Product References
Inhibition of ATP synthase reverse activity restores energy homeostasis in mitochondrial pathologies.
The EMBO journal
Acin-Perez R,Benincá C,Fernandez Del Rio L,Shu C,Baghdasarian S,Zanette V,Gerle C,Jiko C,Khairallah R,Khan S,Rincon Fernandez Pacheco D,Shabane B,Erion K,Masand R,Dugar S,Ghenoiu C,Schreiner G,Stiles L,Liesa M,Shirihai OS
459200 was used in Western Blotting to conclude that the impact of compromised mitochondrial respiration can be lessened using hydrolysis-selective inhibitors of CV.
Mon May 15 00:00:00 UTC 2023
N6-Isopentenyladenosine Impairs Mitochondrial Metabolism through Inhibition of EGFR Translocation on Mitochondria in Glioblastoma Cells.
Pagano C,Coppola L,Navarra G,Avilia G,Bruzzaniti S,Piemonte E,Galgani M,Della Monica R,Chiariotti L,Cuomo M,Buonaiuto M,Torelli G,Caiazzo P,Laezza C,Bifulco M
Published figure using SDHA monoclonal antibody (Product # 459200) in Western Blot
Thu Dec 08 00:00:00 UTC 2022
GSK3β Inhibition Is the Molecular Pivot That Underlies the Mir-210-Induced Attenuation of Intrinsic Apoptosis Cascade during Hypoxia.
International journal of molecular sciences
Marwarha G,Røsand Ø,Slagsvold KH,Høydal MA
459200 was used in ELISA to unveil that the inhibition of GSK3β kinase activity is indispensable in mediating the miR-210-orchestrated protective cellular response to hypoxia-induced apoptotic cell death.
Fri Aug 19 00:00:00 UTC 2022
NOX4 inhibition promotes the remodeling of dystrophic muscle.
JCI insight
Hammers DW
459200 was used in Western Blotting to indicate that targeting NOX4 is an effective strategy to promote the beneficial remodeling of disease-burdened muscle representative of DMD and, potentially, other MDs and muscle pathologies.
Mon Oct 24 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Connexin 43 hemichannels regulate mitochondrial ATP generation, mobilization, and mitochondrial homeostasis against oxidative stress.
Zhang J,Riquelme MA,Hua R,Acosta FM,Gu S,Jiang JX
459200 was used in Western Blotting to suggest that mtCx43 HCs regulate mitochondrial ATP generation by mediating K+, H+, and ATP transfer across the mitochondrial inner membrane and the interaction with mitochondrial ATP synthase, contributing to the maintenance of mitochondrial redox levels in response to oxidative stress.
Tue Nov 08 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Exercise training enhances muscle mitochondrial metabolism in diet-resistant obesity.
Pileggi CA,Blondin DP,Hooks BG,Parmar G,Alecu I,Patten DA,Cuillerier A,O'Dwyer C,Thrush AB,Fullerton MD,Bennett SA,Doucet É,Haman F,Cuperlovic-Culf M,McPherson R,Dent RRM,Harper ME
459200 was used in Western Blotting to show that these clinical and metabolic mechanism insights move the field towards better personalised approaches for the treatment of distinct obesity phenotypes.
Thu Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2022
MicroRNA and Metabolic Profiling of a Primary Ovarian Neuroendocrine Carcinoma Pulmonary-Type Reveals a High Degree of Similarity with Small Cell Lung Cancer.
Non-coding RNA
Miglietta S,Girolimetti G,Marchio L,Sollazzo M,Laprovitera N,Coluccelli S,De Biase D,De Leo A,Santini D,Kurelac I,Iommarini L,Ghelli A,Campana D,Ferracin M,Perrone AM,Gasparre G,Porcelli AM
459200 was used in Western Blotting to establish a glycolytic signature in a clinical case of primary small cell carcinoma of the ovary of pulmonary type (SCCOPT).
Sun Sep 25 00:00:00 UTC 2022
AMBRA1 regulates mitophagy by interacting with ATAD3A and promoting PINK1 stability.
Di Rienzo M,Romagnoli A,Ciccosanti F,Refolo G,Consalvi V,Arena G,Valente EM,Piacentini M,Fimia GM
459200 was used in Western Blotting to show that, upon mitochondrial depolarization, the proautophagic protein AMBRA1 is recruited to the OMM and interacts with PINK1 and ATAD3A, a transmembrane protein that mediates mitochondrial import and degradation of PINK1.
Mon Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Early Dysfunction of Substantia Nigra Dopamine Neurons in the ParkinQ311X Mouse.
Regoni M,Zanetti L,Comai S,Mercatelli D,Novello S,Albanese F,Croci L,Consalez GG,Ciammola A,Valtorta F,Morari M,Sassone J
459200 was used in Western Blot to suggest that the parkinQ311X mouse recapitulates key features of ARJP and provides a useful tool for studying the neurodegenerative mechanisms underlying the human disease and for screening potential neuroprotective drugs.
Wed May 05 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Early Dysfunction of Substantia Nigra Dopamine Neurons in the ParkinQ311X Mouse.
Regoni M,Zanetti L,Comai S,Mercatelli D,Novello S,Albanese F,Croci L,Consalez GG,Ciammola A,Valtorta F,Morari M,Sassone J
459200 was used in Western Blot to suggest that the parkinQ311X mouse recapitulates key features of ARJP and provides a useful tool for studying the neurodegenerative mechanisms underlying the human disease and for screening potential neuroprotective drugs.
Wed May 05 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Comparative analysis of CI- and CIV-containing respiratory supercomplexes at single-cell resolution.
Cell reports methods
Bertan F,Wischhof L,Scifo E,Guranda M,Jackson J,Marsal-Cots A,Piazzesi A,Stork M,Peitz M,Prehn JHM,Ehninger D,Nicotera P,Bano D
Published figure using SDHA monoclonal antibody (Product # 459200) in Western Blot
Mon May 24 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Augmenter of liver regeneration regulates cellular iron homeostasis by modulating mitochondrial transport of ATP-binding cassette B8.
