Product References
Early loss of endogenous NAD+ following rotenone treatment leads to mitochondrial dysfunction and Sarm1 induction that is ameliorated by PARP inhibition.
The FEBS journal
Sarkar A,Dutta S,Sur M,Chakraborty S,Dey P,Mukherjee P
MA1-91878 was used in Immunocytochemistry to reveal that early loss of endogenous NAD+ levels arising due to PARP1 hyperactivation preceded Sarm1 induction following rotenone treatment.
Wed Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Muscle calcium stress cleaves junctophilin1, unleashing a gene regulatory program predicted to correct glucose dysregulation.
Tammineni ER,Figueroa L,Manno C,Varma D,Kraeva N,Ibarra CA,Klip A,Riazi S,Rios E
MA1-91878 was used in Immunohistochemistry (PFA fixed) to demonstrate that a JPh44-like construct induces transcriptional changes predictive of increased glucose utilization in myoblasts, including less transcription and translation of GSK3β and decreased transcription of proteins that reduce utilization of glucose.
Wed Feb 01 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Nonstructural protein 1 widespread RNA decay phenotype varies among coronaviruses.
Bermudez Y,Miles J,Muller M
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to indicate that its precise effects on the host cell are virus specific.
Fri Jan 20 00:00:00 UTC 2023
The histone H2B Arg95 residue efficiently recruits the transcription factor Spt16 to mediate Ste5 expression of the pheromone response pathway.
Scientific reports
Sulaiman AA,Ali R,Ramotar D
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blot to promote transcription and preserve chromatin integrity.
Thu Jun 22 00:00:00 UTC 2023
O-GlcNAcylation regulates OTX2's proteostasis.
Wulff-Fuentes E,Boakye J,Kroenke K,Berendt RR,Martinez-Morant C,Pereckas M,Hanover JA,Olivier-Van Stichelen S
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blot to demonstrate that while OTX2 physiologically promotes cell proliferation, an O-GlcNAc-depleted OTX2 is detrimental to cancer cells.
Fri Nov 17 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Diverse Partners of the Partitioning ParB Protein in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Microbiology spectrum
Kawalek A,Glabski K,Bartosik AA,Wozniak D,Kusiak M,Gawor J,Zuchniewicz K,Jagura-Burdzy G
MA1-91878 was used in Immunoprecipitation to uncovers novel players cooperating with the chromosome partition system in P. aeruginosa, supporting its important regulatory role in the bacterial cell cycle.
Tue Feb 14 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Loss of phosphatase CTDNEP1 potentiates aggressive medulloblastoma by triggering MYC amplification and genomic instability.
Nature communications
Luo Z,Xin D,Liao Y,Berry K,Ogurek S,Zhang F,Zhang L,Zhao C,Rao R,Dong X,Li H,Yu J,Lin Y,Huang G,Xu L,Xin M,Nishinakamura R,Yu J,Kool M,Pfister SM,Roussel MF,Zhou W,Weiss WA,Andreassen P,Lu QR
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to demonstrate that CTDNEP1 is a tumor suppressor in highly aggressive MYC-driven medulloblastomas by controlling MYC activity and mitotic fidelity, pointing to a CTDNEP1-dependent targetable therapeutic vulnerability.
Fri Feb 10 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Hydroxycinnamoyltransferase and CYP98 in phenolic metabolism in the rosmarinic acid-producing hornwort Anthoceros agrestis.
Ernst L,Wohl J,Bauerbach E,Petersen M
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blot to show that the best substrates for the NADPH-dependent hydroxylation were p-coumaroylanthranilic and p-coumaroyl-3-hydroxyanthranilic acids while p-coumaroylshikimic and p-coumaroyl-4-hydroxyphenyllactic acids were poor substrates.
Wed Mar 02 00:00:00 UTC 2022
The E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase Trim31 alleviates non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by targeting Rhbdf2 in mouse hepatocytes.
Nature communications
Xu M,Tan J,Dong W,Zou B,Teng X,Zhu L,Ge C,Dai X,Kuang Q,Zhong S,Lai L,Yi C,Tang T,Zhao J,Wang L,Liu J,Wei H,Sun Y,Yang Q,Li Q,Lou D,Hu L,Liu X,Kuang G,Luo J,Xiong M,Feng J,Zhang C,Wang B
MA1-91878 was used in Immunoprecipitation, Western Blot to suggest that Trim31 is an endogenous inhibitor of Rhbdf2 and downstream cascades in the pathogenic process of steatohepatitis and that it may serve as a feasible therapeutical target for the treatment of NAFLD/NASH and associated metabolic disorders.
Fri Feb 25 00:00:00 UTC 2022
The E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase Trim31 alleviates non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by targeting Rhbdf2 in mouse hepatocytes.
Nature communications
Xu M,Tan J,Dong W,Zou B,Teng X,Zhu L,Ge C,Dai X,Kuang Q,Zhong S,Lai L,Yi C,Tang T,Zhao J,Wang L,Liu J,Wei H,Sun Y,Yang Q,Li Q,Lou D,Hu L,Liu X,Kuang G,Luo J,Xiong M,Feng J,Zhang C,Wang B
MA1-91878 was used in Immunoprecipitation, Western Blot to suggest that Trim31 is an endogenous inhibitor of Rhbdf2 and downstream cascades in the pathogenic process of steatohepatitis and that it may serve as a feasible therapeutical target for the treatment of NAFLD/NASH and associated metabolic disorders.
Fri Feb 25 00:00:00 UTC 2022
The E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase Trim31 alleviates non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by targeting Rhbdf2 in mouse hepatocytes.
Nature communications
Xu M,Tan J,Dong W,Zou B,Teng X,Zhu L,Ge C,Dai X,Kuang Q,Zhong S,Lai L,Yi C,Tang T,Zhao J,Wang L,Liu J,Wei H,Sun Y,Yang Q,Li Q,Lou D,Hu L,Liu X,Kuang G,Luo J,Xiong M,Feng J,Zhang C,Wang B
MA1-91878 was used in Immunoprecipitation, Western Blot to suggest that Trim31 is an endogenous inhibitor of Rhbdf2 and downstream cascades in the pathogenic process of steatohepatitis and that it may serve as a feasible therapeutical target for the treatment of NAFLD/NASH and associated metabolic disorders.
Fri Feb 25 00:00:00 UTC 2022
GNAQ T96S mutation abrogates the ability of wild-type GNAQ to induce apoptosis by phosphorylating annexin A2 in natural killer/T cell lymphoma.
Cancer science
Zhao W,Zhang M,Wang G,Liu E,Jiang G,Zhang Y,Zhang D,Jian X,Zhao H,Zhang C,Li W
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to suggest a role for GNAQ T96S/Src/ANXA2 in mediating the apoptosis of NKTCL cells, and the GNAQ T96S peptide could be a promising agent for therapy in NKTCL patients.
Fri Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Efferocytosis requires periphagosomal Ca2+-signaling and TRPM7-mediated electrical activity.
Nature communications
Schappe MS,Stremska ME,Busey GW,Downs TK,Seegren PV,Mendu SK,Flegal Z,Doyle CA,Stipes EJ,Desai BN
MA1-91878 was used in Flow Cytometry to reveal TRPM7 as a central regulator of phagosome maturation during macrophage efferocytosis.
Thu Jun 09 00:00:00 UTC 2022
TRIM28-dependent SUMOylation protects the adult ovary from activation of the testicular pathway.
Nature communications
Rossitto M,Déjardin S,Rands CM,Le Gras S,Migale R,Rafiee MR,Neirijnck Y,Pruvost A,Nguyen AL,Bossis G,Cammas F,Le Gallic L,Wilhelm D,Lovell-Badge R,Boizet-Bonhoure B,Nef S,Poulat F
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to show that TRIM28 is required to prevent female-to-male sex reversal of the mouse ovary after birth.
Fri Jul 29 00:00:00 UTC 2022
KDM6B Variants May Contribute to the Pathophysiology of Human Cerebral Folate Deficiency.
Han X,Cao X,Cabrera RM,Pimienta Ramirez PA,Zhang C,Ramaekers VT,Finnell RH,Lei Y
MA1-91878 was used in Immunocytochemistry to indicate that decreased KDM6B protein resulted in elevated H3K27me2, lower H3K27Ac and decreased FOLR1 protein concentrations.
Sat Dec 31 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Efficient In Vitro Full-Sense-Codons Protein Synthesis.
