Product References
The CD155/TIGIT axis promotes and maintains immune evasion in neoantigen-expressing pancreatic cancer.
Cancer cell
Freed-Pastor WA,Lambert LJ,Ely ZA,Pattada NB,Bhutkar A,Eng G,Mercer KL,Garcia AP,Lin L,Rideout WM,Hwang WL,Schenkel JM,Jaeger AM,Bronson RT,Westcott PMK,Hether TD,Divakar P,Reeves JW,Deshpande V,Delorey T,Phillips D,Yilmaz OH,Regev A,Jacks T
11-5999-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to investigate CD155/TIGIT signaling in neoantigen-expressing pancreatic cancer.
Mon Oct 11 00:00:00 UTC 2021
CXCL14 suppresses human papillomavirus-associated head and neck cancer through antigen-specific CD8+ T-cell responses by upregulating MHC-I expression.
Westrich JA,Vermeer DW,Silva A,Bonney S,Berger JN,Cicchini L,Greer RO,Song JI,Raben D,Slansky JE,Lee JH,Spanos WC,Pyeon D
11-5999-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to show that the CXCL14-mediated antitumor CD8+ T-cell responses require antigen specificity.
Fri Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
CXCL14 suppresses human papillomavirus-associated head and neck cancer through antigen-specific CD8+ T-cell responses by upregulating MHC-I expression.
Westrich JA,Vermeer DW,Silva A,Bonney S,Berger JN,Cicchini L,Greer RO,Song JI,Raben D,Slansky JE,Lee JH,Spanos WC,Pyeon D
11-5999-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to show that the CXCL14-mediated antitumor CD8+ T-cell responses require antigen specificity.
Fri Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Macrophage-specific MHCII expression is regulated by a remote Ciita enhancer controlled by NFAT5.
The Journal of experimental medicine
Buxadé M,Huerga Encabo H,Riera-Borrull M,Quintana-Gallardo L,López-Cotarelo P,Tellechea M,Martínez-Martínez S,Redondo JM,Martín-Caballero J,Flores JM,Bosch E,Rodríguez-Fernández JL,Aramburu J,López-Rodríguez C
Published figure using MHC Class I (H-2Db) monoclonal antibody (Product # 11-5999-82) in Flow Cytometry
Mon Nov 05 00:00:00 UTC 2018
A20 critically controls microglia activation and inhibits inflammasome-dependent neuroinflammation.
Nature communications
Voet S,Mc Guire C,Hagemeyer N,Martens A,Schroeder A,Wieghofer P,Daems C,Staszewski O,Vande Walle L,Jordao MJC,Sze M,Vikkula HK,Demeestere D,Van Imschoot G,Scott CL,Hoste E,Gonçalves A,Guilliams M,Lippens S,Libert C,Vandenbroucke RE,Kim KW,Jung S,Callaerts-Vegh Z,Callaerts P,de Wit J,Lamkanfi M,Prinz M,van Loo G
11-5999 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to determine the role of the nuclear factor kappa B regulatory protein A20 in the regulation of microglia activation during CNS homeostasis.
Wed May 23 00:00:00 UTC 2018
The Shc1 adaptor simultaneously balances Stat1 and Stat3 activity to promote breast cancer immune suppression.
Nature communications
Ahn R,Sabourin V,Bolt AM,Hébert S,Totten S,De Jay N,Festa MC,Young YK,Im YK,Pawson T,Koromilas AE,Muller WJ,Mann KK,Kleinman CL,Ursini-Siegel J
Published figure using MHC Class I (H-2Db) monoclonal antibody (Product # 11-5999-82) in Flow Cytometry
Thu Mar 09 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Genetic and phenotypic characterization of the novel mouse substrain C57BL/6N Korl with increased body weight.
Scientific reports
Choi KM,Jung J,Cho YM,Kim K,Kim MG,Kim J,Kim H,Shin HJ,Kim HD,Chung ST,Cho S,Chung MW
11-5999 was used in Immunocytochemistry-immunoflourescence to investigate the underlying genetic profiles of a newly developed mouse strain, C57BL/6NKorl.
Fri Oct 27 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Epitope Prediction Assays Combined with Validation Assays Strongly Narrows down Putative Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Epitopes.
Ip PP,Nijman HW,Daemen T
11-5999 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the most promising C57BL/6 mouse-restricted Hepatitis C virus (HCV) MHC class I epitopes and validate these epitopes in vitro and in vivo.
Tue Mar 24 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Alphavirus-based vaccines encoding nonstructural proteins of hepatitis C virus induce robust and protective T-cell responses.
Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy
Ip PP,Boerma A,Regts J,Meijerhof T,Wilschut J,Nijman HW,Daemen T
11-5999 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study an rSFV-based vector which induces robust T-cell activity and has a potential for the treatment of HCV infections.
Tue Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
A potent vaccination strategy that circumvents lymphodepletion for effective antitumor adoptive T-cell therapy.
Cancer research
Cho HI,Reyes-Vargas E,Delgado JC,Celis E
11-5999 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to indicate that PD1 blockade and IL-2/anti-IL-2 complexes enhance the T-cell responses induced by peptide vaccination after adoptive cell therapy.
Sun Apr 15 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Phospholipase C gamma 2 is critical for development of a murine model of inflammatory arthritis by affecting actin dynamics in dendritic cells.
PloS one
Cremasco V,Benasciutti E,Cella M,Kisseleva M,Croke M,Faccio R
11-5999 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to demonstrate a critical role for PLCgamma2 in eliciting inflammatory responses by regulating actin dynamics in dendritic cells.
Wed Jan 27 00:00:00 UTC 2010
A subpopulation of mesenchymal stromal cells with high osteogenic potential.
Journal of cellular and molecular medicine
Liu H,Toh WS,Lu K,MacAry PA,Kemeny DM,Cao T
Sat Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2009