Chang HC,Shapiro JS,Jiang X,Senyei G,Sato T,Geier J,Sawicki KT,Ardehali H
459200 was used in Western Blot to provide a mechanistic link between MIA40/ALR import machinery and cytosolic Fe/S cluster maturation through the mitochondrial import of ABCB8.
Fri Apr 09 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Augmenter of liver regeneration regulates cellular iron homeostasis by modulating mitochondrial transport of ATP-binding cassette B8.
Chang HC,Shapiro JS,Jiang X,Senyei G,Sato T,Geier J,Sawicki KT,Ardehali H
459200 was used in Western Blot to provide a mechanistic link between MIA40/ALR import machinery and cytosolic Fe/S cluster maturation through the mitochondrial import of ABCB8.
Fri Apr 09 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Enhanced hepatic respiratory capacity and altered lipid metabolism support metabolic homeostasis during short-term hypoxic stress.
BMC biology
O'Brien KA,McNally BD,Sowton AP,Murgia A,Armitage J,Thomas LW,Krause FN,Maddalena LA,Francis I,Kavanagh S,Williams DP,Ashcroft M,Griffin JL,Lyon JJ,Murray AJ
459200 was used in Western Blotting to report that hepatic respiratory capacity is enhanced following short-term exposure to hypoxia (2 days, 10% O2) and is associated with increased abundance of the respiratory chain supercomplex III2+IV and increased cardiolipin levels.
Wed Dec 15 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Sex-specific genetic regulation of adipose mitochondria and metabolic syndrome by Ndufv2.
Nature metabolism
Chella Krishnan K,Vergnes L,Acín-Pérez R,Stiles L,Shum M,Ma L,Mouisel E,Pan C,Moore TM,Péterfy M,Romanoski CE,Reue K,Björkegren JLM,Laakso M,Liesa M,Lusis AJ
459200 was used in Western Blotting to show that in both mice and humans, adipose mitochondrial functions are elevated in females and are strongly associated with adiposity, insulin resistance and plasma lipids.
Mon Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2021
The effect of mitochondrial calcium uniporter and cyclophilin D knockout on resistance of brain mitochondria to Ca2+-induced damage.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Hamilton J,Brustovetsky T,Brustovetsky N
459200 was used in Western Blotting to investigate the effects of MCU and CyD deletion on the propensity for PTP induction using mitochondria isolated from the brains of MCU-KO, CyD-KO, and newly created MCU/CyD-double knockout (DKO) mice.
Mon Aug 02 00:00:00 UTC 2021
The mitochondrial carrier SFXN1 is critical for complex III integrity and cellular metabolism.
Cell reports
Acoba MG,Alpergin ESS,Renuse S,Fernández-Del-Río L,Lu YW,Khalimonchuk O,Clarke CF,Pandey A,Wolfgang MJ,Claypool SM
459200 was used in Western Blot to highlight the multiple ways that SFXN1-based amino acid transport impacts mitochondrial and cellular metabolic efficiency.
Tue Mar 16 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Na+ controls hypoxic signalling by the mitochondrial respiratory chain.
Hernansanz-Agustín P,Choya-Foces C,Carregal-Romero S,Ramos E,Oliva T,Villa-Piña T,Moreno L,Izquierdo-Álvarez A,Cabrera-García JD,Cortés A,Lechuga-Vieco AV,Jadiya P,Navarro E,Parada E,Palomino-Antolín A,Tello D,Acín-Pérez R,Rodríguez-Aguilera JC,Navas P,Cogolludo Á,López-Montero I,Martínez-Del-Pozo Á,Egea J,López MG,Elrod JW,Ruíz-Cabello J,Bogdanova A,Enríquez JA,Martínez-Ruiz A
459200 was used in Western Blotting to show that Na+ acts as a second messenger that regulates OXPHOS function and the production of reactive oxygen species by modulating the fluidity of the inner mitochondrial membrane.
Thu Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
GLP-1 Receptor Signaling in Astrocytes Regulates Fatty Acid Oxidation, Mitochondrial Integrity, and Function.
Cell metabolism
Timper K,Del Río-Martín A,Cremer AL,Bremser S,Alber J,Giavalisco P,Varela L,Heilinger C,Nolte H,Trifunovic A,Horvath TL,Kloppenburg P,Backes H,Brüning JC
459200 was used in Western Blotting to demonstrate that glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 inhibits glucose uptake and promotes β-oxidation in cultured astrocytes.
Tue Jun 02 00:00:00 UTC 2020
A novel approach to measure mitochondrial respiration in frozen biological samples.
The EMBO journal
Acin-Perez R,Benador IY,Petcherski A,Veliova M,Benavides GA,Lagarrigue S,Caudal A,Vergnes L,Murphy AN,Karamanlidis G,Tian R,Reue K,Wanagat J,Sacks H,Amati F,Darley-Usmar VM,Liesa M,Divakaruni AS,Stiles L,Shirihai OS
459200 was used in Western Blotting to show a novel respirometry approach suited for frozen samples by restoring electron transfer components lost during freeze/thaw and correcting for variable permeabilization of mitochondrial membranes.
Wed Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Autophagy inhibition prevents glucocorticoid-increased adiposity via suppressing BAT whitening.
Deng J,Guo Y,Yuan F,Chen S,Yin H,Jiang X,Jiao F,Wang F,Ji H,Hu G,Ying H,Chen Y,Zhai Q,Xiao F,Guo F
459200 was used in Western Blotting to demonstrate that glucorticoid triggers a profound whitening of BAT, and inhibition of autophagy or BTG1 in BAT alleviates glucocorticoid-increased fat mass.
Sun Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
ERdj8 governs the size of autophagosomes during the formation process.
The Journal of cell biology
Yamamoto YH,Kasai A,Omori H,Takino T,Sugihara M,Umemoto T,Hamasaki M,Hatta T,Natsume T,Morimoto RI,Arai R,Waguri S,Sato M,Sato K,Bar-Nun S,Yoshimori T,Noda T,Nagata K
459200 was used in Western Blotting to show that ERdj8 may play a critical role in autophagosome formation by providing the capacity to target substrates of diverse sizes for degradation.
Mon Aug 03 00:00:00 UTC 2020
ERdj8 governs the size of autophagosomes during the formation process.