Advanced biology
Wu Y,Tang M,Wang Z,Yang Y,Li Z,Liang S,Yin P,Qi H
MA1-91878 was used in Immunocytochemistry, Immunoprecipitation, Western Blot to determine a method of protein synthesis of full-sense-codons.
Sat Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Hepatocyte phosphatase DUSP22 mitigates NASH-HCC progression by targeting FAK.
Nature communications
Ge C,Tan J,Dai X,Kuang Q,Zhong S,Lai L,Yi C,Sun Y,Luo J,Zhang C,Zhu L,Wang B,Xu M
MA1-91878 was used in Immunocytochemistry to identify DUSP22 as a key suppressor of NASH-HCC, and underscore the DUSP22-FAK axis as a promising therapeutic target for treatment of the disease.
Sat Oct 08 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Construction of a mouse model that can be used for tissue-specific EV screening and tracing in vivo.
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology
Li W,Wang J,Yin X,Shi H,Sun B,Ji M,Song H,Liu J,Dou Y,Xu C,Jiang X,Li J,Li L,Zhang CY,Zhang Y
MA1-91878 was used in Immunoprecipitation to clarify the mechanism of secreted EVs in the pathogenesis of the disease.
Tue Dec 06 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Paramecium Polycomb repressive complex 2 physically interacts with the small RNA-binding PIWI protein to repress transposable elements.
Developmental cell
Miró-Pina C,Charmant O,Kawaguchi T,Holoch D,Michaud A,Cohen I,Humbert A,Jaszczyszyn Y,Chevreux G,Del Maestro L,Ait-Si-Ali S,Arnaiz O,Margueron R,Duharcourt S
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting and Immunocytochemistry to find that the physical interaction between PRC2 and the RNAi pathway is mediated by a RING finger protein and that small RNA recruitment of PRC2 to TEs is analogous to the small RNA recruitment of H3K9 methylation SU(VAR)3-9 enzymes.
Mon Apr 25 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Paramecium Polycomb repressive complex 2 physically interacts with the small RNA-binding PIWI protein to repress transposable elements.
Developmental cell
Miró-Pina C,Charmant O,Kawaguchi T,Holoch D,Michaud A,Cohen I,Humbert A,Jaszczyszyn Y,Chevreux G,Del Maestro L,Ait-Si-Ali S,Arnaiz O,Margueron R,Duharcourt S
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting and Immunocytochemistry to find that the physical interaction between PRC2 and the RNAi pathway is mediated by a RING finger protein and that small RNA recruitment of PRC2 to TEs is analogous to the small RNA recruitment of H3K9 methylation SU(VAR)3-9 enzymes.
Mon Apr 25 00:00:00 UTC 2022
SCFFBXW7 regulates G2-M progression through control of CCNL1 ubiquitination.
EMBO reports
O'Brien S,Kelso S,Steinhart Z,Orlicky S,Mis M,Kim Y,Lin S,Sicheri F,Angers S
MA1-91878 was used in Immunoprecipitation to report a novel synthetic lethal genetic interaction between FBXW7 and CCNL1 and describe CCNL1 as a new substrate of the SCF-FBXW7 E3 ligase.
Tue Dec 06 00:00:00 UTC 2022
SCFFBXW7 regulates G2-M progression through control of CCNL1 ubiquitination.
EMBO reports
O'Brien S,Kelso S,Steinhart Z,Orlicky S,Mis M,Kim Y,Lin S,Sicheri F,Angers S
MA1-91878 was used in Immunoprecipitation to report a novel synthetic lethal genetic interaction between FBXW7 and CCNL1 and describe CCNL1 as a new substrate of the SCF-FBXW7 E3 ligase.
Tue Dec 06 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Hypomagnesemia, Hypocalcemia, and Tubulointerstitial Nephropathy Caused by Claudin-16 Autoantibodies.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN
Figueres L,Bruneau S,Prot-Bertoye C,Brideau G,Néel M,Griveau C,Cheval L,Bignon Y,Dimitrov J,Dejoie T,Ville S,Kandel-Aznar C,Moreau A,Houillier P,Fakhouri F
MA1-91878 was used in Immunocytochemistry-immunofluorescence to demonstrate that hypomagnesemia in the patient was causally linked to autoantibodies directed against claudin-16, which controls paracellular magnesium reabsorption in the thick ascending limb of Henle's loop.
Fri Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Fine-tuned KDM1A alternative splicing regulates human cardiomyogenesis through an enzymatic-independent mechanism.
Astro V,Ramirez-Calderon G,Pennucci R,Caroli J,Saera-Vila A,Cardona-Londoño K,Forastieri C,Fiacco E,Maksoud F,Alowaysi M,Sogne E,Falqui A,Gonzàlez F,Montserrat N,Battaglioli E,Mattevi A,Adamo A
MA1-91878 was used in Immunoprecipitation to prove the existence of a divergent scaffolding role of KDM1A splice variants, independent of their enzymatic activity, during hESC differentiation into cardiac cells.
Fri Jul 15 00:00:00 UTC 2022
PKC-Mediated Orai1 Channel Phosphorylation Modulates Ca2+ Signaling in HeLa Cells.
Martínez-Martínez E,Sánchez-Vázquez VH,León-Aparicio D,Sanchez-Collado J,Gallegos-Gómez ML,Rosado JA,Arias JM,Guerrero-Hernández A
MA1-91878 was used in Immunoprecipitation to suggest that the combination of ATP and TG stimulates Ca2+ entry, and the phosphorylation of Orai1 S27/30 residues by PKC reduces IP3R-mediated Ca2+ release.
Mon Jun 27 00:00:00 UTC 2022
PKC-Mediated Orai1 Channel Phosphorylation Modulates Ca2+ Signaling in HeLa Cells.
Martínez-Martínez E,Sánchez-Vázquez VH,León-Aparicio D,Sanchez-Collado J,Gallegos-Gómez ML,Rosado JA,Arias JM,Guerrero-Hernández A
MA1-91878 was used in Immunoprecipitation to suggest that the combination of ATP and TG stimulates Ca2+ entry, and the phosphorylation of Orai1 S27/30 residues by PKC reduces IP3R-mediated Ca2+ release.
Mon Jun 27 00:00:00 UTC 2022
GluR2Q and GluR2R AMPA Subunits are not Targets of lypd2 Interaction.
PloS one
Lauriello A,McVeigh Q,Sung RJ
MA1-91878 was used in Immunocytochemistry to underscore the importance of continuing to investigate novel targets for Ly6 interaction and regulation.
Wed Nov 30 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Development of a hybrid alphavirus-SARS-CoV-2 pseudovirion for rapid quantification of neutralization antibodies and antiviral drugs.
Cell reports methods
Hetrick B,Chilin LD,He S,Dabbagh D,Alem F,Narayanan A,Luchini A,Li T,Liu X,Copeland J,Pak A,Cunningham T,Liotta L,Petricoin EF,Andalibi A,Wu Y
MA1-91878 was used in Miscellaneous, Immunocytochemistry, Immunoprecipitation, Western Blot to demonstrate that Ha-CoV-2 can be used as a robust platform for the rapid quantification of neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 and its emerging variants.
Mon Mar 28 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Duck TRIM29 negatively regulates type I IFN production by targeting MAVS.
Frontiers in immunology
Li W,Song Y,Du Y,Huang Z,Zhang M,Chen Z,He Z,Ding Y,Zhang J,Zhao L,Sun H,Jiao P
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to demonstrate that duTRIM29 negatively regulates type I IFN production by targeting duMAVS in ducks.
Tue Jan 24 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Pluripotency exit is guided by the Peln1-mediated disruption of intrachromosomal architecture.
The Journal of cell biology
Wang Y,Jia L,Wang C,Du Z,Zhang S,Zhou L,Wen X,Li H,Chen H,Nie Y,Li D,Liu S,Figueroa DS,Ay F,Xu W,Zhang S,Li W,Cui J,Hoffman AR,Guo H,Hu JF
MA1-91878 was used in Immunoprecipitation to demonstrate that Peln1 can act as a new epigenetic player and use a trans mechanism to induce an exit from the pluripotent state in stem cells.
Mon Apr 04 00:00:00 UTC 2022
In vivo self-assembled small RNAs as a new generation of RNAi therapeutics.
