Product References
Induction of memory-like CD8+ T cells and CD4+ T cells from human naive T cells in culture.
Clinical and experimental immunology
Tokumoto Y,Araki Y,Narizuka Y,Mizuno Y,Ohshima S,Mimura T
Published figure using CD62L (L-Selectin) monoclonal antibody (Product # 16-0629-85) in Flow Cytometry
Fri Jan 28 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Associations between Hypertriglyceridemia and Circulating Neutrophil Subpopulation in Patients with Dyslipidemia.
International journal of inflammation
Genkel V,Dolgushin I,Baturina I,Savochkina A,Kuznetsova A,Pykhova L,Shaposhnik I
Published figure using CD62L (L-Selectin) monoclonal antibody (Product # 16-0629-85) in Flow Cytometry
Sun Apr 24 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Development of CAR-T cell therapy for B-ALL using a point-of-care approach.
de Macedo Abdo L,Barros LRC,Saldanha Viegas M,Vieira Codeço Marques L,de Sousa Ferreira P,Chicaybam L,Bonamino MH
Published figure using CD62L (L-Selectin) monoclonal antibody (Product # 16-0629-85) in Flow Cytometry
Wed Jul 14 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Heterogeneity of human bone marrow and blood natural killer cells defined by single-cell transcriptome.
Nature communications
Yang C,Siebert JR,Burns R,Gerbec ZJ,Bonacci B,Rymaszewski A,Rau M,Riese MJ,Rao S,Carlson KS,Routes JM,Verbsky JW,Thakar MS,Malarkannan S
Published figure using CD62L (L-Selectin) monoclonal antibody (Product # 16-0629-85) in Flow Cytometry
Mon Sep 02 00:00:00 UTC 2019
n-butanol extract from Folium isatidis inhibits the lipopolysaccharide-induced downregulation of CXCR1 and CXCR2 on human neutrophils.
Molecular medicine reports
Wu B,Wang L,Jiang L,Dong L,Xu F,Lu Y,Jin J,Wang Z,Liang G,Shan X
Published figure using CD62L (L-Selectin) monoclonal antibody (Product # 16-0629-85) in Flow Cytometry
Mon Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Characteristic patterns of HLA presentation and T cell differentiation in adult-onset Still's disease.
International journal of immunopathology and pharmacology
Jung JY,Choi B,Sayeed HM,Suh CH,Kim YW,Kim HA,Sohn S
Published figure using CD62L (L-Selectin) monoclonal antibody (Product # 16-0629-85) in Flow Cytometry
Tue Dec 18 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Accelerated resolution of inflammation underlies sex differences in inflammatory responses in humans.
The Journal of clinical investigation
Rathod KS,Kapil V,Velmurugan S,Khambata RS,Siddique U,Khan S,Van Eijl S,Gee LC,Bansal J,Pitrola K,Shaw C,D'Acquisto F,Colas RA,Marelli-Berg F,Dalli J,Ahluwalia A
Published figure using CD62L (L-Selectin) monoclonal antibody (Product # 16-0629-85) in Flow Cytometry
Tue Jan 03 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Blocking MHC class II on human endothelium mitigates acute rejection.
JCI insight
Abrahimi P,Qin L,Chang WG,Bothwell AL,Tellides G,Saltzman WM,Pober JS
16-0629 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to establish the immune cell network involved in acute allograft rejection in humans and identify targets for minimising this rejection.
Wed Nov 20 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Peptide-induced immune regulation by a promiscuous and immunodominant CD4T-cell epitope of Timothy grass pollen: a role of Cbl-b and Itch in regulation.
Till SJ,Raynsford EJ,Reynolds CJ,Quigley KJ,Grzybowska-Kowalczyk A,Saggar LR,Goldstone A,Maillere B,Kwok WW,Altmann DM,Durham SR,Boyton RJ
16-0629 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to identify human leukocyte antigen-DR1-restricted epitopes from the Timothy grass pollen allergen, Phleum pratense, and characterise T-cell immune regulation following intranasal administration of a single, immunodominant epitope.
Tue Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Resolvin D1 limits polymorphonuclear leukocyte recruitment to inflammatory loci: receptor-dependent actions.
Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology
Norling LV,Dalli J,Flower RJ,Serhan CN,Perretti M
16-0629 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study the role of Resolvin D1 in limiting neutrophil recruitment during acute inflammation.
Wed Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Novel serial positive enrichment technology enables clinical multiparameter cell sorting.
PloS one
Stemberger C,Dreher S,Tschulik C,Piossek C,Bet J,Yamamoto TN,Schiemann M,Neuenhahn M,Martin K,Schlapschy M,Skerra A,Schmidt T,Edinger M,Riddell SR,Germeroth L,Busch DH
16-0629 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to exhibit novel, low-affinity antibody-derived Fab-fragments for use in clinical cell preparations and research.
Mon Aug 27 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Comparison of gene expression profiles between human and mouse monocyte subsets.
Ingersoll MA,Spanbroek R,Lottaz C,Gautier EL,Frankenberger M,Hoffmann R,Lang R,Haniffa M,Collin M,Tacke F,Habenicht AJ,Ziegler-Heitbrock L,Randolph GJ
16-0629 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to identify how human and mouse monocyte subsets are far more broadly conserved than currently recognised.
Thu Jan 21 00:00:00 UTC 2010
Image correlation microscopy for uniform illumination.
Journal of microscopy
Gaborski TR,Sealander MN,Ehrenberg M,Waugh RE,McGrath JL
16-0629 was used in Immunohistochemistry to exhibit a novel use for image cross-correlation microscopy.
Fri Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2010
PILAR is a novel modulator of human T-cell expansion.
Huarte E,Cubillos-Ruiz JR,Nesbeth YC,Scarlett UK,Martinez DG,Engle XA,Rigby WF,Pioli PA,Guyre PM,Conejo-Garcia JR
16-0629 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to identify a novel human transmembrane molecule expressed on T cells that enhances their expansion through CD161.
Fri Aug 15 00:00:00 UTC 2008
Membrane mobility of beta2 integrins and rolling associated adhesion molecules in resting neutrophils.
Biophysical journal
Gaborski TR,Clark A,Waugh RE,McGrath JL
16-0629 was used in Immunofluorescence to present an analytical model to measure the mobility of the four key receptors involved in the neutrophil adhesion cascade.
Sat Nov 15 00:00:00 UTC 2008
Monitoring receptor-ligand interactions between surfaces by thermal fluctuations.
Biophysical journal
Chen W,Evans EA,McEver RP,Zhu C
16-0629 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to develop and validate a method for monitoring 2D receptor-ligand interactions based on thermal fluctuations of a biomembrane force probe.
Tue Jan 15 00:00:00 UTC 2008
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein is required for regulatory T cell homeostasis.
The Journal of clinical investigation
Humblet-Baron S,Sather B,Anover S,Becker-Herman S,Kasprowicz DJ,Khim S,Nguyen T,Hudkins-Loya K,Alpers CE,Ziegler SF,Ochs H,Torgerson T,Campbell DJ,Rawlings DJ
16-0629 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate whether alterations in Treg function might explain Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome pathology, showing that WASp is required for Treg homeostasis.
Thu Feb 01 00:00:00 UTC 2007