Product References
Inhibition of antiapoptotic BCL-2 proteins with ABT-263 induces fibroblast apoptosis, reversing persistent pulmonary fibrosis.
JCI insight
Cooley JC,Javkhlan N,Wilson JA,Foster DG,Edelman BL,Ortiz LA,Schwartz DA,Riches DW,Redente EF
17-0451-82 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to demonstrate that antiapoptotic BCL-2 family members are expressed by fibroblasts in both human and murine progressive fibrotic lung disease, that these fibroblasts are highly primed, and that treatment with ABT-263 induced fibroblast apoptosis and reduced fibrosis in 2 preclinical models of PF-ILD.
Wed Feb 08 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Myc-dependent dedifferentiation of Gata6+ epidermal cells resembles reversal of terminal differentiation.
Nature cell biology
Bernabé-Rubio M,Ali S,Bhosale PG,Goss G,Mobasseri SA,Tapia-Rojo R,Zhu T,Hiratsuka T,Battilocchi M,Tomás IM,Ganier C,Garcia-Manyes S,Watt FM
17-0451-82 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to elucidate the molecular basis of epidermal dedifferentiation, which may be generally applicable to adult tissues.
Sun Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Use of a dual genetic system to decipher exocrine cell fate conversions in the adult pancreas.
Cell discovery
Zhao H,Huang X,Liu Z,Lai L,Sun R,Shen R,Li Y,He L,Pu W,Lv Z,Li Y,Han X,Liu X,Zhou B
17-0451-82 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to suggest that the lineage transdifferentiation happens between acinar cells and ductal cells in the pancreatic exocrine glands under specific conditions.
Tue Jan 03 00:00:00 UTC 2023
LBP1C-2 from Lycium barbarum maintains skeletal muscle satellite cell pool by interaction with FGFR1.
Meng J,Lv Z,Chen X,Sun C,Jin C,Ding K,Chen C
17-0451-82 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to reveal that LBP1C-2 might bind to FGFR1 to activate SCs and promote SC self-renewal through Spry1 upregulation.
Fri May 19 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Pericyte stem cells induce Ly6G+ cell accumulation and immunotherapy resistance in pancreatic cancer.
EMBO reports
Wu Z,Thierry K,Bachy S,Zhang X,Gamradt P,Hernandez-Vargas H,Mikaelian I,Tonon L,Pommier R,Zhao Y,Bertolino P,Hennino A
17-0451-82 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to reveal the existence of a cell population that instructs immunosuppressive myeloid cell responses to bypass PD-1 targeting and thus suggest potential new approaches for overcoming resistance to immunotherapy in clinical settings.
Wed Apr 05 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Human serum albumin promotes self-renewal and expansion of umbilical cord blood CD34+ hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells.
Annals of translational medicine
Hua J,Jiao T,Qiao Y,Zhang S,Xiao T,Zhang Y,Yan J
17-0451-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to find that HSA was beneficial to maintaining CD34+ cell expansion and short-term colony formation in vitro and optimizing multilineage reconstitution in immunodeficient mice in vivo.
Tue Jan 31 00:00:00 UTC 2023
The polarization of microglia and infiltrated macrophages in the injured mice spinal cords: a dynamic analysis.
Li JL,Fu GQ,Wang YY,Bian MM,Xu YM,Zhang L,Chen YQ,Zhang N,Ding SQ,Wang R,Fang R,Tang J,Hu JG,Lü HZ
17-0451-82 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study if M1 cells in injured spinal cords were mainly derived from MG rather than infiltrating Mø.
Tue Feb 28 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Transcriptional Repression by FoxM1 Suppresses Tumor Differentiation and Promotes Metastasis of Breast Cancer.
Cancer research
Kopanja D,Chand V,O'Brien E,Mukhopadhyay NK,Zappia MP,Islam ABMMK,Frolov MV,Merrill BJ,Raychaudhuri P
17-0451-82 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to provide new insights into how the interaction between FoxM1 and Rb facilitates the evolution of metastatic breast cancer cells by altering the transcriptome.
Tue Jul 05 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Human skin dermis-derived fibroblasts are a kind of functional mesenchymal stromal cells: judgements from surface markers, biological characteristics, to therapeutic efficacy.
Cell & bioscience
Tai C,Xie Z,Li Y,Feng Y,Xie Y,Yang H,Wang L,Wang B
17-0451-82 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to show that human skin dermis-derived fibroblasts were a kind of functional MSCs with functionally equivalent therapeutic efficacy in treating specific complications, indicating fibroblasts potentially had the same lineage hierarchy of origin as MSCs and had a remarkable potential as an alternative to MSCs in the treatment of a variety of diseases.
Tue Jul 12 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Nanomaterials-Mediated Co-Stimulation of Toll-Like Receptors and CD40 for Antitumor Immunity.
Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.)
Yan J,Zhang Y,Du S,Hou X,Li W,Zeng C,Zhang C,Cheng J,Deng B,McComb DW,Zhao W,Xue Y,Kang DD,Cheng X,Dong Y
17-0451-82 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to develop an immunotherapy regimen that enables co-stimulation of TLR7/8- and CD40-mediated pathways.
Tue Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Dormant Nfatc1 reporter-marked basal stem/progenitor cells contribute to mammary lobuloalveoli formation.
Liu R,Hu H,McNeil M,Xu J,Bi X,Lou P,Guerrero-Juarez CF,Dai X,Plikus MV,Shuai J,Yu Z,Lv C
17-0451-82 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to show that Nfatc1 expression marks a rare population of mammary epithelial cells with the majority being basal epithelial cells.
Fri Mar 18 00:00:00 UTC 2022
CXCL12 defines lung endothelial heterogeneity and promotes distal vascular growth.
Development (Cambridge, England)
Chandrasekaran P,Negretti NM,Sivakumar A,Liberti DC,Wen H,Peers de Nieuwburgh M,Wang JY,Michki NS,Chaudhry FN,Kaur S,Lu M,Jin A,Zepp JA,Young LR,Sucre JMS,Frank DB
17-0451-82 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to provide evidence for arterial endothelial functional heterogeneity and reveal conserved signaling mechanisms essential for pulmonary vascular development.
Tue Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Aberrant cholesterol metabolic signaling impairs antitumor immunosurveillance through natural killer T cell dysfunction in obese liver.
Cellular & molecular immunology
Tang W,Zhou J,Yang W,Feng Y,Wu H,Mok MTS,Zhang L,Liang Z,Liu X,Xiong Z,Zeng X,Wang J,Lu J,Li J,Sun H,Tian X,Yeung PC,Hou Y,Lee HM,Lam CCH,Leung HHW,Chan AWH,To KF,Wong J,Lai PBS,Ng KKC,Wong SKH,Wong VWS,Kong APS,Sung JJY,Cheng ASL
17-0451-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to highlight mTORC1/SREBP2/cholesterol-mediated NKT dysfunction in the tumor-promoting NAFLD liver microenvironment, providing intervention strategies that invigorating NKT cells to control HCC in the obesity epidemic.
Fri Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Tumor-Infiltrated CD8+ T Cell 10-Gene Signature Related to Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma Prognosis.
Frontiers in immunology
Wang J,Huang F,Zhao J,Huang P,Tan J,Huang M,Ma R,Xiao Y,He S,Wang Z,Shen J,Lu H,Meng L
17-0451-82 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to elucidate the protective role of infiltrated CD8+ T cells in ccRCC and identified ten candidate genes related to an improved prognosis in patients with ccRCC.
Tue Jul 12 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Lineage tracing clarifies the cellular origin of tissue-resident macrophages in the developing heart.
The Journal of cell biology
Liu K,Jin H,Tang M,Zhang S,Tian X,Zhang M,Han X,Liu X,Tang J,Pu W,Li Y,He L,Yang Z,Lui KO,Zhou B
17-0451-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to generate new genetic tools to trace endocardial cells and reassessed their potential contribution to hematopoietic cells in the developing heart. Fate-mapping analyses revealed that the endocardium contributed minimally to cardiac macrophages and circulating blood cells.
Mon Jun 06 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Expression of connexin 43 protein in cardiomyocytes of heart failure mouse model.
Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine
Liu S,Lan Y,Zhao Y,Zhang Q,Lin T,Lin K,Guo J,Yan Y
17-0451-82 was used in Immunohistochemistry to establish a new Cx43-BFP-GFP mouse model with two loxp sites on both sides of the tag BFP-polyA box, which can be removed by Cre recombination.
Tue Oct 25 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Lymph node formation and B cell homeostasis require IKK-α in distinct endothelial cell-derived compartments.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
McCorkell KA,Jayachandran N,Cully MD,Freund-Brown J,Weinkopff T,Monslow J,Hu Y,Puré E,Freedman BD,Alvarez JI,Cancro MP,May MJ
17-0451-82 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to reveal that IKK-α in distinct EC-derived compartments is uniquely required to promote B cell homeostasis and LN development, and establish that LEC-intrinsic IKK-α is absolutely essential for LN formation.
