Product References
αN-Acetyl β-Endorphin Is an Endogenous Ligand of σ1Rs That Regulates Mu-Opioid Receptor Signaling by Exchanging G Proteins for σ2Rs in σ1R Oligomers.
International journal of molecular sciences
Garzón-Niño J,Cortés-Montero E,Rodríguez-Muñoz M,Sánchez-Blázquez P
A-21288 was used in Immunocytochemistry, Western Blot, Immunohistochemistry to suggest that the pharmacological ß-Endorphin-specific epsilon receptor is a s1R-regulated MOR and that ß-Endorphin and aN-acetyl ß-Endorphin are endogenous ligands of s1R.
Thu Dec 29 00:00:00 UTC 2022
The Burkholderia pseudomallei intracellular 'TRANSITome'.
Nature communications
Heacock-Kang Y,McMillan IA,Norris MH,Sun Z,Zarzycki-Siek J,Bluhm AP,Cabanas D,Norton RE,Ketheesan N,Miller JF,Schweizer HP,Hoang TT
Published figure using HA Tag monoclonal antibody (Product # A-21288) in Immunocytochemistry
Fri Mar 26 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Cardiovascular response to small-molecule APJ activation.
JCI insight
Ason B,Chen Y,Guo Q,Hoagland KM,Chui RW,Fielden M,Sutherland W,Chen R,Zhang Y,Mihardja S,Ma X,Li X,Sun Y,Liu D,Nguyen K,Wang J,Li N,Rajamani S,Qu Y,Gao B,Boden A,Chintalgattu V,Turk JR,Chan J,Hu LA,Dransfield P,Houze J,Wong J,Ma J,Pattaropong V,Véniant MM,Vargas HM,Swaminath G,Khakoo AY
A-21288 was used in Immunocytochemistry-immunoflourescence to demonstrate the feasibility of developing clinical, viable, potent small-molecule agonists that mimic the endogenous APJ ligand with more favorable drug-like properties and highlights potential limitations for APJ agonism for this indication.
Thu Apr 23 00:00:00 UTC 2020
High mitogenic stimulation arrests angiogenesis.
Nature communications
Pontes-Quero S,Fernández-Chacón M,Luo W,Lunella FF,Casquero-Garcia V,Garcia-Gonzalez I,Hermoso A,Rocha SF,Bansal M,Benedito R
A-21288 was used in Immunohistochemistry to study the effects of high mitogenic stimulation on angiogenesis in different vascular contexts.
Wed May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Exosomal Tat protein activates latent HIV-1 in primary, resting CD4+ T lymphocytes.
JCI insight
Tang X,Lu H,Dooner M,Chapman S,Quesenberry PJ,Ramratnam B
A-21288 was used in Immunocytochemistry to study the utility of CD4+ receptor targeting exosomes as an HIV-1 latency reversal agent.
Thu Apr 05 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Bias Factor and Therapeutic Window Correlate to Predict Safer Opioid Analgesics.
Schmid CL,Kennedy NM,Ross NC,Lovell KM,Yue Z,Morgenweck J,Cameron MD,Bannister TD,Bohn LM
A-21288 was used in Flow Cytometry to characterise the structural features of a series of mu-opioid-receptor-selective agonists that preferentially activate receptors to couple to G proteins or to recruit βarrestin proteins.
Thu Nov 16 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Mitochondrial CaMKII inhibition in airway epithelium protects against allergic asthma.
JCI insight
Sebag SC,Koval OM,Paschke JD,Winters CJ,Jaffer OA,Dworski R,Sutterwala FS,Anderson ME,Grumbach IM
A-21288 was used in Immunohistochemistry-immunofluorescence to identify a pivotal role for mitochondrial Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II in reactive oxygen species generation, eosinophilic inflammation and airway hyperreactivity in allergic asthma.
Thu Feb 09 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Apicoplast targeting of a Toxoplasma gondii transmembrane protein requires a cytosolic tyrosine-based motif.
Traffic (Copenhagen, Denmark)
DeRocher AE,Karnataki A,Vaney P,Parsons M
A-21288 was used in Immunocytochemistry-immunoflourescence to identify a short motif prior to the first transmembrane domain of the Toxoplasma gondii apicoplast phosphate transporter 1 that is necessary for apicoplast trafficking.
Tue May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Characterization of the CaMKKβ-AMPK signaling complex.
Cellular signalling
Green MF,Anderson KA,Means AR
A-21288 was used in immunocytochemistry to elucidate the CaMKKβ-AMPK signaling complex.
Thu Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Conserved SOL-1 proteins regulate ionotropic glutamate receptor desensitization.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Walker CS,Francis MM,Brockie PJ,Madsen DM,Zheng Y,Maricq AV
A-21288 was used in immunohistochemistry to analyze regulation of ionotropic glutamate receptor desensitization by conserved SOL-1 proteins
Tue Jul 11 00:00:00 UTC 2006