Product References
Cathepsin D overexpression in the nervous system rescues lethality and Aβ42 accumulation of cathepsin D systemic knockout in vivo.
Acta pharmaceutica Sinica. B
Ouyang X,Wani WY,Benavides GA,Redmann MJ,Vo H,van Groen T,Darley-Usmar VM,Zhang J
459100 was used in Western Blot to find that over-expression of Cathepsin D extended the lifespan of the CDKO mice, partially rescues proteasomal deficits and the accumulation of Aβ42 in the CDKO.
Sun Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Regulation of mitochondrial proteostasis by the proton gradient.
The EMBO journal
Patron M,Tarasenko D,Nolte H,Kroczek L,Ghosh M,Ohba Y,Lasarzewski Y,Ahmadi ZA,Cabrera-Orefice A,Eyiama A,Kellermann T,Rugarli EI,Brandt U,Meinecke M,Langer T
459100 was used in Flow Cytometry, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin), Western Blot to demonstrate the regulation of the m-AAA protease AFG3L2 by the mitochondrial proton gradient, coupling mitochondrial protein turnover to the energetic status of mitochondria.
Tue Aug 16 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Regulation of mitochondrial proteostasis by the proton gradient.
The EMBO journal
Patron M,Tarasenko D,Nolte H,Kroczek L,Ghosh M,Ohba Y,Lasarzewski Y,Ahmadi ZA,Cabrera-Orefice A,Eyiama A,Kellermann T,Rugarli EI,Brandt U,Meinecke M,Langer T
459100 was used in Flow Cytometry, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin), Western Blot to demonstrate the regulation of the m-AAA protease AFG3L2 by the mitochondrial proton gradient, coupling mitochondrial protein turnover to the energetic status of mitochondria.
Tue Aug 16 00:00:00 UTC 2022
The Combination of Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and Cannabidiol Suppresses Mitochondrial Respiration of Human Glioblastoma Cells via Downregulation of Specific Respiratory Chain Proteins.
Rupprecht A,Theisen U,Wendt F,Frank M,Hinz B
459100 was used in Western Blotting to describe a previously unknown mitochondria-targeting mechanism behind the toxic effect of THC and CBD on glioblastoma cells that should be considered in future cancer therapy, especially in combination strategies with other chemotherapeutics.
Mon Jun 27 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Differential requirements for mitochondrial electron transport chain components in the adult murine liver.
Lesner NP,Wang X,Chen Z,Frank A,Menezes CJ,House S,Shelton SD,Lemoff A,McFadden DG,Wansapura J,DeBerardinis RJ,Mishra P
459100 was used in Western Blot to support a model whereby complex I loss is tolerated in the mouse liver because hepatocytes use alternative electron donors to fuel the mitochondrial ETC.
Mon Sep 26 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Enhancement of anaerobic glycolysis - a role of PGC-1α4 in resistance exercise.
Nature communications
Koh JH,Pataky MW,Dasari S,Klaus KA,Vuckovic I,Ruegsegger GN,Kumar AP,Robinson MM,Nair KS
459100 was used in Western Blotting to provide a mechanistic link between RET and improved glucose metabolism, offering an important therapeutic target to counteract aging and inactivity-induced metabolic diseases benefitting those who cannot exercise due to many reasons.
Thu Apr 28 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Exercise training enhances muscle mitochondrial metabolism in diet-resistant obesity.
Pileggi CA,Blondin DP,Hooks BG,Parmar G,Alecu I,Patten DA,Cuillerier A,O'Dwyer C,Thrush AB,Fullerton MD,Bennett SA,Doucet É,Haman F,Cuperlovic-Culf M,McPherson R,Dent RRM,Harper ME
459100 was used in Western Blotting to show that these clinical and metabolic mechanism insights move the field towards better personalised approaches for the treatment of distinct obesity phenotypes.
Thu Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Pantothenate and L-Carnitine Supplementation Improves Pathological Alterations in Cellular Models of KAT6A Syndrome.
Munuera-Cabeza M,Álvarez-Córdoba M,Suárez-Rivero JM,Povea-Cabello S,Villalón-García I,Talaverón-Rey M,Suárez-Carrillo A,Reche-López D,Cilleros-Holgado P,Piñero-Pérez R,Sánchez-Alcázar JA
459100 was used in Flow Cytometry, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin), Western Blot to suggest that pantothenate and L-carnitine can significantly improve the mutant phenotype in cellular models of KAT6A syndrome.
Tue Dec 06 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Ca2+-mediated mitochondrial inner membrane permeabilization induces cell death independently of Bax and Bak.
