Product References
Tumor Cell-Autonomous Pro-Metastatic Activities of PD-L1 in Human Breast Cancer Are Mediated by PD-L1-S283 and Chemokine Axes.
Erlichman N,Baram T,Meshel T,Morein D,Da'adoosh B,Ben-Baruch A
500-M75 was used in Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to investigate the role of WT-PD-L1 in triple-negative breast cancer.
Fri Feb 18 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Tumor-Stroma-Inflammation Networks Promote Pro-metastatic Chemokines and Aggressiveness Characteristics in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer.
Frontiers in immunology
Liubomirski Y,Lerrer S,Meshel T,Rubinstein-Achiasaf L,Morein D,Wiemann S,Körner C,Ben-Baruch A
500-M75 was used in Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to study the impact of tumor-stroma-inflammation networks on pro-metastatic phenotypes in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) to identify a novel tumor-stroma-inflammation networks that may promote TNBC aggressiveness by increasing the pro-malignancy potential of the TME and of the tumor cells themselves, and reveal key roles for CXCL8 in mediating these metastasis-promoting activities.
Mon Aug 10 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Notch-Mediated Tumor-Stroma-Inflammation Networks Promote Invasive Properties and CXCL8 Expression in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer.
Frontiers in immunology
Liubomirski Y,Lerrer S,Meshel T,Morein D,Rubinstein-Achiasaf L,Sprinzak D,Wiemann S,Körner C,Ehrlich M,Ben-Baruch A
500-M75 was used in Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to investigate pro-metastatic chemokines in triple-negative breast cancer.
Thu Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Lactate-activated macrophages induced aerobic glycolysis and epithelial-mesenchymal transition in breast cancer by regulation of CCL5-CCR5 axis: a positive metabolic feedback loop.
Lin S,Sun L,Lyu X,Ai X,Du D,Su N,Li H,Zhang L,Yu J,Yuan S
500-M75 was used in In vitro experiments to show that lactate activated human macrophages to a tumor-associated macrophage (TAM)-like phenotype and stimulated the secretion of CCL5 by activation of Notch signaling in macrophages.
Fri Dec 15 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Regulation of the inflammatory profile of stromal cells in human breast cancer: prominent roles for TNF-α and the NF-κB pathway.
Stem cell research & therapy
Katanov C,Lerrer S,Liubomirski Y,Leider-Trejo L,Meshel T,Bar J,Feniger-Barish R,Kamer I,Soria-Artzi G,Kahani H,Banerjee D,Ben-Baruch A
500-M75 was used in Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to study the impact of tumour necrosis factor α and interleukin 1β on the inflammatory phenotype of cancer-associated fibroblasts and mesenchymal stem cells.
Fri May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Tumor-promoting circuits that regulate a cancer-related chemokine cluster: dominance of inflammatory mediators over oncogenic alterations.
Leibovich-Rivkin T,Buganim Y,Solomon H,Meshel T,Rotter V,Ben-Baruch A
500-M75 was used in Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to use an unbiased model system to propose that inflammatory mediators of the tumor milieu have dominating roles over oncogenic modifications in dictating the expression of a pro-malignancy chemokine readout.
Fri Jan 20 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Inflammatory mediators in breast cancer: coordinated expression of TNFα & IL-1β with CCL2 & CCL5 and effects on epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition.
BMC cancer
Soria G,Ofri-Shahak M,Haas I,Yaal-Hahoshen N,Leider-Trejo L,Leibovich-Rivkin T,Weitzenfeld P,Meshel T,Shabtai E,Gutman M,Ben-Baruch A
Tue Apr 12 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Inflammatory mediators in breast cancer: coordinated expression of TNFα & IL-1β with CCL2 & CCL5 and effects on epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition.
BMC cancer
Soria G,Ofri-Shahak M,Haas I,Yaal-Hahoshen N,Leider-Trejo L,Leibovich-Rivkin T,Weitzenfeld P,Meshel T,Shabtai E,Gutman M,Ben-Baruch A
Tue Apr 12 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Inflammatory mediators in breast cancer: coordinated expression of TNFα & IL-1β with CCL2 & CCL5 and effects on epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition.
BMC cancer
Soria G,Ofri-Shahak M,Haas I,Yaal-Hahoshen N,Leider-Trejo L,Leibovich-Rivkin T,Weitzenfeld P,Meshel T,Shabtai E,Gutman M,Ben-Baruch A
Tue Apr 12 00:00:00 UTC 2011
The chemokine CCL5 as a potential prognostic factor predicting disease progression in stage II breast cancer patients.
Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research
Yaal-Hahoshen N,Shina S,Leider-Trejo L,Barnea I,Shabtai EL,Azenshtein E,Greenberg I,Keydar I,Ben-Baruch A
Tue Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2006
The CC chemokine RANTES in breast carcinoma progression: regulation of expression and potential mechanisms of promalignant activity.
Cancer research
Azenshtein E,Luboshits G,Shina S,Neumark E,Shahbazian D,Weil M,Wigler N,Keydar I,Ben-Baruch A
Fri Feb 15 00:00:00 UTC 2002
Elevated expression of the CC chemokine regulated on activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted (RANTES) in advanced breast carcinoma.
Cancer research
Luboshits G,Shina S,Kaplan O,Engelberg S,Nass D,Lifshitz-Mercer B,Chaitchik S,Keydar I,Ben-Baruch A
Wed Sep 15 00:00:00 UTC 1999
Elevated expression of the CC chemokine regulated on activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted (RANTES) in advanced breast carcinoma.
Cancer research
Luboshits G,Shina S,Kaplan O,Engelberg S,Nass D,Lifshitz-Mercer B,Chaitchik S,Keydar I,Ben-Baruch A
Wed Sep 15 00:00:00 UTC 1999
Immunohistochemical study of the beta-chemokine receptors CCR3 and CCR5 and their ligands in normal and Alzheimer's disease brains.
The American journal of pathology
Xia MQ,Qin SX,Wu LJ,Mackay CR,Hyman BT
Wed Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 1998
Immunohistochemical study of the beta-chemokine receptors CCR3 and CCR5 and their ligands in normal and Alzheimer's disease brains.
The American journal of pathology
Xia MQ,Qin SX,Wu LJ,Mackay CR,Hyman BT
Wed Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 1998