Product References
Role of cardiolipins, mitochondria, and autophagy in the differentiation process activated by all-trans retinoic acid in acute promyelocytic leukemia.
Cell death & disease
Gianni' M,Goracci L,Schlaefli A,Di Veroli A,Kurosaki M,Guarrera L,Bolis M,Foglia M,Lupi M,Tschan MP,Cruciani G,Terao M,Garattini E
PA5-25338 was used in Western Blot to demonstrate that exposure of the Acute-Promyelocytic-Leukemia-derived NB4 cell-line to all-trans retinoic acid causes an early reduction in the amounts of cardiolipins, a major lipid component of the mitochondrial membranes.
Mon Jan 10 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Role of cardiolipins, mitochondria, and autophagy in the differentiation process activated by all-trans retinoic acid in acute promyelocytic leukemia.
Cell death & disease
Gianni' M,Goracci L,Schlaefli A,Di Veroli A,Kurosaki M,Guarrera L,Bolis M,Foglia M,Lupi M,Tschan MP,Cruciani G,Terao M,Garattini E
PA5-25338 was used in Western Blot to demonstrate that exposure of the Acute-Promyelocytic-Leukemia-derived NB4 cell-line to all-trans retinoic acid causes an early reduction in the amounts of cardiolipins, a major lipid component of the mitochondrial membranes.
Mon Jan 10 00:00:00 UTC 2022