Cell death and differentiation
Quarato G,Llambi F,Guy CS,Min J,Actis M,Sun H,Narina S,Pruett-Miller SM,Peng J,Rankovic Z,Green DR
459100 was used in Western Blotting to show that the inhibition of cell death by CsA or its analogues can be independent of effects on the MPT.
Fri Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Coding and non-coding roles of MOCCI (C15ORF48) coordinate to regulate host inflammation and immunity.
Nature communications
Lee CQE,Kerouanton B,Chothani S,Zhang S,Chen Y,Mantri CK,Hock DH,Lim R,Nadkarni R,Huynh VT,Lim D,Chew WL,Zhong FL,Stroud DA,Schafer S,Tergaonkar V,St John AL,Rackham OJL,Ho L
459100 was used in Western Blot to uncover a dual-component pleiotropic regulation of host inflammation and immunity by MOCCI (C15ORF48) for safeguarding the host during infection and inflammation.
Fri Apr 09 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Enhanced hepatic respiratory capacity and altered lipid metabolism support metabolic homeostasis during short-term hypoxic stress.
BMC biology
O'Brien KA,McNally BD,Sowton AP,Murgia A,Armitage J,Thomas LW,Krause FN,Maddalena LA,Francis I,Kavanagh S,Williams DP,Ashcroft M,Griffin JL,Lyon JJ,Murray AJ
459100 was used in Western Blotting to report that hepatic respiratory capacity is enhanced following short-term exposure to hypoxia (2 days, 10% O2) and is associated with increased abundance of the respiratory chain supercomplex III2+IV and increased cardiolipin levels.
Wed Dec 15 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Adaptive optimization of the OXPHOS assembly line partially compensates lrpprc-dependent mitochondrial translation defects in mice.
Communications biology
Cuillerier A,Ruiz M,Daneault C,Forest A,Rossi J,Vasam G,Cairns G,Cadete V,Des Rosiers C,Burelle Y
459100 was used in Flow Cytometry, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin), Western Blot to reveal a complex in vivo network of molecular adjustments involved in preserving mitochondrial integrity in energy consuming organs facing OXPHOS defects.
Thu Aug 19 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Identification of long-lived proteins in the mitochondria reveals increased stability of the electron transport chain.
Developmental cell
Krishna S,Arrojo E Drigo R,Capitanio JS,Ramachandra R,Ellisman M,Hetzer MW
459100 was used in Flow Cytometry, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin), Western Blot to suggest that modulating protein longevity within the ETC is critical for mitochondrial proteome maintenance and the robustness of mitochondrial function.
Mon Nov 08 00:00:00 UTC 2021
GLP-1 Receptor Signaling in Astrocytes Regulates Fatty Acid Oxidation, Mitochondrial Integrity, and Function.
Cell metabolism
Timper K,Del Río-Martín A,Cremer AL,Bremser S,Alber J,Giavalisco P,Varela L,Heilinger C,Nolte H,Trifunovic A,Horvath TL,Kloppenburg P,Backes H,Brüning JC
459100 was used in Western Blotting to demonstrate that glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 inhibits glucose uptake and promotes β-oxidation in cultured astrocytes.
Tue Jun 02 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Autophagy inhibition prevents glucocorticoid-increased adiposity via suppressing BAT whitening.
Deng J,Guo Y,Yuan F,Chen S,Yin H,Jiang X,Jiao F,Wang F,Ji H,Hu G,Ying H,Chen Y,Zhai Q,Xiao F,Guo F
459100 was used in Western Blotting to demonstrate that glucorticoid triggers a profound whitening of BAT, and inhibition of autophagy or BTG1 in BAT alleviates glucocorticoid-increased fat mass.
Sun Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Maintaining Myocardial Glucose Utilization in Diabetic Cardiomyopathy Accelerates Mitochondrial Dysfunction.
Wende AR,Schell JC,Ha CM,Pepin ME,Khalimonchuk O,Schwertz H,Pereira RO,Brahma MK,Tuinei J,Contreras-Ferrat A,Wang L,Andrizzi CA,Olsen CD,Bradley WE,Dell'Italia LJ,Dillmann WH,Litwin SE,Abel ED
459100 was used in Western Blotting to identify mitochondria as a major target of glucotoxicity.
Thu Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
The Mitochondria-Associated ER Membranes Are Novel Subcellular Locations Enriched for Inflammatory-Responsive MicroRNAs.
Molecular neurobiology
Wang WX,Prajapati P,Nelson PT,Springer JE
459100 was used in Western Blot to demonstrate that miRNAs are distributed differentially in organelles and may re-distribute between organelles and the cytosol in response to cellular stress and metabolic demands.
Wed Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
The Mitochondria-Associated ER Membranes Are Novel Subcellular Locations Enriched for Inflammatory-Responsive MicroRNAs.