Cell research
Fu Z,Zhang X,Zhou X,Ur-Rehman U,Yu M,Liang H,Guo H,Guo X,Kong Y,Su Y,Ye Y,Hu X,Cheng W,Wu J,Wang Y,Gu Y,Lu SF,Wu D,Zen K,Li J,Yan C,Zhang CY,Chen X
Published figure using DYKDDDDK Tag monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-91878) in Western Blot
Tue Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2021
ADAM17 is an essential attachment factor for classical swine fever virus.
PLoS pathogens
Yuan F,Li D,Li C,Zhang Y,Song H,Li S,Deng H,Gao GF,Zheng A
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to investigate the ADAM17-mediated entry mechanisms utilised by the classical swine fever virus.
Mon Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2021
PCV2 targets cGAS to inhibit type I interferon induction to promote other DNA virus infection.
PLoS pathogens
Wang Z,Chen J,Wu X,Ma D,Zhang X,Li R,Han C,Liu H,Yin X,Du Q,Tong D,Huang Y
Published figure using DYKDDDDK Tag monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-91878) in Western Blot
Wed Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Specific Interaction of DDX6 with an RNA Hairpin in the 3' UTR of the Dengue Virus Genome Mediates G1 Phase Arrest.
Journal of virology
Choksupmanee O,Tangkijthavorn W,Hodge K,Trisakulwattana K,Phornsiricharoenphant W,Narkthong V,Tulakarnwong S,Ngamphiw C,Tongsima S,Chimnaronk S
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blot to show that the human RNA helicase DDX6 specifically binds to the viral most conserved RNA hairpin in the A3 element in the dengue 3' UTR, with nanomolar affinities.
Tue Aug 10 00:00:00 UTC 2021
MAGI-1 PDZ2 Domain Blockade Averts Adenovirus Infection via Enhanced Proteolysis of the Apical Coxsackievirus and Adenovirus Receptor.
Journal of virology
Alghamri MS,Sharma P,Williamson TL,Readler JM,Yan R,Rider SD,Hostetler HA,Cool DR,Kolawole AO,Excoffon KJDA
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blot to show that the interactions between the MAGI-1 PDZ2 domain and CAREx8 would decrease the apical CAREx8 expression level and prevent AdV infection.
Thu Jun 10 00:00:00 UTC 2021
HPS6 Regulates the Biogenesis of Weibel-Palade Body in Endothelial Cells Through Trafficking v-ATPase to Its Limiting Membrane.
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology
Lu J,Ma J,Hao Z,Li W
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blot to investigate the role of HPS6, a subunit of BLOC-2 complex, in the Biogenesis of Weibel-Palade Body, one of the lysosome-related organelles in endothelial cells.
Tue Mar 08 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Chromatin lncRNA Platr10 controls stem cell pluripotency by coordinating an intrachromosomal regulatory network.
Genome biology
Du Z,Wen X,Wang Y,Jia L,Zhang S,Liu Y,Zhou L,Li H,Yang W,Wang C,Chen J,Hao Y,Salgado Figueroa D,Chen H,Li D,Chen N,Celik I,Zhu Y,Yan Z,Fu C,Liu S,Jiao B,Wang Z,Zhang H,Gülsoy G,Luo J,Qin B,Gao S,Kapranov P,Esteban MA,Zhang S,Li W,Ay F,Chen R,Hoffman AR,Cui J,Hu JF
MA1-91878 was used in Immunoprecipitation to profile long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) in the Oct4 promoter using a novel chromatin RNA in situ reverse transcription sequencing (CRIST-seq) approach.
Thu Aug 19 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Chromatin lncRNA Platr10 controls stem cell pluripotency by coordinating an intrachromosomal regulatory network.
Genome biology
Du Z,Wen X,Wang Y,Jia L,Zhang S,Liu Y,Zhou L,Li H,Yang W,Wang C,Chen J,Hao Y,Salgado Figueroa D,Chen H,Li D,Chen N,Celik I,Zhu Y,Yan Z,Fu C,Liu S,Jiao B,Wang Z,Zhang H,Gülsoy G,Luo J,Qin B,Gao S,Kapranov P,Esteban MA,Zhang S,Li W,Ay F,Chen R,Hoffman AR,Cui J,Hu JF
MA1-91878 was used in Immunoprecipitation to profile long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) in the Oct4 promoter using a novel chromatin RNA in situ reverse transcription sequencing (CRIST-seq) approach.
Thu Aug 19 00:00:00 UTC 2021
SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance identifies naturally occurring truncations of ORF7a that limit immune suppression.
medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences
Nemudryi A,Nemudraia A,Wiegand T,Nichols J,Snyder DT,Hedges JF,Cicha C,Lee H,Vanderwood KK,Bimczok D,Jutila M,Wiedenheft B
Published figure using DYKDDDDK Tag monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-91878) in Immunocytochemistry
Wed Mar 10 00:00:00 UTC 2021
SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance identifies naturally occurring truncations of ORF7a that limit immune suppression.
medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences
Nemudryi A,Nemudraia A,Wiegand T,Nichols J,Snyder DT,Hedges JF,Cicha C,Lee H,Vanderwood KK,Bimczok D,Jutila M,Wiedenheft B
Published figure using DYKDDDDK Tag monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-91878) in Immunocytochemistry
Wed Mar 10 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Tet1 Regulates Astrocyte Development and Cognition of Mice Through Modulating GluA1.
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology
Xu W,Zhang X,Liang F,Cao Y,Li Z,Qu W,Zhang J,Bi Y,Sun C,Zhang J,Sun B,Shu Q,Li X
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to show that Tet1 deficiency alters astrocyte morphology and impairs neuronal function.
Wed Nov 17 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Highly Conserved C-Terminal Region of Indian Hedgehog N-Fragment Contributes to Its Auto-Processing and Multimer Formation.
Wang X,Liu H,Liu Y,Han G,Wang Y,Chen H,He L,Ma G
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blot to focus on Indian Hedgehog (IHH), to explore the functions of the C-terminal region of the amino-terminal fragment of IHH (IHH-N) via protein truncation, cell-based assays, and 3D structure prediction.
Tue May 25 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Overexpressed GNA13 induces temozolomide sensitization via down-regulating MGMT and p-RELA in glioma.
American journal of translational research
Liu Y,Du Z,Xu Z,Jin T,Xu K,Huang M,Wang S,Zheng Y,Liu M,Xu H
MA5-15738 was used in Western Blotting to investigate whether the two signaling pathways, GNA13/PRKACA/p-RELA and GNA13/PRKACA/MGMT, were involved in the molecular mechanism of GNA13 in TMZ sensitization.
Thu Nov 18 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Regulation of Neural Circuit Development by Cadherin-11 Provides Implications for Autism.
Frei JA,Niescier RF,Bridi MS,Durens M,Nestor JE,Kilander MBC,Yuan X,Dykxhoorn DM,Nestor MW,Huang S,Blatt GJ,Lin YC
MA1-91878 was used in Immunocytochemistry to study the role of cadherin-11 in regulating the development of neuronal circuitry.
Fri Aug 13 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Polymorphic Membrane Protein 17G of Chlamydia psittaci Mediated the Binding and Invasion of Bacteria to Host Cells by Interacting and Activating EGFR of the Host.
Frontiers in immunology
Li X,Zuo Z,Wang Y,Hegemann JH,He C
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blot to demonstrate that polymorphic membrane protein 17G (Pmp17G) of C. psittaci mediate adhesion to different host cells.
Fri Mar 04 00:00:00 UTC 2022
The Human Cytomegalovirus UL116 Glycoprotein Is a Chaperone to Control gH-Based Complexes Levels on Virions.
Frontiers in microbiology
Vezzani G,Amendola D,Yu D,Chandramouli S,Frigimelica E,Maione D,Merola M
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blot to show that results are consistent with a role of UL116 as a chaperone for gH during the assembly and maturation of gH complexes in infected cells.
Sat Apr 24 00:00:00 UTC 2021
The Human Cytomegalovirus UL116 Glycoprotein Is a Chaperone to Control gH-Based Complexes Levels on Virions.
Frontiers in microbiology
Vezzani G,Amendola D,Yu D,Chandramouli S,Frigimelica E,Maione D,Merola M
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blot to show that results are consistent with a role of UL116 as a chaperone for gH during the assembly and maturation of gH complexes in infected cells.
Sat Apr 24 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Mapping the residue specificities of epigenome enzymes by yeast surface display.
