Product References
Hyperglycaemia-induced impairment of the autorhythmicity and gap junction activity of mouse embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocyte-like cells.
Histochemistry and cell biology
Menzele A,Aboalgasm H,Ballo R,Gwanyanya A
13-8300 was used in Immunocytochemistry to investigate the effect of hyperglycemia on the pulsatile activity of stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes.
Sat Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Hyperglycaemia-induced impairment of the autorhythmicity and gap junction activity of mouse embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocyte-like cells.
Histochemistry and cell biology
Menzele A,Aboalgasm H,Ballo R,Gwanyanya A
13-8300 was used in Immunocytochemistry to investigate the effect of hyperglycemia on the pulsatile activity of stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes.
Sat Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Wnt signaling pathway inhibitor promotes mesenchymal stem cells differentiation into cardiac progenitor cells in vitro and improves cardiomyopathy in vivo.
World journal of stem cells
Muneer R,Qazi RE,Fatima A,Ahmad W,Salim A,Dini L,Khan I
13-8300 was used in Immunocytochemistry to evaluate the cardiac differentiation ability of IWP-4 and its subsequent in vivo effects.
Sat Aug 26 00:00:00 UTC 2023
The Involvement of Cx43 in JNK1/2-Mediated Endothelial Mechanotransduction and Human Plaque Progression.
International journal of molecular sciences
Tauchi M,Oshita K,Urschel K,Furtmair R,Kühn C,Stumpfe FM,Botos B,Achenbach S,Dietel B
13-8300 was used in Immunocytochemistry to investigate SS-induced endothelial activation, focusing on stress-regulated mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) and downstream signaling, and its relation to gap junction proteins, Connexins (Cxs).
Sat Jan 07 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Molecular mechanisms of postoperative atrial fibrillation in patients with obstructive sleep apnea.
FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
López-Gálvez R,Rivera-Caravaca JM,Mandaglio-Collados D,Orenes-Piñero E,Lahoz Á,Hernández-Romero D,Martínez CM,Carpes M,Arribas JM,Cánovas S,Lip GYH,Marín F
13-8300 was used in Immunocytochemistry to investigate the pathophysiological mechanisms of AF in association with OSA in a cohort of cardiac surgery patients.
Thu Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Protein kinase B (AKT) upregulation and Thy-1-αvβ3 integrin-induced phosphorylation of Connexin43 by activated AKT in astrogliosis.
Journal of neuroinflammation
Pérez-Núñez R,Chamorro A,González MF,Contreras P,Artigas R,Corvalán AH,van Zundert B,Reyes C,Moya PR,Avalos AM,Schneider P,Quest AFG,Leyton L
13-8300 was used in Western Blot to identify changes in the PI3K/AKT molecular signaling network and show how they participate in astrogliosis by regulating the HC protein Cx43.
Fri Jan 06 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Mature iPSC-derived astrocytes of an ALS/FTD patient carrying the TDP43 mutation display a mild reactive state and release polyP toxic to motoneurons.
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology
Rojas F,Aguilar R,Almeida S,Fritz E,Corvalán D,Ampuero E,Abarzúa S,Garcés P,Amaro A,Diaz I,Arredondo C,Cortes N,Sanchez M,Mercado C,Varela-Nallar L,Gao FB,Montecino M,van Zundert B
13-8300 was used in Immunocytochemistry to establish that human astrocytes carrying the TDP43A90V mutation exhibit a cell-autonomous pathological signature, hence providing an experimental model to decipher the molecular mechanisms underlying the generation of the neurotoxic phenotype.
Sat Mar 23 00:00:00 UTC 2024
Mechano-cytoskeleton remodeling mechanism and molecular docking studies on nanosurface technology: Titania nanotube arrays.
Biotechnology and applied biochemistry
Mydin RBSMN,Mahboob A,Sreekantan S,Saharudin KA,Qazem EQ,Hazan R,Wajidi MFF
13-8300 was used in Western Blot to suggest that cell-TNA interaction may improve structural and extracellular matrix (ECM) support on the cells as an adaptive response toward the nanosurface topography.
Thu Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Excessive release of inorganic polyphosphate by ALS/FTD astrocytes causes non-cell-autonomous toxicity to motoneurons.
Arredondo C,Cefaliello C,Dyrda A,Jury N,Martinez P,Díaz I,Amaro A,Tran H,Morales D,Pertusa M,Stoica L,Fritz E,Corvalán D,Abarzúa S,Méndez-Ruette M,Fernández P,Rojas F,Kumar MS,Aguilar R,Almeida S,Weiss A,Bustos FJ,González-Nilo F,Otero C,Tevy MF,Bosco DA,Sáez JC,Kähne T,Gao FB,Berry JD,Nicholson K,Sena-Esteves M,Madrid R,Varela D,Montecino M,Brown RH,van Zundert B
13-8300 was used in Immunocytochemistry to indicate that polyP might serve as a new biomarker for ALS/FTD.
Wed May 18 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Activation of Cx43 Hemichannels Induces the Generation of Ca2+ Oscillations in White Adipocytes and Stimulates Lipolysis.
International journal of molecular sciences
Turovsky EA,Varlamova EG,Turovskaya MV
13-8300 was used in Immunocytochemistry to investigate the mechanisms of Ca2+ oscillation generation upon activation of connexin-43 and regulation of the lipolysis/lipogenesis balance in white adipocytes through vesicular ATP release.
Wed Jul 28 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Feasibility study on stereotactic radiotherapy for total pulmonary vein isolation in a canine model.
Scientific reports
Chang JH,Cha MJ,Seo JW,Kim HJ,Park SY,Kim BH,Lee E,Kim MK,Yoon HS,Oh S
13-8300 was used in Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin) to to test a novel non-invasive stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy technique in a canine model.
