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Applied Biosystems is the industry-leading brand choice for genetic analysis with robust real-time PCR assays powered by unique design algorithms and years of experience. Our TaqMan probe-based technology is now making digital PCR (dPCR) simple using the QuantStudio Absolute Q Universal DNA dPCR Master Mix on the QuantStudio Absolute Q dPCR Sytstem and high throughput QuantStudio Absolute Q AutoRun dPCR Suite with assays and kits supporting a broad range of applications, all backed by our TaqMan Assay performance guarantee. Explore our extensive portfolio of pre-designed assays by using the search bar below.
To start your search enter keywords such as gene symbol or name, RefSeq number, disease, pathway, or TaqMan assay ID number. Choose application and species to further refine your search.
Predesigned Absolute Q dPCR assays are designed to help you get the most out of your dPCR experiment and to get help you focus on your research. They are based on the same gold-standard TaqMan chemistry used in real-time PCR and cited in more than 200K research publications.
We stand behind every predesigned Absolute Q assay you buy from us.
The assays feature a proprietary probe with a minor groove binder (MGB) moiety at the 3’ end that increases the melting temperature (Tm) of the probe. This means MGB probes can be significantly shorter than traditional approaches, providing better sequence discrimination and flexibility to accommodate more targets in a single reaction.
We guarantee the performance of all of our predesigned Absolute Q assays for dPCR experiments. Our application‐specific portfolio of assays enables you to obtain the highest quality and performance available. These assays are designed and verified using up-to-date annotations and gold-standard Applied Biosystems TaqMan chemistry.
If an Absolute Q dPCR Assay does not perform according to conformance documentation, we will replace it at no cost or credit your account.*
Browse our pre-designed assays for oncology research, cell and gene therapy research, and wastewater surveillance:
Absolute Q Liquid Biopsy Digital PCR assays enable reproducible, specific detection of known somatic mutations. Each predesigned assay has been wet-lab tested.
Absolute Q Viral Titer Digital PCR assays enable easy, accurate, absolute quantification of viral vector genomes to measure concentration and evaluate quality for biopharma and gene therapy development.
Explore Absolute Q Viral Titer dPCR assays and kitted solutions
You may need to be an expert in your field, but you shouldn't need to be an expert in dPCR assay design. For custom dPCR assays and probes, choose from our self-service tools or custom services to help generate new probe-based dPCR assays with confidence and ease.
This self-serve tool allows you to easily design and order assays based on your target sequences.
Explore workflows, view product recommendations, and find regulatory documentation for cell and gene therapy.
Find master mixes and microfludic array plates and accessories for use with the QuantStudio Absolute Q dPCR System
*Terms and conditions apply. For complete details of the guarantee, go to