Cell chemical biology
Waldman AC,Rao BM,Keung AJ
MA1-91878 was used in Immunocytochemistry, Immunoprecipitation, Western Blot, Flow Cytometry to describe a versatile and scalable approach which enables efficient characterization of histone modifications without the need for recombinant protein production.
Thu Dec 16 00:00:00 UTC 2021
The DNA-binding protein CST associates with the cohesin complex and promotes chromosome cohesion.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Schuck PL,Ball LE,Stewart JA
MA1-91878 was used in Immunocytochemistry, Immunoprecipitation, Western Blot to propose that CST aids in the maintenance of SCC at stalled replication forks to prevent premature cohesion loss.
Wed Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2021
SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance identifies naturally occurring truncation of ORF7a that limits immune suppression.
Cell reports
Nemudryi A,Nemudraia A,Wiegand T,Nichols J,Snyder DT,Hedges JF,Cicha C,Lee H,Vanderwood KK,Bimczok D,Jutila MA,Wiedenheft B
MA1-91878 was used in Immunocytochemistry to show that mutations frequently occur in the C-terminal end of ORF7a.
Tue Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Revaluation of magnetic properties of Magneto.
Nature neuroscience
Wang G,Zhang P,Mendu SK,Wang Y,Zhang Y,Kang X,Desai BN,Zhu JJ
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to examine the membrane surface incorporation of Magneto.
Tue Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Rare and private spliceosomal gene mutations drive partial, complete, and dual phenocopies of hotspot alterations.
Pangallo J,Kiladjian JJ,Cassinat B,Renneville A,Taylor J,Polaski JT,North K,Abdel-Wahab O,Bradley RK
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blot to suggest that many rare and private spliceosomal mutations contribute to disease pathogenesis and illustrate the utility of molecular assays to inform precision medicine by inferring the potential disease relevance of newly discovered mutations.
Thu Mar 26 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Enhancer RNAs predict enhancer-gene regulatory links and are critical for enhancer function in neuronal systems.
Nucleic acids research
Carullo NVN,Phillips Iii RA,Simon RC,Soto SAR,Hinds JE,Salisbury AJ,Revanna JS,Bunner KD,Ianov L,Sultan FA,Savell KE,Gersbach CA,Day JJ
MA1-91878 was used in Immunocytochemistry to highlight the unique role of eRNAs in neuronal gene regulation and demonstrate that eRNAs can be used to identify putative target genes.
Fri Sep 25 00:00:00 UTC 2020
CAS9 is a genome mutator by directly disrupting DNA-PK dependent DNA repair pathway.
Protein & cell
Xu S,Kim J,Tang Q,Chen Q,Liu J,Xu Y,Fu X
MA1-91878 was used in Immunoprecipitation to caution the interpretation of data involving CRISPR/CAS9-based gene editing and raise serious safety concerns of CRISPR/CAS9 system in clinical application.
Fri May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
CAS9 is a genome mutator by directly disrupting DNA-PK dependent DNA repair pathway.
Protein & cell
Xu S,Kim J,Tang Q,Chen Q,Liu J,Xu Y,Fu X
MA1-91878 was used in Immunoprecipitation to caution the interpretation of data involving CRISPR/CAS9-based gene editing and raise serious safety concerns of CRISPR/CAS9 system in clinical application.
Fri May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Whole-exome sequencing of ovarian cancer families uncovers putative predisposition genes.
International journal of cancer
Zhu Q,Zhang J,Chen Y,Hu Q,Shen H,Huang RY,Liu Q,Kaur J,Long M,Battaglia S,Eng KH,Lele SB,Zsiros E,Villella J,Lugade A,Yao S,Liu S,Moysich K,Odunsi KO
Published figure using DYKDDDDK Tag monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-91878) in Western Blot
Wed Apr 15 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Protein phosphatase 1 alpha enhances glucocorticoid receptor activity by a mechanism involving phosphorylation of serine-211.
Molecular and cellular endocrinology
Patt M,Gysi J,Faresse N,Cidlowski JA,Odermatt A
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to identify PP1α as a novel post-translational activator of GR signaling, suggesting that disruption of PP1α function could lead to impaired glucocorticoid action and thereby contribute to diseases.
Tue Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Hepatitis B virus X protein modulates upregulation of DHX9 to promote viral DNA replication.
Cellular microbiology
Shen B,Chen Y,Hu J,Qiao M,Ren J,Hu J,Chen J,Tang N,Huang A,Hu Y
Published figure using DYKDDDDK Tag monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-91878) in Western Blot
Sun Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
An Improved CRISPR/dCas9 Interference Tool for Neuronal Gene Suppression.
Frontiers in genome editing
Duke CG,Bach SV,Revanna JS,Sultan FA,Southern NT,Davis MN,Carullo NVN,Bauman AJ,Phillips RA,Day JJ
MA1-91878 was used in Immunocytochemistry-immunofluorescence to demonstrate robust gene silencing in neurons using a second-generation CRISPRi system, and suggest that continued development of this approach will enable novel experimental strategies in neuronal systems.
Sat Oct 30 00:00:00 UTC 2021
An Improved CRISPR/dCas9 Interference Tool for Neuronal Gene Suppression.
Frontiers in genome editing
Duke CG,Bach SV,Revanna JS,Sultan FA,Southern NT,Davis MN,Carullo NVN,Bauman AJ,Phillips RA,Day JJ
MA1-91878 was used in Immunocytochemistry-immunofluorescence to demonstrate robust gene silencing in neurons using a second-generation CRISPRi system, and suggest that continued development of this approach will enable novel experimental strategies in neuronal systems.
Sat Oct 30 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Inflammatory IFIT3 renders chemotherapy resistance by regulating post-translational modification of VDAC2 in pancreatic cancer.
Wang Z,Qin J,Zhao J,Li J,Li D,Popp M,Popp F,Alakus H,Kong B,Dong Q,Nelson PJ,Zhao Y,Bruns CJ
MA1-91878 was used in Immunocytochemistry-Immunofluorescence to demonstrate a central mechanism by which IFIT3 expression can affect chemotherapy resistance in Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC).
Mon May 03 00:00:00 UTC 2021
DHX9 interacts with APOBEC3B and attenuates the anti-HBV effect of APOBEC3B.
Emerging microbes & infections
Chen Y,Shen B,Zheng X,Long Q,Xia J,Huang Y,Cai X,Wang D,Chen J,Tang N,Huang A,Hu Y
Published figure using DYKDDDDK Tag monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-91878) in Immunoprecipitation
Mon Mar 16 00:00:00 UTC 2020
DHX9 interacts with APOBEC3B and attenuates the anti-HBV effect of APOBEC3B.
Emerging microbes & infections
Chen Y,Shen B,Zheng X,Long Q,Xia J,Huang Y,Cai X,Wang D,Chen J,Tang N,Huang A,Hu Y
Published figure using DYKDDDDK Tag monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-91878) in Immunoprecipitation
Mon Mar 16 00:00:00 UTC 2020
mRNA display with library of even-distribution reveals cellular interactors of influenza virus NS1.
Nature communications
Du Y,Hultquist JF,Zhou Q,Olson A,Tseng Y,Zhang TH,Hong M,Tang K,Chen L,Meng X,McGregor MJ,Dai L,Gong D,Martin-Sancho L,Chanda S,Li X,Bensenger S,Krogan NJ,Sun R
Published figure using DYKDDDDK Tag monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-91878) in Western Blot
Fri May 15 00:00:00 UTC 2020
mRNA display with library of even-distribution reveals cellular interactors of influenza virus NS1.
Nature communications
Du Y,Hultquist JF,Zhou Q,Olson A,Tseng Y,Zhang TH,Hong M,Tang K,Chen L,Meng X,McGregor MJ,Dai L,Gong D,Martin-Sancho L,Chanda S,Li X,Bensenger S,Krogan NJ,Sun R
Published figure using DYKDDDDK Tag monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-91878) in Western Blot
Fri May 15 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Structure of the human BBSome core complex.
Klink BU,Gatsogiannis C,Hofnagel O,Wittinghofer A,Raunser S
Published figure using DYKDDDDK Tag monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-91878) in Western Blot
Fri Jan 17 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Difluoromethylornithine, a Decarboxylase 1 Inhibitor, Suppresses Hepatitis B Virus Replication by Reducing HBc Protein Levels.
Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology
Mao B,Wang Z,Pi S,Long Q,Chen K,Cui J,Huang A,Hu Y
Published figure using DYKDDDDK Tag monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-91878) in Western Blot
Thu Jun 17 00:00:00 UTC 2021
A Comprehensive Proteomics Analysis of the JC Virus (JCV) Large and Small Tumor Antigen Interacting Proteins: Large T Primarily Targets the Host Protein Complexes with V-ATPase and Ubiquitin Ligase Activities While Small t Mostly Associates with Those Having Phosphatase and Chromatin-Remodeling Functions.
Saribas S,Safak M
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blot, Immunocytochemistry to report the first interactome of JCV LT-Ag and Sm t-Ag by employing two independent "affinity purification/mass spectroscopy" (AP/MS) assays.
Tue Oct 20 00:00:00 UTC 2020
A Comprehensive Proteomics Analysis of the JC Virus (JCV) Large and Small Tumor Antigen Interacting Proteins: Large T Primarily Targets the Host Protein Complexes with V-ATPase and Ubiquitin Ligase Activities While Small t Mostly Associates with Those Having Phosphatase and Chromatin-Remodeling Functions.
Saribas S,Safak M
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blot, Immunocytochemistry to report the first interactome of JCV LT-Ag and Sm t-Ag by employing two independent "affinity purification/mass spectroscopy" (AP/MS) assays.
Tue Oct 20 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Engineering domain-inlaid SaCas9 adenine base editors with reduced RNA off-targets and increased on-target DNA editing.
Nature communications
Nguyen Tran MT,Mohd Khalid MKN,Wang Q,Walker JKR,Lidgerwood GE,Dilworth KL,Lisowski L,Pébay A,Hewitt AW
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to show that the manipulation of the Cas9 secondary structure can further augment the precision of adenine base editors (ABEs) by carefully considering the broader, steric relationship between Cas9 and base editors.
Fri Sep 25 00:00:00 UTC 2020
p53 destabilizing protein skews asymmetric division and enhances NOTCH activation to direct self-renewal of TICs.
Nature communications
Choi HY,Siddique HR,Zheng M,Kou Y,Yeh DW,Machida T,Chen CL,Uthaya Kumar DB,Punj V,Winer P,Pita A,Sher L,Tahara SM,Ray RB,Liang C,Chen L,Tsukamoto H,Machida K
Published figure using DYKDDDDK Tag monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-91878) in Immunoprecipitation
Wed Jun 17 00:00:00 UTC 2020
p53 destabilizing protein skews asymmetric division and enhances NOTCH activation to direct self-renewal of TICs.
Nature communications
Choi HY,Siddique HR,Zheng M,Kou Y,Yeh DW,Machida T,Chen CL,Uthaya Kumar DB,Punj V,Winer P,Pita A,Sher L,Tahara SM,Ray RB,Liang C,Chen L,Tsukamoto H,Machida K
Published figure using DYKDDDDK Tag monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-91878) in Immunoprecipitation
Wed Jun 17 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Interaction between the assembly of the ribosomal subunits: Disruption of 40S ribosomal assembly causes accumulation of extra-ribosomal 60S ribosomal protein uL18/L5.
PloS one
Rahman N,Shamsuzzaman M,Lindahl L
Published figure using DYKDDDDK Tag monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-91878) in Western Blot
Fri Apr 03 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Neutrophil extracellular traps mediate articular cartilage damage and enhance cartilage component immunogenicity in rheumatoid arthritis.
JCI insight
Carmona-Rivera C,Carlucci PM,Goel RR,James E,Brooks SR,Rims C,Hoffmann V,Fox DA,Buckner JH,Kaplan MJ
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to investigate mechanisms by which NET-derived elastase disrupts cartilage matrix and induces release of peptidylarginine deiminase-2 via fibroblast-like synoviocytes.
Thu Jul 09 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Metabolic Reprogramming of Host Cells in Response to Enteroviral Infection.
Cheng ML,Chien KY,Lai CH,Li GJ,Lin JF,Ho HY
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to suggest that virus may induce metabolic reprogramming of host cells to promote its replication through interactions between viral and host cell proteins.
Tue Feb 18 00:00:00 UTC 2020
The RNA quality control pathway nonsense-mediated mRNA decay targets cellular and viral RNAs to restrict KSHV.
Nature communications
Zhao Y,Ye X,Shehata M,Dunker W,Xie Z,Karijolich J
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to demonstrate that NMD restricts KSHV lytic reactivation.
Fri Jul 03 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Cryptochrome 1 Inhibits Shoot Branching by Repressing the Self-Activated Transciption Loop of PIF4 in Arabidopsis.
Plant communications
Zhai H,Xiong L,Li H,Lyu X,Yang G,Zhao T,Liu J,Liu B
MA1-91878 was used in Chromatin immunoprecipitation to suggest that the CRY1-PIF4 module regulates gene expression via forming a regulatory loop and shoot branching in response to ambient light conditions.
Mon May 11 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Inhibiting pathologically active ADAM10 rescues synaptic and cognitive decline in Huntington's disease.
The Journal of clinical investigation
Vezzoli E,Caron I,Talpo F,Besusso D,Conforti P,Battaglia E,Sogne E,Falqui A,Petricca L,Verani M,Martufi P,Caricasole A,Bresciani A,Cecchetti O,Rivetti di Val Cervo P,Sancini G,Riess O,Nguyen H,Seipold L,Saftig P,Biella G,Cattaneo E,Zuccato C
MA1-91878 was used in Immunoprecipitation to point to a detrimental role of hyperactive ADAM10 at the HD synapse and provide preclinical evidence of the therapeutic potential of ADAM10 inhibition in HD.
Mon May 06 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Checkpoint signaling and error correction require regulation of the MPS1 T-loop by PP2A-B56.
The Journal of cell biology
Hayward D,Bancroft J,Mangat D,Alfonso-Pérez T,Dugdale S,McCarthy J,Barr FA,Gruneberg U
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to investigate if the BUBR1-bound pool of PP2A-B56 regulates monopolar spindle 1 T-loop autophosphorylation and hence its activation status in mammalian cells.
Mon Oct 07 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Cellular p32 Is a Critical Regulator of Porcine Circovirus Type 2 Nuclear Egress.
Journal of virology
Wang T,Du Q,Niu Y,Zhang X,Wang Z,Wu X,Yang X,Zhao X,Liu SL,Tong D,Huang Y
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to demonstrate p32 as a critical regulator of PCV2 nuclear egress.
Sun Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Isoform specific editing of the coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor.
Readler JM,AlKahlout AS,Sharma P,Excoffon KJDA
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to reinforce the importance of Coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor (CAR) isoforms in apical adenovirus infection, and provide a new model cell line to probe isoform specific biological functions of CAR.
Tue Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Evolution of Yin and Yang isoforms of a chromatin remodeling subunit precedes the creation of two genes.
Xu W,Long L,Zhao Y,Stevens L,Felipe I,Munoz J,Ellis RE,McGrath PT
Published figure using DYKDDDDK Tag monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-91878) in Western Blot
Mon Sep 09 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Tnni3k alleles influence ventricular mononuclear diploid cardiomyocyte frequency.
PLoS genetics
Gan P,Patterson M,Velasquez A,Wang K,Tian D,Windle JJ,Tao G,Judge DP,Makita T,Park TJ,Sucov HM
Published figure using DYKDDDDK Tag monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-91878) in Western Blot
Tue Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Recurrent GNAQ mutation encoding T96S in natural killer/T cell lymphoma.
Nature communications
Li Z,Zhang X,Xue W,Zhang Y,Li C,Song Y,Mei M,Lu L,Wang Y,Zhou Z,Jin M,Bian Y,Zhang L,Wang X,Li L,Li X,Fu X,Sun Z,Wu J,Nan F,Chang Y,Yan J,Yu H,Feng X,Wang G,Zhang D,Fu X,Zhang Y,Young KH,Li W,Zhang M
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to identify somatic mutations of GNAQ in 8.7% of natural killer/T cell lymphoma patients, through whole-exome/targeted deep sequencing.
Mon Sep 16 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Recurrent GNAQ mutation encoding T96S in natural killer/T cell lymphoma.
