Product References
Pregnancy enables antibody protection against intracellular infection.
Erickson JJ,Archer-Hartmann S,Yarawsky AE,Miller JLC,Seveau S,Shao TY,Severance AL,Miller-Handley H,Wu Y,Pham G,Wasik BR,Parrish CR,Hu YC,Lau JTY,Azadi P,Herr AB,Way SS
13-5994-82 was used in flow cytometry to show that pregnancy-induced post-translational antibody modification enables protection against the prototypical intracellular pathogen Listeria monocytogenes.
Wed Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Reciprocal regulation of RIG-I and XRCC4 connects DNA repair with RIG-I immune signaling.
Nature communications
Guo G,Gao M,Gao X,Zhu B,Huang J,Tu X,Kim W,Zhao F,Zhou Q,Zhu S,Wu Z,Yan Y,Zhang Y,Zeng X,Zhu Q,Yin P,Luo K,Sun J,Deng M,Lou Z
Published figure using IgA monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5994-82) in Flow Cytometry
Mon Apr 12 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Preconceptual Priming Overrides Susceptibility to Escherichia coli Systemic Infection during Pregnancy.
Prasanphanich NS,Gregory EJ,Erickson JJ,Miller-Handley H,Kinder JM,Way SS
13-5994-82 was used in ELISA to show that animals with resolved E. coli infection are protected against reinfection during pregnancy, including having resistance to most infection-induced pregnancy complications.
Tue Feb 23 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Relevance of PSGL-1 Expression in B Cell Development and Activation.
Frontiers in immunology
González-Tajuelo R,González-Sánchez E,Silván J,Muñoz-Callejas A,Vicente-Rabaneda E,García-Pérez J,Castañeda S,Urzainqui A
Published figure using IgA monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5994-82) in Flow Cytometry
Fri Jul 16 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Development of canine PD-1/PD-L1 specific monoclonal antibodies and amplification of canine T cell function.
PloS one
Choi JW,Withers SS,Chang H,Spanier JA,De La Trinidad VL,Panesar H,Fife BT,Sciammas R,Sparger EE,Moore PF,Kent MS,Rebhun RB,McSorley SJ
13-5994-82 was used in Western Blot to develop canine programmed death 1 (PD-1) and programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) specific murine monoclonal antibodies that identify recombinant and native canine molecules in a variety of laboratory assays.
Thu Sep 10 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Development of canine PD-1/PD-L1 specific monoclonal antibodies and amplification of canine T cell function.
PloS one
Choi JW,Withers SS,Chang H,Spanier JA,De La Trinidad VL,Panesar H,Fife BT,Sciammas R,Sparger EE,Moore PF,Kent MS,Rebhun RB,McSorley SJ
13-5994-82 was used in Western Blot to develop canine programmed death 1 (PD-1) and programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) specific murine monoclonal antibodies that identify recombinant and native canine molecules in a variety of laboratory assays.
Thu Sep 10 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Genetic timestamping of plasma cells in vivo reveals tissue-specific homeostatic population turnover.
Xu AQ,Barbosa RR,Calado DP
13-5994 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to characterize a genetic tool (JchaincreERT2) in the mouse that permits first-ever specific genetic manipulation in PCs in vivo, across immunoglobulin isotypes.
Mon Nov 02 00:00:00 UTC 2020
BLT1 mediates commensal bacteria-dependent innate immune signals to enhance antigen-specific intestinal IgA responses.
Mucosal immunology
Nagatake T,Hirata SI,Koga T,Kuroda E,Kobari S,Suzuki H,Hosomi K,Matsumoto N,Yanrismet Y,Shimojou M,Morimoto S,Sasaki F,Ishii KJ,Yokomizo T,Kunisawa J
13-5994-82 was used in Immunohistochemistry (Frozen) to indicate that BLT1 enhances the proliferation of commensal bacteria-dependent IgA+ plasma cells through the induction of MyD88 and thereby plays a key role in the production of antigen-specific intestinal IgA.