The Journal of cell biology
Yamamoto YH,Kasai A,Omori H,Takino T,Sugihara M,Umemoto T,Hamasaki M,Hatta T,Natsume T,Morimoto RI,Arai R,Waguri S,Sato M,Sato K,Bar-Nun S,Yoshimori T,Noda T,Nagata K
459200 was used in Western Blotting to show that ERdj8 may play a critical role in autophagosome formation by providing the capacity to target substrates of diverse sizes for degradation.
Mon Aug 03 00:00:00 UTC 2020
CHCHD10-regulated OPA1-mitofilin complex mediates TDP-43-induced mitochondrial phenotypes associated with frontotemporal dementia.
FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
Liu T,Woo JA,Bukhari MZ,LePochat P,Chacko A,Selenica MB,Yan Y,Kotsiviras P,Buosi SC,Zhao X,Kang DE
459200 was used in Immunocytochemistry to assess the interplay between CHCHD10 and TDP-43 on mitochondrial phenotypes and how their mutations drive pathogenesis.
Mon Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Fine-tuning of the respiratory complexes stability and supercomplexes assembly in cells defective of complex III.
Biochimica et biophysica acta. Bioenergetics
Tropeano CV,Aleo SJ,Zanna C,Roberti M,Scandiffio L,Loguercio Polosa P,Fiori J,Porru E,Roda A,Carelli V,Steimle S,Daldal F,Rugolo M,Ghelli A
459200 was used in Western Blotting to show that fine-tuning the supercomplexes stability improves the energetic efficiency of cells with the MT-CYB microdeletion.
Sat Feb 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
SDHB and SDHA Immunohistochemistry in Canine Pheochromocytomas.
Animals : an open access journal from MDPI
Abed FM,Brown MA,Al-Mahmood OA,Dark MJ
459200 was used in Immunohistochemistry to perform succinate dehydrogenase A (SDHA) and succinate dehydrogenase B (SDHB) immunohistochemistry on 35 canine formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded Pheochromocytomas.
Thu Sep 17 00:00:00 UTC 2020
SDHB and SDHA Immunohistochemistry in Canine Pheochromocytomas.
Animals : an open access journal from MDPI
Abed FM,Brown MA,Al-Mahmood OA,Dark MJ
459200 was used in Immunohistochemistry to perform succinate dehydrogenase A (SDHA) and succinate dehydrogenase B (SDHB) immunohistochemistry on 35 canine formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded Pheochromocytomas.
Thu Sep 17 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Use of in-gel peroxidase assay for cytochrome c to visualize mitochondrial complexes III and IV.
Biology open
Hara T,Shibata Y,Amagai R,Okado-Matsumoto A
Published figure using SDHA monoclonal antibody (Product # 459200) in Western Blot
Wed Jan 08 00:00:00 UTC 2020
PPARδ Attenuates Alcohol-Mediated Insulin Resistance by Enhancing Fatty Acid-Induced Mitochondrial Uncoupling and Antioxidant Defense in Skeletal Muscle.
Frontiers in physiology
Koh JH,Kim KH,Park SY,Kim YW,Kim JY
459200 was used in Western Blotting to study the effects and mechanisms of the consumption of ethanol (EtOH) on promoting adipose tissue dysfunction.
Mon Sep 28 00:00:00 UTC 2020
PPARδ Attenuates Alcohol-Mediated Insulin Resistance by Enhancing Fatty Acid-Induced Mitochondrial Uncoupling and Antioxidant Defense in Skeletal Muscle.
Frontiers in physiology
Koh JH,Kim KH,Park SY,Kim YW,Kim JY
459200 was used in Western Blotting to study the effects and mechanisms of the consumption of ethanol (EtOH) on promoting adipose tissue dysfunction.
Mon Sep 28 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Leigh Syndrome Due to NDUFV1 Mutations Initially Presenting as LBSL.
Borna NN,Kishita Y,Sakai N,Hamada Y,Kamagata K,Kohda M,Ohtake A,Murayama K,Okazaki Y
459200 was used in Western Blotting to describe a case with infantile-onset neurodegeneration, psychomotor retardation, irritability, hypotonia, and nystagmus.
Mon Nov 09 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Leigh Syndrome Due to NDUFV1 Mutations Initially Presenting as LBSL.
Borna NN,Kishita Y,Sakai N,Hamada Y,Kamagata K,Kohda M,Ohtake A,Murayama K,Okazaki Y
459200 was used in Western Blotting to describe a case with infantile-onset neurodegeneration, psychomotor retardation, irritability, hypotonia, and nystagmus.
Mon Nov 09 00:00:00 UTC 2020
A Scaffold-Free 3-D Co-Culture Mimics the Major Features of the Reverse Warburg Effect In Vitro.
Keller F,Bruch R,Schneider R,Meier-Hubberten J,Hafner M,Rudolf R
459200 was used in Immunocytochemistry to determine that chip-based 3D co-cultures of cancer cells and fibroblasts mimick features of the reverse Warburg effect.
Thu Aug 13 00:00:00 UTC 2020
A novel homozygous variant in MICOS13/QIL1 causes hepato-encephalopathy with mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome.
Molecular genetics & genomic medicine
Kishita Y,Shimura M,Kohda M,Akita M,Imai-Okazaki A,Yatsuka Y,Nakajima Y,Ito T,Ohtake A,Murayama K,Okazaki Y
459200 was used in Western Blotting to determine the clinical significance of the identified variant.
Thu Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
A Broad Response to Intracellular Long-Chain Polyphosphate in Human Cells.
Cell reports
Bondy-Chorney E,Abramchuk I,Nasser R,Holinier C,Denoncourt A,Baijal K,McCarthy L,Khacho M,Lavallée-Adam M,Downey M
459200 was used in Western Blotting to demonstrate that internally produced polyphosphates can activate diverse signalling pathways in human cells.
Tue Oct 27 00:00:00 UTC 2020
CerS6-Derived Sphingolipids Interact with Mff and Promote Mitochondrial Fragmentation in Obesity.
Hammerschmidt P,Ostkotte D,Nolte H,Gerl MJ,Jais A,Brunner HL,Sprenger HG,Awazawa M,Nicholls HT,Turpin-Nolan SM,Langer T,Krüger M,Brügger B,Brüning JC
459200 was used in Western Blotting to define the molecular mechanisms by which deletion of the C16:0 ceramide-producing CerS6 in mice protects from obesity and insulin resistance.
