Product References
A genome-wide relay of signalling-responsive enhancers drives hematopoietic specification.
Nature communications
Edginton-White B,Maytum A,Kellaway SG,Goode DK,Keane P,Pagnuco I,Assi SA,Ames L,Clarke M,Cockerill PN,Göttgens B,Cazier JB,Bonifer C
13-5821-82 was used in Magnetic cell separation to provide an important resource for studies of hematopoietic specification and highlights the mechanisms of how and where extrinsic signals program a cell type-specific chromatin landscape driving hematopoietic differentiation.
Tue Jan 17 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Lamin A/C-dependent chromatin architecture safeguards naïve pluripotency to prevent aberrant cardiovascular cell fate and function.
Nature communications
Wang Y,Elsherbiny A,Kessler L,Cordero J,Shi H,Serke H,Lityagina O,Trogisch FA,Mohammadi MM,El-Battrawy I,Backs J,Wieland T,Heineke J,Dobreva G
Published figure using CD309 (FLK1) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5821-82) in Flow Cytometry
Fri Nov 04 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Upregulation of Extracellular Vesicles-Encapsulated miR-132 Released From Mesenchymal Stem Cells Attenuates Ischemic Neuronal Injury by Inhibiting Smad2/c-jun Pathway via Acvr2b Suppression.
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology
Feng B,Meng L,Luan L,Fang Z,Zhao P,Zhao G
13-5821 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to demonstrate that activin receptor type IIB expression is inhibited by miR-132 from mesenchymal stem cells which attenuates ischemic neuronal injury.
Fri Mar 26 00:00:00 UTC 2021
SCL/TAL1 cooperates with Polycomb RYBP-PRC1 to suppress alternative lineages in blood-fated cells.
Nature communications
Chagraoui H,Kristiansen MS,Ruiz JP,Serra-Barros A,Richter J,Hall-Ponselé E,Gray N,Waithe D,Clark K,Hublitz P,Repapi E,Otto G,Sopp P,Taylor S,Thongjuea S,Vyas P,Porcher C
Published figure using CD309 (FLK1) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5821-82) in Flow Cytometry
Tue Dec 18 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Single-cell transcriptomics reveals a new dynamical function of transcription factors during embryonic hematopoiesis.
Bergiers I,Andrews T,Vargel Bölükbaşı Ö,Buness A,Janosz E,Lopez-Anguita N,Ganter K,Kosim K,Celen C,Itır Perçin G,Collier P,Baying B,Benes V,Hemberg M,Lancrin C
Published figure using CD309 (FLK1) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5821-82) in Flow Cytometry
Tue Mar 20 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Single-cell transcriptomics reveals a new dynamical function of transcription factors during embryonic hematopoiesis.
Bergiers I,Andrews T,Vargel Bölükbaşı Ö,Buness A,Janosz E,Lopez-Anguita N,Ganter K,Kosim K,Celen C,Itır Perçin G,Collier P,Baying B,Benes V,Hemberg M,Lancrin C
Published figure using CD309 (FLK1) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5821-82) in Flow Cytometry
Tue Mar 20 00:00:00 UTC 2018
LMO2 is required for TAL1 DNA binding activity and initiation of definitive haematopoiesis at the haemangioblast stage.
Nucleic acids research
Stanulovic VS,Cauchy P,Assi SA,Hoogenkamp M
13-5821-82 was used in Magnetic cell separation to show that Lmo2-/- mouse embryonic stem cells differentiated to Flk-1+ haemangioblasts, but less efficiently to haemogenic endothelium.
Fri Sep 29 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Antifibrotic role of vascular endothelial growth factor in pulmonary fibrosis.
JCI insight
Murray LA,Habiel DM,Hohmann M,Camelo A,Shang H,Zhou Y,Coelho AL,Peng X,Gulati M,Crestani B,Sleeman MA,Mustelin T,Moore MW,Ryu C,Osafo-Addo AD,Elias JA,Lee CG,Hu B,Herazo-Maya JD,Knight DA,Hogaboam CM,Herzog EL
Published figure using CD309 (FLK1) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5821-82) in Flow Cytometry
Thu Aug 17 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Sustained inflammation after pericyte depletion induces irreversible blood-retina barrier breakdown.
JCI insight
Ogura S,Kurata K,Hattori Y,Takase H,Ishiguro-Oonuma T,Hwang Y,Ahn S,Park I,Ikeda W,Kusuhara S,Fukushima Y,Nara H,Sakai H,Fujiwara T,Matsushita J,Ema M,Hirashima M,Minami T,Shibuya M,Takakura N,Kim P,Miyata T,Ogura Y,Uemura A
Published figure using CD309 (FLK1) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5821-82) in Immunohistochemistry
Thu Feb 09 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Mesp1 controls the speed, polarity, and directionality of cardiovascular progenitor migration.
