Product References
Pharmacologic inhibition of IL11/STAT3 signaling increases MHC-I expression and T cell infiltration.
Journal of translational medicine
Xiong W,Chen Y,Zhang C,Li J,Huang H,Zhu Y,Deng G,Cheng J,Lin Y,Shi Z,Mou T
Published figure using MHC Class I (H-2Kd/H-2Dd) monoclonal antibody (Product # 11-5998-82) in Flow Cytometry
Mon Jun 26 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Stromal Reprogramming by FAK Inhibition Overcomes Radiation Resistance to Allow for Immune Priming and Response to Checkpoint Blockade.
Cancer discovery
Lander VE,Belle JI,Kingston NL,Herndon JM,Hogg GD,Liu X,Kang LI,Knolhoff BL,Bogner SJ,Baer JM,Zuo C,Borcherding NC,Lander DP,Mpoy C,Scott J,Zahner M,Rogers BE,Schwarz JK,Kim H,DeNardo DG
11-5998-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to show that FAK inhibition allows RT to prime tumor immunity and unlock responsiveness to checkpoint immunotherapy.
Fri Dec 02 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Phosphatase SHP1 impedes mesenchymal stromal cell immunosuppressive capacity modulated by JAK1/STAT3 and P38 signals.
Cell & bioscience
Jiang M,Ye J,Wang X,Li N,Wang Y,Shi Y
Published figure using MHC Class I (H-2Kd/H-2Dd) monoclonal antibody (Product # 11-5998-82) in Flow Cytometry
Thu Apr 14 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Cancer cell-intrinsic expression of MHC II in lung cancer cell lines is actively restricted by MEK/ERK signaling and epigenetic mechanisms.
Journal for immunotherapy of cancer
Neuwelt AJ,Kimball AK,Johnson AM,Arnold BW,Bullock BL,Kaspar RE,Kleczko EK,Kwak JW,Wu MH,Heasley LE,Doebele RC,Li HY,Nemenoff RA,Clambey ET
Published figure using MHC Class I (H-2Kd/H-2Dd) monoclonal antibody (Product # 11-5998-82) in Flow Cytometry
Wed Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
PTCy ameliorates GVHD by restoring regulatory and effector T-cell homeostasis in recipients with PD-1 blockade.
Blood advances
Ikegawa S,Meguri Y,Kondo T,Sugiura H,Sando Y,Nakamura M,Iwamoto M,Maeda Y,Matsuoka KI
11-5998-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to present that the influence of PD-1 blockade differed within T-cell subsets and caused unbalanced reconstitution of T-cell subsets, resulting in severe GVHD. PTCy successfully restored T-cell homeostasis and ameliorated GVHD induced by PD-1-/- donor T cells.
Tue Dec 10 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Periostin blockade overcomes chemoresistance via restricting the expansion of mesenchymal tumor subpopulations in breast cancer.
Scientific reports
Nakazawa Y,Taniyama Y,Sanada F,Morishita R,Nakamori S,Morimoto K,Yeung KT,Yang J
11-5998 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to indicate that periostin's importance in EMT-dependent chemoresistance and is a promising target to overcome chemoresistance in triple-negative breast cancer.
Mon Mar 05 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Genetic and phenotypic characterization of the novel mouse substrain C57BL/6N Korl with increased body weight.
Scientific reports
Choi KM,Jung J,Cho YM,Kim K,Kim MG,Kim J,Kim H,Shin HJ,Kim HD,Chung ST,Cho S,Chung MW
11-5998 was used in Immunocytochemistry-immunoflourescence to investigate the underlying genetic profiles of a newly developed mouse strain, C57BL/6NKorl.
Fri Oct 27 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Relationship of tumor marker CA125 and ovarian tumor stem cells: preliminary identification.
Journal of ovarian research
Zhang H,Yang Y,Wang Y,Gao X,Wang W,Liu H,He H,Liang Y,Pan K,Wu H,Shi J,Xue H,Liang L,Cai Z,Fan Y,Zhang Y
11-5998-82 was used in immunohistochemistry (frozen) to study the prospective association between CA125 and tumorigenic ovarian cancer cells, showing that CA125+ cells could form new tumours and may be ovarian cancer stem cells.
