Product References
Platelet-derived extracellular vesicles promote endothelial dysfunction in sepsis by enhancing neutrophil extracellular traps.
BMC immunology
Jiang M,Wu W,Xia Y,Wang X,Liang J
Published figure using CD41a monoclonal antibody (Product # 17-0411-82) in Flow Cytometry
Wed Aug 09 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Meis1 establishes the pre-hemogenic endothelial state prior to Runx1 expression.
Nature communications
Coulombe P,Cole G,Fentiman A,Parker JDK,Yung E,Bilenky M,Degefie L,Lac P,Ling MYM,Tam D,Humphries RK,Karsan A
Published figure using CD41a monoclonal antibody (Product # 17-0411-82) in Flow Cytometry
Thu Jul 27 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Analysis of preplatelets and their barbell platelet derivatives by imaging flow cytometry.
Blood advances
Kemble S,Dalby A,Lowe GC,Nicolson PLR,Watson SP,Senis Y,Thomas SG,Harrison P
17-0411-82 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to demonstrate that a subpopulation of large platelets are immature preplatelets that can transform into barbells and undergo fission during maturation.
Tue May 10 00:00:00 UTC 2022
SNAP23 is essential for platelet and mast cell development and required in connective tissue mast cells for anaphylaxis.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Cardenas RA,Gonzalez R,Sanchez E,Ramos MA,Cardenas EI,Rodarte AI,Alcazar-Felix RJ,Isaza A,Burns AR,Heidelberger R,Adachi R
Published figure using CD41a monoclonal antibody (Product # 17-0411-82) in Flow Cytometry
Mon Aug 02 00:00:00 UTC 2021
C3G contributes to platelet activation and aggregation by regulating major signaling pathways.
Signal transduction and targeted therapy
Gutiérrez-Herrero S,Fernández-Infante C,Hernández-Cano L,Ortiz-Rivero S,Guijas C,Martín-Granado V,González-Porras JR,Balsinde J,Porras A,Guerrero C
17-0411 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to reveal the critical role of C3G in the main pathways leading to platelet activation and aggregation through the regulation of Rap1b.
Wed Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Snai2 Maintains Bone Marrow Niche Cells by Repressing Osteopontin Expression.
Developmental cell
Wei Q,Nakahara F,Asada N,Zhang D,Gao X,Xu C,Alfieri A,Brodin NP,Zimmerman SE,Mar JC,Guha C,Guo W,Frenette PS
17-0411-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to conclude that SNAI2 is a critical regulator of the transcriptional network maintaining MSPCs by the suppression of osteopontin expression.
Mon Jun 08 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Platelet Dysfunction and Thrombosis in JAK2V617F-Mutated Primary Myelofibrotic Mice.
Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology
Matsuura S,Thompson CR,Belghasem ME,Bekendam RH,Piasecki A,Leiva O,Ray A,Italiano J,Yang M,Merill-Skoloff G,Chitalia VC,Flaumenhaft R,Ravid K
17-0411 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to examine the propensity for thrombosis, as well as platelet activation properties in a mouse model of primary myelofibrosis induced by JAK2V617F mutation.
Thu Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
β4GALT1 controls β1 integrin function to govern thrombopoiesis and hematopoietic stem cell homeostasis.
Nature communications
Giannini S,Lee-Sundlov MM,Rivadeneyra L,Di Buduo CA,Burns R,Lau JT,Falet H,Balduini A,Hoffmeister KM
17-0411 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to identify the conserved B4galt1 gene as a critical regulator of thrombopoiesis in megakaryocytes.
Fri Jan 17 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Single-nucleotide human disease mutation inactivates a blood-regenerative GATA2 enhancer.