The Journal of cell biology
Chiapparo G,Lin X,Lescroart F,Chabab S,Paulissen C,Pitisci L,Bondue A,Blanpain C
13-5821 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to identify the molecular interface controlled by Mesp1 that links CP specification and cell migration.
Mon May 23 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Endothelial cell-anchored tissue factor pathway inhibitor regulates tumor metastasis to the lung in mice.
Molecular carcinogenesis
Wang J,Xiao J,Wen D,Wu X,Mao Z,Zhang J,Ma D
Published figure using CD309 (FLK1) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5821-82) in Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin)
Sun May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Small Molecule Inhibitor of CBFβ-RUNX Binding for RUNX Transcription Factor Driven Cancers.
Illendula A,Gilmour J,Grembecka J,Tirumala VSS,Boulton A,Kuntimaddi A,Schmidt C,Wang L,Pulikkan JA,Zong H,Parlak M,Kuscu C,Pickin A,Zhou Y,Gao Y,Mishra L,Adli M,Castilla LH,Rajewski RA,Janes KA,Guzman ML,Bonifer C,Bushweller JH
13-5821 was used in Magnetic cell separation to investigate whether targeting RUNX proteins could have broad utility in cancer therapeutics.
Wed Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
The Isl1/Ldb1 Complex Orchestrates Genome-wide Chromatin Organization to Instruct Differentiation of Multipotent Cardiac Progenitors.
Cell stem cell
Caputo L,Witzel HR,Kolovos P,Cheedipudi S,Looso M,Mylona A,van IJcken WF,Laugwitz KL,Evans SM,Braun T,Soler E,Grosveld F,Dobreva G
Published figure using CD309 (FLK1) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5821-82) in Flow Cytometry
Thu Sep 03 00:00:00 UTC 2015
FOXF1 inhibits hematopoietic lineage commitment during early mesoderm specification.
Development (Cambridge, England)
Fleury M,Eliades A,Carlsson P,Lacaud G,Kouskoff V
13-5821 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the lineage specification of early mesodermal precursors expressing or not the Forkhead transcription factor FOXF1.
Thu Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Histone Demethylases KDM4A and KDM4C Regulate Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells to Endothelial Cells.
Stem cell reports
Wu L,Wary KK,Revskoy S,Gao X,Tsang K,Komarova YA,Rehman J,Malik AB
Published figure using CD309 (FLK1) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5821-82) in Flow Cytometry
Tue Jul 14 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Developmental-stage-dependent transcriptional response to leukaemic oncogene expression.
Nature communications
Regha K,Assi SA,Tsoulaki O,Gilmour J,Lacaud G,Bonifer C
13-5821 was used in Magnetic cell separation to study the differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells, expressing an inducible RUNX1-ETO gene, into blood cells.
Thu May 28 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Ultrasound molecular imaging of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 expression for endometrial receptivity evaluation.
Liu H,Chen Y,Yan F,Han X,Wu J,Liu X,Zheng H
13-5821 was used as a Control in experiments to showcase a novel method to assess endometrial receptivity for enhancing in-vitro fertilisation success rates.
Mon Aug 31 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Mesenchymal-endothelial transition contributes to cardiac neovascularization.
Ubil E,Duan J,Pillai IC,Rosa-Garrido M,Wu Y,Bargiacchi F,Lu Y,Stanbouly S,Huang J,Rojas M,Vondriska TM,Stefani E,Deb A
Published figure using CD309 (FLK1) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5821-82) in Flow Cytometry
Thu Oct 30 00:00:00 UTC 2014
The miR-126-VEGFR2 axis controls the innate response to pathogen-associated nucleic acids.
Nature immunology
Agudo J,Ruzo A,Tung N,Salmon H,Leboeuf M,Hashimoto D,Becker C,Garrett-Sinha LA,Baccarini A,Merad M,Brown BD
13-5821 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to identify the miR-126-VEGFR2 axis as an important regulator of the innate response that operates through multiscale control of pDCs.
Wed Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
SOX9 accelerates ESC differentiation to three germ layer lineages by repressing SOX2 expression through P21 (WAF1/CIP1).