Fri Jun 11 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Pannexin 3 regulates skin development via Epiprofin.
Scientific reports
Zhang P,Ishikawa M,Doyle A,Nakamura T,He B,Yamada Y
13-8300 was used in Immunocytochemistry to demonstrate that Panx3 regulates skin development by modulating the transcription factor, Epiprofin (Epfn).
Tue Jan 19 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Reperfusion Arrhythmias Increase after Superior Cervical Ganglionectomy Due to Conduction Disorders and Changes in Repolarization.
International journal of molecular sciences
Prado NJ,Muñoz EM,Farias Altamirano LE,Aguiar F,Ponce Zumino AZ,Sánchez FJ,Miatello RM,Pueyo E,Diez ER
13-8300 was used in Immunohistochemistry to conclude that the loss of melatonin circadian rhythm predisposes the heart to suffer cardiac arrhythmias due to conduction disorders and changes in repolarisation.
Fri Mar 06 00:00:00 UTC 2020
The Effect of Angiotensin II, Retinoic Acid, EGCG, and Vitamin C on the Cardiomyogenic Differentiation Induction of Human Amniotic Fluid-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells.
International journal of molecular sciences
Gasiūnienė M,Valatkaitė E,Navakauskaitė A,Navakauskienė R
13-8300 was used in Western Blotting to investigate the potential of biologically active compounds, namely, angiotensin II, retinoic acid (RA), epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), vitamin C alone, and the combinations of RA, EGCG, and vitamin C with angiotensin II to induce cardiomyogenic differentiation of AF-MSCs.
Thu Nov 19 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Expression patterns of intermediate filament proteins desmin and lamin A in the developing conduction system of early human embryonic hearts.
Journal of anatomy
Liu HX,Jing YX,Wang JJ,Yang YP,Wang YX,Li HR,Song L,Li AH,Cui HL,Jing Y
13-8300 was used in ELISA, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin), Immunomicroscopy, Western Blot to provide a direct morphological basis for understanding the arrhythmogenesis caused by mutations in human DES and LMNA genes.
Sun Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Interleukin-1β inhibits estrogen receptor-α, progesterone receptors A and B and biomarkers of human endometrial stromal cell differentiation: implications for endometriosis.
Molecular human reproduction
Yu J,Berga SL,Zou W,Taylor RN
13-8300 was used in Western Blotting to indicate that inhibition of IL-1β can enhance decidualization in NESC and EESC in vitro.
Mon Oct 28 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Melatonin receptor activation protects against low potassium-induced ventricular fibrillation by preserving action potentials and connexin-43 topology in isolated rat hearts.
Journal of pineal research
Prado NJ,Egan Beňová T,Diez ER,Knezl V,Lipták B,Ponce Zumino AZ,Llamedo-Soria M,Szeiffová Bačová B,Miatello RM,Tribulová N
13-8300 was used in ELISA, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin), Immunomicroscopy, Western Blot to reveal that melatonin receptor activation protects against low potassium-induced ventricular fibrillation, shortens action potential duration, preserves ventricular electrical activation, and prevents acute changes in connexin-43 distribution.
Fri Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Connexin 43 plays an important role in the transformation of cholangiocytes with Clonochis sinensis excretory-secretory protein and N-nitrosodimethylamine.
PLoS neglected tropical diseases
Kim EM,Bae YM,Choi MH,Hong ST
13-8300 was used in Western Blotting to investigate cell proliferation and gap junction protein expression after stimulation with the hepatotoxin N-nitrosodimethylamine and/or excretory-secretory products of C. sinensis, which induce inflammation.
Mon Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Single-cell reconstruction of follicular remodeling in the human adult ovary.
Nature communications
Fan X,Bialecka M,Moustakas I,Lam E,Torrens-Juaneda V,Borggreven NV,Trouw L,Louwe LA,Pilgram GSK,Mei H,van der Westerlaken L,Chuva de Sousa Lopes SM
13-8300 was used in Immunohistochemistry-immunofluorescence to study the molecular mechanisms that regulate follicular growth and regression.
Thu Jul 18 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Connexin 43 Loss Triggers Cell Cycle Entry and Invasion in Non-Neoplastic Breast Epithelium: A Role for Noncanonical Wnt Signaling.
Fostok S,El-Sibai M,Bazzoun D,Lelièvre S,Talhouk R
13-8300 was used in Western Blotting to investigate the role of Connexin 43 in proliferation and invasion starting from non-neoplastic breast epithelium.
Fri Mar 08 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Connexin-43 K63-polyubiquitylation on lysines 264 and 303 regulates gap junction internalization.
Journal of cell science
Kells-Andrews RM,Margraf RA,Fisher CG,Falk MM
13-8300 was used in Immunocytochemistry-immunoflourescence to suggest that the internalizing portion of channels in a GJ is K63-polyubiquitylated, ubiquitylation is critical for GJ internalization and that phosphorylation induces Cx K63-polyubiquitylation.
Thu Aug 09 00:00:00 UTC 2018
MGAT1 and Complex N-Glycans Regulate ERK Signaling During Spermatogenesis.
Scientific reports
Biswas B,Batista F,Sundaram S,Stanley P
13-8300 was used in Immunohistochemistry to investigate the regulation of ERK1/2 signalling by MGAT1 during spermatogenesis.
Wed Jan 31 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Haploinsufficient TNAP Mice Display Decreased Extracellular ATP Levels and Expression of Pannexin-1 Channels.