The Journal of clinical investigation
Soukup AA,Zheng Y,Mehta C,Wu J,Liu P,Cao M,Hofmann I,Zhou Y,Zhang J,Johnson KD,Choi K,Keles S,Bresnick EH
Published figure using CD41a monoclonal antibody (Product # 17-0411-82) in Flow Cytometry
Fri Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Robust hematopoietic specification requires the ubiquitous Sp1 and Sp3 transcription factors.
Epigenetics & chromatin
Gilmour J,O'Connor L,Middleton CP,Keane P,Gillemans N,Cazier JB,Philipsen S,Bonifer C
Published figure using CD41a monoclonal antibody (Product # 17-0411-82) in Flow Cytometry
Tue Jun 04 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Iron deficiency disrupts embryonic haematopoiesis but not the endothelial to haematopoietic transition.
Scientific reports
Shvartsman M,Bilican S,Lancrin C
Published figure using CD41a monoclonal antibody (Product # 17-0411-82) in Flow Cytometry
Tue Apr 23 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Single-cell transcriptomics reveals a new dynamical function of transcription factors during embryonic hematopoiesis.
Bergiers I,Andrews T,Vargel Bölükbaşı Ö,Buness A,Janosz E,Lopez-Anguita N,Ganter K,Kosim K,Celen C,Itır Perçin G,Collier P,Baying B,Benes V,Hemberg M,Lancrin C
Published figure using CD41a monoclonal antibody (Product # 17-0411-82) in Flow Cytometry
Tue Mar 20 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Provocative decompression causes diffuse vascular injury in mice mediated by microparticles containing interleukin-1β.
Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985)
Thom SR,Bhopale VM,Yu K,Yang M
17-0411-82 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to demonstrate that elevations of circulating MPs containing up to 9-fold higher concentrations of IL-1β occur while mice are exposed to high air pressure whereas smaller particles carrying proteins specific to exosomes are not elevated.
Mon Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Superoxide Dismutase 2 is dispensable for platelet function.
Thrombosis and haemostasis
Fidler TP,Rowley JW,Araujo C,Boudreau LH,Marti A,Souvenir R,Dale K,Boilard E,Weyrich AS,Abel ED
17-0411 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to determine if increased mitochondrial reactive oxygen species increases platelet activation.
Thu Oct 05 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Mediator Kinase Phosphorylation of STAT1 S727 Promotes Growth of Neoplasms With JAK-STAT Activation.
Nitulescu II,Meyer SC,Wen QJ,Crispino JD,Lemieux ME,Levine RL,Pelish HE,Shair MD
Published figure using CD41a monoclonal antibody (Product # 17-0411-82) in Flow Cytometry
Fri Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Targeted genome editing restores T cell differentiation in a humanized X-SCID pluripotent stem cell disease model.
Scientific reports
Alzubi J,Pallant C,Mussolino C,Howe SJ,Thrasher AJ,Cathomen T
Published figure using CD41a monoclonal antibody (Product # 17-0411-82) in Flow Cytometry
Fri Sep 29 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Targeting Activated Platelets: A Unique and Potentially Universal Approach for Cancer Imaging.
Yap ML,McFadyen JD,Wang X,Zia NA,Hohmann JD,Ziegler M,Yao Y,Pham A,Harris M,Donnelly PS,Hogarth PM,Pietersz GA,Lim B,Peter K
17-0411 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to provide proof of concept for imaging and localization of tumours by molecular targeting activated platelets.
Mon Apr 30 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Hematopoietic Stem Cells Count and Remember Self-Renewal Divisions.
Bernitz JM,Kim HS,MacArthur B,Sieburg H,Moore K
17-0411 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to suggest that HSCs accumulate discrete memory stages over their divisional history and identify cellular memory in HSC aging.
Thu Nov 17 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Hematopoietic Stem Cells Count and Remember Self-Renewal Divisions.
Bernitz JM,Kim HS,MacArthur B,Sieburg H,Moore K
17-0411 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to suggest that HSCs accumulate discrete memory stages over their divisional history and identify cellular memory in HSC aging.