Development (Cambridge, England)
Yamamizu K,Schlessinger D,Ko MS
Published figure using CD309 (FLK1) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5821-82) in Flow Cytometry
Sat Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
SOX9 accelerates ESC differentiation to three germ layer lineages by repressing SOX2 expression through P21 (WAF1/CIP1).
Development (Cambridge, England)
Yamamizu K,Schlessinger D,Ko MS
Published figure using CD309 (FLK1) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5821-82) in Flow Cytometry
Sat Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Expression of podocalyxin separates the hematopoietic and vascular potentials of mouse embryonic stem cell-derived mesoderm.
Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio)
Zhang H,Nieves JL,Fraser ST,Isern J,Douvaras P,Papatsenko D,D'Souza SL,Lemischka IR,Dyer MA,Baron MH
Published figure using CD309 (FLK1) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5821-82) in Flow Cytometry
Wed Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Cooperative interaction of Etv2 and Gata2 regulates the development of endothelial and hematopoietic lineages.
Developmental biology
Shi X,Richard J,Zirbes KM,Gong W,Lin G,Kyba M,Thomson JA,Koyano-Nakagawa N,Garry DJ
Published figure using CD309 (FLK1) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5821-82) in Flow Cytometry
Thu May 15 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Dual modulation of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore and redox signaling synergistically promotes cardiomyocyte differentiation from pluripotent stem cells.
Journal of the American Heart Association
Cho SW,Park JS,Heo HJ,Park SW,Song S,Kim I,Han YM,Yamashita JK,Youm JB,Han J,Koh GY
13-5821 was used in Magnetic cell separation to show that mPTP inhibition by CsA alters mitochondrial oxidative metabolism and redox signaling.
Thu Mar 13 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Specification of chondrocytes and cartilage tissues from embryonic stem cells.
Development (Cambridge, England)
Craft AM,Ahmed N,Rockel JS,Baht GS,Alman BA,Kandel RA,Grigoriadis AE,Keller GM
13-5821 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to establish the developmental program for chondrogenic mesoderm formation from mouse embryonic stem cells.
Sat Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2013
Nkx2-5 mediates differential cardiac differentiation through interaction with Hoxa10.
Stem cells and development
Behrens AN,Iacovino M,Lohr JL,Ren Y,Zierold C,Harvey RP,Kyba M,Garry DJ,Martin CM
Published figure using CD309 (FLK1) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5821-82) in Flow Cytometry
Thu Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2013
Nkx2-5 mediates differential cardiac differentiation through interaction with Hoxa10.
Stem cells and development
Behrens AN,Iacovino M,Lohr JL,Ren Y,Zierold C,Harvey RP,Kyba M,Garry DJ,Martin CM
Published figure using CD309 (FLK1) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5821-82) in Flow Cytometry
Thu Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2013
Etv2 rescues Flk1 mutant embryoid bodies.
Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000)
Rasmussen TL,Martin CM,Walter CA,Shi X,Perlingeiro R,Koyano-Nakagawa N,Garry DJ
Published figure using CD309 (FLK1) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5821-82) in Flow Cytometry
Mon Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2013
Etv2 rescues Flk1 mutant embryoid bodies.
Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000)
Rasmussen TL,Martin CM,Walter CA,Shi X,Perlingeiro R,Koyano-Nakagawa N,Garry DJ
Published figure using CD309 (FLK1) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5821-82) in Flow Cytometry
Mon Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2013
DNA methylation restricts lineage-specific functions of transcription factor Gata4 during embryonic stem cell differentiation.
PLoS genetics
Oda M,Kumaki Y,Shigeta M,Jakt LM,Matsuoka C,Yamagiwa A,Niwa H,Okano M
13-5821 was used in Magnetic cell separation to study DNA methylation during embryonic stem cell differentiation.
Sat Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2013
DNA methylation restricts lineage-specific functions of transcription factor Gata4 during embryonic stem cell differentiation.
PLoS genetics
Oda M,Kumaki Y,Shigeta M,Jakt LM,Matsuoka C,Yamagiwa A,Niwa H,Okano M
13-5821 was used in Magnetic cell separation to study DNA methylation during embryonic stem cell differentiation.
Sat Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2013
Imaging of thyroid tumor angiogenesis with microbubbles targeted to vascular endothelial growth factor receptor type 2 in mice.
BMC medical imaging
Mancini M,Greco A,Salvatore G,Liuzzi R,Di Maro G,Vergara E,Chiappetta G,Pasquinelli R,Brunetti A,Salvatore M
13-5821 was used in Functional assays to demonstrate that CEUS with UCAVEGFR-2 might be used for in vivo non invasive detection and quantification of VEGFR-2 expression in thyroid cancer in mice, and to differentiate benign from malignant thyroid nodules.