Tue Nov 30 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Intercellular Interactions of an Adipogenic CXCL12-Expressing Stromal Cell Subset in Murine Bone Marrow.
Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research
Matsushita Y,Chu AKY,Ono W,Welch JD,Ono N
17-0451-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to highlight C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 12 (CXCL12)-dependent physical coupling with hematopoietic cells as a potential mechanism regulating the adipogenic potential of CXCL12+ stromal cells.
Tue Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Hormone-Responsive BMP Signaling Expands Myoepithelial Cell Lineages and Prevents Alveolar Precocity in Mammary Gland.
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology
Shao C,Lou P,Liu R,Bi X,Li G,Yang X,Sheng X,Xu J,Lv C,Yu Z
17-0451-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to identify a novel role of BMP signaling in maintaining the identity of myoepithelial cells and suppressing precocious alveolar formation.
Tue Aug 03 00:00:00 UTC 2021
VX-765 reduces neuroinflammation after spinal cord injury in mice.
Neural regeneration research
Chen J,Chen YQ,Shi YJ,Ding SQ,Shen L,Wang R,Wang QY,Zha C,Ding H,Hu JG,Lü HZ
17-0451-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to suggest that VX-765 can reduce neuroinflammation and improve nerve function recovery after spinal cord injury by inhibiting caspase-1/interleukin-1β/interleukin-18.
Wed Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2021
IL-1α Mediates Innate and Acquired Resistance to Immunotherapy in Melanoma.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
Singh S,Xiao Z,Bavisi K,Roszik J,Melendez BD,Wang Z,Cantwell MJ,Davis RE,Lizee G,Hwu P,Neelapu SS,Overwijk WW,Singh M
17-0451-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to suggest that blocking the IL-1α signaling pathway may increase the efficacy of immunotherapies against melanoma.
Thu Apr 15 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Advanced maternal age induces fetal growth restriction through decreased placental inflammatory cytokine expression and immune cell accumulation in mice.
The Journal of reproduction and development
Hirata Y,Katsukura Y,Henmi Y,Ozawa R,Shimazaki S,Kurosawa A,Torii Y,Takahashi H,Iwata H,Kuwayama T,Shirasuna K
17-0451-82 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to suggest that general cellular senescence programs may not be included in the placenta and that placental functions, including SASP production and immune cell accumulation, gradually decrease in a maternal age-dependent manner, resulting in a higher rate of pregnancy complications.
Fri Aug 27 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Calciprotein Particles Induce IL-1β/α-Mediated Inflammation through NLRP3 Inflammasome-Dependent and -Independent Mechanisms.
Anzai F,Karasawa T,Komada T,Yamada N,Miura Y,Sampilvanjil A,Baatarjav C,Fujimura K,Matsumura T,Tago K,Kurosu H,Takeishi Y,Kuro-O M,Takahashi M
17-0451-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to provide new insights into the mechanism underlying CPP-induced inflammation and suggest that targeting both IL-1β and IL-1α is necessary to regulate the CPP-induced inflammatory response and to treat CPP-associated inflammatory disorders.
Thu Jul 29 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Heterogeneity of murine periosteum progenitors involved in fracture healing.
Matthews BG,Novak S,Sbrana FV,Funnell JL,Cao Y,Buckels EJ,Grcevic D,Kalajzic I
17-0451-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to demonstrate that the periosteum is highly enriched with skeletal progenitor cells, and there is heterogeneity in the populations of cells that contribute to mature lineages during periosteal fracture healing.
Tue Feb 09 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Distinct skeletal stem cell types orchestrate long bone skeletogenesis.
Ambrosi TH,Sinha R,Steininger HM,Hoover MY,Murphy MP,Koepke LS,Wang Y,Lu WJ,Morri M,Neff NF,Weissman IL,Longaker MT,Chan CK
17-0451-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to address previously unappreciated shortcomings of SSC research.
Mon Jul 19 00:00:00 UTC 2021
3-hydroxy-L-kynurenamine is an immunomodulatory biogenic amine.
Nature communications
Clement CC,D'Alessandro A,Thangaswamy S,Chalmers S,Furtado R,Spada S,Mondanelli G,Ianni F,Gehrke S,Gargaro M,Manni G,Cara LCL,Runge P,Tsai WL,Karaman S,Arasa J,Fernandez-Rodriguez R,Beck A,Macchiarulo A,Gadina M,Halin C,Fallarino F,Skobe M,Veldhoen M,Moretti S,Formenti S,Demaria S,Soni RK,Galarini R,Sardella R,Lauvau G,Putterman C,Alitalo K,Grohmann U,Santambrogio L
17-0451-82 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to show tryptophan-mediated immune tolerance is dependent on the amine 3-hydroxy-L-kynurenamine.
Wed Jul 21 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Therapeutic effects of dihydroartemisinin in multiple stages of colitis-associated colorectal cancer.
Bai B,Wu F,Ying K,Xu Y,Shan L,Lv Y,Gao X,Xu D,Lu J,Xie B
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to indicate that DHA could be a potent agent in managing the initiation and development of CAC without obvious side effects, warranting further clinical translation of DHA for CAC treatment.
Wed Jul 28 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Genetic fate-mapping reveals surface accumulation but not deep organ invasion of pleural and peritoneal cavity macrophages following injury.
Nature communications
Jin H,Liu K,Tang J,Huang X,Wang H,Zhang Q,Zhu H,Li Y,Pu W,Zhao H,He L,Li Y,Zhang S,Zhang Z,Zhao Y,Qin Y,Pflanz S,Kasmi KEI,Zhang W,Liu Z,Ginhoux F,Ji Y,He B,Wang L,Zhou B
17-0451-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to report a dual recombinase-mediated genetic system designed to trace cavity macrophages in vivo by intersectional detection of two characteristic markers.
Mon May 17 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Genetic fate-mapping reveals surface accumulation but not deep organ invasion of pleural and peritoneal cavity macrophages following injury.
Nature communications
Jin H,Liu K,Tang J,Huang X,Wang H,Zhang Q,Zhu H,Li Y,Pu W,Zhao H,He L,Li Y,Zhang S,Zhang Z,Zhao Y,Qin Y,Pflanz S,Kasmi KEI,Zhang W,Liu Z,Ginhoux F,Ji Y,He B,Wang L,Zhou B
17-0451-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to report a dual recombinase-mediated genetic system designed to trace cavity macrophages in vivo by intersectional detection of two characteristic markers.
Mon May 17 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Chondrocytes in the resting zone of the growth plate are maintained in a Wnt-inhibitory environment.
Hallett SA,Matsushita Y,Ono W,Sakagami N,Mizuhashi K,Tokavanich N,Nagata M,Zhou A,Hirai T,Kronenberg HM,Ono N
17-0451-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to conclude that slow-cycling chondrocytes are maintained in a Wnt-inhibitory environment within the resting zone, unraveling a novel mechanism regulating maintenance and differentiation of PTHrP+ skeletal stem cells of the postnatal growth plate.
Mon Jul 26 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Cancer immunotherapy by NC410, a LAIR-2 Fc protein blocking human LAIR-collagen interaction.
Ramos MIP,Tian L,de Ruiter EJ,Song C,Paucarmayta A,Singh A,Elshof E,Vijver SV,Shaik J,Bosiacki J,Cusumano Z,Jensen C,Willumsen N,Karsdal MA,Liu L,Langermann S,Willems S,Flies D,Meyaard L
17-0451-82 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to show that NC410 might be a novel strategy for cancer immunotherapy for immune-excluded tumors.
Mon Jun 14 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Sorting Nexin 27 Enables MTOC and Secretory Machinery Translocation to the Immune Synapse.
Frontiers in immunology
González-Mancha N,Rodríguez-Rodríguez C,Alcover A,Merida I
17-0451-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to show that sorting nexin 27 modulates immune synapse organisation through regulated trafficking of cargoes in T lymphocytes.
Mon Mar 07 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Treatment With the CSF1R Antagonist GW2580, Sensitizes Microglia to Reactive Oxygen Species.
Frontiers in immunology
Soto-Diaz K,Vailati-Riboni M,Louie AY,McKim DB,Gaskins HR,Johnson RW,Steelman AJ
17-0451-82 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to suggest that partial CSF1R antagonism may render microglia more susceptible to reactive oxygen and nitrogen species.
Mon Feb 07 00:00:00 UTC 2022
MAFG-driven astrocytes promote CNS inflammation.
Wheeler MA,Clark IC,Tjon EC,Li Z,Zandee SEJ,Couturier CP,Watson BR,Scalisi G,Alkwai S,Rothhammer V,Rotem A,Heyman JA,Thaploo S,Sanmarco LM,Ragoussis J,Weitz DA,Petrecca K,Moffitt JR,Becher B,Antel JP,Prat A,Quintana FJ
17-0451-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to identify candidate therapeutic targets in multiple sclerosis.