Molecular neurobiology
Wang WX,Prajapati P,Nelson PT,Springer JE
459100 was used in Western Blot to demonstrate that miRNAs are distributed differentially in organelles and may re-distribute between organelles and the cytosol in response to cellular stress and metabolic demands.
Wed Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Leigh Syndrome Due to NDUFV1 Mutations Initially Presenting as LBSL.
Borna NN,Kishita Y,Sakai N,Hamada Y,Kamagata K,Kohda M,Ohtake A,Murayama K,Okazaki Y
459100 was used in Western Blot to describe a case with infantile-onset neurodegeneration, psychomotor retardation, irritability, hypotonia, and nystagmus.
Mon Nov 09 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Leigh Syndrome Due to NDUFV1 Mutations Initially Presenting as LBSL.
Borna NN,Kishita Y,Sakai N,Hamada Y,Kamagata K,Kohda M,Ohtake A,Murayama K,Okazaki Y
459100 was used in Western Blot to describe a case with infantile-onset neurodegeneration, psychomotor retardation, irritability, hypotonia, and nystagmus.
Mon Nov 09 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Sperm-specific COX6B2 enhances oxidative phosphorylation, proliferation, and survival in human lung adenocarcinoma.
Cheng CC,Wooten J,Gibbs ZA,McGlynn K,Mishra P,Whitehurst AW
459100 was used in Western Blotting to reveal the tumor-specific metabolic pathway hijacked from one of the most ATP-intensive processes in the animal kingdom: sperm motility.
Tue Sep 29 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Sperm-specific COX6B2 enhances oxidative phosphorylation, proliferation, and survival in human lung adenocarcinoma.
Cheng CC,Wooten J,Gibbs ZA,McGlynn K,Mishra P,Whitehurst AW
459100 was used in Western Blotting to reveal the tumor-specific metabolic pathway hijacked from one of the most ATP-intensive processes in the animal kingdom: sperm motility.
Tue Sep 29 00:00:00 UTC 2020
A homozygous variant in NDUFA8 is associated with developmental delay, microcephaly, and epilepsy due to mitochondrial complex I deficiency.
Clinical genetics
Yatsuka Y,Kishita Y,Formosa LE,Shimura M,Nozaki F,Fujii T,Nitta KR,Ohtake A,Murayama K,Ryan MT,Okazaki Y
459100 was used in Flow Cytometry, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin), Western Blot to report that the loss of NDUFA8, which has not previously been associated with mitochondrial disease, causes severe defect in the assembly of mitochondrial complex I, leading to progressive neurological and developmental abnormalities.
Sat Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
A novel homozygous variant in MICOS13/QIL1 causes hepato-encephalopathy with mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome.
Molecular genetics & genomic medicine
Kishita Y,Shimura M,Kohda M,Akita M,Imai-Okazaki A,Yatsuka Y,Nakajima Y,Ito T,Ohtake A,Murayama K,Okazaki Y
459100 was used in Western Blot to determine the clinical significance of the identified variant.
Thu Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Methodology for Subcellular Fractionation and MicroRNA Examination of Mitochondria, Mitochondria Associated ER Membrane (MAM), ER, and Cytosol from Human Brain.
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)
Prajapati P,Wang WX,Nelson PT,Springer JE
459100 was used in Flow Cytometry, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin), Western Blot to describe a protocol that is tailored to the isolation of highly purified MAM, mitochondria, ER, and cytosol from human brain and include a protocol for the isolation of total RNA and subsequent analysis of microRNAs from these highly purified organelle fractions.
Tue Dec 08 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Methodology for Subcellular Fractionation and MicroRNA Examination of Mitochondria, Mitochondria Associated ER Membrane (MAM), ER, and Cytosol from Human Brain.
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)
Prajapati P,Wang WX,Nelson PT,Springer JE
459100 was used in Flow Cytometry, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin), Western Blot to describe a protocol that is tailored to the isolation of highly purified MAM, mitochondria, ER, and cytosol from human brain and include a protocol for the isolation of total RNA and subsequent analysis of microRNAs from these highly purified organelle fractions.
Tue Dec 08 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Low abundance of NDUFV2 and NDUFS4 subunits of the hydrophilic complex I domain and VDAC1 predicts mammalian longevity.
Redox biology
Mota-Martorell N,Jove M,Pradas I,Sanchez I,Gómez J,Naudi A,Barja G,Pamplona R
459100 was used in Western Blotting to analyse complex I in heart tissue from 8 mammalian species with a longevity ranging from 3.5 to 46 years.
Wed Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Pulse-chase SILAC-based analyses reveal selective oversynthesis and rapid turnover of mitochondrial protein components of respiratory complexes.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Bogenhagen DF,Haley JD
459100 was used in Western Blot to propose that pulse-chase SILAC labeling is a useful tool for studying rates of protein complex assembly and degradation.