Sat Mar 28 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Model of fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinomas reveals striking enrichment in cancer stem cells.
Nature communications
Oikawa T,Wauthier E,Dinh TA,Selitsky SR,Reyna-Neyra A,Carpino G,Levine R,Cardinale V,Klimstra D,Gaudio E,Alvaro D,Carrasco N,Sethupathy P,Reid LM
11-5998 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the mechanisms underlying hFL-HCCs pathogenesis and potential therapies.
Tue Oct 06 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Immunogenicity of undifferentiated and differentiated allogeneic mouse mesenchymal stem cells.
Journal of tissue engineering
Mukonoweshuro B,Brown CJ,Fisher J,Ingham E
11-5998 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to determine that although mesenchymal stem cells possess immunosuppressive properties, they may not be immunoprivileged.
Fri May 09 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Amniotic fluid stem cells prevent follicle atresia and rescue fertility of mice with premature ovarian failure induced by chemotherapy.
PloS one
Xiao GY,Liu IH,Cheng CC,Chang CC,Lee YH,Cheng WT,Wu SC
Published figure using MHC Class I (H-2Kd/H-2Dd) monoclonal antibody (Product # 11-5998-82) in Flow Cytometry
Thu May 28 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Isolation and characterization of novel murine epiphysis derived mesenchymal stem cells.
PloS one
Cheng CC,Lian WS,Hsiao FS,Liu IH,Lin SP,Lee YH,Chang CC,Xiao GY,Huang HY,Cheng CF,Cheng WT,Wu SC
Published figure using MHC Class I (H-2Kd/H-2Dd) monoclonal antibody (Product # 11-5998-82) in Flow Cytometry
Fri Sep 07 00:00:00 UTC 2012
The N terminus of adenovirus type 12 E1A inhibits major histocompatibility complex class I expression by preventing phosphorylation of NF-kappaB p65 Ser276 through direct binding.
Journal of virology
Jiao J,Guan H,Lippa AM,Ricciardi RP
11-5998 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to provide evidence for the role of the adenoviral E1A-12 N terminus as an NF-kappaB binding domain to inhibit the MHC I complex.
Sun Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2010
4-1BB functions as a survival factor in dendritic cells.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
Choi BK,Kim YH,Kwon PM,Lee SC,Kang SW,Kim MS,Lee MJ,Kwon BS
11-5998 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the function of CD137 on dendritic cells, showing that it functions as a survival factor.
Wed Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2009
Tumorigenic adenovirus type 12 E1A inhibits phosphorylation of NF-kappaB by PKAc, causing loss of DNA binding and transactivation.
Journal of virology
Guan H,Jiao J,Ricciardi RP
11-5998 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to demonstrate that E1A-12 specifically prevents NF-kappaB from being phosphorylated by PKAc.
Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2008
Dynamics of lung macrophage activation in response to helminth infection.
Journal of leukocyte biology
Siracusa MC,Reece JJ,Urban JF,Scott AL
Published figure using MHC Class I (H-2Kd/H-2Dd) monoclonal antibody (Product # 11-5998-82) in Flow Cytometry
Mon Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2008
Evaluation of T-cell responses to peptides with MHC class I-binding motifs derived from PE_PGRS 33 protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Journal of medical microbiology
Chaitra MG,Shaila MS,Nayak R
11-5998 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study how PE_PGRS 33 has access to the MHC class I processing pathway, and how short peptide fragments of this protein can be presented to CD8+ T cells.
Sun Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2007
Soluble type II transforming growth factor-beta receptor inhibits established murine malignant mesothelioma tumor growth by augmenting host antitumor immunity.
Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research
Suzuki E,Kapoor V,Cheung HK,Ling LE,DeLong PA,Kaiser LR,Albelda SM
11-5998 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to suggest that TGF-beta blockade of established TGF-beta-secreting MM should be explored as a promising strategy to treat patients with tumors that produce TGF-beta.
Wed Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2004