Sat Feb 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Microglia Require CD4 T Cells to Complete the Fetal-to-Adult Transition.
Pasciuto E,Burton OT,Roca CP,Lagou V,Rajan WD,Theys T,Mancuso R,Tito RY,Kouser L,Callaerts-Vegh Z,de la Fuente AG,Prezzemolo T,Mascali LG,Brajic A,Whyte CE,Yshii L,Martinez-Muriana A,Naughton M,Young A,Moudra A,Lemaitre P,Poovathingal S,Raes J,De Strooper B,Fitzgerald DC,Dooley J,Liston A
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the function of brain-resident CD4 T cells.
Thu Aug 06 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Emergence of a High-Plasticity Cell State during Lung Cancer Evolution.
Cancer cell
Marjanovic ND,Hofree M,Chan JE,Canner D,Wu K,Trakala M,Hartmann GG,Smith OC,Kim JY,Evans KV,Hudson A,Ashenberg O,Porter CBM,Bejnood A,Subramanian A,Pitter K,Yan Y,Delorey T,Phillips DR,Shah N,Chaudhary O,Tsankov A,Hollmann T,Rekhtman N,Massion PP,Poirier JT,Mazutis L,Li R,Lee JH,Amon A,Rudin CM,Jacks T,Regev A,Tammela T
17-0451-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to profile cellular transcriptomes of lung tumours at different stages.
Mon Aug 10 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Linc-MYH configures INO80 to regulate muscle stem cell numbers and skeletal muscle hypertrophy.
The EMBO journal
Schutt C,Hallmann A,Hachim S,Klockner I,Valussi M,Atzberger A,Graumann J,Braun T,Boettger T
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to demonstrate that the evolutionary conserved long noncoding RNA linc-MYH plays a major role in the control of MuSC proliferation by specifically regulating composition and activity of the INO80 complex.
Mon Nov 16 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Acellular Biologic Nipple-Areolar Complex Graft: In Vivo Murine and Nonhuman Primate Host Response Evaluation.
Tissue engineering. Part A
Pashos NC,Graham DM,Burkett BJ,O'Donnell B,Sabol RA,Helm J,Martin EC,Bowles AC,Heim WM,Caronna VC,Miller KS,Grasperge B,Sullivan S,Chaffin AE,Bunnell BA
17-0451-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to describe a tissue engineering approach demonstrating the feasibility of an allogeneic acellular graft for nipple reconstruction.
Sat Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Interaction between ICAM1 in endothelial cells and LFA1 in T cells during the pathogenesis of experimental Parkinson's disease.
Experimental and therapeutic medicine
Li W,Chen S,Luo Y,Xia Y,Ma Q,Yao Q,Wu J
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the infiltration of T cells in lesions in the central nervous system, in patients with and without Parkinson's Disease.
Sat Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
m6A RNA methylation impacts fate choices during skin morphogenesis.
Xi L,Carroll T,Matos I,Luo JD,Polak L,Pasolli HA,Jaffrey SR,Fuchs E
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study mouse skin embryogenesis to tackle m6A's functions and physiological importance.
Wed Aug 26 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Nestin-GFP transgene labels skeletal progenitors in the periosteum.
Tournaire G,Stegen S,Giacomini G,Stockmans I,Moermans K,Carmeliet G,van Gastel N
17-0451-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to show that in adult mice, Nes-GFP cells are present in the periosteum and localize closely to blood vessels, but periosteal Nes-GFP cells express SSC and progenitor markers differently compared to Nes-GFP cells in the bone marrow.
Wed Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Distinct Transcriptional Responses across Tissue-Resident Macrophages to Short-Term and Long-Term Metabolic Challenge.
Cell reports
Brykczynska U,Geigges M,Wiedemann SJ,Dror E,Böni-Schnetzler M,Hess C,Donath MY,Paro R
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to provide a resource for assessing the impact of nutrition and over-nutrition on the spectrum of macrophages across tissues with a potential for identification of systemic responses.
Tue Feb 04 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Elevated protein synthesis in microglia causes autism-like synaptic and behavioral aberrations.
Nature communications
Xu ZX,Kim GH,Tan JW,Riso AE,Sun Y,Xu EY,Liao GY,Xu H,Lee SH,Do NY,Lee CH,Clipperton-Allen AE,Kwon S,Page DT,Lee KJ,Xu B
17-0451-82 was used in Immunoprecipitation to propose that functional perturbation of male microglia is an important cause for sex-biased autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
Tue Apr 14 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Loss of Fas signaling in fibroblasts impairs homeostatic fibrosis resolution and promotes persistent pulmonary fibrosis.
JCI insight
Redente EF,Chakraborty S,Sajuthi S,Black BP,Edelman BL,Seibold MA,Riches DW
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to test the hypothesis that the development of resistance to Fas-induced apoptosis by lung fibroblasts and myofibroblasts contibributes to their accumulation in the distal lung tissues of IPF patients.
Tue Dec 08 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Cycling Stem Cells Are Radioresistant and Regenerate the Intestine.
Cell reports
Sheng X,Lin Z,Lv C,Shao C,Bi X,Deng M,Xu J,Guerrero-Juarez CF,Li M,Wu X,Zhao R,Yang X,Li G,Liu X,Wang Q,Nie Q,Cui W,Gao S,Zhang H,Liu Z,Cong Y,Plikus MV,Lengner CJ,Andersen B,Ren F,Yu Z
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to demonstrate that the DNA damage-resistant Msi1+ cells are cycling ISCs that maintain and regenerate the intestinal epithelium.
Tue Jul 28 00:00:00 UTC 2020
CRID3, a blocker of apoptosis associated speck like protein containing a card, ameliorates murine spinal cord injury by improving local immune microenvironment.
Journal of neuroinflammation
Chen YQ,Wang SN,Shi YJ,Chen J,Ding SQ,Tang J,Shen L,Wang R,Ding H,Hu JG,Lü HZ
17-0451-83 was used in Immunohistochemistry (Frozen) to study the effect of CRID3 on the local microenvironment and the possible role in neuroprotection following spinal cord injury.
Sat Aug 29 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Glucocorticoids Promote the Onset of Acute Experimental Colitis and Cancer by Upregulating mTOR Signaling in Intestinal Epithelial Cells.
Zhang Z,Dong L,Jia A,Chen X,Yang Q,Wang Y,Wang Y,Liu R,Cao Y,He Y,Bi Y,Liu G
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to indicate that glucocorticoid-induced mTOR signaling in epithelial cells is required in the early stages of acute ulcerative colitis by modulating the dynamics of innate immune cell recruitment and activation.
Sat Apr 11 00:00:00 UTC 2020
A liquid biopsy for detecting circulating mesothelial precursor cells: A new biomarker for diagnosis and prognosis in mesothelioma.
Duong BTV,Wu L,Green BJ,Bavaghar-Zaeimi F,Wang Z,Labib M,Zhou Y,Cantu FJP,Jeganathan T,Popescu S,Pantea J,de Perrot M,Kelley SO
17-0451-83 was used in Immunocytochemistry to show the clinical significance of detecting MPC in blood for early-stage diagnosis and prognosis of mesothelioma.
Sun Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Defining the role of pulmonary endothelial cell heterogeneity in the response to acute lung injury.
Niethamer TK,Stabler CT,Leach JP,Zepp JA,Morley MP,Babu A,Zhou S,Morrisey EE
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to identify that different subtypes of endothelial cells exist in capillaries, and that some may be able to perform slightly different jobs during lung recovery.
Mon Feb 24 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Tanshinone IIA alleviates brain damage in a mouse model of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder by inducing neutrophil apoptosis.
Journal of neuroinflammation
Gong Y,Zhang YL,Wang Z,Song HH,Liu YC,Lv AW,Tian LL,Zhu WL,Fu Y,Ding XL,Cui LJ,Yan YP
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to show Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge-derived Tanshinone IIA can promote apoptosis of neutrophils in murine neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder.
Thu Jun 25 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Virus infection is controlled by hematopoietic and stromal cell sensing of murine cytomegalovirus through STING.
Piersma SJ,Poursine-Laurent J,Yang L,Barber GN,Parikh BA,Yokoyama WM
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to contrast anti-viral effects of MyD88 versus STING in distinct cell types that are infected with murine CMV (MCMV).
Wed Jul 29 00:00:00 UTC 2020
TraPS-VarI: Identifying genetic variants altering phosphotyrosine based signalling motifs.
Scientific reports
Ulaganathan VK
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to develop an annotation tool to accurately map the effect of an individual's mutation in the transmembrane protein sequence.
Thu May 21 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Neutralizing Antibodies Protect against Oral Transmission of Lymphocryptovirus.