Thu May 30 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Loss of the mitochondrial i-AAA protease YME1L leads to ocular dysfunction and spinal axonopathy.
EMBO molecular medicine
Sprenger HG,Wani G,Hesseling A,König T,Patron M,MacVicar T,Ahola S,Wai T,Barth E,Rugarli EI,Bergami M,Langer T
459200 was used in Western Blotting to report on cell-type-specific defects in mice lacking YME1L in the nervous system.
Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
ROMO1 is a constituent of the human presequence translocase required for YME1L protease import.
The Journal of cell biology
Richter F,Dennerlein S,Nikolov M,Jans DC,Naumenko N,Aich A,MacVicar T,Linden A,Jakobs S,Urlaub H,Langer T,Rehling P
459200 was used in Western Blotting to identify a direct link between the mitochondrial presequence translocase component ROMO1 and the protease YME1L: the import of YME1L is dependent on ROMO1, meanwhile ROMO1 is degraded by YME1L.
Mon Feb 04 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Chloramphenicol Mitigates Oxidative Stress by Inhibiting Translation of Mitochondrial Complex I in Dopaminergic Neurons of Toxin-Induced Parkinson's Disease Model.
Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity
Han J,Kim SJ,Ryu MJ,Jang Y,Lee MJ,Ju X,Lee YL,Cui J,Shong M,Heo JY,Kweon GR
459200 was used in Western Blotting to show chloramphenicol in a toxin-induced Parkinson's Disease model mediates inhibition of mitochondrial complex I in dopaminergic neurons leading to mitigation of oxidative stress.
Fri Mar 20 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Effects of prolonged type 2 diabetes on mitochondrial function in cerebral blood vessels.
American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology
Merdzo I,Rutkai I,Sure VNLR,Katakam PVG,Busija DW
459200 was used in Western Blotting to characterise the dynamics of mitochondrial function during the progression of type 2 diabetes mellitus with regard to mitochondrial respiration, protein expression, and reactive oxygen species production.
Fri Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Mutations in the mitochondrial complex I assembly factor NDUFAF6 cause isolated bilateral striatal necrosis and progressive dystonia in childhood.
Molecular genetics and metabolism
Baide-Mairena H,Gaudó P,Marti-Sánchez L,Emperador S,Sánchez-Montanez A,Alonso-Luengo O,Correa M,Grau AM,Ortigoza-Escobar JD,Artuch R,Vázquez E,Del Toro M,Garrido-Pérez N,Ruiz-Pesini E,Montoya J,Bayona-Bafaluy MP,Pérez-Dueñas B
459200 was used in Western Blot to perform a deep phenotype characterisation in a pedigree of 3 siblings with Leigh syndrome and compound heterozygous NDUFAF6 mutations.
Fri Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
IL-15 improves skeletal muscle oxidative metabolism and glucose uptake in association with increased respiratory chain supercomplex formation and AMPK pathway activation.
Biochimica et biophysica acta. General subjects
Nadeau L,Patten DA,Caron A,Garneau L,Pinault-Masson E,Foretz M,Haddad P,Anderson BG,Quinn LS,Jardine K,McBurney MW,Pistilli EE,Harper ME,Aguer C
459200 was used in Western Blotting to investigate the role of IL-15 on autocrine/paracrine regulation of muscle glucose uptake and mitochondrial exposure.
Fri Feb 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Renal cold storage followed by transplantation impairs proteasome function and mitochondrial protein homeostasis.
American journal of physiology. Renal physiology
Lo S,MacMillan-Crow LA,Parajuli N
459200 was used in Western Blotting to mitochondrial dysfunction following renal cold storage, transplantation and autotransplantation and the role of the proteosome in this.
Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Renal cold storage followed by transplantation impairs proteasome function and mitochondrial protein homeostasis.
American journal of physiology. Renal physiology
Lo S,MacMillan-Crow LA,Parajuli N
459200 was used in Western Blotting to mitochondrial dysfunction following renal cold storage, transplantation and autotransplantation and the role of the proteosome in this.
Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Brain pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis and Alzheimer disease.
Pesini A,Iglesias E,Bayona-Bafaluy MP,Garrido-Pérez N,Meade P,Gaudó P,Jiménez-Salvador I,Andrés-Benito P,Montoya J,Ferrer I,Pesini P,Ruiz-Pesini E
Published figure using SDHA monoclonal antibody (Product # 459200) in Western Blot
Fri Sep 27 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Fascin Controls Metastatic Colonization and Mitochondrial Oxidative Phosphorylation by Remodeling Mitochondrial Actin Filaments.
Cell reports
Lin S,Huang C,Gunda V,Sun J,Chellappan SP,Li Z,Izumi V,Fang B,Koomen J,Singh PK,Hao J,Yang S
459200 was used in Western Blot to report that fascin, an actin-bundling protein, promotes lung cancer metastatic colonization by augmenting metabolic stress resistance and mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS).
Tue Sep 10 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Molecular Characterization of New FBXL4 Mutations in Patients With mtDNA Depletion Syndrome.
Frontiers in genetics
Emperador S,Garrido-Pérez N,Amezcua-Gil J,Gaudó P,Andrés-Sanz JA,Yubero D,Fernández-Marmiesse A,O'Callaghan MM,Ortigoza-Escobar JD,Iriondo M,Ruiz-Pesini E,García-Cazorla A,Gil-Campos M,Artuch R,Montoya J,Bayona-Bafaluy MP
459200 was used in Western Blotting to characterise new F-box leucine-rich repeat protein 4 mutations in patients with encephalomyopathic mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome 13.
Wed Sep 30 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Mitochondrial supercomplex assembly promotes breast and endometrial tumorigenesis by metabolic alterations and enhanced hypoxia tolerance.
Nature communications
Ikeda K,Horie-Inoue K,Suzuki T,Hobo R,Nakasato N,Takeda S,Inoue S
459200 was used in Western Blotting to study the effect of COX7RP overexpression on breast and endometrial cancer cells in hypoxic states.