Fri Feb 28 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Loss of the mitochondrial i-AAA protease YME1L leads to ocular dysfunction and spinal axonopathy.
EMBO molecular medicine
Sprenger HG,Wani G,Hesseling A,König T,Patron M,MacVicar T,Ahola S,Wai T,Barth E,Rugarli EI,Bergami M,Langer T
459100 was used in Western Blotting to report on cell-type-specific defects in mice lacking YME1L in the nervous system.
Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
The mitochondrial deoxyguanosine kinase is required for cancer cell stemness in lung adenocarcinoma.
EMBO molecular medicine
Lin S,Huang C,Sun J,Bollt O,Wang X,Martine E,Kang J,Taylor MD,Fang B,Singh PK,Koomen J,Hao J,Yang S
459100 was used in Western Blotting to identify the role of mitochondrial deoxynucleotide triphosphate metabolism in lunge cancer tumor growth and progression.
Sun Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Absence of TXNIP in Humans Leads to Lactic Acidosis and Low Serum Methionine Linked to Deficient Respiration on Pyruvate.
Katsu-Jiménez Y,Vázquez-Calvo C,Maffezzini C,Halldin M,Peng X,Freyer C,Wredenberg A,Giménez-Cassina A,Wedell A,Arnér ESJ
459100 was used in Western Blotting to study a family with a mutation in the TXNIP gene leading to nondetectable expression of TXNIP protein.
Mon Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Chloramphenicol Mitigates Oxidative Stress by Inhibiting Translation of Mitochondrial Complex I in Dopaminergic Neurons of Toxin-Induced Parkinson's Disease Model.
Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity
Han J,Kim SJ,Ryu MJ,Jang Y,Lee MJ,Ju X,Lee YL,Cui J,Shong M,Heo JY,Kweon GR
459100 was used in Western Blotting to show chloramphenicol in a toxin-induced Parkinson's Disease model mediates inhibition of mitochondrial complex I in dopaminergic neurons leading to mitigation of oxidative stress.
Fri Mar 20 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Mutations in the mitochondrial complex I assembly factor NDUFAF6 cause isolated bilateral striatal necrosis and progressive dystonia in childhood.
Molecular genetics and metabolism
Baide-Mairena H,Gaudó P,Marti-Sánchez L,Emperador S,Sánchez-Montanez A,Alonso-Luengo O,Correa M,Grau AM,Ortigoza-Escobar JD,Artuch R,Vázquez E,Del Toro M,Garrido-Pérez N,Ruiz-Pesini E,Montoya J,Bayona-Bafaluy MP,Pérez-Dueñas B
459100 was used in Western Blot to perform a deep phenotype characterisation in a pedigree of 3 siblings with Leigh syndrome and compound heterozygous NDUFAF6 mutations.
Fri Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
IL-15 improves skeletal muscle oxidative metabolism and glucose uptake in association with increased respiratory chain supercomplex formation and AMPK pathway activation.
Biochimica et biophysica acta. General subjects
Nadeau L,Patten DA,Caron A,Garneau L,Pinault-Masson E,Foretz M,Haddad P,Anderson BG,Quinn LS,Jardine K,McBurney MW,Pistilli EE,Harper ME,Aguer C
459100 was used in Western Blotting to investigate the role of IL-15 on autocrine/paracrine regulation of muscle glucose uptake and mitochondrial exposure.
Fri Feb 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Coenzyme Q10 protects against burn-induced mitochondrial dysfunction and impaired insulin signaling in mouse skeletal muscle.
FEBS open bio
Nakazawa H,Ikeda K,Shinozaki S,Yasuhara S,Yu YM,Martyn JAJ,Tompkins RG,Yorozu T,Inoue S,Kaneki M
459100 was used in Western Blotting to study the protective effects of coenzyme Q10 against burn-induced mitochondrial dysfunction and impaired insulin signalling in mouse skeletal muscle.
Fri Feb 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Depletion of Mitochondrial DNA in Differentiated Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells.
Scientific reports
Hu X,Calton MA,Tang S,Vollrath D
459100 was used in Western Blotting to identify didanosine mediated mitochondrial DNA depletion promotes a glycolytic shift in differentiated retinal pigment epithelial cells and enhances resistance to oxidative damage.
Fri Oct 25 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Depletion of Mitochondrial DNA in Differentiated Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells.
Scientific reports
Hu X,Calton MA,Tang S,Vollrath D
459100 was used in Western Blotting to identify didanosine mediated mitochondrial DNA depletion promotes a glycolytic shift in differentiated retinal pigment epithelial cells and enhances resistance to oxidative damage.