Nature communications
Li Z,Zhang X,Xue W,Zhang Y,Li C,Song Y,Mei M,Lu L,Wang Y,Zhou Z,Jin M,Bian Y,Zhang L,Wang X,Li L,Li X,Fu X,Sun Z,Wu J,Nan F,Chang Y,Yan J,Yu H,Feng X,Wang G,Zhang D,Fu X,Zhang Y,Young KH,Li W,Zhang M
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to identify somatic mutations of GNAQ in 8.7% of natural killer/T cell lymphoma patients, through whole-exome/targeted deep sequencing.
Mon Sep 16 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Occurrence and stability of hetero-hexamer associations formed by β-carboxysome CcmK shell components.
PloS one
Garcia-Alles LF,Root K,Maveyraud L,Aubry N,Lesniewska E,Mourey L,Zenobi R,Truan G
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to propose a functional scenario in which minor CcmK3/K4 incorporation in shells would introduce sufficient local disorder as to allow shell remodeling necessary to adapt rapidly to environmental changes.
Thu Mar 12 00:00:00 UTC 2020
HNF4α Combinatorial Isoform Heterodimers Activate Distinct Gene Targets that Differ from Their Corresponding Homodimers.
Cell reports
Ko HL,Zhuo Z,Ren EC
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blot to study the functional diversity of hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α isoform heterodimers.
Tue Mar 05 00:00:00 UTC 2019
A Neuron-Optimized CRISPR/dCas9 Activation System for Robust and Specific Gene Regulation.
Savell KE,Bach SV,Zipperly ME,Revanna JS,Goska NA,Tuscher JJ,Duke CG,Sultan FA,Burke JN,Williams D,Ianov L,Day JJ
MA1-91878 was used in Immunocytochemistry to demonstrate a highly efficient, neuron-optimised dual lentiviral CRISPR-based transcriptional activation system capable of robust, modular, and tunable gene induction and multiplexed gene regulation across several primary rodent neuron culture systems.
Thu Apr 18 00:00:00 UTC 2019
The Polycomb protein Ezl1 mediates H3K9 and H3K27 methylation to repress transposable elements in Paramecium.
Nature communications
Frapporti A,Miró Pina C,Arnaiz O,Holoch D,Kawaguchi T,Humbert A,Eleftheriou E,Lombard B,Loew D,Sperling L,Guitot K,Margueron R,Duharcourt S
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to suggest that although often considered functionally distinct, H3K9me3 and H3K27me3 may share a common evolutionary history as well as a common ancestral role in silencing transposable elements.
Thu Jun 20 00:00:00 UTC 2019
GALNT3 Maintains the Epithelial State in Trophoblast Stem Cells.
Cell reports
Raghu D,Mobley RJ,Shendy NAM,Perry CH,Abell AN
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to determine the biological relevance of GALNT3 in trophoblast stem cells.
Tue Mar 26 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Polycystin-1 interacts with TAZ to stimulate osteoblastogenesis and inhibit adipogenesis.
The Journal of clinical investigation
Xiao Z,Baudry J,Cao L,Huang J,Chen H,Yates CR,Li W,Dong B,Waters CM,Smith JC,Quarles LD
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to show that polycystins and TAZ integrate at the molecular level to reciprocally regulate osteoblast and adipocyte differentiation.
Tue Jan 02 00:00:00 UTC 2018
A negative feedback regulation of MTORC1 activity by the lysosomal Ca2+ channel MCOLN1 (mucolipin 1) using a CALM (calmodulin)-dependent mechanism.
Sun X,Yang Y,Zhong XZ,Cao Q,Zhu XH,Zhu X,Dong XP
MA1-91878 was used in Immunoprecipitation to suggest that lysosomal Ca2+ signaling is an essential component of the canonical MTORC1-dependent autophagy pathway and MCOLN1 provides a negative feedback regulation of MTORC1 to prevent excessive loss of MTORC1 function during starvation.
Tue Feb 26 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Identification of ANXA2 (annexin A2) as a specific bleomycin target to induce pulmonary fibrosis by impeding TFEB-mediated autophagic flux.
Wang K,Zhang T,Lei Y,Li X,Jiang J,Lan J,Liu Y,Chen H,Gao W,Xie N,Chen Q,Zhu X,Liu X,Xie K,Peng Y,Nice EC,Wu M,Huang C,Wei Y
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to examine the mechanisms underlying bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis.
Tue Feb 26 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Evaluating the Functional Pore Size of Chloroplast TOC and TIC Protein Translocons: Import of Folded Proteins.
The Plant cell
Ganesan I,Shi LX,Labs M,Theg SM
Published figure using DYKDDDDK Tag monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-91878) in Western Blot
Sat Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Host Factor SPCS1 Regulates the Replication of Japanese Encephalitis Virus through Interactions with Transmembrane Domains of NS2B.
Journal of virology
Ma L,Li F,Zhang JW,Li W,Zhao DM,Wang H,Hua RH,Bu ZG
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to investigate the mechanism through which signal peptidase complex subunit 1 regulates the replication of flaviviruses.
Fri Jun 15 00:00:00 UTC 2018
A multiplatform strategy for the discovery of conventional monoclonal antibodies that inhibit the voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.3.
Bednenko J,Harriman R,Mariën L,Nguyen HM,Agrawal A,Papoyan A,Bisharyan Y,Cardarelli J,Cassidy-Hanley D,Clark T,Pedersen D,Abdiche Y,Harriman W,van der Woning B,de Haard H,Collarini E,Wulff H,Colussi P
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to develop a multiplatform strategy for the discovery of conventional monoclonal antibodies that inhibit the voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.3.
Mon Aug 12 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Cyclin E2-CDK2 mediates SAMHD1 phosphorylation to abrogate its restriction of HBV replication in hepatoma cells.
FEBS letters
Hu J,Qiao M,Chen Y,Tang H,Zhang W,Tang D,Pi S,Dai J,Tang N,Huang A,Hu Y
Published figure using DYKDDDDK Tag monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-91878) in Western Blot
Fri Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Newcastle Disease Virus V Protein Inhibits Cell Apoptosis and Promotes Viral Replication by Targeting CacyBP/SIP.
Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology
Chu Z,Wang C,Tang Q,Shi X,Gao X,Ma J,Lu K,Han Q,Jia Y,Wang X,Adam FEA,Liu H,Xiao S,Wang X,Yang Z
Published figure using DYKDDDDK Tag monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-91878) in Immunoprecipitation
Thu Aug 29 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Newcastle Disease Virus V Protein Inhibits Cell Apoptosis and Promotes Viral Replication by Targeting CacyBP/SIP.
Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology
Chu Z,Wang C,Tang Q,Shi X,Gao X,Ma J,Lu K,Han Q,Jia Y,Wang X,Adam FEA,Liu H,Xiao S,Wang X,Yang Z
Published figure using DYKDDDDK Tag monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-91878) in Immunoprecipitation
Thu Aug 29 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Protein Phosphatase (PP2C9) Induces Protein Expression Differentially to Mediate Nitrogen Utilization Efficiency in Rice under Nitrogen-Deficient Condition.
International journal of molecular sciences
Waqas M,Feng S,Amjad H,Letuma P,Zhan W,Li Z,Fang C,Arafat Y,Khan MU,Tayyab M,Lin W
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to identify specific proteins and encoding genes related to high nitrogen utilisation efficiency in two isogenic rice genotypes.
Wed Sep 19 00:00:00 UTC 2018
RIG-I like receptor sensing of host RNAs facilitates the cell-intrinsic immune response to KSHV infection.
Nature communications
Zhao Y,Ye X,Dunker W,Song Y,Karijolich J
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to study the relationship between RNA processing and innate immunity, and demonstrate that an antiviral innate immune response can be elicited by the sensing of misprocessed cellular RNAs.
Mon Nov 19 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Phage proteins are expressed on the surface of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and are potential vaccine candidates.
PloS one
Kłyż A,Piekarowicz A
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to examine whether purified phage particles can be used as a gonococcal vaccines.
Mon Feb 04 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Tuning of delta-protocadherin adhesion through combinatorial diversity.
Bisogni AJ,Ghazanfar S,Williams EO,Marsh HM,Yang JY,Lin DM
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to study how intra- and interfamily delta-protocadherin interactions can greatly amplify the impact of this small subfamily on neuronal function.
Fri Dec 14 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Phosphoproteomics Analysis Identifies Novel Candidate Substrates of the Nonreceptor Tyrosine Kinase, Src-related Kinase Lacking C-terminal Regulatory Tyrosine and N-terminal Myristoylation Sites (SRMS).
Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP
Goel RK,Paczkowska M,Reimand J,Napper S,Lukong KE
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to identify a number of novel and biologically relevant SRMS candidate substrates, which suggests the involvement of the kinase in a vast array of unexplored cellular functions.
Tue May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Mechanism of FACT removal from transcribed genes by anticancer drugs curaxins.
Science advances
Chang HW,Valieva ME,Safina A,Chereji RV,Wang J,Kulaeva OI,Morozov AV,Kirpichnikov MP,Feofanov AV,Gurova KV,Studitsky VM
MA1-91878 was used in Gel Shift to show that in cancer cells FACT is highly enriched within the bodies of actively transcribed genes.
Thu Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
EMC3 coordinates surfactant protein and lipid homeostasis required for respiration.
The Journal of clinical investigation
Tang X,Snowball JM,Xu Y,Na CL,Weaver TE,Clair G,Kyle JE,Zink EM,Ansong C,Wei W,Huang M,Lin X,Whitsett JA
MA1-91878 was used in Immunocytochemistry to demonstrate that EMC3 is required for murine pulmonary surfactant synthesis and lung function at birth.
Fri Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2017
The RNA Surveillance Factor UPF1 Represses Myogenesis via Its E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Activity.
Molecular cell
Feng Q,Jagannathan S,Bradley RK
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to study the role of UPF1 in regulated protein decay.
Thu Jul 20 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Suppression of Th17 cell differentiation by misshapen/NIK-related kinase MINK1.
The Journal of experimental medicine
Fu G,Xu Q,Qiu Y,Jin X,Xu T,Dong S,Wang J,Ke Y,Hu H,Cao X,Wang D,Cantor H,Gao X,Lu L
Published figure using DYKDDDDK Tag monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-91878) in Western Blot
Mon May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Folate receptor 1 is necessary for neural plate cell apical constriction during Xenopus neural tube formation.
Development (Cambridge, England)
Balashova OA,Visina O,Borodinsky LN
Published figure using DYKDDDDK Tag monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-91878) in Western Blot
Sat Apr 15 00:00:00 UTC 2017
The Ubiquitin Receptor ADRM1 Modulates HAP40-Induced Proteasome Activity.
Molecular neurobiology
Huang ZN,Her LS
MA1-91878 was used in immunoprecipitation and western blot to elucidate the role of HAP40 in Huntington's disease
Wed Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Protein Phosphatase 1α enhances renal aldosterone signaling via mineralocorticoid receptor stabilization.
Molecular and cellular endocrinology
Nagarajan S,Vohra T,Loffing J,Faresse N
MA191878 was used in western blot to show that PP1alpha inhibits the ubiquitin ligase Mdm2 by dephosphorylation to prevent its interaction with the mineralocorticoid receptor
Sat Jul 15 00:00:00 UTC 2017
CNOT4-Mediated Ubiquitination of Influenza A Virus Nucleoprotein Promotes Viral RNA Replication.
Lin YC,Jeng KS,Lai MMC
Published figure using DYKDDDDK Tag monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-91878) in Western Blot
Tue May 23 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Dentin sialoprotein facilitates dental mesenchymal cell differentiation and dentin formation.
Scientific reports
Li W,Chen L,Chen Z,Wu L,Feng J,Wang F,Shoff L,Li X,Donly KJ,MacDougall M,Chen S
MA1-91878 was used in Immunoprecipitation to examine the mechanisms of dentin sialoprotein in controlling dental mesenchymal cell differentiation.
Wed Mar 22 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Folding of a bacterial integral outer membrane protein is initiated in the periplasm.
Nature communications
Sikdar R,Peterson JH,Anderson DE,Bernstein HD
MA1-91878 was used in Immunoprecipitation to obtain evidence for Β-barrel protein folding, prior to interaction with the Bam complex, and to elucidate the assembly process of these virulence factors.
Fri Nov 03 00:00:00 UTC 2017
A Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici secreted protein activates plant immunity at the cell surface.
Scientific reports
Dagvadorj B,Ozketen AC,Andac A,Duggan C,Bozkurt TO,Akkaya MS
MA1-91878 was used in Western Blotting to report a small cysteine-rich protein, PstSCR1, from Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici that activates immunity in a model plant.
Tue Apr 25 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Neural stem cells sustain natural killer cells that dictate recovery from brain inflammation.
Nature neuroscience
Liu Q,Sanai N,Jin WN,La Cava A,Van Kaer L,Shi FD
MA1-91878 was used in immunohistochemistry to determine how brain inflammation is recovered by neural stem cells that sustain natural killer cells
Mon Feb 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Repurposing the CRISPR-Cas9 system for targeted DNA methylation.
Nucleic acids research
Vojta A,Dobrinić P,Tadić V,Bočkor L,Korać P,Julg B,Klasić M,Zoldoš V
MA1-91878 was used in immunocytochemistry to elucidate a new role for the CRISPR-Cas9 system for targeted DNA methylation
Fri Jul 08 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Gliding Associated Proteins Play Essential Roles during the Formation of the Inner Membrane Complex of Toxoplasma gondii.
PLoS pathogens
Harding CR,Egarter S,Gow M,Jiménez-Ruiz E,Ferguson DJ,Meissner M
MA1-91878 was used in Immunofluorescence to demonstrate that gliding associated proteins have critical roles in the biogenesis of the inner membrane complex during intracellular replication.
Mon Feb 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
PEG3 Interacts with KAP1 through KRAB-A.
PloS one
He H,Ye A,Kim H,Kim J
MA1-91878 was used in immunocytochemistry and immunoprecipitation to identify PEG3 as a KRAB-containing zinc finger protein that interacts with KAP1
Fri Jun 23 00:00:00 UTC 2017
PEG3 Interacts with KAP1 through KRAB-A.
PloS one
He H,Ye A,Kim H,Kim J
MA1-91878 was used in immunocytochemistry and immunoprecipitation to identify PEG3 as a KRAB-containing zinc finger protein that interacts with KAP1
Fri Jun 23 00:00:00 UTC 2017
PEG3 Interacts with KAP1 through KRAB-A.
PloS one
He H,Ye A,Kim H,Kim J
MA1-91878 was used in immunocytochemistry and immunoprecipitation to identify PEG3 as a KRAB-containing zinc finger protein that interacts with KAP1
Fri Jun 23 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Absence of genomic hypomethylation or regulation of cytosine-modifying enzymes with aging in male and female mice.
Epigenetics & chromatin
Hadad N,Masser DR,Logan S,Wronowski B,Mangold CA,Clark N,Otalora L,Unnikrishnan A,Ford MM,Giles CB,Wren JD,Richardson A,Sonntag WE,Stanford DR,Freeman W
Published figure using DYKDDDDK Tag monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-91878) in Western Blot
Thu Jul 14 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Truncated Bovine Integrin Alpha-v/Beta-6 as a Universal Capture Ligand for FMD Diagnosis.
PloS one
Shimmon G,Wood BA,Morris A,Mioulet V,Grazioli S,Brocchi E,Berryman S,Tuthill T,King DP,Burman A,Jackson T
MA1-91878 was used in western blot assess the use of bovine alphavbeta6 and foot-and-mouth empty viral capsids in diagnostic assays for foot-and-mouth disease
Thu Aug 03 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Truncated Bovine Integrin Alpha-v/Beta-6 as a Universal Capture Ligand for FMD Diagnosis.
PloS one
Shimmon G,Wood BA,Morris A,Mioulet V,Grazioli S,Brocchi E,Berryman S,Tuthill T,King DP,Burman A,Jackson T
MA1-91878 was used in western blot assess the use of bovine alphavbeta6 and foot-and-mouth empty viral capsids in diagnostic assays for foot-and-mouth disease
Thu Aug 03 00:00:00 UTC 2017
EYA1 expression and subcellular localization in neuroblastoma and its association with prognostic markers.
Journal of cancer research & therapy
Hansen JN,Lotta LT,Eberhardt A,Schor NF,Li X
Published figure using DYKDDDDK Tag monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-91878) in Western Blot
Wed Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
U2AF1 mutations alter splice site recognition in hematological malignancies.
Genome research
Ilagan JO,Ramakrishnan A,Hayes B,Murphy ME,Zebari AS,Bradley P,Bradley RK
MA1-91878 was used in western blot to test how mutations affecting the 3' splice site recognition factor of U2AF1 alter its ability to splice RNA.
Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015
The non-canonical BMP and Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathways orchestrate early tooth development.
Development (Cambridge, England)
Yuan G,Yang G,Zheng Y,Zhu X,Chen Z,Zhang Z,Chen Y
MA1-91878 was used in western blot to explore the regulatory functions of the BMP and Wnt pathways in early tooth development.
Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015
The non-canonical BMP and Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathways orchestrate early tooth development.
Development (Cambridge, England)
Yuan G,Yang G,Zheng Y,Zhu X,Chen Z,Zhang Z,Chen Y
MA1-91878 was used in western blot to explore the regulatory functions of the BMP and Wnt pathways in early tooth development.
Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Cyclophilin-D: a resident regulator of mitochondrial gene expression.
FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
Radhakrishnan J,Bazarek S,Chandran B,Gazmuri RJ
Published figure using DYKDDDDK Tag monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-91878) in Western Blot
Wed Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Protein-protein interactions among xyloglucan-synthesizing enzymes and formation of Golgi-localized multiprotein complexes.
Plant & cell physiology
Chou YH,Pogorelko G,Young ZT,Zabotina OA
MA1-91878 was used in western blot to test if MUR3, XLT2, and FUT1 interact with XXT-CSLC4 complexes in the Arabidopsis Golgi
Sun Feb 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015
The role of casein kinase I in the Drosophila circadian clock.
Methods in enzymology
Price JL,Fan JY,Keightley A,Means JC
MA1-91878 was used in immunoprecipitation to characterize the role of casein kinase I in the circadian clock of Drosophila
Mon Oct 26 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Histone H2A and H4 N-terminal tails are positioned by the MEP50 WD repeat protein for efficient methylation by the PRMT5 arginine methyltransferase.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Burgos ES,Wilczek C,Onikubo T,Bonanno JB,Jansong J,Reimer U,Shechter D
MA1-91878 was used in peptide array to demonstrate that the cross-dimer, MEP50, is paired with its cognate PRMT5 molecule to promote histone methylation.
Fri Apr 10 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Significant reduction of BiFC non-specific assembly facilitates in planta assessment of heterotrimeric G-protein interactors.
The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology
Gookin TE,Assmann SM
MA1-91878 was used in western blot to develop a double ORF expression bimolecular fluorescence complementation system
Sat Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
The U4/U6 recycling factor SART3 has histone chaperone activity and associates with USP15 to regulate H2B deubiquitination.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Long L,Thelen JP,Furgason M,Haj-Yahya M,Brik A,Cheng D,Peng J,Yao T
MA1-91878 was used in immunoprecipitation and western blot to study the role of USP15 in the mechanism by which SART3 modulates histone H2B deubiquitinylation
Fri Mar 28 00:00:00 UTC 2014
MYPT1 regulates contractility and microtubule acetylation to modulate integrin adhesions and matrix assembly.
Nature communications
Joo EE,Yamada KM
MA1-91878 was used in western blot to study the mechaisms by which MYPT1 modulates matrix assembly
Tue Mar 25 00:00:00 UTC 2014
PKR-like endoplasmic reticulum kinase is necessary for lipogenic activation during HCMV infection.
PLoS pathogens
Yu Y,Pierciey FJ,Maguire TG,Alwine JC
MA1-91878 was used in western blot to study the induction of PERK expression during human cytomegalovirus infection and its role in activating lipogenesis
Fri Jan 10 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Common DISC1 polymorphisms disrupt Wnt/GSK3β signaling and brain development.
Singh KK,De Rienzo G,Drane L,Mao Y,Flood Z,Madison J,Ferreira M,Bergen S,King C,Sklar P,Sive H,Tsai LH
MA1-91878 was used in immunoprecipitation to study the effects of DISC1 polymorphisms on Wnt/GSK3? signaling and brain development
Thu Nov 17 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Isoform-specific interaction of pyruvate kinase with hepatitis C virus NS5B.
FEBS letters
Wu X,Zhou Y,Zhang K,Liu Q,Guo D
MA1-91878 was used in immunoprecipitation to investigate interactions between pyruvate kinase isoforms and hepatitis C virus NS5B
Wed Jun 25 00:00:00 UTC 2008
Selective expansion of genetically modified T cells using an antibody/interleukin-2 receptor chimera.
Journal of immunological methods
Sogo T,Kawahara M,Tsumoto K,Kumagai I,Ueda H,Nagamune T
MA1-91878 was used in western blot to optimise expansion of genetically modified T cells using an antibody/interleukin-2 receptor chimera
Wed Aug 20 00:00:00 UTC 2008
The nuclear envelope protein MAN1 regulates TGFbeta signaling and vasculogenesis in the embryonic yolk sac.
Development (Cambridge, England)
Cohen TV,Kosti O,Stewart CL
MA1-91878 was used in immunocytochemistry to determine the role of MAN1 in mouse development
Sun Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2007
Human guanylate binding protein-1 is a secreted GTPase present in increased concentrations in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with bacterial meningitis.
The American journal of pathology
Naschberger E,Lubeseder-Martellato C,Meyer N,Gessner R,Kremmer E,Gessner A,Stürzl M
MA1-91878 was used in western blot to determine whether human guanylate binding protein-1 is secreted from cells
Fri Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2006
Signaling within a coactivator complex: methylation of SRC-3/AIB1 is a molecular switch for complex disassembly.
Molecular and cellular biology
Feng Q,Yi P,Wong J,O'Malley BW
MA1-91878 was used in western blot to study the mechanisms underlying SRC-3/AIB1 coactivator complex disassembly
Wed Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2006
Endogenous hepatic expression of the hepatitis B virus X-associated protein 2 is adequate for maximal association with aryl hydrocarbon receptor-90-kDa heat shock protein complexes.
Molecular pharmacology
Hollingshead BD,Patel RD,Perdew GH
MA1-91878 was used in western blot to examine the link between XAP2 and AHR transcriptional activity
Fri Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2006
A positive feedback loop between Dumbfounded and Rolling pebbles leads to myotube enlargement in Drosophila.
The Journal of cell biology
Menon SD,Osman Z,Chenchill K,Chia W
MA1-91878 was used in immunocytochemistry to study mechanisms underlying myotube enlargement in Drosophila
Mon Jun 20 00:00:00 UTC 2005
Protein profiling and identification of modulators regulated by human papillomavirus 16 E7 oncogene in HaCaT keratinocytes by proteomics.
Gynecologic oncology
Lee KA,Kang JW,Shim JH,Kho CW,Park SG,Lee HG,Paik SG,Lim JS,Yoon DY
MA1-91878 was used in western blot to identify modulators regulated by human papillomavirus 16 E7 oncogene
Sat Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2005
Peptidyl-prolyl isomerase 1 (Pin1) serves as a coactivator of steroid receptor by regulating the activity of phosphorylated steroid receptor coactivator 3 (SRC-3/AIB1).
Molecular and cellular biology
Yi P,Wu RC,Sandquist J,Wong J,Tsai SY,Tsai MJ,Means AR,O'Malley BW
MA1-91878 was used in immunoprecipitation to study the mechanisms by which phosphorylation affects Pin1 function
Tue Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2005
Role of a novel dual flavin reductase (NR1) and an associated histidine triad protein (DCS-1) in menadione-induced cytotoxicity.
Biochemical and biophysical research communications
Kwaśnicka-Crawford DA,Vincent SR
MA1-91878 was used in western blot to study mechanisms of menadione-induced cytotoxicity
Fri Oct 21 00:00:00 UTC 2005
Bone morphogenetic protein-7 signals opposing transforming growth factor beta in mesangial cells.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Wang S,Hirschberg R
MA1-91878 was used in western blot to investigate how BMP-7 opposes TGF-beta signaling in mesangial cells
Fri May 28 00:00:00 UTC 2004
Serpin mechanism of hepatitis C virus nonstructural 3 (NS3) protease inhibition: induced fit as a mechanism for narrow specificity.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Richer MJ,Juliano L,Hashimoto C,Jean F
MA1-91878 was used in western blot to generate small-molecule inhibitors of the protease NS3
Fri Mar 12 00:00:00 UTC 2004
The constitutive photomorphogenesis 9 signalosome directs vascular endothelial growth factor production in tumor cells.
Cancer research
Pollmann C,Huang X,Mall J,Bech-Otschir D,Naumann M,Dubiel W
MA1-91878 was used in western blot to elucidate the signaling pathways that control tumor angiogenesis
Sat Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2001