Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Duration: 46 min
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) imaging and analysis workflows have become vitally important for delivering advances in semiconductors. With ever-more complex designs like FinFETs and 3D NAND fueling increases in demand for defect analysis, and logic continuing to move toward sub-5nm technology with more complex structures, the demand for TEM sample data is expected to grow significantly.
This webinar series from Thermo Fisher Scientific cover the fundamentals of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning transmission emission microscopy (STEM), specifically how they relate to semiconductors. Topics covered include TEM imaging, elemental analysis, STEM vs TEM, TEM metrology, and other TEM applications for semiconductor production and analysis.
Watch this webinar to increase your knowledge level and give yourself the confidence to perform (S)TEM tasks with a better understanding of the core concepts and fundamentals of transmission electron microscopy.
Jared Johnson, Product Specialist, Thermo Fisher Scientific
Jared Johnson is a Product Specialist supporting the semiconductor industry’s TEM needs. He joined Thermo Fisher Scientific in 2021 as a TEM applications scientist after earning his Ph.D. in Materials Science & Engineering from The Ohio State University.
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