Fri Oct 25 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Peroxynitrite supports a metabolic reprogramming in merlin-deficient Schwann cells and promotes cell survival.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Pestoni JC,Klingeman Plati S,Valdivia Camacho OD,Fuse MA,Onatunde M,Sparrow NA,Karajannis MA,Fernández-Valle C,Franco MC
Published figure using NDUFA9 monoclonal antibody (Product # 459100) in Western Blot
Fri Jul 26 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Caloric Restriction Induces MicroRNAs to Improve Mitochondrial Proteostasis.
Zhang R,Wang X,Qu JH,Liu B,Zhang P,Zhang T,Fan PC,Wang XM,Xiao GY,Su Y,Xie Y,Liu Y,Pei JF,Zhang ZQ,Hao DL,Xu P,Chen HZ,Liu DP
459100 was used in Western Blotting to explore how caloric restriction influences mitochondrial proteostasis in mouse livers.
Fri Jul 26 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Fascin Controls Metastatic Colonization and Mitochondrial Oxidative Phosphorylation by Remodeling Mitochondrial Actin Filaments.
Cell reports
Lin S,Huang C,Gunda V,Sun J,Chellappan SP,Li Z,Izumi V,Fang B,Koomen J,Singh PK,Hao J,Yang S
459100 was used in Western Blot to report that fascin, an actin-bundling protein, promotes lung cancer metastatic colonization by augmenting metabolic stress resistance and mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS).
Tue Sep 10 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Age-related sex differences in the expression of important disease-linked mitochondrial proteins in mice.
Biology of sex differences
Moschinger M,Hilse KE,Rupprecht A,Zeitz U,Erben RG,Rülicke T,Pohl EE
459100 was used in Western Blotting to demonstrate that levels of UCP1 and UCP3 protein expression differ between females and males in an age-dependent manner; that pre-pubertal expression of most proteins does not depend on the sex of the mouse; and that expression of VDAC1 and actin is tissue-specifically influenced by sex and age.
Thu Dec 05 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Mitochondrial supercomplex assembly promotes breast and endometrial tumorigenesis by metabolic alterations and enhanced hypoxia tolerance.
Nature communications
Ikeda K,Horie-Inoue K,Suzuki T,Hobo R,Nakasato N,Takeda S,Inoue S
459100 was used in Western Blotting to study the effect of COX7RP overexpression on breast and endometrial cancer cells in hypoxic states.
Wed Sep 11 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Fractionated mitochondrial magnetic separation for isolation of synaptic mitochondria from brain tissue.
Scientific reports
Hubbard WB,Harwood CL,Prajapati P,Springer JE,Saatman KE,Sullivan PG
459100 was used in Western Blotting to show that FMMS enables improved brain-derived mitochondrial yield for mitochondrial assessments and better detection of mitochondrial impairment in CNS injury and neurodegenerative disease.
Thu Jul 04 00:00:00 UTC 2019
COX6A2 variants cause a muscle-specific cytochrome c oxidase deficiency.
Annals of neurology
Inoue M,Uchino S,Iida A,Noguchi S,Hayashi S,Takahashi T,Fujii K,Komaki H,Takeshita E,Nonaka I,Okada Y,Yoshizawa T,Van Lommel L,Schuit F,Goto YI,Mimaki M,Nishino I
459100 was used in Blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to indicate that biallelic variants in COX6A2 cause a striated muscle-specific form of COX deficiency.
Thu Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Toxoplasma gondii GRA8 induces ATP5A1-SIRT3-mediated mitochondrial metabolic resuscitation: a potential therapy for sepsis.
Experimental & molecular medicine
Kim YR,Kim JS,Yun JS,Kim S,Kim SY,Jang K,Yang CS
459100 was used in Functional Assay to show that protein kinase-Cα-mediated phosphorylation of T. gondii GRA8 is required for mitochondrial trafficking and regulates the interaction of C terminal of GRA8 with nucleotide binding domain of ATP5A1.
Fri Mar 30 00:00:00 UTC 2018
CLPP deficiency protects against metabolic syndrome but hinders adaptive thermogenesis.
EMBO reports
Becker C,Kukat A,Szczepanowska K,Hermans S,Senft K,Brandscheid CP,Maiti P,Trifunovic A
459100 was used in Western Blotting to establish that loss of the mitochondrial matrix protease CLPP results in a lean phenotype with improved glucose homeostasis.
Tue May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
AIF promotes a JNK1-mediated cadherin switch independently of respiratory chain stabilization.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Scott AJ,Walker SA,Krank JJ,Wilkinson AS,Johnson KM,Lewis EM,Wilkinson JC
459100 was used in Western Blotting to show apoptosis-inducing factor is a major flavoprotein in activating mitogen-activated protein kinases JNK1, p38 and ERK during oxidative stress.