Thu Sep 12 00:00:00 UTC 2013
ROCK suppression promotes differentiation and expansion of endothelial cells from embryonic stem cell-derived Flk1(+) mesodermal precursor cells.
Joo HJ,Choi DK,Lim JS,Park JS,Lee SH,Song S,Shin JH,Lim DS,Kim I,Hwang KC,Koh GY
13-5821 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to demonstrate a versatile method for obtaining an ample amount of ESC-derived ECs for use in therapeutic neovascularisation.
Thu Sep 27 00:00:00 UTC 2012
RUNX1 reshapes the epigenetic landscape at the onset of haematopoiesis.
The EMBO journal
Lichtinger M,Ingram R,Hannah R,Müller D,Clarke D,Assi SA,Lie-A-Ling M,Noailles L,Vijayabaskar MS,Wu M,Tenen DG,Westhead DR,Kouskoff V,Lacaud G,Göttgens B,Bonifer C
13-5821 was used in Magnetic cell separation to show that Runx1 control of haematopoietic fate is not a new regulatory layer but instead the reorganization of the epigenetic landscape.
Wed Nov 14 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Systemic delivery of a breast cancer-detecting adenovirus using targeted microbubbles.
Cancer gene therapy
Warram JM,Sorace AG,Saini R,Borovjagin AV,Hoyt K,Zinn KR
13-5821 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate methods to prevent inactivation of recombinant human adenovirus for the treatment of cancer gene therapy, showing the potential for systemic delivery of a breast cancer-detecting adenovirus using targeted microbubbles.
Wed Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Etv2 is expressed in the yolk sac hematopoietic and endothelial progenitors and regulates Lmo2 gene expression.
Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio)
Koyano-Nakagawa N,Kweon J,Iacovino M,Shi X,Rasmussen TL,Borges L,Zirbes KM,Li T,Perlingeiro RC,Kyba M,Garry DJ
Published figure using CD309 (FLK1) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5821-82) in Immunofluorescence
Wed Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Etv2 is expressed in the yolk sac hematopoietic and endothelial progenitors and regulates Lmo2 gene expression.
Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio)
Koyano-Nakagawa N,Kweon J,Iacovino M,Shi X,Rasmussen TL,Borges L,Zirbes KM,Li T,Perlingeiro RC,Kyba M,Garry DJ
Published figure using CD309 (FLK1) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5821-82) in Immunofluorescence
Wed Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Snail promotes the cell-autonomous generation of Flk1(+) endothelial cells through the repression of the microRNA-200 family.
Stem cells and development
Gill JG,Langer EM,Lindsley RC,Cai M,Murphy TL,Murphy KM
13-5821 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to assess the role of snail to promote the cell-autonomous induction of Flk1(+) endothelial cells in mouse embryonic stem cells.
Fri Jan 20 00:00:00 UTC 2012
VEGF/Flk1 signaling cascade transactivates Etv2 gene expression.
PloS one
Rasmussen TL,Shi X,Wallis A,Kweon J,Zirbes KM,Koyano-Nakagawa N,Garry DJ
Published figure using CD309 (FLK1) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5821-82) in Flow Cytometry
Mon May 13 00:00:00 UTC 2013
Activation of the canonical bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) pathway during lung morphogenesis and adult lung tissue repair.
PloS one
Sountoulidis A,Stavropoulos A,Giaglis S,Apostolou E,Monteiro R,Chuva de Sousa Lopes SM,Chen H,Stripp BR,Mummery C,Andreakos E,Sideras P
Published figure using CD309 (FLK1) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5821-82) in Immunofluorescence
Wed May 15 00:00:00 UTC 2013
Activation of the canonical bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) pathway during lung morphogenesis and adult lung tissue repair.
PloS one
Sountoulidis A,Stavropoulos A,Giaglis S,Apostolou E,Monteiro R,Chuva de Sousa Lopes SM,Chen H,Stripp BR,Mummery C,Andreakos E,Sideras P
Published figure using CD309 (FLK1) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5821-82) in Immunofluorescence
Wed May 15 00:00:00 UTC 2013
Recapitulation of the embryonic cardiovascular progenitor cell niche.
Schenke-Layland K,Nsair A,Van Handel B,Angelis E,Gluck JM,Votteler M,Goldhaber JI,Mikkola HK,Kahn M,Maclellan WR
Published figure using CD309 (FLK1) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5821-82) in Immunofluorescence
Fri Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Defining the earliest step of cardiovascular progenitor specification during embryonic stem cell differentiation.