Thu Nov 17 00:00:00 UTC 2016
The Poly(C) Binding Protein Pcbp2 and Its Retrotransposed Derivative Pcbp1 Are Independently Essential to Mouse Development.
Molecular and cellular biology
Ghanem LR,Kromer A,Silverman IM,Chatterji P,Traxler E,Penzo-Mendez A,Weiss MJ,Stanger BZ,Liebhaber SA
17-0411 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to provide direct evidence that Pcbp1 and Pcpb2 individually provide an essential function in the mammalian genome.
Fri Jan 15 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Murine iPSC-Derived Macrophages as a Tool for Disease Modeling of Hereditary Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis due to Csf2rb Deficiency.
Stem cell reports
Mucci A,Kunkiel J,Suzuki T,Brennig S,Glage S,Kühnel MP,Ackermann M,Happle C,Kuhn A,Schambach A,Trapnell BC,Hansen G,Moritz T,Lachmann N
17-0411 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to describe a protocol to obtain mature and functional MΦ from healthy as well as disease-specific murine iPSCs.
Tue Aug 09 00:00:00 UTC 2016
H2S protects against fatal myelosuppression by promoting the generation of megakaryocytes/platelets.
Journal of hematology & oncology
Liu HD,Zhang AJ,Xu JJ,Chen Y,Zhu YC
Published figure using CD41a monoclonal antibody (Product # 17-0411-82) in Flow Cytometry
Wed Feb 24 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Small Molecule Inhibitor of CBFβ-RUNX Binding for RUNX Transcription Factor Driven Cancers.
Illendula A,Gilmour J,Grembecka J,Tirumala VSS,Boulton A,Kuntimaddi A,Schmidt C,Wang L,Pulikkan JA,Zong H,Parlak M,Kuscu C,Pickin A,Zhou Y,Gao Y,Mishra L,Adli M,Castilla LH,Rajewski RA,Janes KA,Guzman ML,Bonifer C,Bushweller JH
Published figure using CD41a monoclonal antibody (Product # 17-0411-82) in Flow Cytometry
Wed Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Novel function of FAXDC2 in megakaryopoiesis.
Blood cancer journal
Jin Q,Ren Y,Wang M,Suraneni PK,Li D,Crispino JD,Fan J,Huang Z
17-0411 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study the role of fatty acid hydroxylase domain containing 2 (FAXDC2) in megakaryocyte development, showing that its expression is elevated during maturation and downregulated in acute myeloid leukemia and acute megakaryoblastic leukemia.
Fri Sep 30 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Activation of the TGFβ pathway impairs endothelial to haematopoietic transition.
Scientific reports
Vargel Ö,Zhang Y,Kosim K,Ganter K,Foehr S,Mardenborough Y,Shvartsman M,Enright AJ,Krijgsveld J,Lancrin C
Published figure using CD41a monoclonal antibody (Product # 17-0411-82) in Flow Cytometry
Fri Feb 19 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Reprogramming mouse fibroblasts into engraftable myeloerythroid and lymphoid progenitors.
Nature communications
Cheng H,Ang HY,A El Farran C,Li P,Fang HT,Liu TM,Kong SL,Chin ML,Ling WY,Lim EK,Li H,Huber T,Loh KM,Loh YH,Lim B
17-0411 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to demonstrate how it is possible to reprogram mouse embryonic fibroblasts into engraftable blood progenitors.
Mon Nov 21 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Platelets induce apoptosis via membrane-bound FasL.
Schleicher RI,Reichenbach F,Kraft P,Kumar A,Lescan M,Todt F,Göbel K,Hilgendorf I,Geisler T,Bauer A,Olbrich M,Schaller M,Wesselborg S,O'Reilly L,Meuth SG,Schulze-Osthoff K,Gawaz M,Li X,Kleinschnitz C,Edlich F,Langer HF
17-0411 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to describe a novel mechanism for how platelets contribute to tissue homeostasis.