Cell reports. Medicine
Singh S,Homad LJ,Akins NR,Stoffers CM,Lackhar S,Malhi H,Wan YH,Rawlings DJ,McGuire AT
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to indicate that a vaccine capable of eliciting adequate titers of neutralizing antibodies targeting the AMMO1 epitope may protect against EBV acquisition and are therefore highly relevant to the design of an effective EBV vaccine.
Tue Jun 23 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Identification of Fibroblast Activation Protein as an Osteogenic Suppressor and Anti-osteoporosis Drug Target.
Cell reports
Wei H,Xu Y,Wang Y,Xu L,Mo C,Li L,Shen B,Sun Y,Cheng P,Yang L,Pang Y,Qin A,Cao Y,Morrison SJ,Yue R
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to show that fibroblast activation protein(Fap) is an osteogenic suppressor.
Tue Oct 13 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Natural Killer Cells Degenerate Intact Sensory Afferents following Nerve Injury.
Davies AJ,Kim HW,Gonzalez-Cano R,Choi J,Back SK,Roh SE,Johnson E,Gabriac M,Kim MS,Lee J,Lee JE,Kim YS,Bae YC,Kim SJ,Lee KM,Na HS,Riva P,Latremoliere A,Rinaldi S,Ugolini S,Costigan M,Oh SB
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to suggest the therapeutic potential of modulating NK cell function to resolve painful neuropathy through the clearance of partially damaged nerves.
Thu Feb 07 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Metabolic Control of Astrocyte Pathogenic Activity via cPLA2-MAVS.
Chao CC,Gutiérrez-Vázquez C,Rothhammer V,Mayo L,Wheeler MA,Tjon EC,Zandee SEJ,Blain M,de Lima KA,Takenaka MC,Avila-Pacheco J,Hewson P,Liu L,Sanmarco LM,Borucki DM,Lipof GZ,Trauger SA,Clish CB,Antel JP,Prat A,Quintana FJ
17-0451-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to define a novel immunometabolic mechanism that drives pro-inflammatory astrocyte activities.
Thu Dec 12 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Mir223 restrains autophagy and promotes CNS inflammation by targeting ATG16L1.
Li Y,Zhou D,Ren Y,Zhang Z,Guo X,Ma M,Xue Z,Lv J,Liu H,Xi Q,Jia L,Zhang L,Liu Y,Zhang Q,Yan J,Da Y,Gao F,Yue J,Yao Z,Zhang R
17-0451-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to find that Mir223 deficiency significantly ameliorated CNS inflammation, demyelination and the clinical symptoms of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) and increased resting microglia and autophagy in brain microglial cells.
Fri Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Eosinophils Affect Antibody Isotype Switching and May Partially Contribute to Early Vaccine-Induced Immunity against Coxiella burnetii.
Infection and immunity
Ledbetter L,Cherla R,Chambers C,Zhang Y,Zhang G
17-0451-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to suggest that eosinophils may play a role in early vaccine protection against C. burnetii and contribute to antibody isotype switching.
Fri Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
N-Cadherin-Expressing Bone and Marrow Stromal Progenitor Cells Maintain Reserve Hematopoietic Stem Cells.
Cell reports
Zhao M,Tao F,Venkatraman A,Li Z,Smith SE,Unruh J,Chen S,Ward C,Qian P,Perry JM,Marshall H,Wang J,He XC,Li L
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to report that N-cad+ cells were functional bone and marrow stromal progenitor cells, giving rise to osteoblasts, adipocytes, and chondrocytes both in vitro and in vivo.
Tue Jan 15 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Excessive exosome release is the pathogenic pathway linking a lysosomal deficiency to generalized fibrosis.
Science advances
van de Vlekkert D,Demmers J,Nguyen XX,Campos Y,Machado E,Annunziata I,Hu H,Gomero E,Qiu X,Bongiovanni A,Feghali-Bostwick CA,d'Azzo A
17-0451-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to reveal an unexpected exosome-mediated signaling pathway downstream of NEU1 deficiency that propagates a fibrotic disease and could be implicated in idiopathic forms of fibrosis in humans.
Mon Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Direct differentiation of bone marrow mononucleated cells into insulin producing cells using pancreatic β-cell-derived components.
Scientific reports
Oh JE,Choi OK,Park HS,Jung HS,Ryu SJ,Lee YD,Lee SA,Chung SS,Choi EY,Lee DS,Gho YS,Lee H,Park KS
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study how pancreatic Β-cells release essential components that direct the differentiation of the bone marrow nucleated cells into insulin producing cells.
Fri Mar 29 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Dysregulation of ectonucleotidase-mediated extracellular adenosine during postmenopausal bone loss.
Science advances
Shih YV,Liu M,Kwon SK,Iida M,Gong Y,Sangaj N,Varghese S
17-0451-82 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to demonstrate that CD39/CD73 expression and extracellular adenosine levels in the bone marrow are substantially decreased in animals with osteoporotic bone loss.
Thu Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
A Humanized Bone Niche Model Reveals Bone Tissue Preservation Upon Targeting Mitochondrial Complex I in Pseudo-Orthotopic Osteosarcoma.
Journal of clinical medicine
Kurelac I,Abarrategi A,Ragazzi M,Iommarini L,Umesh Ganesh N,Snoeks T,Bonnet D,Porcelli AM,Malanchi I,Gasparre G
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to characterize the tumour microenvironment of mitochondrial complex I deficient tumors in a model that represents osteosarcoma development.
Wed Dec 11 00:00:00 UTC 2019
SR9009 administered for one day after myocardial ischemia-reperfusion prevents heart failure in mice by targeting the cardiac inflammasome.
Communications biology
Reitz CJ,Alibhai FJ,Khatua TN,Rasouli M,Bridle BW,Burris TP,Martino TA
17-0451-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to show that short-term targeting of the circadian driver REV-ERB with SR9009 benefits long-term cardiac repair post-myocardial ischemia reperfusion in mice.
Wed Apr 15 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Whole Transcriptome Analysis of Renal Intercalated Cells Predicts Lipopolysaccharide Mediated Inhibition of Retinoid X Receptor alpha Function.
Scientific reports
Saxena V,Fitch J,Ketz J,White P,Wetzel A,Chanley MA,Spencer JD,Becknell B,Pierce KR,Arregui SW,Nelson RD,Schwartz GJ,Velazquez V,Walker LA,Chen X,Yan P,Hains DS,Schwaderer AL
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to characterise the transcriptomes of enriched renal intercalated cells and principal cells.
Thu Jan 24 00:00:00 UTC 2019
TAZ is required for lung alveolar epithelial cell differentiation after injury.
JCI insight
Sun T,Huang Z,Zhang H,Posner C,Jia G,Ramalingam TR,Xu M,Brightbill H,Egen JG,Dey A,Arron JR
17-0451-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to find that tankyrase inhibition can efficiently block AEC2-AEC1 differentiation, and this effect was due to the inhibition of TAZ.
Tue Jun 18 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Lung Single-Cell Signaling Interaction Map Reveals Basophil Role in Macrophage Imprinting.
Cohen M,Giladi A,Gorki AD,Solodkin DG,Zada M,Hladik A,Miklosi A,Salame TM,Halpern KB,David E,Itzkovitz S,Harkany T,Knapp S,Amit I
17-0451-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to demonstrate how whole-tissue signaling interaction map on the single-cell level can broaden our understanding of cellular networks in health and disease.
Thu Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Early lineage segregation of multipotent embryonic mammary gland progenitors.
Nature cell biology
Wuidart A,Sifrim A,Fioramonti M,Matsumura S,Brisebarre A,Brown D,Centonze A,Dannau A,Dubois C,Van Keymeulen A,Voet T,Blanpain C
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study the timing and mechanisms mediating early lineage segregation of multipotent progenitors during mammary gland development.
Fri Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Endothelial cells in the innate response to allergens and initiation of atopic asthma.
The Journal of clinical investigation
Asosingh K,Weiss K,Queisser K,Wanner N,Yin M,Aronica M,Erzurum S
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to identify that lung endothelium and proangiogenic haematopoietic progenitor cells in the airway sense allergen and elicit an angiogenic response that is central to the innate non-immune origins of Th2 inflammation.
Mon Jul 02 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Enriched environment enhances β-adrenergic signaling to prevent microglia inflammation by amyloid-β.
EMBO molecular medicine
Xu H,Rajsombath MM,Weikop P,Selkoe DJ
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to report the key factor in microglial protection by environmental enrichment is chronically enhanced Β-adrenergic signalling.
Sat Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Saturated Fatty Acids Undergo Intracellular Crystallization and Activate the NLRP3 Inflammasome in Macrophages.
Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology
Karasawa T,Kawashima A,Usui-Kawanishi F,Watanabe S,Kimura H,Kamata R,Shirasuna K,Koyama Y,Sato-Tomita A,Matsuzaka T,Tomoda H,Park SY,Shibayama N,Shimano H,Kasahara T,Takahashi M
Sun Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Wnt inhibition promotes vascular specification of embryonic cardiac progenitors.
Development (Cambridge, England)
Reichman DE,Park L,Man L,Redmond D,Chao K,Harvey RP,Taketo MM,Rosenwaks Z,James D
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the role of Wnt signalling in the specification of cardiac progenitor cells toward downstream fates.
Mon Jan 08 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Bone Marrow Stem Cells Do Not Contribute to Endometrial Cell Lineages in Chimeric Mouse Models.
Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio)
Ong YR,Cousins FL,Yang X,Mushafi AAAA,Breault DT,Gargett CE,Deane JA
Mon Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Neutrophil and Macrophage Cell Surface Colony-Stimulating Factor 1 Shed by ADAM17 Drives Mouse Macrophage Proliferation in Acute and Chronic Inflammation.
Molecular and cellular biology
Tang J,Frey JM,Wilson CL,Moncada-Pazos A,Levet C,Freeman M,Rosenfeld ME,Stanley ER,Raines EW,Bornfeldt KE
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to identify a significant defect in macrophage proliferation in mice lacking leukocyte transmembrane protease, ADAM17.
Sat Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Cell-specific qRT-PCR of renal epithelial cells reveals a novel innate immune signature in murine collecting duct.
American journal of physiology. Renal physiology
Saxena V,Hains DS,Ketz J,Chanley M,Spencer JD,Becknell B,Pierce KR,Nelson RD,Purkerson JM,Schwartz GJ,Schwaderer AL
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the involvement of intercalated cells in renal infection in mice models.
Mon Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Silencing of TGFβ signalling in microglia results in impaired homeostasis.
Nature communications
Zöller T,Schneider A,Kleimeyer C,Masuda T,Potru PS,Pfeifer D,Blank T,Prinz M,Spittau B
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to underline the importance of microglial TGFΒ signalling to regulate microglia adaptive changes.
Mon Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Effector CD4+ T cells recognize intravascular antigen presented by patrolling monocytes.
Nature communications
Westhorpe CLV,Norman MU,Hall P,Snelgrove SL,Finsterbusch M,Li A,Lo C,Tan ZH,Li S,Nilsson SK,Kitching AR,Hickey MJ
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to determine how effector CD4+ T cells respond to intravascular antigens.
Wed Feb 21 00:00:00 UTC 2018
CD24-p53 axis suppresses diethylnitrosamine-induced hepatocellular carcinogenesis by sustaining intrahepatic macrophages.
Cell discovery
Li D,Hu M,Liu Y,Ye P,Du P,Li CS,Cheng L,Liu P,Jiang J,Su L,Wang S,Zheng P,Liu Y
17-0451-82 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to show that targeted mutation of Cd24 dramatically increased HCC burden while reducing intrahepatic macrophages and DEN-induced hepatocyte apoptosis.
Thu Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Dissection of Influenza Infection In Vivo by Single-Cell RNA Sequencing.
Cell systems
Steuerman Y,Cohen M,Peshes-Yaloz N,Valadarsky L,Cohn O,David E,Frishberg A,Mayo L,Bacharach E,Amit I,Gat-Viks I
17-0451-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to show that all cell types respond primarily with a robust generic transcriptional response, and demonstrate novel markers specific for influenza-infected as opposed to bystander cells.
Wed Jun 27 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Complement Activation Contributes to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Pathogenesis.
Gralinski LE,Sheahan TP,Morrison TE,Menachery VD,Jensen K,Leist SR,Whitmore A,Heise MT,Baric RS
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study complement signalling as regulating a proinflammatory response to SARS-CoV infection.
Tue Oct 09 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Targeting immune checkpoints potentiates immunoediting and changes the dynamics of tumor evolution.
Nature communications
Efremova M,Rieder D,Klepsch V,Charoentong P,Finotello F,Hackl H,Hermann-Kleiter N,Löwer M,Baier G,Krogsdam A,Trajanoski Z
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to demonstrate that neutral evolution is another force that contributes to sculpting the tumor and that checkpoint blockade effectively enforces T-cell-dependent immunoselective pressure.
Tue Jan 02 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Microglial Activation After Systemic Stimulation With Lipopolysaccharide and Escherichia coli.
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience
Hoogland ICM,Westhoff D,Engelen-Lee JY,Melief J,Valls Serón M,Houben-Weerts JHMP,Huitinga I,van Westerloo DJ,van der Poll T,van Gool WA,van de Beek D
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to describe a mouse model of microglial activation after systemic challenge with live E. coli and compare results with systemic challenge with LPS.
Sat Jan 29 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Aged Mouse Cortical Microglia Display an Activation Profile Suggesting Immunotolerogenic Functions.
International journal of molecular sciences
Zöller T,Attaai A,Potru PS,Ruß T,Spittau B
17-0451-82 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to address the age-dependent changes in cortical microglia gene expression patterns and the expression of M1- and M2-like activation markers.
Thu Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Regulation of Lymphatic GM-CSF Expression by the E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Cbl-b.
Frontiers in immunology
Peer S,Cappellano G,Hermann-Kleiter N,Albrecht-Schgoer K,Hinterleitner R,Baier G,Gruber T
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study the effects of Cblb knockout in mice.
Tue Sep 24 00:00:00 UTC 2019
A stochastic epigenetic switch controls the dynamics of T-cell lineage commitment.
Ng KK,Yui MA,Mehta A,Siu S,Irwin B,Pease S,Hirose S,Elowitz MB,Rothenberg EV,Kueh HY
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study the activation of Bcl11b, which controls T-cell fate commitment.
Tue Nov 20 00:00:00 UTC 2018
CD157 Marks Tissue-Resident Endothelial Stem Cells with Homeostatic and Regenerative Properties.
Cell stem cell
Wakabayashi T,Naito H,Suehiro JI,Lin Y,Kawaji H,Iba T,Kouno T,Ishikawa-Kato S,Furuno M,Takara K,Muramatsu F,Weizhen J,Kidoya H,Ishihara K,Hayashizaki Y,Nishida K,Yoder MC,Takakura N
17-0451-82 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to show that tissue-resident VESCs display self-renewal capacity and that vascular regeneration potential exists in peripheral blood vessels.
Thu Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Nuclear receptor NR2F6 inhibition potentiates responses to PD-L1/PD-1 cancer immune checkpoint blockade.
Nature communications
Klepsch V,Hermann-Kleiter N,Do-Dinh P,Jakic B,Offermann A,Efremova M,Sopper S,Rieder D,Krogsdam A,Gamerith G,Perner S,Tzankov A,Trajanoski Z,Wolf D,Baier G
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to define NR2F6 as an intracellular immune checkpoint with potential as a therapeutic target in cancer treatment.
Wed Apr 18 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Interleukin-33-Activated Islet-Resident Innate Lymphoid Cells Promote Insulin Secretion through Myeloid Cell Retinoic Acid Production.
Dalmas E,Lehmann FM,Dror E,Wueest S,Thienel C,Borsigova M,Stawiski M,Traunecker E,Lucchini FC,Dapito DH,Kallert SM,Guigas B,Pattou F,Kerr-Conte J,Maechler P,Girard JP,Konrad D,Wolfrum C,Böni-Schnetzler M,Finke D,Donath MY
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to provide evidence that an immunometabolic crosstalk between islet-derived IL-33, ILC2s, and myeloid cells fosters insulin secretion.
Tue Nov 21 00:00:00 UTC 2017
FOXP1 controls mesenchymal stem cell commitment and senescence during skeletal aging.
The Journal of clinical investigation
Li H,Liu P,Xu S,Li Y,Dekker JD,Li B,Fan Y,Zhang Z,Hong Y,Yang G,Tang T,Ren Y,Tucker HO,Yao Z,Guo X
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate ageing of MSCs, showing that FOXP1 controls mesenchymal stem cell commitment and senescence during skeletal aging.
Mon Apr 03 00:00:00 UTC 2017
LMO2 is required for TAL1 DNA binding activity and initiation of definitive haematopoiesis at the haemangioblast stage.
Nucleic acids research
Stanulovic VS,Cauchy P,Assi SA,Hoogenkamp M
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to show that Lmo2-/- mouse embryonic stem cells differentiated to Flk-1+ haemangioblasts, but less efficiently to haemogenic endothelium.
Fri Sep 29 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Transcriptomes of major renal collecting duct cell types in mouse identified by single-cell RNA-seq.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Chen L,Lee JW,Chou CL,Nair AV,Battistone MA,Păunescu TG,Merkulova M,Breton S,Verlander JW,Wall SM,Brown D,Burg MB,Knepper MA
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to characterise the transcriptomes of major renal collecting duct cell types in mouse identified by single-cell RNA-sequencing.