Sun Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
RNA Helicase DDX1 Converts RNA G-Quadruplex Structures into R-Loops to Promote IgH Class Switch Recombination.
Molecular cell
Ribeiro de Almeida C,Dhir S,Dhir A,Moghaddam AE,Sattentau Q,Meinhart A,Proudfoot NJ
13-5994 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to provide evidence for how S-region transcripts interconvert between G4 and R-loop structures to promote IgH class switch recombination.
Thu May 17 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Preconceptual Zika virus asymptomatic infection protects against secondary prenatal infection.
PLoS pathogens
Turner LH,Kinder JM,Wilburn A,D'Mello RJ,Braunlin MR,Jiang TT,Pham G,Way SS
13-5994-82 was used in ELISA to show that primary Zika virus asymptomatic infection in mice confers protection against re-infection, and that these protective benefits are maintained during pregnancy.
Wed Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2017
REV7 counteracts DNA double-strand break resection and affects PARP inhibition.
Xu G,Chapman JR,Brandsma I,Yuan J,Mistrik M,Bouwman P,Bartkova J,Gogola E,Warmerdam D,Barazas M,Jaspers JE,Watanabe K,Pieterse M,Kersbergen A,Sol W,Celie PHN,Schouten PC,van den Broek B,Salman A,Nieuwland M,de Rink I,de Ronde J,Jalink K,Boulton SJ,Chen J,van Gent DC,Bartek J,Jonkers J,Borst P,Rottenberg S
Thu May 28 00:00:00 UTC 2015
REV7 counteracts DNA double-strand break resection and affects PARP inhibition.
Xu G,Chapman JR,Brandsma I,Yuan J,Mistrik M,Bouwman P,Bartkova J,Gogola E,Warmerdam D,Barazas M,Jaspers JE,Watanabe K,Pieterse M,Kersbergen A,Sol W,Celie PHN,Schouten PC,van den Broek B,Salman A,Nieuwland M,de Rink I,de Ronde J,Jalink K,Boulton SJ,Chen J,van Gent DC,Bartek J,Jonkers J,Borst P,Rottenberg S
Thu May 28 00:00:00 UTC 2015
REV7 counteracts DNA double-strand break resection and affects PARP inhibition.
Xu G,Chapman JR,Brandsma I,Yuan J,Mistrik M,Bouwman P,Bartkova J,Gogola E,Warmerdam D,Barazas M,Jaspers JE,Watanabe K,Pieterse M,Kersbergen A,Sol W,Celie PHN,Schouten PC,van den Broek B,Salman A,Nieuwland M,de Rink I,de Ronde J,Jalink K,Boulton SJ,Chen J,van Gent DC,Bartek J,Jonkers J,Borst P,Rottenberg S
Thu May 28 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) is localized to subnuclear domains enriched in splicing factors.
Experimental cell research
Hu Y,Ericsson I,Doseth B,Liabakk NB,Krokan HE,Kavli B
13-5994 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to suggest a transcription-coupled splicing-associated model for AID targeting and activation.
Mon Mar 10 00:00:00 UTC 2014
The histone methyltransferase MMSET regulates class switch recombination.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
Pei H,Wu X,Liu T,Yu K,Jelinek DF,Lou Z
Published figure using IgA monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5994-82) in Flow Cytometry
Tue Jan 15 00:00:00 UTC 2013
Non-invasive imaging provides spatiotemporal information on disease progression and response to therapy in a murine model of multiple myeloma.
PloS one
Riedel SS,Mottok A,Brede C,Bäuerlein CA,Jordán Garrote AL,Ritz M,Mattenheimer K,Rosenwald A,Einsele H,Bogen B,Beilhack A
13-5994 was used in Immunohistochemistry on frozen tissues to describe a novel MM mouse model that facilitates the convenient, reliable, and sensitive tracking of myeloma cells with bioluminescence imaging.
Tue Jul 02 00:00:00 UTC 2013