Thu Sep 17 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Platelets induce apoptosis via membrane-bound FasL.
Schleicher RI,Reichenbach F,Kraft P,Kumar A,Lescan M,Todt F,Göbel K,Hilgendorf I,Geisler T,Bauer A,Olbrich M,Schaller M,Wesselborg S,O'Reilly L,Meuth SG,Schulze-Osthoff K,Gawaz M,Li X,Kleinschnitz C,Edlich F,Langer HF
17-0411 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to describe a novel mechanism for how platelets contribute to tissue homeostasis.
Thu Sep 17 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Novel whole blood assay for phenotyping platelet reactivity in mice identifies ICAM-1 as a mediator of platelet-monocyte interaction.
Armstrong PC,Kirkby NS,Chan MV,Finsterbusch M,Hogg N,Nourshargh S,Warner TD
17-0411 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to describe a novel method for testing platelet function using lower blood volumes, for use in the cardiovascular phenotyping of mice.
Thu Sep 03 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Platelets promote allergic asthma through the expression of CD154.
Cellular & molecular immunology
Tian J,Zhu T,Liu J,Guo Z,Cao X
17-0411 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study the role and the underlying mechanism of platelets in allergic asthma, showing that platelets express CD154 which polarises Th2 responses and inhibits the generation of regulatory T-cells.
Sun Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Endothelium and NOTCH specify and amplify aorta-gonad-mesonephros-derived hematopoietic stem cells.
The Journal of clinical investigation
Hadland BK,Varnum-Finney B,Poulos MG,Moon RT,Butler JM,Rafii S,Bernstein ID
17-0411 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the critical niche components and resident signals required for hematopoietic stem cell induction and self-renewal ex vivo.
Fri May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Endoglin potentiates nitric oxide synthesis to enhance definitive hematopoiesis.
Biology open
Nasrallah R,Knezevic K,Thai T,Thomas SR,Göttgens B,Lacaud G,Kouskoff V,Pimanda JE
17041182 was used in flow cytometry to investigate the role of endoglin in the development of hematopoietic cells.
Fri May 15 00:00:00 UTC 2015
A Quantitative Proteomic Analysis of Hemogenic Endothelium Reveals Differential Regulation of Hematopoiesis by SOX17.
Stem cell reports
Clarke RL,Robitaille AM,Moon RT,Keller G
Published figure using CD41a monoclonal antibody (Product # 17-0411-82) in Flow Cytometry
Tue Aug 11 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Specific Inflammatory Stimuli Lead to Distinct Platelet Responses in Mice and Humans.
PloS one
Beaulieu LM,Clancy L,Tanriverdi K,Benjamin EJ,Kramer CD,Weinberg EO,He X,Mekasha S,Mick E,Ingalls RR,Genco CA,Freedman JE
Published figure using CD41a monoclonal antibody (Product # 17-0411-82) in Flow Cytometry
Fri Mar 25 00:00:00 UTC 2016
The Etv2-miR-130a Network Regulates Mesodermal Specification.
Cell reports
Singh BN,Kawakami Y,Akiyama R,Rasmussen TL,Garry MG,Gong W,Das S,Shi X,Koyano-Nakagawa N,Garry DJ
Published figure using CD41a monoclonal antibody (Product # 17-0411-82) in Flow Cytometry
Tue Nov 03 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Infusion of endothelial progenitor cells ameliorates liver injury in mice after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
Liver international : official journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver
Qiao J,Qi K,Chu P,Mi H,Yang N,Yao H,Xia Y,Li Z,Xu K,Zeng L
17-0411-82 was used in flow cytometry to evaluate the effects of EPCs on liver injury in mice after HSCT.Mice received HSCT without or with EPCs infusion.
Tue Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Lysophosphatidic acid acts as a nutrient-derived developmental cue to regulate early hematopoiesis.