Frontiers in pharmacology
Sebastián-Serrano Á,de Diego-García L,Henshall DC,Engel T,Díaz-Hernández M
13-8300 was used in Western Blotting to suggest that physiological regulation of extracellular ATP levels and Panx1 changes may compensate for reduced TNAP activity in hypophosphatasia.
Thu Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
A protein kinase A-ezrin complex regulates connexin 43 gap junction communication in liver epithelial cells.
Cellular signalling
Dukic AR,Haugen LH,Pidoux G,Leithe E,Bakke O,Taskén K
138300 was used in immunohistochemistry to evaluate if Ezrin associates with connexin 43 in cell types that form stable gap junctions and serve as an A kinase anchoring protein
Sat Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2017
The Human Blood-Nerve Barrier Transcriptome.
Scientific reports
Palladino SP,Helton ES,Jain P,Dong C,Crowley MR,Crossman DK,Ubogu EE
13-8300 was used in Immunocytochemistry-immunoflourescence to sequence the human blood-nerve barrier transcriptome using confluent P3 and P8 pHEndEC monolayers and normal adult laser-capture microdissected endoneurial microvessels.
Tue Dec 12 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Osteocyte Alterations Induce Osteoclastogenesis in an In Vitro Model of Gaucher Disease.
International journal of molecular sciences
Bondar C,Ormazabal M,Crivaro A,Ferreyra-Compagnucci M,Delpino MV,Rozenfeld PA,Mucci JM
13-8300 was used in immunocytochemistry to examine the contribution of osteocytes to Gaucher disease using an in vitro model
Fri Jan 13 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Cell coupling mediated by connexin 26 selectively contributes to reduced adhesivity and increased migration.
Journal of cell science
Polusani SR,Kalmykov EA,Chandrasekhar A,Zucker SN,Nicholson BJ
13-8300 was used in Immunocytochemistry-immunoflourescence to show that expression of Cx26 in HeLa cells specifically enhances cell motility in scrape wounding and sparse culture models.
Thu Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
GnRH Episodic Secretion Is Altered by Pharmacological Blockade of Gap Junctions: Possible Involvement of Glial Cells.
Pinet-Charvet C,Geller S,Desroziers E,Ottogalli M,Lomet D,Georgelin C,Tillet Y,Franceschini I,Vaudin P,Duittoz A
13-8300 was used in immunohistochemistry to study the involvement of glial cells and GnRH episodic secretion altered by pharmacological blockade of gap junctions
Fri Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Ferumoxytol-enhanced MRI differentiation of meningioma from dural metastases: a pilot study with immunohistochemical observations.
Journal of neuro-oncology
Hamilton BE,Woltjer RL,Prola-Netto J,Nesbit GM,Gahramanov S,Pham T,Wagner J,Neuwelt EA
13-8300 was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section to compare the use of ferumoxytol-enhanced MRI with gadolinium-enhanced MRI to differentiate metastatic disease from meningiomas
Thu Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Inhibition of TGFβ cell signaling for limbal explant culture in serumless, defined xeno-free conditions.
Experimental eye research
Zamudio A,Wang Z,Chung SH,Wolosin JM
13-8300 was used in western blot to study limbal explant culture in serumless, defined xeno-free conditions by inhibition of of TGF-beta cell signaling
Fri Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
CO2-evoked release of PGE2 modulates sighs and inspiration as demonstrated in brainstem organotypic culture.
Forsberg D,Horn Z,Tserga E,Smedler E,Silberberg G,Shvarev Y,Kaila K,Uhlén P,Herlenius E
138300 was used in immunohistochemistry to investigate how prostaglandin E2 regulates breathing in young mice
Tue Jul 05 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Loss of giant obscurins from breast epithelium promotes epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, tumorigenicity and metastasis.
Shriver M,Stroka KM,Vitolo MI,Martin S,Huso DL,Konstantopoulos K,Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos A
13-8300 was used in western blot to identify the role of obscurins during breast carcinogenesis
Thu Aug 06 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Vasculopathy-associated hyperangiotensinemia mobilizes haematopoietic stem cells/progenitors through endothelial AT₂R and cytoskeletal dysregulation.
Nature communications
Chang KH,Nayak RC,Roy S,Perumbeti A,Wellendorf AM,Bezold KY,Pirman M,Hill SE,Starnes J,Loberg A,Zhou X,Inagami T,Zheng Y,Malik P,Cancelas JA
13-8300 was used in western blot to study mobility of haematopoietic stem cells/progenitors through cytoskeletal dysregulation and endothelial AT2R by vasculopathy-associated hyperangiotensinemia
Fri Jan 09 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Connexins modulate autophagosome biogenesis.
Nature cell biology
Bejarano E,Yuste A,Patel B,Stout RF,Spray DC,Cuervo AM
13-8300 was used in western blot to study the regulation of autophagosome biogenesis by connexins.
Thu May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Bioactivity of xerogels as modulators of osteoclastogenesis mediated by connexin 43.
Glenske K,Wagner AS,Hanke T,Cavalcanti-Adam EA,Heinemann S,Heinemann C,Kruppke B,Arnhold S,Moritz A,Schwab EH,Worch H,Wenisch S
13-8300 was used in immunocytochemistry to evaluate the effect of xerogels on Connexin 43 and osteoclastogenesis
Sat Feb 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Identification of different phenotypes of interstitial cells in the upper and deep lamina propria of the human bladder dome.
The Journal of urology
Gevaert T,Vanstreels E,Daelemans D,Franken J,Van Der Aa F,Roskams T,De Ridder D
13-8300 was used in immunohistochemistry to discuss features of interstitial cell populations in the lamina propria of the bladder
Sat Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
A PKA-ezrin-Cx43 signaling complex controls gap junction communication and thereby trophoblast cell fusion.
