Product References
AMOTL2‑knockdown promotes the proliferation, migration and invasion of glioma by regulating β‑catenin nuclear localization.
Oncology reports
Chen X,Lu Y,Guo G,Zhang Y,Sun Y,Guo L,Li R,Nan Y,Yang X,Dong J,Jin X,Huang Q
PA5-84814 was used in In vitro Assay to investigate Angiomotin‚like 2‚regulated processes in glioma cell lines using extensive in vitro assays and certain bioinformatics tools.
Thu Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2021
AMOTL2‑knockdown promotes the proliferation, migration and invasion of glioma by regulating β‑catenin nuclear localization.
Oncology reports
Chen X,Lu Y,Guo G,Zhang Y,Sun Y,Guo L,Li R,Nan Y,Yang X,Dong J,Jin X,Huang Q
PA5-84814 was used in In vitro Assay to investigate Angiomotin‚like 2‚regulated processes in glioma cell lines using extensive in vitro assays and certain bioinformatics tools.
Thu Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2021
AMOTL2‑knockdown promotes the proliferation, migration and invasion of glioma by regulating β‑catenin nuclear localization.
Oncology reports
Chen X,Lu Y,Guo G,Zhang Y,Sun Y,Guo L,Li R,Nan Y,Yang X,Dong J,Jin X,Huang Q
PA5-84814 was used in In vitro Assay to investigate Angiomotin‚like 2‚regulated processes in glioma cell lines using extensive in vitro assays and certain bioinformatics tools.
Thu Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Mechanism underlying long non‑coding RNA ILF3‑AS1‑mediated inhibition of cervical cancer cell proliferation, invasion and migration, and promotion of apoptosis.
Molecular medicine reports
Zhu L,Chen R,Jiang C,Xie Q,Zhao W,Gao X,Huang H
PA5-84814 was used in Functional assay to analyse the effects of long non‚coding RNA ILF3 divergent transcript and it's potential target, miR‚454‚3p, on cervical cancer outcomes.
Sun Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2021