The EMBO journal
Li H,Yue R,Wei B,Gao G,Du J,Pei G
Tue Jun 17 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Platelet glycoprotein Ib-IX as a regulator of systemic inflammation.
Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology
Corken A,Russell S,Dent J,Post SR,Ware J
Published figure using CD41a monoclonal antibody (Product # 17-0411-82) in Flow Cytometry
Thu May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Diet-induced obesity promotes myelopoiesis in hematopoietic stem cells.
Molecular metabolism
Singer K,DelProposto J,Morris DL,Zamarron B,Mergian T,Maley N,Cho KW,Geletka L,Subbaiah P,Muir L,Martinez-Santibanez G,Lumeng CN
17-0411 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to demonstrate how metabolic signals potentiate leukocyte production and dietary priming of haematopoietic progenitors contributes to adipose tissue inflammation.
Mon Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Runx1 is required for progression of CD41+ embryonic precursors into HSCs but not prior to this.
Development (Cambridge, England)
Liakhovitskaia A,Rybtsov S,Smith T,Batsivari A,Rybtsova N,Rode C,de Bruijn M,Buchholz F,Gordon-Keylock S,Zhao S,Medvinsky A
Published figure using CD41a monoclonal antibody (Product # 17-0411-82) in Flow Cytometry
Mon Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
A crucial role for the ubiquitously expressed transcription factor Sp1 at early stages of hematopoietic specification.
Development (Cambridge, England)
Gilmour J,Assi SA,Jaegle U,Kulu D,van de Werken H,Clarke D,Westhead DR,Philipsen S,Bonifer C
Published figure using CD41a monoclonal antibody (Product # 17-0411-82) in Flow Cytometry
Sun Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Single-cell analyses of regulatory network perturbations using enhancer-targeting TALEs suggest novel roles for PU.1 during haematopoietic specification.
Development (Cambridge, England)
Wilkinson AC,Kawata VK,Schütte J,Gao X,Antoniou S,Baumann C,Woodhouse S,Hannah R,Tanaka Y,Swiers G,Moignard V,Fisher J,Hidetoshi S,Tijssen MR,de Bruijn MF,Liu P,Göttgens B
Published figure using CD41a monoclonal antibody (Product # 17-0411-82) in Flow Cytometry
Wed Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
CD41 is a reliable identification and activation marker for murine basophils in the steady state and during helminth and malarial infections.
European journal of immunology
Bakocevic N,Claser C,Yoshikawa S,Jones LA,Chew S,Goh CC,Malleret B,Larbi A,Ginhoux F,de Lafaille MC,Karasuyama H,Renia L,Ng LG
17-0411 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study the CD41 expression within basophils from the blood during both steady state and malarial inections within mice.
Sun Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Expression of podocalyxin separates the hematopoietic and vascular potentials of mouse embryonic stem cell-derived mesoderm.
Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio)
Zhang H,Nieves JL,Fraser ST,Isern J,Douvaras P,Papatsenko D,D'Souza SL,Lemischka IR,Dyer MA,Baron MH
Published figure using CD41a monoclonal antibody (Product # 17-0411-82) in Flow Cytometry
Wed Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Wnt5a regulates hematopoietic stem cell proliferation and repopulation through the Ryk receptor.
Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio)
Povinelli BJ,Nemeth MJ
17-0411 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study whether Ryk protein regulates the response of haematopoietic stem cells to Wnt5a.
Wed Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
PSTPIP2 dysregulation contributes to aberrant terminal differentiation in GATA-1-deficient megakaryocytes by activating LYN.
Cell death & disease
Liu L,Wen Q,Gong R,Gilles L,Stankiewicz MJ,Li W,Guo M,Li L,Sun X,Li W,Crispino JD,Huang Z
17-0411 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate genes that are altered in GATA-1-deficient megakaryocytes to explain their hyperproliferation.
Thu Jan 09 00:00:00 UTC 2014
PSTPIP2 dysregulation contributes to aberrant terminal differentiation in GATA-1-deficient megakaryocytes by activating LYN.