Journal of cell science
Pidoux G,Gerbaud P,Dompierre J,Lygren B,Solstad T,Evain-Brion D,Taskén K
13-8300 was used in western blot to study ezrin, Cx43 and PKA in cell fusion in cytotrophoblasts.
Wed Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Reciprocal regulation of epileptiform neuronal oscillations and electrical synapses in the rat hippocampus.
PloS one
Kinjo ER,Higa GS,Morya E,Valle AC,Kihara AH,Britto LR
13-8300 was used in western blot to investigate the interrelationship between epileptiform neuronal oscillations and electrical synapses in the rat hippocampus
Tue Jun 16 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Sulforaphane counteracts aggressiveness of pancreatic cancer driven by dysregulated Cx43-mediated gap junctional intercellular communication.
Forster T,Rausch V,Zhang Y,Isayev O,Heilmann K,Schoensiegel F,Liu L,Nessling M,Richter K,Labsch S,Nwaeburu CC,Mattern J,Gladkich J,Giese N,Werner J,Schemmer P,Gross W,Gebhard MM,Gerhauser C,Schaefer M,Herr I
13-8300 was used in immunohistochemistry - frozen section and western blot to investigate the role of sulforaphane in counteracting aggressiveness of pancreatic cancer driven by dysregulation of Cx43-mediated gap junction intercellular communication
Sun Mar 30 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Retinoic acid regulates gap junction intercellular communication in human endometrial stromal cells through modulation of the phosphorylation status of connexin 43.
Journal of cellular physiology
Wu J,Taylor RN,Sidell N
13-8300 was used in western blot to study the effects of retinoic acid on connexin 43.
Mon Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2013
Smoking is associated with remodeling of gap junction in the rat heart: smoker's paradox explanation?
Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia
Novo R,Freire CM,Felisbino S,Minicucci MF,Azevedo PS,Zornoff LA,Paiva SA
13-8300 was used in western blot to investigate the effect of tobacco smoke on AMI using rats.
Fri Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2013
The localization of VAMP5 in skeletal and cardiac muscle.
Histochemistry and cell biology
Takahashi M,Tajika Y,Khairani AF,Ueno H,Murakami T,Yorifuji H
13-8300 was used in immunohistochemistry (frozen) to determine the expression and localization of the VAMP5 protein.
Mon Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2013
Connexin43 phosphorylation in brain, cardiac, endothelial and epithelial tissues.
Biochimica et biophysica acta
Márquez-Rosado L,Solan JL,Dunn CA,Norris RP,Lampe PD
13-8300 was used in western blot to discuss the use of antibodies to study connexin 43 phosphorylation.
Wed Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Functional heterotypic interactions between astrocyte and oligodendrocyte connexins.
Magnotti LM,Goodenough DA,Paul DL
Sat Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Ophthalmic pterygium: a stem cell disorder with premalignant features.
The American journal of pathology
Chui J,Coroneo MT,Tat LT,Crouch R,Wakefield D,Di Girolamo N
138300 was used in immunohistochemistry to measure the rate of concurrent ocular surface diseases in patients with pterygia
Tue Feb 01 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Role of connexin43 hemichannels in mechanical stress-induced ATP release in human periodontal ligament cells.
Journal of periodontal research
Luckprom P,Kanjanamekanant K,Pavasant P
13-8300 was used in western blot to elucidate the mechanism of stress-induced ATP release from human periodontal ligament cells.
Sat Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Sex differences in cardiomyocyte connexin43 expression.
Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology
Stauffer BL,Sobus RD,Sucharov CC
13-8300 was used in western blot to test if Cx43 expression is greater in female cardiomyocytes than in male cardiomyocytes under pathologic conditions.
Fri Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Ischemia induces closure of gap junctional channels and opening of hemichannels in heart-derived cells and tissue.
Cellular physiology and biochemistry : international journal of experimental cellular physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology
Johansen D,Cruciani V,Sundset R,Ytrehus K,Mikalsen SO
13-8300 was used in Immunohistochemistry-immunofluorescence to evaluate the effect of ischaemia on gap junction channels and hemichannels.
Thu Jan 05 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Control of the proliferation of activated CD4+ T cells by connexins.
Journal of leukocyte biology
Oviedo-Orta E,Perreau M,Evans WH,Potolicchio I
13-8300 was used in flow cytometry to study the role of connexins during T cell-mediated responses
Thu Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2010
The Renin-Angiotensin system mediates the effects of stretch on conduction velocity, connexin43 expression, and redistribution in intact ventricle.
Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology
Hussain W,Patel PM,Chowdhury RA,Cabo C,Ciaccio EJ,Lab MJ,Duffy HS,Wit AL,Peters NS
13-8300 was used in immunohistochemistry to test the effect of Stretch on Conduction and Cx43
Mon Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2010
Phosphorylation of extrajunctional Cx43 in ischemic-preconditioned rat hearts.
The Journal of surgical research
Mühlfeld C,Cetegen C,Freese S,Volkmann R,Hellige G,Vetterlein F
13-8300 was used in immunohistochemistry - frozen section to test if ischemic preconditioning delays dephosphorylation of extrajunctional connexin and impedes myocyte permeabilization
Thu Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2010
Effects of Losartan on expression of connexins at the early stage of atherosclerosis in rabbits.
International journal of medical sciences
Ruan LM,Cai W,Chen JZ,Duan JF
Sat May 08 00:00:00 UTC 2010
Effects of Losartan on expression of connexins at the early stage of atherosclerosis in rabbits.
International journal of medical sciences
Ruan LM,Cai W,Chen JZ,Duan JF
Sat May 08 00:00:00 UTC 2010
Cx36 makes channels coupling human pancreatic beta-cells, and correlates with insulin expression.