Fri Sep 21 00:00:00 UTC 2018
AIF promotes a JNK1-mediated cadherin switch independently of respiratory chain stabilization.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Scott AJ,Walker SA,Krank JJ,Wilkinson AS,Johnson KM,Lewis EM,Wilkinson JC
459100 was used in Western Blotting to show apoptosis-inducing factor is a major flavoprotein in activating mitogen-activated protein kinases JNK1, p38 and ERK during oxidative stress.
Fri Sep 21 00:00:00 UTC 2018
The Expression of Uncoupling Protein 3 Coincides With the Fatty Acid Oxidation Type of Metabolism in Adult Murine Heart.
Frontiers in physiology
Hilse KE,Rupprecht A,Egerbacher M,Bardakji S,Zimmermann L,Wulczyn AEMS,Pohl EE
459100 was used in Western Blotting to test the concept that the expression ratio between UCP2 and UCP3 indicates the metabolism type in cardiomyocytes (CM), using two different models - mouse embryonic stem cell (mESC) differentiation to CM and murine heart at different developmental stages.
Thu Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Mild Impairment of Mitochondrial OXPHOS Promotes Fatty Acid Utilization in POMC Neurons and Improves Glucose Homeostasis in Obesity.
Cell reports
Timper K,Paeger L,Sánchez-Lasheras C,Varela L,Jais A,Nolte H,Vogt MC,Hausen AC,Heilinger C,Evers N,Pospisilik JA,Penninger JM,Taylor EB,Horvath TL,Kloppenburg P,Brüning JC
459100 was used in Western Blotting to show partial impairment of mitochondrial function shifts substrate utilization of POMC neurons from glucose to fatty acid metabolism and restores their firing properties, resulting in improved systemic glucose and energy metabolism in obesity.
Tue Oct 09 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Alternative assembly of respiratory complex II connects energy stress to metabolic checkpoints.
Nature communications
Bezawork-Geleta A,Wen H,Dong L,Yan B,Vider J,Boukalova S,Krobova L,Vanova K,Zobalova R,Sobol M,Hozak P,Novais SM,Caisova V,Abaffy P,Naraine R,Pang Y,Zaw T,Zhang P,Sindelka R,Kubista M,Zuryn S,Molloy MP,Berridge MV,Pacak K,Rohlena J,Park S,Neuzil J
459100 was used in Western Blot to suggest that CIIlow is a core complex inside mitochondria that provides homeostatic control of cellular metabolism depending on energy availability.
Thu Jun 07 00:00:00 UTC 2018
PPARβ Is Essential for Maintaining Normal Levels of PGC-1α and Mitochondria and for the Increase in Muscle Mitochondria Induced by Exercise.
Cell metabolism
Koh JH,Hancock CR,Terada S,Higashida K,Holloszy JO,Han DH
Published figure using NDUFA9 monoclonal antibody (Product # 459100) in Immunofluorescence
Tue May 02 00:00:00 UTC 2017
CLUH regulates mitochondrial metabolism by controlling translation and decay of target mRNAs.
The Journal of cell biology
Schatton D,Pla-Martin D,Marx MC,Hansen H,Mourier A,Nemazanyy I,Pessia A,Zentis P,Corona T,Kondylis V,Barth E,Schauss AC,Velagapudi V,Rugarli EI
459100 was used in western blot to identify posttranscriptional mechanisms that regulate mitochondrial protein expression
Mon Mar 06 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Selective Disruption of Respiratory Supercomplexes as a New Strategy to Suppress Her2high Breast Cancer.
Antioxidants & redox signaling
Rohlenova K,Sachaphibulkij K,Stursa J,Bezawork-Geleta A,Blecha J,Endaya B,Werner L,Cerny J,Zobalova R,Goodwin J,Spacek T,Alizadeh Pesdar E,Yan B,Nguyen MN,Vondrusova M,Sobol M,Jezek P,Hozak P,Truksa J,Rohlena J,Dong LF,Neuzil J
459100 was used in western blot to test if electron transport chain disruption eliminates Her2-high disease
Tue Jan 10 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Mitochondrial dysfunction underlies cognitive defects as a result of neural stem cell depletion and impaired neurogenesis.
Human molecular genetics
Khacho M,Clark A,Svoboda DS,MacLaurin JG,Lagace DC,Park DS,Slack RS
459100 was used in Western Blot to show that mitochondrial dysfunction impairs brain development, depletes the adult neural stem cell pool and impacts embryonic and adult neurogenesis.
Fri Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2017
D-Glutamate is metabolized in the heart mitochondria.
