Savi P,Herbert JM,Bono F
03-7720 was used in western blot to suggest that NRP2 acts as a coreceptor that enhances human endothelial cell responses induced by VEGF-A and VEGF-C
Tue Aug 15 00:00:00 UTC 2006
Cocoa procyanidins inhibit proliferation and angiogenic signals in human dermal microvascular endothelial cells following stimulation by low-level H2O2.
Experimental biology and medicine (Maywood, N.J.)
Kenny TP,Keen CL,Jones P,Kung HJ,Schmitz HH,Gershwin ME
37720 was used in western blot to propose that polyphenols modulate endothelial growth signaling
Wed Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2004
Heterodimerization with vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 (VEGFR-2) is necessary for VEGFR-3 activity.
Biochemical and biophysical research communications
Alam A,Herault JP,Barron P,Favier B,Fons P,Delesque-Touchard N,Senegas I,Laboudie P,Bonnin J,Cassan C,Savi P,Ruggeri B,Carmeliet P,Bono F,Herbert JM
37720 was used in western blot to demonstrate that VEGFR-3 needs to be associated with VEGFR-2 to induce ligand-dependent cellular responses
Fri Nov 12 00:00:00 UTC 2004
Signal transducer and activator of transcription 5 activation is sufficient to drive transcriptional induction of cyclin D2 gene and proliferation of rat pancreatic beta-cells.
Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.)
Friedrichsen BN,Richter HE,Hansen JA,Rhodes CJ,Nielsen JH,Billestrup N,Møldrup A
03-7720 was used in Western Blotting to characterise the role of STAT5 in the regulation of cyclin D expression and beta cell proliferation by hGH.
Thu May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2003
Potential pathways for regulation of NK and T cell responses: differential X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome gene product SAP interactions with SLAM and 2B4.
International immunology
Sayós J,Nguyen KB,Wu C,Stepp SE,Howie D,Schatzle JD,Kumar V,Biron CA,Terhorst C
03-7720 was used in western blot to examine the SAP gene in natural killer cells
Fri Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2000