Human molecular genetics
Serre-Beinier V,Bosco D,Zulianello L,Charollais A,Caille D,Charpantier E,Gauthier BR,Diaferia GR,Giepmans BN,Lupi R,Marchetti P,Deng S,Buhler L,Berney T,Cirulli V,Meda P
13-8300 was used in western blot to determine connexin expression in the human pancreas related to type 2 diabetes
Sun Feb 01 00:00:00 UTC 2009
Eps15 interacts with ubiquitinated Cx43 and mediates its internalization.
Experimental cell research
Girão H,Catarino S,Pereira P
13-8300 was used in western blot to study Nedd4-mediated ubiquitination of connexin 43
Thu Dec 10 00:00:00 UTC 2009
Connexin43 phosphorylation: structural changes and biological effects.
The Biochemical journal
Solan JL,Lampe PD
13-8300 was used in Binding experiments to study the effects of phosphorylation of connexin43 structure and function.
Wed Apr 15 00:00:00 UTC 2009
Ischemia enhances translocation of connexin43 and gap junction intercellular communication, thereby propagating contraction band necrosis after reperfusion.
Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society
Shintani-Ishida K,Unuma K,Yoshida K
13-8300 was used in western blot to investigate the role of gap junctions in contraction band necrosis
Tue Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2009
Evidence against a role of gap junctions in vestibular compensation.
Neuroscience letters
Beraneck M,Uno A,Vassias I,Idoux E,De Waele C,Vidal PP,Vibert N
13-8300 was used in immunohistochemistry - frozen section to test if gap junctions contribute to vestibular compensation following unilateral labyrinthectomy
Fri Jan 30 00:00:00 UTC 2009
Expression and localization of gap junctional connexins 26 and 43 in bovine periovulatory follicles and in corpus luteum during different functional stages of oestrous cycle and pregnancy.
Reproduction in domestic animals = Zuchthygiene
Berisha B,Bridger P,Toth A,Kliem H,Meyer HH,Schams D,Pfarrer C
13-8300 was used in immunohistochemistry - frozen section to characterize the regulation of connexins in the bovine ovary
Wed Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2009
TLR2 mediates gap junctional intercellular communication through connexin-43 in intestinal epithelial barrier injury.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Ey B,Eyking A,Gerken G,Podolsky DK,Cario E
13-8300 was used in immunohistochemistry - frozen section and western blot to report a link between Toll-like receptor 2 and gap junctional intercellular communication during acute and chronic inflammatory injury of the intestinal epithelial cell (IEC) b
Fri Aug 14 00:00:00 UTC 2009
Connexin 43 hemichannels are permeable to ATP.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
Kang J,Kang N,Lovatt D,Torres A,Zhao Z,Lin J,Nedergaard M
13-8300 was used in immunocytochemistry to investigate if and how ATP is released from Cx43 hemichannels of astrocytes
Wed Apr 30 00:00:00 UTC 2008
No impact of protein phosphatases on connexin 43 phosphorylation in ischemic preconditioning.
American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology
Totzeck A,Boengler K,van de Sand A,Konietzka I,Gres P,Garcia-Dorado D,Heusch G,Schulz R
13-8300 was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section and western blot to assess the interaction of Cx43 with protein phosphatases PP1alpha, PP2Aalpha, and PP2Balpha in preconditioned myocardium
Sat Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2008
Expressing connexin 43 in breast cancer cells reduces their metastasis to lungs.
Clinical & experimental metastasis
Li Z,Zhou Z,Welch DR,Donahue HJ
13-8300 was used in flow cytometry and western blot to examine the effects of connexin-43 expression in breast cancer cells
Tue Jan 13 00:00:00 UTC 2009
Effects of 18-glycyrrhetinic acid on serine 368 phosphorylation of connexin43 in rat neonatal cardiomyocytes.
Cell biology international
Liang JY,Wang SM,Chung TH,Yang SH,Wu JC
13-8300 was used in immunocytochemistry to determine the effect of 18Beta-glycyrrhetinic acid on serine 368-phosphorylated conexxin-43 in cultured rat neonatal cardiomyocytes
Sat Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2008
Neuronal connexin expression in the cochlear nucleus of big brown bats.
Brain research
Horowitz SS,Stamper SA,Simmons JA
Tue Mar 04 00:00:00 UTC 2008
Pressure induces loss of gap junction communication and redistribution of connexin 43 in astrocytes.
Malone P,Miao H,Parker A,Juarez S,Hernandez MR
13-8300 was used in immunocytochemistry and western blot to assess gap junction intercellular communication in human optic nerve head astrocytes
Wed Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2007
Tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced anterior pituitary folliculostellate TtT/GF cell uncoupling is mediated by connexin 43 dephosphorylation.
Meilleur MA,Akpovi CD,Pelletier RM,Vitale ML
13-8300 was used in immunocytochemistry and western blot to study the effect of TNF-alpha treatment on connexin-43 phosphorylation using folliculostellate cells.
Sat Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2007
18beta-glycyrrhetinic acid promotes src interaction with connexin43 in rat cardiomyocytes.
Journal of cellular biochemistry
Chung TH,Wang SM,Chang YC,Chen YL,Wu JC
13-8300 was used in immunohistochemistry and western blot to elucidate how 18beta-glycyrrhetinic acid regulates gap junction intercellular communication
Thu Feb 15 00:00:00 UTC 2007
Aconitine alters connexin43 phosphorylation status and [Ca2+] oscillation patterns in cultured ventricular myocytes of neonatal rats.
Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA
Zhang SW,Liu Y,Huang GZ,Liu L
13-8300 was used in immunocytochemistry to test if aconitine affects connexin43 phosphorylation and intracellular calcium oscillation patterns in cultured ventricular myocytes of neonatal rats
Sat Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2007
Changes in phosphorylation of connexin43 in rats during acute myocardial hypoxia and effects of antiarrhythmic peptide on the phosphorylation.
Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Medical sciences = Hua zhong ke ji da xue xue bao. Yi xue Ying De wen ban = Huazhong keji daxue xuebao. Yixue Yingdewen ban
Wang R,Zhang C,Ruan Y,Liu N,Wang L
13-8300 was used in immunohistochemistry - frozen section and western blot to test if antiarrhythmic peptide improves conductance by changing the phosphorylation state of connexin43 during acute hypoxia
Fri Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2007
Impaired gap junction formation and intercellular calcium signaling in urinary bladder cancer cells can be improved by Gö6976.
Cell communication & adhesion
Leinonen P,Aaltonen V,Koskela S,Lehenkari P,Korkiamäki T,Peltonen J
138300 was used in immunocytochemistry and western blot to examine calcium wave propagation and connexin 26, 32 and 43 expression in normal and malignant urothelial cells
Mon Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2007
Repeated simulated ischemia and protection against gap junctional uncoupling.
Cell communication & adhesion
Sundset R,Ytrehus K,Zhang Y,Saffitz JE,Yamada KA
13-8300 was used in western blot to study the effect of early and delayed preconditioning on gap junction communication, connexin abundance, and phosphorylation in cultured neonatal rat cardiac myocytes
Fri Mar 28 00:00:00 UTC 2008
Chronic hemodynamic overload of the atria is an important factor for gap junction remodeling in human and rat hearts.
Cardiovascular research
Rucker-Martin C,Milliez P,Tan S,Decrouy X,Recouvreur M,Vranckx R,Delcayre C,Renaud JF,Dunia I,Segretain D,Hatem SN
13-8300 was used in immunohistochemistry and western blot to examine the role of atrial structural remodeling in the disorganization of gap junctions and test if the redistributed connexins form new junction channels
Sun Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2006
Contacts and cooperation between cells depend on the hormone ouabain.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Larre I,Ponce A,Fiorentino R,Shoshani L,Contreras RG,Cereijido M
13-8300 was used in immunocytochemistry to study ouabain-sensitive and -resistant MDCK cells
Tue Jul 18 00:00:00 UTC 2006
Mechanisms of unpinning and termination of ventricular tachycardia.
American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology
Ripplinger CM,Krinsky VI,Nikolski VP,Efimov IR
13-8300 was used in immunohistochemistry - frozen section to assess mechanisms of unpinning, destabilization, and termination of ventricular tachycardia by low-energy shocks
Sat Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2006
Association of Shh and Ptc with keratin localization in the initiation of the formation of circumvallate papilla and von Ebner's gland.
Cell and tissue research
Lee MJ,Kim JY,Lee SI,Sasaki H,Lunny DP,Lane EB,Jung HS
13-8300 was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section to study the cellular mechanisms responsible for morphogenesis and differentiation during early development of circumvallate papilla and von Ebner's gland
Tue Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2006
In differentiating prefusion myoblasts connexin43 gap junction coupling is upregulated before myoblast alignment then reduced in post-mitotic cells.
Histochemistry and cell biology
Gorbe A,Becker DL,Dux L,Krenacs L,Krenacs T
13-8300 was used in immunocytochemistry and western blot to examine the temporal regulation of connexin expression in allogenic primary myoblast cultures
Thu Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2006
Cardiac-specific loss of N-cadherin leads to alteration in connexins with conduction slowing and arrhythmogenesis.
Circulation research
Li J,Patel VV,Kostetskii I,Xiong Y,Chu AF,Jacobson JT,Yu C,Morley GE,Molkentin JD,Radice GL
13-8300 was used in Western Blotting to suggest that perturbation of the N-cadherin/catenin complex in heart disease may be an underlying cause, leading to the establishment of the arrythmogenic substrate by destabilizing gap junctions at the cell surface.
Fri Sep 02 00:00:00 UTC 2005
Connexin 43 in cardiomyocyte mitochondria and its increase by ischemic preconditioning.
Cardiovascular research
Boengler K,Dodoni G,Rodriguez-Sinovas A,Cabestrero A,Ruiz-Meana M,Gres P,Konietzka I,Lopez-Iglesias C,Garcia-Dorado D,Di Lisa F,Heusch G,Schulz R
13-8300 was used in Western Blotting to demonstrate that Cx43 is localized at cardiomyocyte mitochondria and that ischaemic preconditioning enhances mitochondrial localization.
Mon Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2005
Connexin 43 in cardiomyocyte mitochondria and its increase by ischemic preconditioning.
Cardiovascular research
Boengler K,Dodoni G,Rodriguez-Sinovas A,Cabestrero A,Ruiz-Meana M,Gres P,Konietzka I,Lopez-Iglesias C,Garcia-Dorado D,Di Lisa F,Heusch G,Schulz R
13-8300 was used in Western Blotting to demonstrate that Cx43 is localized at cardiomyocyte mitochondria and that ischaemic preconditioning enhances mitochondrial localization.
Mon Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2005
Connexin 43 in cardiomyocyte mitochondria and its increase by ischemic preconditioning.
Cardiovascular research
Boengler K,Dodoni G,Rodriguez-Sinovas A,Cabestrero A,Ruiz-Meana M,Gres P,Konietzka I,Lopez-Iglesias C,Garcia-Dorado D,Di Lisa F,Heusch G,Schulz R
13-8300 was used in Western Blotting to demonstrate that Cx43 is localized at cardiomyocyte mitochondria and that ischaemic preconditioning enhances mitochondrial localization.