Tue Nov 14 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Induction of Broad-Spectrum Protective Immunity against Disparate Cryptococcus Serotypes.
Frontiers in immunology
Van Dyke MCC,Chaturvedi AK,Hardison SE,Leopold Wager CM,Castro-Lopez N,Hole CR,Wozniak KL,Wormley FL
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to provide "proof-of-concept" for the development of a cryptococcal vaccine that provides cross-protection against multiple disparate serotypes of Cryptococcus.
Wed Nov 20 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Neurodegeneration Enhances the Development of Arthritis.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
Lang SC,Harre U,Purohit P,Dietel K,Kienhöfer D,Hahn J,Baum W,Herrmann M,Schett G,Mielenz D
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to show that tau-transgenic mice that develop neurodegenerative disease characterized by deposition of tau tangles in the brain are highly susceptible to developing arthritis.
Wed Mar 15 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Flow cytometric single cell analysis reveals heterogeneity between adipose depots.
Boumelhem BB,Assinder SJ,Bell-Anderson KS,Fraser ST
17-0451-82 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to report a system for analyzing live adipocytes from different adipose depots in the adult mouse.
Mon Apr 03 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Azacitidine combined with the selective FLT3 kinase inhibitor crenolanib disrupts stromal protection and inhibits expansion of residual leukemia-initiating cells in FLT3-ITD AML with concurrent epigenetic mutations.
Garz AK,Wolf S,Grath S,Gaidzik V,Habringer S,Vick B,Rudelius M,Ziegenhain C,Herold S,Weickert MT,Smets M,Peschel C,Oostendorp RAJ,Bultmann S,Jeremias I,Thiede C,Döhner K,Keller U,Götze KS
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to conclude that resistance of FLT3-ITD LIC to TKI depends on co-existing epigenetic mutations.
Tue Dec 12 00:00:00 UTC 2017
The abundance of metabolites related to protein methylation correlates with the metastatic capacity of human melanoma xenografts.
Science advances
Shi X,Tasdogan A,Huang F,Hu Z,Morrison SJ,DeBerardinis RJ
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to show metabolite profiling can uncover targetable epigenetic requirements for the metastasis of human melanoma cells.
Wed Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Mouse Eosinophils: Identification, Isolation, and Functional Analysis.
Current protocols in immunology
Reichman H,Rozenberg P,Munitz A
17-0451-82 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to describe a methodology for identifying tissue eosinophils by flow cytometry and provide methods for isolating eosinophils and for differentiating them from bone marrow cells.
Wed Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2017
lncRNA requirements for mouse acute myeloid leukemia and normal differentiation.
Delás MJ,Sabin LR,Dolzhenko E,Knott SR,Munera Maravilla E,Jackson BT,Wild SA,Kovacevic T,Stork EM,Zhou M,Erard N,Lee E,Kelley DR,Roth M,Barbosa IA,Zuber J,Rinn JL,Smith AD,Hannon GJ
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to assess lncRNA function via an in vivo RNAi screen in a model of acute myeloid leukemia.
Wed Sep 06 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Smac mimetics and oncolytic viruses synergize in driving anticancer T-cell responses through complementary mechanisms.
Nature communications
Kim DS,Dastidar H,Zhang C,Zemp FJ,Lau K,Ernst M,Rakic A,Sikdar S,Rajwani J,Naumenko V,Balce DR,Ewanchuk BW,Tailor P,Yates RM,Jenne C,Gafuik C,Mahoney DJ
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to show that SMC and OV therapies combination also synergize in vivo by promoting anticancer immunity through an increase in CD8(+) T-cell response.
Thu Aug 24 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Gut Microbiota-Induced Immunoglobulin G Controls Systemic Infection by Symbiotic Bacteria and Pathogens.
Zeng MY,Cisalpino D,Varadarajan S,Hellman J,Warren HS,Cascalho M,Inohara N,Núñez G
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to reveal an important function for the gut microbiota in combating systemic infection through the induction of protective IgG.
Tue Mar 15 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Lymphatic vessels regulate immune microenvironments in human and murine melanoma.
The Journal of clinical investigation
Lund AW,Wagner M,Fankhauser M,Steinskog ES,Broggi MA,Spranger S,Gajewski TF,Alitalo K,Eikesdal HP,Wiig H,Swartz MA
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to suggest that the establishment of tumour-associated inflammation and immunity critically depends on lymphatic vessel remodelling and drainage.
Thu Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
An Effective Immuno-PET Imaging Method to Monitor CD8-Dependent Responses to Immunotherapy.
Cancer research
Tavaré R,Escuin-Ordinas H,Mok S,McCracken MN,Zettlitz KA,Salazar FB,Witte ON,Ribas A,Wu AM
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate anti-CD8 immuno-PET as a sensitive tool for tracking systemic and tumour-infiltrating CD8+ T cell expression in tumour immunotherapy models.
Fri Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Quantitative lineage tracing strategies to resolve multipotency in tissue-specific stem cells.
Genes & development
Wuidart A,Ousset M,Rulands S,Simons BD,Van Keymeulen A,Blanpain C
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to assess the lineage relationship and SC fate in different organs and tissues.
Wed Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Environmental Enrichment Potently Prevents Microglia-Mediated Neuroinflammation by Human Amyloid β-Protein Oligomers.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
Xu H,Gelyana E,Rajsombath M,Yang T,Li S,Selkoe D
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate how EE alters the innate immune system and could serve as a therapeutic approach to AD and provide new targets for drug discovery.
Wed Aug 31 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Effects of ketanserin on experimental colitis in mice and macrophage function.
International journal of molecular medicine
Xiao J,Shao L,Shen J,Jiang W,Feng Y,Zheng P,Liu F
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study the effects of ketanserin on experimental colitis in mice and macrophage function.
Tue Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Lack of VEGFR2 signaling causes maldevelopment of the intestinal microvasculature and facilitates necrotizing enterocolitis in neonatal mice.
American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology
Yan X,Managlia E,Liu SX,Tan XD,Wang X,Marek C,De Plaen IG
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the effect of the VEGF receptor 2 on the pathogenesis of necrotising enterocolitis.
Sun May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Remyelination Is Correlated with Regulatory T Cell Induction Following Human Embryoid Body-Derived Neural Precursor Cell Transplantation in a Viral Model of Multiple Sclerosis.
PloS one
Plaisted WC,Zavala A,Hingco E,Tran H,Coleman R,Lane TE,Loring JF,Walsh CM
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to determine whether neural precursor cells differentiated using conventional methods would be effective in improving clinical outcome under neuroinflammatory demyelinating conditions.
Wed Jul 26 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Clec11a/osteolectin is an osteogenic growth factor that promotes the maintenance of the adult skeleton.
Yue R,Shen B,Morrison SJ
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study how Clec11a/Osteolectin maintains the adult skeleton by promoting the differentiation of mesenchymal progenitors into mature osteoblasts.
Tue Dec 13 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Reprogramming mouse fibroblasts into engraftable myeloerythroid and lymphoid progenitors.
Nature communications
Cheng H,Ang HY,A El Farran C,Li P,Fang HT,Liu TM,Kong SL,Chin ML,Ling WY,Lim EK,Li H,Huber T,Loh KM,Loh YH,Lim B
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to demonstrate how it is possible to reprogram mouse embryonic fibroblasts into engraftable blood progenitors.
Mon Nov 21 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Ablating the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) in CD11c+ cells perturbs intestinal epithelium development and intestinal immunity.
Scientific reports
Chng SH,Kundu P,Dominguez-Brauer C,Teo WL,Kawajiri K,Fujii-Kuriyama Y,Mak TW,Pettersson S
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to explore the contribution of the Aryl hydrocarbon Receptor signalling pathway to the regulation of innate immunity.
Tue Apr 12 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Oxidative stress inhibits distant metastasis by human melanoma cells.
Piskounova E,Agathocleous M,Murphy MM,Hu Z,Huddlestun SE,Zhao Z,Leitch AM,Johnson TM,DeBerardinis RJ,Morrison SJ
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to demonstrate that successful metastasis of melanomas relies on reversible metabolic changes during metastasis that increased their capacity to withstand oxidative stress.
Thu Nov 12 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Multicongenic fate mapping quantification of dynamics of thymus colonization.
The Journal of experimental medicine
Ziętara N,Łyszkiewicz M,Puchałka J,Witzlau K,Reinhardt A,Förster R,Pabst O,Prinz I,Krueger A
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to quantify multicongenic fate maps of dynamic thymus colonisation.
Mon Sep 21 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Multicongenic fate mapping quantification of dynamics of thymus colonization.
The Journal of experimental medicine
Ziętara N,Łyszkiewicz M,Puchałka J,Witzlau K,Reinhardt A,Förster R,Pabst O,Prinz I,Krueger A
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to quantify multicongenic fate maps of dynamic thymus colonisation.