The Journal of cell biology
Bondue A,Tännler S,Chiapparo G,Chabab S,Ramialison M,Paulissen C,Beck B,Harvey R,Blanpain C
13-5821 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to identify the early MCPs residing at the top of the cellular hierarchy of cardiovascular lineages during ESC differentiation.
Mon Mar 07 00:00:00 UTC 2011
A triple-targeted ultrasound contrast agent provides improved localization to tumor vasculature.
Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine
Warram JM,Sorace AG,Saini R,Umphrey HR,Zinn KR,Hoyt K
13-5821 was used in Conjugation experiments to evaluate multitargeted microbubbles used for tumoural sonography, comparing single-, dual-, and triple-targeted motifs.
Fri Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2011
A triple-targeted ultrasound contrast agent provides improved localization to tumor vasculature.
Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine
Warram JM,Sorace AG,Saini R,Umphrey HR,Zinn KR,Hoyt K
13-5821 was used in Conjugation experiments to evaluate multitargeted microbubbles used for tumoural sonography, comparing single-, dual-, and triple-targeted motifs.
Fri Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Major histocompatibility complex-I expression on embryonic stem cell-derived vascular progenitor cells is critical for syngeneic transplant survival.
Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio)
Ma M,Ding S,Lundqvist A,San H,Fang F,Konoplyannikov M,Berry C,Beltran LE,Chen G,Kovacic JC,Boehm M
Published figure using CD309 (FLK1) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5821-82) in Flow Cytometry
Wed Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2010
Major histocompatibility complex-I expression on embryonic stem cell-derived vascular progenitor cells is critical for syngeneic transplant survival.
Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio)
Ma M,Ding S,Lundqvist A,San H,Fang F,Konoplyannikov M,Berry C,Beltran LE,Chen G,Kovacic JC,Boehm M
Published figure using CD309 (FLK1) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5821-82) in Flow Cytometry
Wed Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2010
Immortalization eliminates a roadblock during cellular reprogramming into iPS cells.
Utikal J,Polo JM,Stadtfeld M,Maherali N,Kulalert W,Walsh RM,Khalil A,Rheinwald JG,Hochedlinger K
13-5821 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the rare events that allow generation of induced pluripotent stem cells.
Thu Aug 27 00:00:00 UTC 2009
Mesenchymal origin of hepatic stellate cells, submesothelial cells, and perivascular mesenchymal cells during mouse liver development.
Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.)
Asahina K,Tsai SY,Li P,Ishii M,Maxson RE,Sucov HM,Tsukamoto H
Published figure using CD309 (FLK1) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5821-82) in Flow Cytometry
Sun Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2009
Mesenchymal origin of hepatic stellate cells, submesothelial cells, and perivascular mesenchymal cells during mouse liver development.
Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.)
Asahina K,Tsai SY,Li P,Ishii M,Maxson RE,Sucov HM,Tsukamoto H
Published figure using CD309 (FLK1) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5821-82) in Flow Cytometry
Sun Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2009
Transcriptional activation by the Mixl1 homeodomain protein in differentiating mouse embryonic stem cells.
Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio)
Zhang H,Fraser ST,Papazoglu C,Hoatlin ME,Baron MH
13-5821 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the molecular mechanisms of Mixl1-mediated transcriptional regulation.
Tue Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2009
US imaging of tumor angiogenesis with microbubbles targeted to vascular endothelial growth factor receptor type 2 in mice.
Willmann JK,Paulmurugan R,Chen K,Gheysens O,Rodriguez-Porcel M,Lutz AM,Chen IY,Chen X,Gambhir SS
13-5821 was used in Immunoprecipitation to demonstrate that US imaging with microbubbles targeted to VEGFR2 allows noninvasive visualization of VEGFR2 expression in tumor vessels.
Fri Feb 01 00:00:00 UTC 2008
Phosphoinositide 3-kinase signalling regulates early development and developmental haemopoiesis.
Journal of cell science
Bone HK,Welham MJ
13-5821 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to examine the involvement of phosphoinositide 3-kinase-dependent signalling during early development and haemopoiesis.
Tue May 15 00:00:00 UTC 2007
Molecular imaging of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 expression using targeted contrast-enhanced high-frequency ultrasonography.
Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine
Lyshchik A,Fleischer AC,Huamani J,Hallahan DE,Brissova M,Gore JC
13-5821 was used in Immunohistochemistry to show that targeted contrast-enhanced high-frequency ultrasonography may enable in vivo molecular imaging of VEGFR2 expression on tumour vascular endothelium.
Thu Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2007