Mon Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2005
Restoration of functional gap junctions through internal ribosome entry site-dependent synthesis of endogenous connexins in density-inhibited cancer cells.
Molecular and cellular biology
Lahlou H,Fanjul M,Pradayrol L,Susini C,Pyronnet S
Sun May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2005
Restoration of functional gap junctions through internal ribosome entry site-dependent synthesis of endogenous connexins in density-inhibited cancer cells.
Molecular and cellular biology
Lahlou H,Fanjul M,Pradayrol L,Susini C,Pyronnet S
Sun May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2005
Inhibition of connexin 43 alters Shh and Bmp-2 expression patterns in embryonic mouse tongue.
Cell and tissue research
Kim JY,Cho SW,Lee MJ,Hwang HJ,Lee JM,Lee SI,Muramatsu T,Shimono M,Jung HS
13-8300 was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section to suggest that connexin 43 controls the Shh and Bmp-2 pathways during the morphogenesis and pattern formation of fungiform papillae
Wed Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2005
Transient upregulation of connexin43 gap junctions and synchronized cell cycle control precede myoblast fusion in regenerating skeletal muscle in vivo.
Histochemistry and cell biology
Gorbe A,Becker DL,Dux L,Stelkovics E,Krenacs L,Bagdi E,Krenacs T
13-8300 was used in immunohistochemistry - frozen section to determine the spatio-temporal expression of gap junction connexins and correlate their expression with the progression of cell cycle control in regenerating soleus muscle of Wistar rats
Wed Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2005
Co-expression and regulation of connexins 36 and 43 in cultured neonatal rat pancreatic islets.
Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology
Leite AR,Carvalho CP,Furtado AG,Barbosa HC,Boschero AC,Collares-Buzato CB
13-8300 was used in western blot to investigate the effects of culturing and glucose on the insulin-dependent responses of beta cells
Tue Feb 01 00:00:00 UTC 2005
Regulation of connexin43-protein binding in astrocytes in response to chemical ischemia/hypoxia.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Li W,Hertzberg EL,Spray DC
13-8300 was used in immunocytochemistry and western blot to examine connexin43 binding partners in astrocytes exposed to chemical ischemia or hypoxia
Fri Mar 04 00:00:00 UTC 2005
Four classes of intercellular channels between glial cells in the CNS.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
Altevogt BM,Paul DL
13-8300 was used in immunohistochemistry - frozen section to assess the relationships between astrocyte and oligodendrocyte connexins
Wed May 05 00:00:00 UTC 2004
17beta-estradiol reduces the effect of metabolic inhibition on gap junction intercellular communication in rat cardiomyocytes via the estrogen receptor.
Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology
Chung TH,Wang SM,Wu JC
13-8300 was used in immunocytochemistry and western blot to examine the effects of 17beta-estradiol on gap junction intercellular communication
Mon Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2004
Neuronal connexin36 association with zonula occludens-1 protein (ZO-1) in mouse brain and interaction with the first PDZ domain of ZO-1.
The European journal of neuroscience
Li X,Olson C,Lu S,Kamasawa N,Yasumura T,Rash JE,Nagy JI
Thu Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2004
Ischemic preconditioning protects against gap junctional uncoupling in cardiac myofibroblasts.
Cell communication & adhesion
Sundset R,Cooper M,Mikalsen SO,Ytrehus K
13-8300 was used in western blot to elucidate the role of gap junction communication in simulated preconditioning of cultured neonatal rat cardiac myofibroblasts
Tue Nov 15 00:00:00 UTC 2005
Hypoxia and stretch regulate intercellular communication in vascular smooth muscle cells through reactive oxygen species formation.
Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology
Cowan DB,Jones M,Garcia LM,Noria S,del Nido PJ,McGowan FX
13-8300 was used in Immunohistochemistry to hypothesize that the alterations in vasomotor tone and adaptive remodeling responses that occur in the circulation because of hypoxia were dependent on changes in cell to cell communication.
Wed Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2003
Ilimaquinone inhibits gap-junctional communication prior to Golgi fragmentation and block in protein transport.
Experimental cell research
Cruciani V,Leithe E,Mikalsen SO
13-8300 was used in immunocytochemistry to investigate how ilimaquinone inhibits gap-junctional communication in connexin43-expressing cells.
Tue Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2003
Connexin immunoreactivity in glial cells of the rat retina.
The Journal of comparative neurology
Zahs KR,Kofuji P,Meier C,Dermietzel R
13-8300 was used in immunohistochemistry to study connexins in retinal glial cells.
Mon Jan 20 00:00:00 UTC 2003
Dedifferentiation of atrial myocytes during atrial fibrillation: role of fibroblast proliferation in vitro.
Cardiovascular research
Rücker-Martin C,Pecker F,Godreau D,Hatem SN
13-8300 was used in immunocytochemistry to study the cellular remodeling process during atrial fibrillation.
Mon Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2002
Anticonvulsant actions of gap junctional blockers in an in vitro seizure model.
Journal of neurophysiology
Jahromi SS,Wentlandt K,Piran S,Carlen PL
13-8300 was used in western blot to assess blocking gap junctional communication as an anticonvulsant mechanism.
Tue Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2002
Connexin 43 hemi channels mediate Ca2+-regulated transmembrane NAD+ fluxes in intact cells.
FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
Bruzzone S,Guida L,Zocchi E,Franco L
13-8300 was used in Western Blotting to address the molecular characterization of the NAD+ transporter and identify it as connexin 43.
Mon Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2001
Evidence of a role for cyclic ADP-ribose in calcium signalling and neurotransmitter release in cultured astrocytes.