Mon Sep 21 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Bacillary replication and macrophage necrosis are determinants of neutrophil recruitment in tuberculosis.
Microbes and infection
Repasy T,Martinez N,Lee J,West K,Li W,Kornfeld H
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study the link between infection-induced necrosis of mononuclear phagocytes and neutrophil accumulation in the lungs of mice challenged with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, showing that bacillary replication and macrophage necrosis are determinants of neutrophil recruitment.
Sat Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Early virus-host interactions dictate the course of a persistent infection.
PLoS pathogens
Sullivan BM,Teijaro JR,de la Torre JC,Oldstone MB
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the very early host-virus interactions that determine the establishment of viral persistence.
Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015
BMP signaling mediated by constitutively active Activin type 1 receptor (ACVR1) results in ectopic bone formation localized to distal extremity joints.
Developmental biology
Agarwal S,Loder SJ,Brownley C,Eboda O,Peterson JR,Hayano S,Wu B,Zhao B,Kaartinen V,Wong VC,Mishina Y,Levi B
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to characterise a novel mouse model of heterotopic ossification.
Wed Apr 15 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Acute DNA damage activates the tumour suppressor p53 to promote radiation-induced lymphoma.
Nature communications
Lee CL,Castle KD,Moding EJ,Blum JM,Williams N,Luo L,Ma Y,Borst LB,Kim Y,Kirsch DG
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to show that total-body irradiation promotes the expansion of a rare population of thymocytes that express oncogenic Kras(G12D).
Thu Sep 24 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Genome Wide Identification of SARS-CoV Susceptibility Loci Using the Collaborative Cross.
PLoS genetics
Gralinski LE,Ferris MT,Aylor DL,Whitmore AC,Green R,Frieman MB,Deming D,Menachery VD,Miller DR,Buus RJ,Bell TA,Churchill GA,Threadgill DW,Katze MG,McMillan L,Valdar W,Heise MT,Pardo-Manuel de Villena F,Baric RS
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to validate the Collaborative Cross platform as a resource for uncovering the genetic contributions of complex traits in microbial diseases, inflammation and viral replication.
Thu Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Mast Cells Participate in Corneal Development in Mice.
Scientific reports
Liu J,Fu T,Song F,Xue Y,Xia C,Liu P,Wang H,Zhong J,Li Q,Chen J,Li Y,Cai D,Li Z
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to examine the distribution of mast cells in the mouse cornea and the mechanisms that control their migration.
Wed Dec 02 00:00:00 UTC 2015
CLEC-2 is required for development and maintenance of lymph nodes.
Bénézech C,Nayar S,Finney BA,Withers DR,Lowe K,Desanti GE,Marriott CL,Watson SP,Caamaño JH,Buckley CD,Barone F
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the role that CLEC-2 plays in the development and maintenance of lymph nodes.
Thu May 15 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Biliary repair and carcinogenesis are mediated by IL-33-dependent cholangiocyte proliferation.
The Journal of clinical investigation
Li J,Razumilava N,Gores GJ,Walters S,Mizuochi T,Mourya R,Bessho K,Wang YH,Glaser SS,Shivakumar P,Bezerra JA
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to demonstrate the role of the Th2-promoting cytokine, IL-33, in cholangiocyte proliferation.
Tue Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Autophagy regulates the therapeutic potential of mesenchymal stem cells in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.
Dang S,Xu H,Xu C,Cai W,Li Q,Cheng Y,Jin M,Wang RX,Peng Y,Zhang Y,Wu C,He X,Wan B,Zhang Y
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study how inflammatory microenvironment-induced autophagy can downregulate the immunosuppressive function of mesenchymal stem cells.
Tue Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Toxoplasma gondii profilin promotes recruitment of Ly6Chi CCR2+ inflammatory monocytes that can confer resistance to bacterial infection.
PLoS pathogens
Neal LM,Knoll LJ
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to demonstrate that stimulation of TLR11 by TgPRF promotes recruitment of Ly6Chi CCR2+ monocytes, which can provide resistance to pathogens.
Sun Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Human neural precursor cells promote neurologic recovery in a viral model of multiple sclerosis.
Stem cell reports
Chen L,Coleman R,Leang R,Tran H,Kopf A,Walsh CM,Sears-Kraxberger I,Steward O,Macklin WB,Loring JF,Lane TE
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to indicate that the transient presence of hNPCs transplanted into animal models of MS have powerful immunomodulatory effects and mediate recovery.
Tue Jun 03 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells provide an antibiotic-protective niche for persistent viable Mycobacterium tuberculosis that survive antibiotic treatment.
The American journal of pathology
Beamer G,Major S,Das B,Campos-Neto A
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to explore whether Mycobacterium tuberculosis can escape antibiotic therapy by residing in the bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells.
Mon Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
CCR5 knockout prevents neuronal injury and behavioral impairment induced in a transgenic mouse model by a CXCR4-using HIV-1 glycoprotein 120.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
Maung R,Hoefer MM,Sanchez AB,Sejbuk NE,Medders KE,Desai MK,Catalan IC,Dowling CC,de Rozieres CM,Garden GA,Russo R,Roberts AJ,Williams R,Kaul M
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the role of CCR5 in HIV-1-associated dementia, showing that CCR5 knockout prevents neuronal injury and behavioral impairment in a mouse model.
Fri Aug 15 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Inhibition of eIF5A results in aberrant uterine natural killer cell function and embryo loss in mice.
American journal of reproductive immunology (New York, N.Y. : 1989)
Qin X,Liu X,Shan B,Shi L,Sharma S,Wu J,Lin Y
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the effects of N1-guanyl-1,7-diaminoheptane, an inhibitor of eukaryotic initiation factor 5A, on natural killer cells in vitro.
Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Acidosis potentiates the host proinflammatory interleukin-1β response to Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection.
Infection and immunity
Torres IM,Patankar YR,Shabaneh TB,Dolben E,Hogan DA,Leib DA,Berwin BL
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to show that extracellular pH governs the host inflammatory response against P. aeruginosa via synergistic mechanisms that modulate cytokine release.
Sat Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Phenotypic Identification of Spinal Cord-Infiltrating CD4+ T Lymphocytes in a Murine Model of Neuropathic Pain.
Journal of pain & relief
Draleau K,Maddula S,Slaiby A,Nutile-McMenemy N,De Leo J,Cao L
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the phenotype of spinal cord-infiltrating CD4+ T lymphocytes involved in the maintenance of neuropathic pain in a murine model.
Sun Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Immune humanization of immunodeficient mice using diagnostic bone marrow aspirates from carcinoma patients.
PloS one
Werner-Klein M,Proske J,Werno C,Schneider K,Hofmann HS,Rack B,Buchholz S,Ganzer R,Blana A,Seelbach-Göbel B,Nitsche U,Männel DN,Klein CA
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to demonstrate a novel method to generate a human immune system, comprising both lymphoid and myeloid cell lineages, in mice.
Mon Jun 15 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Interleukin-33-dependent innate lymphoid cells mediate hepatic fibrosis.
McHedlidze T,Waldner M,Zopf S,Walker J,Rankin AL,Schuchmann M,Voehringer D,McKenzie AN,Neurath MF,Pflanz S,Wirtz S
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the role of inflammatory networks in liver fibrosis, showing that it is mediated by interleukin-33-dependent innate lymphoid cells.
Thu Aug 22 00:00:00 UTC 2013
Expression of intercellular adhesion molecule 1 by hepatocellular carcinoma stem cells and circulating tumor cells.
Liu S,Li N,Yu X,Xiao X,Cheng K,Hu J,Wang J,Zhang D,Cheng S,Liu S
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to demonstrate that the stem cell factor Nanog regulates expression of ICAM-1 in hepatocellular carcinoma cells.
Wed May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2013
IL-33 signaling regulates innate and adaptive immunity to Cryptococcus neoformans.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
Flaczyk A,Duerr CU,Shourian M,Lafferty EI,Fritz JH,Qureshi ST
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study how allergic patterns of lung inflammation are mediated as a host response to Cryptococcus neoformans infection.
Sun Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2013
Uterine natural killer cells severely decrease in number at gestation day 6 in mice.
Biology of reproduction
Takashima A,Ishikawa F,Kuwabara T,Tanaka Y,Kinoshita T,Ito M,Kakiuchi T
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study how uterine NK cells or their precursors migrate into the uterus, mature, and produce interferon-gamma to support pregnancy in mice.
Tue Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2013
Flagellar motility is a key determinant of the magnitude of the inflammasome response to Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Infection and immunity
Patankar YR,Lovewell RR,Poynter ME,Jyot J,Kazmierczak BI,Berwin B
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to demonstrate that loss of bacterial motility results in reduced inflammasome activation and antibacterial IL-1 host response.
Sat Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2013
Characterization of cardiac-resident progenitor cells expressing high aldehyde dehydrogenase activity.