Wed Sep 11 00:00:00 UTC 2019
CAPRI enables comparison of evolutionarily conserved RNA interacting regions.
Nature communications
Panhale A,Richter FM,Ramírez F,Shvedunova M,Manke T,Mittler G,Akhtar A
459200 was used in Western Blotting to produce a method to map RNA-binding domains by simultaneous identification of RNA interacting crosslinked peptides and peptides adjacent to such crosslinked sites.
Tue Jun 18 00:00:00 UTC 2019
The failing heart utilizes 3-hydroxybutyrate as a metabolic stress defense.
JCI insight
Horton JL,Davidson MT,Kurishima C,Vega RB,Powers JC,Matsuura TR,Petucci C,Lewandowski ED,Crawford PA,Muoio DM,Recchia FA,Kelly DP
459200 was used in Western Blotting to assess the importance of 3-hydroxybutyrate (3OHB) metabolism in the failing heart, and suggest 3OHB delivery as a potential therapeutic approach to heart failure.
Thu Feb 21 00:00:00 UTC 2019
COX6A2 variants cause a muscle-specific cytochrome c oxidase deficiency.
Annals of neurology
Inoue M,Uchino S,Iida A,Noguchi S,Hayashi S,Takahashi T,Fujii K,Komaki H,Takeshita E,Nonaka I,Okada Y,Yoshizawa T,Van Lommel L,Schuit F,Goto YI,Mimaki M,Nishino I
459200 was used in Blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to indicate that biallelic variants in COX6A2 cause a striated muscle-specific form of COX deficiency.
Thu Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
A novel compound heterozygous variant of ECHS1 identified in a Japanese patient with Leigh syndrome.
Human genome variation
Uchino S,Iida A,Sato A,Ishikawa K,Mimaki M,Nishino I,Goto YI
459200 was used in Western Blotting to diagnose a Japanese patient with LS and identified the patient as a compound heterozygote for a novel variant of ECHS1, consisting of NM_004092.4:c.23T>C (p.Leu8Pro) and NM_004092.4:c.176A>G (p.Asn59Ser).
Thu Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Therapeutic synergy between tigecycline and venetoclax in a preclinical model of MYC/BCL2 double-hit B cell lymphoma.
Science translational medicine
Ravà M,D'Andrea A,Nicoli P,Gritti I,Donati G,Doni M,Giorgio M,Olivero D,Amati B
459200 was used in Western Blotting to show the preclinical results warrant the repurposing of these drugs for combinatorial treatment of DHL.
Wed Jan 31 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Base-excision repair deficiency alone or combined with increased oxidative stress does not increase mtDNA point mutations in mice.
Nucleic acids research
Kauppila JHK,Bonekamp NA,Mourier A,Isokallio MA,Just A,Kauppila TES,Stewart JB,Larsson NG
Published figure using SDHA monoclonal antibody (Product # 459200) in Western Blot
Fri Jul 27 00:00:00 UTC 2018
PARL partitions the lipid transfer protein STARD7 between the cytosol and mitochondria.
The EMBO journal
Saita S,Tatsuta T,Lampe PA,König T,Ohba Y,Langer T
Published figure using SDHA monoclonal antibody (Product # 459200) in Western Blot
Thu Feb 15 00:00:00 UTC 2018
CLPP deficiency protects against metabolic syndrome but hinders adaptive thermogenesis.
EMBO reports
Becker C,Kukat A,Szczepanowska K,Hermans S,Senft K,Brandscheid CP,Maiti P,Trifunovic A
459200 was used in Western Blotting to establish that loss of the mitochondrial matrix protease CLPP results in a lean phenotype with improved glucose homeostasis.
Tue May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Mitochondrial Alterations (Inhibition of Mitochondrial Protein Expression, Oxidative Metabolism, and Ultrastructure) Induced by Linezolid and Tedizolid at Clinically Relevant Concentrations in Cultured Human HL-60 Promyelocytes and THP-1 Monocytes.
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy
Milosevic TV,Payen VL,Sonveaux P,Muccioli GG,Tulkens PM,Van Bambeke F
459200 was used in Western Blotting to compare linezolid and tedizolid for (i) inhibition of the expression of subunit I of cytochrome c-oxidase, (ii) cytochrome c-oxidase activity, (iii) mitochondrial oxidative metabolism, and (iv) alteration of mitochondrial ultrastructure using HL-60 promyelocytes and THP-1 monocytes exposed to microbiologically and therapeutically pertinent concentrations.
Thu Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Mutations in COQ8B (ADCK4) found in patients with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome alter COQ8B function.
Human mutation
Vazquez Fonseca L,Doimo M,Calderan C,Desbats MA,Acosta MJ,Cerqua C,Cassina M,Ashraf S,Hildebrandt F,Sartori G,Navas P,Trevisson E,Salviati L
Published figure using SDHA monoclonal antibody (Product # 459200) in Western Blot
Thu Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
PIMT/NCOA6IP Deletion in the Mouse Heart Causes Delayed Cardiomyopathy Attributable to Perturbation in Energy Metabolism.
International journal of molecular sciences
Jia Y,Liu N,Viswakarma N,Sun R,Schipma MJ,Shang M,Thorp EB,Kanwar YS,Thimmapaya B,Reddy JK
Published figure using SDHA monoclonal antibody (Product # 459200) in Western Blot
Wed May 16 00:00:00 UTC 2018
APP promotes osteoblast survival and bone formation by regulating mitochondrial function and preventing oxidative stress.
Cell death & disease
Pan JX,Tang F,Xiong F,Xiong L,Zeng P,Wang B,Zhao K,Guo H,Shun C,Xia WF,Mei L,Xiong WC
459200 was used in Western Blot to identify the function of amyloid precursor protein (APP) in promoting osteoblast survival and bone formation.
Mon Oct 22 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Mild Impairment of Mitochondrial OXPHOS Promotes Fatty Acid Utilization in POMC Neurons and Improves Glucose Homeostasis in Obesity.