Journal of neurochemistry
Verderio C,Bruzzone S,Zocchi E,Fedele E,Schenk U,De Flora A,Matteoli M
13-8300 was used in western blot to investigate regulation of intracellular calcium changes in astrocytes.
Wed Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2001
Expression profiles of cell-cell and cell-matrix junction proteins in developing human epidermis.
Archives of dermatological research
Hentula M,Peltonen J,Peltonen S
13-8300 was used in immunohistochemistry - frozen section to examine connexin expression in the developing human epidermis
Tue May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2001
Connexin 26 and basic fibroblast growth factor are expressed primarily in the subpial and subependymal layers in adult brain parenchyma: roles in stem cell proliferation and morphological plasticity?
The Journal of comparative neurology
Mercier F,Hatton GI
13-8300 was used in immunocytochemistry to assess the localization of connexin 26 in the adult brain.
Mon Feb 26 00:00:00 UTC 2001
A self-restricted CD38-connexin 43 cross-talk affects NAD+ and cyclic ADP-ribose metabolism and regulates intracellular calcium in 3T3 fibroblasts.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Bruzzone S,Franco L,Guida L,Zocchi E,Contini P,Bisso A,Usai C,De Flora A
13-8300 was used in immunocytochemistry and western blot to demonstrate that uncoupling of CD38 and Cx43 in CD38-transfected 3T3 murine fibroblasts is paralleled by decreased intracellular calcium levels as a result of reduced intracellular conversion of NAD(+) to cADPR.
Fri Dec 21 00:00:00 UTC 2001
Activation of fibres in rat sciatic nerve alters phosphorylation state of connexin-43 at astrocytic gap junctions in spinal cord: evidence for junction regulation by neuronal-glial interactions.
Li WE,Nagy JI
13-8300 was used in immunohistochemistry and western blot to test if connexin-43 at astrocytic gap junctions is phosphorylated in response to neural activation.
Fri Jun 23 00:00:00 UTC 2000
A brain slice model for in vitro analyses of astrocytic gap junction and connexin43 regulation: actions of ischemia, glutamate and elevated potassium.
The European journal of neuroscience
Nagy JI,Li WE
13-8300 was used in immunohistochemistry - free floating to use brain slices to study astrocytic Cx43 responses
Fri Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2000
Connexin43 phosphorylation state and intercellular communication in cultured astrocytes following hypoxia and protein phosphatase inhibition.
The European journal of neuroscience
Li WE,Nagy JI
13-8300 was used in immunocytochemistry and western blot to determine the effects of hypoxia and phosphatase inhibitors on connexin43 phosphorylation and gap junctional intercellular communication using cultured astrocytes.
Sat Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2000
Stimulated phosphorylation of intracellular connexin43.
Experimental cell research
Cruciani V,Mikalsen SO
13-8300 was used in western blot to investigate phosphorylated connexin43.
Wed Sep 15 00:00:00 UTC 1999
Connexin30 in rodent, cat and human brain: selective expression in gray matter astrocytes, co-localization with connexin43 at gap junctions and late developmental appearance.
Nagy JI,Patel D,Ochalski PA,Stelmack GL
13-8300 was used in immunohistochemistry - frozen section to characterize the localization of connexin30 in astrocytes during brain development.
Fri Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1999
Connexin30 in rodent, cat and human brain: selective expression in gray matter astrocytes, co-localization with connexin43 at gap junctions and late developmental appearance.
Nagy JI,Patel D,Ochalski PA,Stelmack GL
13-8300 was used in immunohistochemistry - frozen section to characterize the localization of connexin30 in astrocytes during brain development.
Fri Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1999
Connexin30 in rodent, cat and human brain: selective expression in gray matter astrocytes, co-localization with connexin43 at gap junctions and late developmental appearance.
Nagy JI,Patel D,Ochalski PA,Stelmack GL
13-8300 was used in immunohistochemistry - frozen section to characterize the localization of connexin30 in astrocytes during brain development.
Fri Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1999
Connexin30 in rodent, cat and human brain: selective expression in gray matter astrocytes, co-localization with connexin43 at gap junctions and late developmental appearance.
Nagy JI,Patel D,Ochalski PA,Stelmack GL
13-8300 was used in immunohistochemistry - frozen section to characterize the localization of connexin30 in astrocytes during brain development.
Fri Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1999
Gap-junction communication pathways in germinal center reactions.
Developmental immunology
Krenacs T,Rosendaal M
13-8300 was used in immunohistochemistry (frozen) to discuss cell-cell communication through gap junctions in germinal center reactions.
Thu Oct 22 00:00:00 UTC 1998
Selective monoclonal antibody recognition and cellular localization of an unphosphorylated form of connexin43.
Experimental cell research
Nagy JI,Li WE,Roy C,Doble BW,Gilchrist JS,Kardami E,Hertzberg EL
Fri Oct 10 00:00:00 UTC 1997
Selective monoclonal antibody recognition and cellular localization of an unphosphorylated form of connexin43.
Experimental cell research
Nagy JI,Li WE,Roy C,Doble BW,Gilchrist JS,Kardami E,Hertzberg EL
Fri Oct 10 00:00:00 UTC 1997
Selective monoclonal antibody recognition and cellular localization of an unphosphorylated form of connexin43.
Experimental cell research
Nagy JI,Li WE,Roy C,Doble BW,Gilchrist JS,Kardami E,Hertzberg EL
Fri Oct 10 00:00:00 UTC 1997
Selective monoclonal antibody recognition and cellular localization of an unphosphorylated form of connexin43.
Experimental cell research
Nagy JI,Li WE,Roy C,Doble BW,Gilchrist JS,Kardami E,Hertzberg EL
Fri Oct 10 00:00:00 UTC 1997