Product References
Characterization of estrogen response element binding proteins as biomarkers of breast cancer behavior.
Clinical biochemistry
Kruer TL,Cummins TD,Powell DW,Wittliff JL
MA5-12938 was used in EMSA to study the prognostic value of estrogen resonse element binding proteins in breast cancer
Fri Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2013
Ku counteracts mobilization of PARP1 and MRN in chromatin damaged with DNA double-strand breaks.
Nucleic acids research
Cheng Q,Barboule N,Frit P,Gomez D,Bombarde O,Couderc B,Ren GS,Salles B,Calsou P
MA5-12938 was used in western blot to study the role of PARP1 and MRN proteins in the repair of DNA double strand breaks
Thu Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2011
The DNA repair complex Ku70/86 modulates Apaf1 expression upon DNA damage.
Cell death and differentiation
De Zio D,Bordi M,Tino E,Lanzuolo C,Ferraro E,Mora E,Ciccosanti F,Fimia GM,Orlando V,Cecconi F
MA5-12938 was used in ChIP assay to study the role of the Ku70/86 complex in modulating Apaf-1 expression upon DNA damage
Tue Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2011
TRF2/RAP1 and DNA-PK mediate a double protection against joining at telomeric ends.
The EMBO journal
Bombarde O,Boby C,Gomez D,Frit P,Giraud-Panis MJ,Gilson E,Salles B,Calsou P
MA5-12938 was used in immunoprecipitation to investigate the role of TRF2/RAP1 and DNA-PK at telomeric fusion
Wed May 05 00:00:00 UTC 2010
The effect of DNA-dependent protein kinase on adeno-associated virus replication.
PloS one
Choi YK,Nash K,Byrne BJ,Muzyczka N,Song S
MA5-12938 was used in immunoprecipitation to study the role of DNA-dependent protein kinase in adeno-associated virus replication
Mon Dec 20 00:00:00 UTC 2010
Accumulation of Ku80 proteins at DNA double-strand breaks in living cells.
Experimental cell research
Koike M,Koike A
MA5-12938 was used in immunocytochemistry to study the accumulation Ku80 proteins at DNA double-strand breaks in living cells
Mon Mar 10 00:00:00 UTC 2008
Loading of the nonhomologous end joining factor, Ku, on protein-occluded DNA ends.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Roberts SA,Ramsden DA
MA5-12938 was used in EMSA to study the mechanism by which the nonhomologous end joining factor Ku is loaded on protein-occluded DNA ends
Fri Apr 06 00:00:00 UTC 2007
Interplay between Ku, Artemis, and the DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit at DNA ends.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Drouet J,Frit P,Delteil C,de Villartay JP,Salles B,Calsou P
MA5-12938 was used in immunoprecipitation to study the interaction of Artemis with proteins involved of the non-homologous end joining pathway
Fri Sep 22 00:00:00 UTC 2006
Ongoing immunoglobulin class switch DNA recombination in lupus B cells: analysis of switch regulatory regions.
Liu S,Cerutti A,Casali P,Crow MK
MA5-12938 was used in EMSA to study the role of exogenous signals in ongoing immunoglobulin class switching DNA recombination in lupus B cells
Thu May 12 00:00:00 UTC 2005
Involvement of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 and XRCC1/DNA ligase III in an alternative route for DNA double-strand breaks rejoining.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Audebert M,Salles B,Calsou P
MA5-12938 was used in immunoprecipitation to study an alternative pathway for the repair of DNA double-strand breaks that involves poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 and a XRCC1-DNA ligase III complex
Fri Dec 31 00:00:00 UTC 2004
Ku70/Ku80 and DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit modulate RAG-mediated cleavage: implications for the enforcement of the 12/23 rule.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Sawchuk DJ,Mansilla-Soto J,Alarcon C,Singha NC,Langen H,Bianchi ME,Lees-Miller SP,Nussenzweig MC,Cortes P
MA5-12938 was used in blocking or activating experiment to study the role of Ku70/80 and DNA-PK in regulating RAG-mediated cleavage and the significance for the 12/23 rule specificity
Fri Jul 09 00:00:00 UTC 2004
Possible anti-recombinogenic role of Bloom's syndrome helicase in double-strand break processing.
Nucleic acids research
Onclercq-Delic R,Calsou P,Delteil C,Salles B,Papadopoulo D,Amor-Guéret M
MA5-12938 was used in immunoprecipitation to study the potential anti-recombinogenic role of BLM DNA helicase in double-strand break processing
Sat Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2003
Biochemical evidence for Ku-independent backup pathways of NHEJ.
Nucleic acids research
Wang H,Perrault AR,Takeda Y,Qin W,Wang H,Iliakis G
MA5-12938 was used in western blot to study alternative backup pathways of non-homologous end joining that are independent of Ku
Mon Sep 15 00:00:00 UTC 2003
Differential DNA binding of Ku antigen determines its involvement in DNA replication.
DNA and cell biology
Schild-Poulter C,Matheos D,Novac O,Cui B,Giffin W,Ruiz MT,Price GB,Zannis-Hadjopoulos M,Haché RJ
MA5-12938 was used in EMSA to study the role of differential DNA binding of Ku antigen in determining its involvement in DNA replication
Sat Feb 01 00:00:00 UTC 2003
In vivo association of Ku with mammalian origins of DNA replication.
Molecular biology of the cell
Novac O,Matheos D,Araujo FD,Price GB,Zannis-Hadjopoulos M
MA5-12938 was used in immunoprecipitation to investigate the role of Ku protein in the DNA replication in mammalia
Thu Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2001
Ku entry into DNA inhibits inward DNA transactions in vitro.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Frit P,Li RY,Arzel D,Salles B,Calsou P
MA5-12938 was used in immunoprecipitation to study the effect of Ku entry into DNA on local DNA processes and the regulatory role of DNA-dependent protein kinase
Fri Nov 17 00:00:00 UTC 2000
The repressor which binds the -75 GATA motif of the GPB promoter contains Ku70 as the DNA binding subunit.
Nucleic acids research
Camara-Clayette V,Thomas D,Rahuel C,Barbey R,Cartron JP,Bertrand O
MA5-12938 was used in EMSA to study the role of the Ku70 protein in transcriptionally regulating the erythroid glycoprotein B promoter
Thu Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 1999
Replication-mediated DNA damage by camptothecin induces phosphorylation of RPA by DNA-dependent protein kinase and dissociates RPA:DNA-PK complexes.
The EMBO journal
Shao RG,Cao CX,Zhang H,Kohn KW,Wold MS,Pommier Y
MA5-12938 was used in immunoprecipitation to study the role of replication protein A in the replication-mediated DNA damage caused by the topoisomerase inhibitor camptothecin
Mon Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 1999
Physical interaction between epidermal growth factor receptor and DNA-dependent protein kinase in mammalian cells.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Bandyopadhyay D,Mandal M,Adam L,Mendelsohn J,Kumar R
MA5-12938 was used in western blot to study the biological functions of the epidermal growth factor receptor and DNA-dependent protein kinase interaction
Fri Jan 16 00:00:00 UTC 1998