Product References
Ubiquitin-proteasome system and ER stress in the brain of diabetic rats.
Journal of cellular biochemistry
Shruthi K,Reddy SS,Chitra PS,Reddy GB
PA5-22257 was used in Immunocytochemistry, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin), Immunoprecipitation, Western Blot to demonstrate that altered ubiquitin-proteasome system could be an underlying mechanism of neuronal apoptosis in diabetes and examine the therapeutic effect of 4-phenylbutyric acid (4-PBA), an ER stress inhibitor.
Mon Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Ubiquitin-proteasome system and ER stress in the brain of diabetic rats.
Journal of cellular biochemistry
Shruthi K,Reddy SS,Chitra PS,Reddy GB
PA5-22257 was used in Immunocytochemistry, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin), Immunoprecipitation, Western Blot to demonstrate that altered ubiquitin-proteasome system could be an underlying mechanism of neuronal apoptosis in diabetes and examine the therapeutic effect of 4-phenylbutyric acid (4-PBA), an ER stress inhibitor.
Mon Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Urea Cycle Dysregulation Generates Clinically Relevant Genomic and Biochemical Signatures.
Lee JS,Adler L,Karathia H,Carmel N,Rabinovich S,Auslander N,Keshet R,Stettner N,Silberman A,Agemy L,Helbling D,Eilam R,Sun Q,Brandis A,Malitsky S,Itkin M,Weiss H,Pinto S,Kalaora S,Levy R,Barnea E,Admon A,Dimmock D,Stern-Ginossar N,Scherz A,Nagamani SCS,Unda M,Wilson DM,Elhasid R,Carracedo A,Samuels Y,Hannenhalli S,Ruppin E,Erez A
PA5-22257 was used in Western Blotting to investigate urea cycle dysregulation within toxic tumour characteristics.
Thu Sep 06 00:00:00 UTC 2018
PTEN counteracts FBXL2 to promote IP3R3- and Ca2+-mediated apoptosis limiting tumour growth.
Kuchay S,Giorgi C,Simoneschi D,Pagan J,Missiroli S,Saraf A,Florens L,Washburn MP,Collazo-Lorduy A,Castillo-Martin M,Cordon-Cardo C,Sebti SM,Pinton P,Pagano M
Published figure using VCP polyclonal antibody (Product # PA5-22257) in Western Blot
Thu Jun 22 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Human genome-wide RNAi screen reveals host factors required for enterovirus 71 replication.
Nature communications
Wu KX,Phuektes P,Kumar P,Goh GY,Moreau D,Chow VT,Bard F,Chu JJ
Published figure using VCP polyclonal antibody (Product # PA5-22257) in Immunofluorescence
Mon Oct 17 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Human genome-wide RNAi screen reveals host factors required for enterovirus 71 replication.
Nature communications
Wu KX,Phuektes P,Kumar P,Goh GY,Moreau D,Chow VT,Bard F,Chu JJ
Published figure using VCP polyclonal antibody (Product # PA5-22257) in Immunofluorescence
Mon Oct 17 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Diversion of aspartate in ASS1-deficient tumours fosters de novo pyrimidine synthesis.
Rabinovich S,Adler L,Yizhak K,Sarver A,Silberman A,Agron S,Stettner N,Sun Q,Brandis A,Helbling D,Korman S,Itzkovitz S,Dimmock D,Ulitsky I,Nagamani SC,Ruppin E,Erez A
PA5-22257 was used in western blot to find out the reason ASS1-deficient tumors undergo de novo pyrimidine synthesis without aspartate
Thu Nov 19 00:00:00 UTC 2015