BioMed research international
Roehrich ME,Spicher A,Milano G,Vassalli G
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the presence of cardiac-resident progenitor cells with high aldehyde dehydrogenase activity isolated from mouse hearts.
Tue Sep 03 00:00:00 UTC 2013
Angiotensin II inhibits satellite cell proliferation and prevents skeletal muscle regeneration.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Yoshida T,Galvez S,Tiwari S,Rezk BM,Semprun-Prieto L,Higashi Y,Sukhanov S,Yablonka-Reuveni Z,Delafontaine P
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to elucidate the mechanism by which angiotensin II impairs normal skeletal muscle regeneration.
Fri Aug 16 00:00:00 UTC 2013
NK cells impede glioblastoma virotherapy through NKp30 and NKp46 natural cytotoxicity receptors.
Nature medicine
Alvarez-Breckenridge CA,Yu J,Price R,Wojton J,Pradarelli J,Mao H,Wei M,Wang Y,He S,Hardcastle J,Fernandez SA,Kaur B,Lawler SE,Vivier E,Mandelboim O,Moretta A,Caligiuri MA,Chiocca EA
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to demonstrate that glioblastoma virotherapy is limited partially by an antiviral NK cell response involving specific NCRs, uncovering new potential targets to enhance cancer virotherapy.
Sat Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Inducible knockout of GRP78/BiP in the hematopoietic system suppresses Pten-null leukemogenesis and AKT oncogenic signaling.
Wey S,Luo B,Tseng CC,Ni M,Zhou H,Fu Y,Bhojwani D,Carroll WL,Lee AS
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to demonstrate that overexpression of GRP78 renders human leukemic cells more resistant to cytosine arabinoside-induced apoptosis.
Thu Jan 19 00:00:00 UTC 2012
CLEC-2 and Syk in the megakaryocytic/platelet lineage are essential for development.
Finney BA,Schweighoffer E,Navarro-Núñez L,Bénézech C,Barone F,Hughes CE,Langan SA,Lowe KL,Pollitt AY,Mourao-Sa D,Sheardown S,Nash GB,Smithers N,Reis e Sousa C,Tybulewicz VL,Watson SP
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study the relationship between the C-type lectin receptor, CLEC-2, and the tyrosine kinase Syk on multiple developmental processes in mice.
Thu Feb 16 00:00:00 UTC 2012
A TLR and non-TLR mediated innate response to lentiviruses restricts hepatocyte entry and can be ameliorated by pharmacological blockade.
Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy
Agudo J,Ruzo A,Kitur K,Sachidanandam R,Blander JM,Brown BD
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to characterise the transient innate immune reaction to lentiviral vector, and evaluate a means for its prevention during LV-mediated gene transfer.
Sat Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Xenografted islet cell clusters from INSLEA29Y transgenic pigs rescue diabetes and prevent immune rejection in humanized mice.
Klymiuk N,van Buerck L,Bähr A,Offers M,Kessler B,Wuensch A,Kurome M,Thormann M,Lochner K,Nagashima H,Herbach N,Wanke R,Seissler J,Wolf E
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to provide a report on transgenic pigs with β-cell-specific expression of LEA29Y and their application as donors in a xenotransplantation model.
Fri Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Anti-Gr-1 antibody depletion fails to eliminate hepatic myeloid-derived suppressor cells in tumor-bearing mice.
Journal of leukocyte biology
Ma C,Kapanadze T,Gamrekelashvili J,Manns MP,Korangy F,Greten TF
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to examine the effect of systemic RB6-8C5 treatment on hepatic myeloid-derived suppressor cells in tumour-bearing mice.
Sat Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Adjuvant immunotherapy of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis: immature myeloid cells expressing CXCL10 and CXCL16 attract CXCR3+CXCR6+ and myelin-specific T cells to the draining lymph nodes rather than the central nervous system.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
O'Connor RA,Li X,Blumerman S,Anderton SM,Noelle RJ,Dalton DK
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the mechanism by which adjuvant immunotherapy with Freund's Complete Adjuvant attenuates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in mice.
Thu Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Interferon-γ production by neutrophils during bacterial pneumonia in mice.
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine
Yamada M,Gomez JC,Chugh PE,Lowell CA,Dinauer MC,Dittmer DP,Doerschuk CM
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to reveal that neutrophils produce IFN-γ early in the inflammatory response during pneumonia induced by some bacteria, but not others.
Sun May 15 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Angiopoietin-1 promotes endothelial differentiation from embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells.
Joo HJ,Kim H,Park SW,Cho HJ,Kim HS,Lim DS,Chung HM,Kim I,Han YM,Koh GY
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study the role of Ang1/Tie2 signalling in ESC differentiation.
Thu Aug 25 00:00:00 UTC 2011
B7-H1 overexpression regulates epithelial-mesenchymal transition and accelerates carcinogenesis in skin.
Cancer research
Cao Y,Zhang L,Kamimura Y,Ritprajak P,Hashiguchi M,Hirose S,Azuma M
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the role of B7-H1 in the conversion of normal cells to tumour cells.
Tue Feb 15 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Three chemokine receptors cooperatively regulate homing of hematopoietic progenitors to the embryonic mouse thymus.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Calderón L,Boehm T
17-0451 was used in Immunohistochemistry on frozen tissues to show that chemotaxis is the key mechanism regulating thymus homing in the mouse embryo.
Tue May 03 00:00:00 UTC 2011
The scavenger receptor CD36 contributes to the neurotoxicity of bone marrow-derived monocytes through peroxynitrite production.
Neurobiology of disease
Zhou P,Qian L,Gallo EF,Deeb RS,Anrather J,Gross SS,Iadecola C
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD) in hippocampal slice cultures, a model of ischemic injury that does not involve cells extrinsic to the brain.
Wed Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Clonal analysis reveals uniformity in the molecular profile and lineage potential of CCR9(+) and CCR9(-) thymus-settling progenitors.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
Desanti GE,Jenkinson WE,Parnell SM,Boudil A,Gautreau-Rolland L,Eksteen B,Ezine S,Lane PJ,Jenkinson EJ,Anderson G
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to suggest that the earliest T cell progenitors represent a developmentally homogeneous progenitor pool that ensures the efficient generation of the first cohorts of T cells during thymus development.
Sun May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Involvement of calcitonin gene-related peptide and CCL2 production in CD40-mediated behavioral hypersensitivity in a model of neuropathic pain.
Neuron glia biology
Malon JT,Maddula S,Bell H,Cao L
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study the contribution of CGRP and CCL2 in CD40 mediated behavioral hypersensitivity in neuropathic pain.
Sun May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Adenosine A2B receptors are highly expressed on murine type II alveolar epithelial cells.
American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology
Cagnina RE,Ramos SI,Marshall MA,Wang G,Frazier CR,Linden J
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to determine the sites of expression of the A(2B) receptor in the mouse lung, showing that they are highly expressed on murine type II alveolar epithelial cells.
Tue Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2009
Efficient tumour formation by single human melanoma cells.
Quintana E,Shackleton M,Sabel MS,Fullen DR,Johnson TM,Morrison SJ
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the extent to which NOD/SCID mice underestimate the frequency of tumourigenic human cancer cells, showing efficient tumour formation by single human melanoma cells.
Thu Dec 04 00:00:00 UTC 2008
IL-3 is required for increases in blood basophils in nematode infection in mice and can enhance IgE-dependent IL-4 production by basophils in vitro.
Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology
Lantz CS,Min B,Tsai M,Chatterjea D,Dranoff G,Galli SJ
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to implicate IL-3 as a major regulator of blood basophil level increases during Nippostrongylus brasiliensis and Strongyloides venezuelensis infection in mice.
Sat Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2008
Lymphotoxin a-dependent and -independent signals regulate stromal organizer cell homeostasis during lymph node organogenesis.
White A,Carragher D,Parnell S,Msaki A,Perkins N,Lane P,Jenkinson E,Anderson G,Caamaño JH
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study LTa-independent and LTa-dependent staages of lymph node development which regulate stromal organizer cell homeostasis.
Sat Sep 15 00:00:00 UTC 2007
Tracing the first waves of lymphopoiesis in mice.
Development (Cambridge, England)
Yokota T,Huang J,Tavian M,Nagai Y,Hirose J,Zúñiga-Pflücker JC,Péault B,Kincade PW
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to show that lipid accumulation and inflammation are dissociated in the vessel wall in mice with Rip2/ macrophages.
Mon May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2006
Delayed, asynchronous, and reversible T-lineage specification induced by Notch/Delta signaling.
Genes & development
Taghon TN,David ES,Zúñiga-Pflücker JC,Rothenberg EV
17-0451 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study how Notch/Delta signaling is not sufficient for T-lineage specification and commitment, but can be permissive for the maintenance and proliferation of uncommitted progenitors.
Fri Apr 15 00:00:00 UTC 2005