Scientific reports
Ariyoshi M,Katane M,Hamase K,Miyoshi Y,Nakane M,Hoshino A,Okawa Y,Mita Y,Kaimoto S,Uchihashi M,Fukai K,Ono K,Tateishi S,Hato D,Yamanaka R,Honda S,Fushimura Y,Iwai-Kanai E,Ishihara N,Mita M,Homma H,Matoba S
459100 was used in western blot to examine the novel mammalian mitochondrial protein 9030617O03Rik function and expression during heart failure conditions
Tue Mar 07 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Burn-induced muscle metabolic derangements and mitochondrial dysfunction are associated with activation of HIF-1α and mTORC1: Role of protein farnesylation.
Scientific reports
Nakazawa H,Ikeda K,Shinozaki S,Kobayashi M,Ikegami Y,Fu M,Nakamura T,Yasuhara S,Yu YM,Martyn JAJ,Tompkins RG,Shimokado K,Yorozu T,Ito H,Inoue S,Kaneki M
459100 was used in Western Blot to find that burn injury activated mTORC1 and hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1α, which paralleled dysfunction, morphological alterations (i.e., enlargement, partial loss of cristae structure) and impairment of respiratory supercomplex assembly of the mitochondria, and ER stress, with farnesyltransferase inhibitor reversing or ameliorating all of these alterations in burned mice.
Wed Jul 26 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Loss of CLPP alleviates mitochondrial cardiomyopathy without affecting the mammalian UPRmt.
EMBO reports
Seiferling D,Szczepanowska K,Becker C,Senft K,Hermans S,Maiti P,König T,Kukat A,Trifunovic A
459100 was used in western blot to study the alleviation of mitochondrial cardiomyopathy without affecting the mammalian UPRmt due to loss of CLPP
Fri Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Focal adhesion kinase-promoted tumor glucose metabolism is associated with a shift of mitochondrial respiration to glycolysis.
Zhang J,Gao Q,Zhou Y,Dier U,Hempel N,Hochwald SN
459100 was used in Flow Cytometry, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin), Western Blot to establish a vital role of FAK in cancer glucose metabolism through alterations in the OXPHOS-to-glycolysis balance.
Thu Apr 14 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Loss of OMA1 delays neurodegeneration by preventing stress-induced OPA1 processing in mitochondria.
The Journal of cell biology
Korwitz A,Merkwirth C,Richter-Dennerlein R,Tröder SE,Sprenger HG,Quirós PM,López-Otín C,Rugarli EI,Langer T
459100 was used in western blot to analyze delay of neurodegeneration by preventing stress-induced OPA1 processing in mitochondria by loss of OMA1
Mon Jan 18 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Twinkle overexpression prevents cardiac rupture after myocardial infarction by alleviating impaired mitochondrial biogenesis.
American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology
Inoue T,Ikeda M,Ide T,Fujino T,Matsuo Y,Arai S,Saku K,Sunagawa K
459100 was used in western blot to study alleviation of impaired mitochondrial biogenesis by twinkle overexpression preventing cardiac rupture after myocardial infarction
Thu Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Amyloid β-peptides interfere with mitochondrial preprotein import competence by a coaggregation process.
Molecular biology of the cell
Cenini G,Rüb C,Bruderek M,Voos W
459100 was used in western blot to show direct interference of aggregation-prone Abeta peptides with mitochondrial protein biogenesis
Tue Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Basal metabolic state governs AIF-dependent growth support in pancreatic cancer cells.
BMC cancer
Scott AJ,Wilkinson AS,Wilkinson JC
459100 was used in western blot to analyze control of AIF-dependent growth support in pancreatic cancer cells by basal metabolic state
Sat Apr 23 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Imbalanced OPA1 processing and mitochondrial fragmentation cause heart failure in mice.
Science (New York, N.Y.)
Wai T,García-Prieto J,Baker MJ,Merkwirth C,Benit P,Rustin P,Rupérez FJ,Barbas C,Ibañez B,Langer T
459100 was used in western blot to study how OMA1 links mitochondrial morphology and cardiac metabolism.
Fri Dec 04 00:00:00 UTC 2015
A keratin scaffold regulates epidermal barrier formation, mitochondrial lipid composition, and activity.
The Journal of cell biology
Kumar V,Bouameur JE,Bär J,Rice RH,Hornig-Do HT,Roop DR,Schwarz N,Brodesser S,Thiering S,Leube RE,Wiesner RJ,Vijayaraj P,Brazel CB,Heller S,Binder H,Löffler-Wirth H,Seibel P,Magin TM
Published figure using NDUFA9 monoclonal antibody (Product # 459100) in Western Blot
Mon Dec 07 00:00:00 UTC 2015
CNC-bZIP protein Nrf1-dependent regulation of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.