Cell reports
Timper K,Paeger L,Sánchez-Lasheras C,Varela L,Jais A,Nolte H,Vogt MC,Hausen AC,Heilinger C,Evers N,Pospisilik JA,Penninger JM,Taylor EB,Horvath TL,Kloppenburg P,Brüning JC
459200 was used in Western Blotting to show partial impairment of mitochondrial function shifts substrate utilization of POMC neurons from glucose to fatty acid metabolism and restores their firing properties, resulting in improved systemic glucose and energy metabolism in obesity.
Tue Oct 09 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Exposure of Monocytic Cells to Lipopolysaccharide Induces Coordinated Endotoxin Tolerance, Mitochondrial Biogenesis, Mitophagy, and Antioxidant Defenses.
Frontiers in immunology
Widdrington JD,Gomez-Duran A,Pyle A,Ruchaud-Sparagano MH,Scott J,Baudouin SV,Rostron AJ,Lovat PE,Chinnery PF,Simpson AJ
459200 was used in Immunocytochemistry to study the relationship between compensatory immune and mitochondrial responses that are triggered following exposure to an inflammatory stimulus in monocytic cells.
Fri Oct 25 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Age-Associated Loss of OPA1 in Muscle Impacts Muscle Mass, Metabolic Homeostasis, Systemic Inflammation, and Epithelial Senescence.
Cell metabolism
Tezze C,Romanello V,Desbats MA,Fadini GP,Albiero M,Favaro G,Ciciliot S,Soriano ME,Morbidoni V,Cerqua C,Loefler S,Kern H,Franceschi C,Salvioli S,Conte M,Blaauw B,Zampieri S,Salviati L,Scorrano L,Sandri M
459200 was used in Western Blotting to study mitochondrial dysfunction in muscle in the context of metabolism and ageing.
Tue Jun 06 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Biallelic C1QBP Mutations Cause Severe Neonatal-, Childhood-, or Later-Onset Cardiomyopathy Associated with Combined Respiratory-Chain Deficiencies.
American journal of human genetics
Feichtinger RG,Oláhová M,Kishita Y,Garone C,Kremer LS,Yagi M,Uchiumi T,Jourdain AA,Thompson K,D'Souza AR,Kopajtich R,Alston CL,Koch J,Sperl W,Mastantuono E,Strom TM,Wortmann SB,Meitinger T,Pierre G,Chinnery PF,Chrzanowska-Lightowlers ZM,Lightowlers RN,DiMauro S,Calvo SE,Mootha VK,Moggio M,Sciacco M,Comi GP,Ronchi D,Murayama K,Ohtake A,Rebelo-Guiomar P,Kohda M,Kang D,Mayr JA,Taylor RW,Okazaki Y,Minczuk M,Prokisch H
Published figure using SDHA monoclonal antibody (Product # 459200) in Western Blot
Thu Oct 05 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Dual loss of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and complex I activity is necessary to recapitulate the metabolic phenotype of SDH mutant tumors.
Metabolic engineering
Lorendeau D,Rinaldi G,Boon R,Spincemaille P,Metzger K,Jäger C,Christen S,Dong X,Kuenen S,Voordeckers K,Verstreken P,Cassiman D,Vermeersch P,Verfaillie C,Hiller K,Fendt SM
459200 was used in western blot to demonstrate that complex I function defines the metabolic differences between succinate dehydrogenase mutation associated tumors and neurodegenerative diseases
Fri Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Sixty years old is the breakpoint of human frontal cortex aging.
Free radical biology & medicine
Cabré R,Naudí A,Dominguez-Gonzalez M,Ayala V,Jové M,Mota-Martorell N,Piñol-Ripoll G,Gil-Villar MP,Rué M,Portero-Otín M,Ferrer I,Pamplona R
459200 was used in western blot to discover that protein oxidative and glycoxidative damage significantly increases during human brain aging
Wed Feb 01 00:00:00 UTC 2017
CLUH regulates mitochondrial metabolism by controlling translation and decay of target mRNAs.
The Journal of cell biology
Schatton D,Pla-Martin D,Marx MC,Hansen H,Mourier A,Nemazanyy I,Pessia A,Zentis P,Corona T,Kondylis V,Barth E,Schauss AC,Velagapudi V,Rugarli EI
459200 was used in western blot to identify posttranscriptional mechanisms that regulate mitochondrial protein expression
Mon Mar 06 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Post-translational modifications of Annexin A2 are linked to its association with perinuclear nonpolysomal mRNP complexes.
FEBS open bio
Aukrust I,Rosenberg LA,Ankerud MM,Bertelsen V,Hollås H,Saraste J,Grindheim AK,Vedeler A
459200 was used in western blot to investigate the role of Ser25 phosphorylation in subcellular localization of Annexin A2 and its interaction with mRNP complexes
Wed Feb 01 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Impaired Mitochondrial Respiration in Large Cerebral Arteries of Rats with Type 2 Diabetes.
Journal of vascular research
Merdzo I,Rutkai I,Sure VN,McNulty CA,Katakam PV,Busija DW
459200 was used in western blot to evaluate the mitochondrial dynamics of the cerebral vasculature of 14-week-old Zucker diabetic fatty obese rats with early type 2 diabetes
Tue May 09 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Transcriptomic and proteomic landscape of mitochondrial dysfunction reveals secondary coenzyme Q deficiency in mammals.
Kühl I,Miranda M,Atanassov I,Kuznetsova I,Hinze Y,Mourier A,Filipovska A,Larsson NG
Published figure using SDHA monoclonal antibody (Product # 459200) in Western Blot
Tue Nov 14 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Burn-induced muscle metabolic derangements and mitochondrial dysfunction are associated with activation of HIF-1α and mTORC1: Role of protein farnesylation.
Scientific reports
Nakazawa H,Ikeda K,Shinozaki S,Kobayashi M,Ikegami Y,Fu M,Nakamura T,Yasuhara S,Yu YM,Martyn JAJ,Tompkins RG,Shimokado K,Yorozu T,Ito H,Inoue S,Kaneki M
Published figure using SDHA monoclonal antibody (Product # 459200) in Western Blot
Wed Jul 26 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Control of mitochondrial function and cell growth by the atypical cadherin Fat1.
