Product References
Fibrillin-1 deficiency in the outer perichondrium causes longitudinal bone overgrowth in mice with Marfan syndrome.
Human molecular genetics
Sedes L,Wondimu E,Crockett B,Hansen J,Cantalupo A,Asano K,Iyengar R,Rifkin DB,Smaldone S,Ramirez F
PA5-115039 was used in Immunohistochemistry to conclude that longitudinal bone overgrowth in MFS is accounted for by diminished sequestration of LTBP-3 and LTBP-4 into the fibrillin-1-deficient matrix of the outer perichondrium, which results in less TGFβ signaling locally and improper GP differentiation distally.
Thu Sep 29 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Runx1 is a key regulator of articular cartilage homeostasis by orchestrating YAP, TGFβ, and Wnt signaling in articular cartilage formation and osteoarthritis.
Bone research
Zhang Y,Zuo T,McVicar A,Yang HL,Li YP,Chen W
PA5-115039 was used in Western Blotting to show that Runx1 is a central regulator of articular cartilage homeostasis by orchestrating the YAP, TGFβ, and Wnt signaling pathways in the formation of articular cartilage and osteoarthritis (OA), and targeting Runx1 and its downstream genes may facilitate the design of novel therapeutic approaches for OA.
Fri Oct 28 00:00:00 UTC 2022