Antioxidants & redox signaling
Zheng H,Fu J,Xue P,Zhao R,Dong J,Liu D,Yamamoto M,Tong Q,Teng W,Qu W,Zhang Q,Andersen ME,Pi J
459100 was used in western blot to assess effects nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor 1 deficiency in beta-cells on beta-cell function and glucose homeostasis
Wed Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Cysteine dietary supplementation reverses the decrease in mitochondrial ROS production at complex I induced by methionine restriction.
Journal of bioenergetics and biomembranes
Gomez A,Gomez J,Lopez Torres M,Naudi A,Mota-Martorell N,Pamplona R,Barja G
459100 was used in western blot to investigate cysteine and methionine dietary supplementation in aging rodents.
Mon Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Essential role of mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter in the generation of mitochondrial pH gradient and metabolism-secretion coupling in insulin-releasing cells.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Quan X,Nguyen TT,Choi SK,Xu S,Das R,Cha SK,Kim N,Han J,Wiederkehr A,Wollheim CB,Park KS
459100 was used in western blot to examine the contribution of the mitochondrial Ca(2+) uniporter to the regulation of oxidative phosphorylation and metabolism-secretion coupling in β-cells and rat pancreatic islets.
Fri Feb 13 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Overexpression of TFAM or twinkle increases mtDNA copy number and facilitates cardioprotection associated with limited mitochondrial oxidative stress.
PloS one
Ikeda M,Ide T,Fujino T,Arai S,Saku K,Kakino T,Tyynismaa H,Yamasaki T,Yamada K,Kang D,Suomalainen A,Sunagawa K
459100 was used in western blot to assess the role of mtDNA copy number in heart failure
Tue Feb 23 00:00:00 UTC 2016
P150glued-associated disorders are caused by activation of intrinsic apoptotic pathway.
PloS one
Ishikawa K,Saiki S,Furuya N,Yamada D,Imamichi Y,Li Y,Kawajiri S,Sasaki H,Koike M,Tsuboi Y,Hattori N
459100 was used in western blot to study the role of p150glued in apoptosis.
Fri Jun 05 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Upregulation of mitochondrial Nox4 mediates TGF-β-induced apoptosis in cultured mouse podocytes.
American journal of physiology. Renal physiology
Das R,Xu S,Quan X,Nguyen TT,Kong ID,Chung CH,Lee EY,Cha SK,Park KS
459100 was used in Flow Cytometry, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin), Western Blot to investigate Nox4 in apoptosis of podocytes.
Wed Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
β-Adrenergic stimulation does not activate p38 MAP kinase or induce PGC-1α in skeletal muscle.
American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism
Kim SH,Asaka M,Higashida K,Takahashi Y,Holloszy JO,Han DH
459100 was used in western blot to test if the increases in PGC-α and mitochondrial biogenesis induced by endurance exercise are mediated by catecholamines.
Mon Apr 15 00:00:00 UTC 2013
Cytosolic p53 inhibits Parkin-mediated mitophagy and promotes mitochondrial dysfunction in the mouse heart.
Nature communications
Hoshino A,Mita Y,Okawa Y,Ariyoshi M,Iwai-Kanai E,Ueyama T,Ikeda K,Ogata T,Matoba S
459100 was used in western blot to test if mitochondrial quality control mechanisms contribute to the development of cardiac dysfunction.
Thu Feb 27 00:00:00 UTC 2014
The enzymatic activity of apoptosis-inducing factor supports energy metabolism benefiting the growth and invasiveness of advanced prostate cancer cells.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Lewis EM,Wilkinson AS,Jackson JS,Mehra R,Varambally S,Chinnaiyan AM,Wilkinson JC
459100 was used in western blot to examine the contribution of apoptosis-inducing factor to prostate cancer.
Fri Dec 21 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Mitochondrial DNA toxicity compromises mitochondrial dynamics and induces hippocampal antioxidant defenses.
DNA repair
Lauritzen KH,Cheng C,Wiksen H,Bergersen LH,Klungland A
459100 was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section to investigate the effects of mitochondrial DNA damage on hippocampal neurons.
Fri Jun 10 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Unexpected vascular enrichment of SCO1 over SCO2 in mammalian tissues: implications for human mitochondrial disease.
The American journal of pathology
Brosel S,Yang H,Tanji K,Bonilla E,Schon EA
459100 was used in western blot to examine the tissue distribution of SCO1 and SCO2
Mon Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2010
Unexpected vascular enrichment of SCO1 over SCO2 in mammalian tissues: implications for human mitochondrial disease.
The American journal of pathology
Brosel S,Yang H,Tanji K,Bonilla E,Schon EA
459100 was used in western blot to examine the tissue distribution of SCO1 and SCO2
Mon Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2010