Cao LL,Riascos-Bernal DF,Chinnasamy P,Dunaway CM,Hou R,Pujato MA,O'Rourke BP,Miskolci V,Guo L,Hodgson L,Fiser A,Sibinga NE
459200 was used in immunoprecipitation and western blot to demonstrate that Fat1 cadherin represses mitochondrial respiration that regulates vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation after arterial injury
Thu Nov 24 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Mitochondrial Protein Synthesis Adapts to Influx of Nuclear-Encoded Protein.
Richter-Dennerlein R,Oeljeklaus S,Lorenzi I,Ronsör C,Bareth B,Schendzielorz AB,Wang C,Warscheid B,Rehling P,Dennerlein S
459200 was used in western blot to discover a mammalian translational plasticity pathway in mitochondria
Thu Oct 06 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Mitochondrial respiratory-chain adaptations in macrophages contribute to antibacterial host defense.
Nature immunology
Garaude J,Acín-Pérez R,Martínez-Cano S,Enamorado M,Ugolini M,Nistal-Villán E,Hervás-Stubbs S,Pelegrín P,Sander LE,Enríquez JA,Sancho D
459200 was used in western blot to explore how bacterial infections alter the mitochondrial electron-transport chain in macrophages
Thu Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Mutant desmin substantially perturbs mitochondrial morphology, function and maintenance in skeletal muscle tissue.
Acta neuropathologica
Winter L,Wittig I,Peeva V,Eggers B,Heidler J,Chevessier F,Kley RA,Barkovits K,Strecker V,Berwanger C,Herrmann H,Marcus K,Kornblum C,Kunz WS,Schröder R,Clemen CS
459200 was used in western blot show that mutant desmin expression results in mitochondrial damage during early stages of desminopathies
Thu Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Mutant desmin substantially perturbs mitochondrial morphology, function and maintenance in skeletal muscle tissue.
Acta neuropathologica
Winter L,Wittig I,Peeva V,Eggers B,Heidler J,Chevessier F,Kley RA,Barkovits K,Strecker V,Berwanger C,Herrmann H,Marcus K,Kornblum C,Kunz WS,Schröder R,Clemen CS
459200 was used in western blot show that mutant desmin expression results in mitochondrial damage during early stages of desminopathies
Thu Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Reduction in mitochondrial iron alleviates cardiac damage during injury.
EMBO molecular medicine
Chang HC,Wu R,Shang M,Sato T,Chen C,Shapiro JS,Liu T,Thakur A,Sawicki KT,Prasad SV,Ardehali H
459200 was used in western blot to elucidate how a reduction in mitochondrial iron during injury can alleviate cardiac damage
Tue Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Loss of CLPP alleviates mitochondrial cardiomyopathy without affecting the mammalian UPRmt.
EMBO reports
Seiferling D,Szczepanowska K,Becker C,Senft K,Hermans S,Maiti P,König T,Kukat A,Trifunovic A
459200 was used in western blot to study the alleviation of mitochondrial cardiomyopathy without affecting the mammalian UPRmt due to loss of CLPP
Fri Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Loss of OMA1 delays neurodegeneration by preventing stress-induced OPA1 processing in mitochondria.
The Journal of cell biology
Korwitz A,Merkwirth C,Richter-Dennerlein R,Tröder SE,Sprenger HG,Quirós PM,López-Otín C,Rugarli EI,Langer T
459200 was used in western blot to analyze delay of neurodegeneration by preventing stress-induced OPA1 processing in mitochondria by loss of OMA1
Mon Jan 18 00:00:00 UTC 2016
A ketogenic diet accelerates neurodegeneration in mice with induced mitochondrial DNA toxicity in the forebrain.
Neurobiology of aging
Lauritzen KH,Hasan-Olive MM,Regnell CE,Kleppa L,Scheibye-Knudsen M,Gjedde A,Klungland A,Bohr VA,Storm-Mathisen J,Bergersen LH
459200 was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section to test if the severe neurodegeneration observed in mutUNG1-expressing mice is prevented by a ketogenic diet
Thu Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
The mitochondrial function of the cerebral vasculature in insulin-resistant Zucker obese rats.
American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology
Merdzo I,Rutkai I,Tokes T,Sure VN,Katakam PV,Busija DW
459200 was used in western blot to study cerebral vasculature mitochondrial function in insulin-resistant Zucker obese rats
Fri Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Twinkle overexpression prevents cardiac rupture after myocardial infarction by alleviating impaired mitochondrial biogenesis.
American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology
Inoue T,Ikeda M,Ide T,Fujino T,Matsuo Y,Arai S,Saku K,Sunagawa K
459200 was used in western blot to study alleviation of impaired mitochondrial biogenesis by twinkle overexpression preventing cardiac rupture after myocardial infarction
Thu Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Amyloid β-peptides interfere with mitochondrial preprotein import competence by a coaggregation process.
Molecular biology of the cell
Cenini G,Rüb C,Bruderek M,Voos W
459200 was used in western blot to show direct interference of aggregation-prone Abeta peptides with mitochondrial protein biogenesis
Tue Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Downstream effects of plectin mutations in epidermolysis bullosa simplex with muscular dystrophy.
Acta neuropathologica communications
Winter L,Türk M,Harter PN,Mittelbronn M,Kornblum C,Norwood F,Jungbluth H,Thiel CT,Schlötzer-Schrehardt U,Schröder R
459200 was used in western blot to study muscular dystrophy and the downstream effects of plectin mutations in epidermolysis bullosa simplex
Wed Apr 27 00:00:00 UTC 2016
The mitochondrial translation machinery as a therapeutic target in Myc-driven lymphomas.
D'Andrea A,Gritti I,Nicoli P,Giorgio M,Doni M,Conti A,Bianchi V,Casoli L,Sabò A,Mironov A,Beznoussenko GV,Amati B
459200 was used in western blot to identify a role for Ptcd3 in B-cell lymphoma
Tue Nov 08 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Mitochondrial protein hyperacetylation in the failing heart.
JCI insight
Horton JL,Martin OJ,Lai L,Riley NM,Richards AL,Vega RB,Leone TC,Pagliarini DJ,Muoio DM,Bedi KC,Margulies KB,Coon JJ,Kelly DP
459200 was used in western blot to characterize a failing heart and mitochondrial protein hyperacetylation
Mon Feb 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Imbalanced OPA1 processing and mitochondrial fragmentation cause heart failure in mice.
