Product References
Heterocomplexes between the atypical chemokine MIF and the CXC-motif chemokine CXCL4L1 regulate inflammation and thrombus formation.
Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS
Brandhofer M,Hoffmann A,Blanchet X,Siminkovitch E,Rohlfing AK,El Bounkari O,Nestele JA,Bild A,Kontos C,Hille K,Rohde V,Fröhlich A,Golemi J,Gokce O,Krammer C,Scheiermann P,Tsilimparis N,Sachs N,Kempf WE,Maegdefessel L,Otabil MK,Megens RTA,Ippel H,Koenen RR,Luo J,Engelmann B,Mayo KH,Gawaz M,Kapurniotu A,Weber C,von Hundelshausen P,Bernhagen J
PA5-21944 was used in Proximity Ligation Assay (PLA) to investigate the chemokine interactome to ACK/CK interactions and demonstrate a functional role for the MIF/CXCL4L1 heterocomplex in disease-relevant activities.
Mon Sep 12 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Heterocomplexes between the atypical chemokine MIF and the CXC-motif chemokine CXCL4L1 regulate inflammation and thrombus formation.
Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS
Brandhofer M,Hoffmann A,Blanchet X,Siminkovitch E,Rohlfing AK,El Bounkari O,Nestele JA,Bild A,Kontos C,Hille K,Rohde V,Fröhlich A,Golemi J,Gokce O,Krammer C,Scheiermann P,Tsilimparis N,Sachs N,Kempf WE,Maegdefessel L,Otabil MK,Megens RTA,Ippel H,Koenen RR,Luo J,Engelmann B,Mayo KH,Gawaz M,Kapurniotu A,Weber C,von Hundelshausen P,Bernhagen J
PA5-21944 was used in Proximity Ligation Assay (PLA) to investigate the chemokine interactome to ACK/CK interactions and demonstrate a functional role for the MIF/CXCL4L1 heterocomplex in disease-relevant activities.
Mon Sep 12 00:00:00 UTC 2022