Product References
Generation of iPSC-derived human forebrain organoids assembling bilateral eye primordia.
Nature protocols
Gabriel E,Albanna W,Pasquini G,Ramani A,Josipovic N,Mariappan A,Riparbelli MG,Callaini G,Karch CM,Goureau O,Papantonis A,Busskamp V,Schneider T,Gopalakrishnan J
MA1-024 was used in Immunocytochemistry to generate organoids with both forebrain entities, which we call OV-containing brain organoids (OVB organoids).
Thu Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2023
ALS and Parkinson's disease genes CHCHD10 and CHCHD2 modify synaptic transcriptomes in human iPSC-derived motor neurons.
Neurobiology of disease
Harjuhaahto S,Rasila TS,Molchanova SM,Woldegebriel R,Kvist J,Konovalova S,Sainio MT,Pennonen J,Torregrosa-Muñumer R,Ibrahim H,Otonkoski T,Taira T,Ylikallio E,Tyynismaa H
MA1-024 was used in Immunocytochemistry to observe the role of mitochondrial intermembrane space proteins, CHCHD2 and CHCHD10, in human motor neurons.
Wed Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Human pluripotent reprogramming with CRISPR activators.
Nature communications
Weltner J,Balboa D,Katayama S,Bespalov M,Krjutškov K,Jouhilahti EM,Trokovic R,Kere J,Otonkoski T
MA1-024 was used in Immunocytochemistry to demonstrate that human somatic cells can be programmed into induced pluripotent stem cells using only CRISPR-Cas9 based gene activation.
Fri Jul 06 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Amnion Epithelial Cells of Buffalo (Bubalus Bubalis) Term Placenta Expressed Embryonic Stem Cells Markers and Differentiated into Cells of Neurogenic Lineage In Vitro.
Animal biotechnology
Ghosh K,Selokar NL,Gahlawat SK,Kumar D,Kumar P,Yadav PS
MA1-024X was used in immunocytochemistry to isolate and characterize buffalo amniotic membrane-derived epithelial cells
Mon Jul 18 00:00:00 UTC 2016