Science (New York, N.Y.)
Wai T,García-Prieto J,Baker MJ,Merkwirth C,Benit P,Rustin P,Rupérez FJ,Barbas C,Ibañez B,Langer T
459200 was used in western blot to study how OMA1 links mitochondrial morphology and cardiac metabolism.
Fri Dec 04 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Structure and function of the N-terminal domain of the human mitochondrial calcium uniporter.
EMBO reports
Lee Y,Min CK,Kim TG,Song HK,Lim Y,Kim D,Shin K,Kang M,Kang JY,Youn HS,Lee JG,An JY,Park KR,Lim JJ,Kim JH,Kim JH,Park ZY,Kim YS,Wang J,Kim DH,Eom SH
Published figure using SDHA monoclonal antibody (Product # 459200) in Western Blot
Thu Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015
A keratin scaffold regulates epidermal barrier formation, mitochondrial lipid composition, and activity.
The Journal of cell biology
Kumar V,Bouameur JE,Bär J,Rice RH,Hornig-Do HT,Roop DR,Schwarz N,Brodesser S,Thiering S,Leube RE,Wiesner RJ,Vijayaraj P,Brazel CB,Heller S,Binder H,Löffler-Wirth H,Seibel P,Magin TM
Published figure using SDHA monoclonal antibody (Product # 459200) in Western Blot
Mon Dec 07 00:00:00 UTC 2015
CNC-bZIP protein Nrf1-dependent regulation of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.
Antioxidants & redox signaling
Zheng H,Fu J,Xue P,Zhao R,Dong J,Liu D,Yamamoto M,Tong Q,Teng W,Qu W,Zhang Q,Andersen ME,Pi J
459200 was used in western blot to assess effects nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor 1 deficiency in beta-cells on beta-cell function and glucose homeostasis
Wed Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Dynamics of enhanced mitochondrial respiration in female compared with male rat cerebral arteries.
American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology
Rutkai I,Dutta S,Katakam PV,Busija DW
459200 was used in western blot to test if mitochondrial energetics of large cerebral arteries are sex dependent.
Sun Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015
AMP-activated protein kinase controls exercise training- and AICAR-induced increases in SIRT3 and MnSOD.
Frontiers in physiology
Brandauer J,Andersen MA,Kellezi H,Risis S,Frøsig C,Vienberg SG,Treebak JT
459200 was used in western blot to test the requirement of AMP-activated protein kinase for exercise training-induced increases in skeletal muscle abundance of mitochondrial proteins.
Wed Apr 08 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Overexpression of TFAM or twinkle increases mtDNA copy number and facilitates cardioprotection associated with limited mitochondrial oxidative stress.
PloS one
Ikeda M,Ide T,Fujino T,Arai S,Saku K,Kakino T,Tyynismaa H,Yamasaki T,Yamada K,Kang D,Suomalainen A,Sunagawa K
459200 was used in western blot to assess the role of mtDNA copy number in heart failure
Tue Feb 23 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Cytochrome c oxidase deficiency accelerates mitochondrial apoptosis by activating ceramide synthase 6.
Cell death & disease
Schüll S,Günther SD,Brodesser S,Seeger JM,Tosetti B,Wiegmann K,Pongratz C,Diaz F,Witt A,Andree M,Brinkmann K,Krönke M,Wiesner RJ,Kashkar H
459200 was used in western blot to elucidate the molecular mechanisms by which mitochondrial respiratory chain dysfunction results in cell death
Thu Mar 12 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Irgm1 (LRG-47), a regulator of cell-autonomous immunity, does not localize to mycobacterial or listerial phagosomes in IFN-γ-induced mouse cells.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
Springer HM,Schramm M,Taylor GA,Howard JC
459200 was used in immunocytochemistry to determine if Irgm targets mycobacterial and listerial phagosomes.
Thu Aug 15 00:00:00 UTC 2013
Identification of mitochondrial dysfunction in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome through use of stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture.
Journal of proteomics
Rivera-Torres J,Acín-Perez R,Cabezas-Sánchez P,Osorio FG,Gonzalez-Gómez C,Megias D,Cámara C,López-Otín C,Enríquez JA,Luque-García JL,Andrés V
459200 was used in western blot to elucidate the mechanisms underlying cellular damage and senescence and accelerated aging in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome.
Tue Oct 08 00:00:00 UTC 2013
Mitochondrial dynamics associated with oxygen-glucose deprivation in rat primary neuronal cultures.
PloS one
Wappler EA,Institoris A,Dutta S,Katakam PV,Busija DW
459200 was used in western blot to investigate the mitochondrial dynamics in rat neurons following oxygen-glucose deprivation
Wed Dec 04 00:00:00 UTC 2013
IKKα and alternative NF-κB regulate PGC-1β to promote oxidative muscle metabolism.
The Journal of cell biology
Bakkar N,Ladner K,Canan BD,Liyanarachchi S,Bal NC,Pant M,Periasamy M,Li Q,Janssen PM,Guttridge DC
Published figure using SDHA monoclonal antibody (Product # 459200) in Western Blot
Mon Feb 20 00:00:00 UTC 2012
IKKα and alternative NF-κB regulate PGC-1β to promote oxidative muscle metabolism.
The Journal of cell biology
Bakkar N,Ladner K,Canan BD,Liyanarachchi S,Bal NC,Pant M,Periasamy M,Li Q,Janssen PM,Guttridge DC
Published figure using SDHA monoclonal antibody (Product # 459200) in Western Blot
Mon Feb 20 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Identification of human fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase domain-containing protein 1 (FAHD1) as a novel mitochondrial acylpyruvase.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Pircher H,Straganz GD,Ehehalt D,Morrow G,Tanguay RM,Jansen-Dürr P
459200 was used in immunocytochemistry to determine the enzymatic function of FAHD1.
Fri Oct 21 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Mitochondrial DNA toxicity compromises mitochondrial dynamics and induces hippocampal antioxidant defenses.
DNA repair
Lauritzen KH,Cheng C,Wiksen H,Bergersen LH,Klungland A
459200 was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section to investigate the effects of mitochondrial DNA damage on hippocampal neurons.
Fri Jun 10 00:00:00 UTC 2011