Cell death & disease
Liu L,Wen Q,Gong R,Gilles L,Stankiewicz MJ,Li W,Guo M,Li L,Sun X,Li W,Crispino JD,Huang Z
17-0411 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate genes that are altered in GATA-1-deficient megakaryocytes to explain their hyperproliferation.
Thu Jan 09 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Rasa3 controls megakaryocyte Rap1 activation, integrin signaling and differentiation into proplatelet.
PLoS genetics
Molina-Ortiz P,Polizzi S,Ramery E,Gayral S,Delierneux C,Oury C,Iwashita S,Schurmans S
17-0411-82 was used in Immunocytochemistry-immunoflourescence to define the cellular and molecular mechanisms of terminal megakaryopoiesis alterations.
Sun Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
A directional switch of integrin signalling and a new anti-thrombotic strategy.
Shen B,Zhao X,O'Brien KA,Stojanovic-Terpo A,Delaney MK,Kim K,Cho J,Lam SC,Du X
Published figure using CD41a monoclonal antibody (Product # 17-0411-82) in Flow Cytometry
Thu Nov 07 00:00:00 UTC 2013
Cathepsin G-dependent modulation of platelet thrombus formation in vivo by blood neutrophils.
PloS one
Faraday N,Schunke K,Saleem S,Fu J,Wang B,Zhang J,Morrell C,Dore S
17-0411 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to demonstrate the potential of neutrophil cathepsin G as a target for novel anti-thrombotic therapies.
Mon Apr 14 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Cis-element mutated in GATA2-dependent immunodeficiency governs hematopoiesis and vascular integrity.
The Journal of clinical investigation
Johnson KD,Hsu AP,Ryu MJ,Wang J,Gao X,Boyer ME,Liu Y,Lee Y,Calvo KR,Keles S,Zhang J,Holland SM,Bresnick EH
Published figure using CD41a monoclonal antibody (Product # 17-0411-82) in Flow Cytometry
Mon Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Etv2 is expressed in the yolk sac hematopoietic and endothelial progenitors and regulates Lmo2 gene expression.
Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio)
Koyano-Nakagawa N,Kweon J,Iacovino M,Shi X,Rasmussen TL,Borges L,Zirbes KM,Li T,Perlingeiro RC,Kyba M,Garry DJ
Published figure using CD41a monoclonal antibody (Product # 17-0411-82) in Flow Cytometry
Wed Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Signaling profiling at the single-cell level identifies a distinct signaling signature in murine hematopoietic stem cells.
Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio)
Du J,Wang J,Kong G,Jiang J,Zhang J,Liu Y,Tong W,Zhang J
Published figure using CD41a monoclonal antibody (Product # 17-0411-82) in Flow Cytometry
Sun Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Translation inhibitors induce cell death by multiple mechanisms and Mcl-1 reduction is only a minor contributor.
Cell death & disease
Lindqvist LM,Vikström I,Chambers JM,McArthur K,Ann Anderson M,Henley KJ,Happo L,Cluse L,Johnstone RW,Roberts AW,Kile BT,Croker BA,Burns CJ,Rizzacasa MA,Strasser A,Huang DC
17-0411 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to examine the sensitivity of primary B cells, T cells and neutrophils to translation inhibitors which trigger the Bax/Bak-mediated apoptotic pathway.
Thu Oct 11 00:00:00 UTC 2012
ER71 directs mesodermal fate decisions during embryogenesis.
Development (Cambridge, England)
Rasmussen TL,Kweon J,Diekmann MA,Belema-Bedada F,Song Q,Bowlin K,Shi X,Ferdous A,Li T,Kyba M,Metzger JM,Koyano-Nakagawa N,Garry DJ
Published figure using CD41a monoclonal antibody (Product # 17-0411-82) in Flow Cytometry
Tue Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2011