SEM-EDS Data Analysis Using ChemiSEM Technology

SEM-EDS data analysis

Consistent, high-quality quantitative analysis cannot be achieved without reliable data. That is why Thermo Scientific ChemiSEM Technology has a range of built-in tools that accelerate data acquisition and increase production quality.

Quantitative data analysis using ChemiSEM Technology

For example, in some systems, it can be challenging to achieve good peak identification and elemental identification because the operator must correctly navigate through a parameter space. ChemiSEM Technology, on the other hand, offers smart, automated optimization of auto ID, digital peak fitting, and matrix correction routines that make it possible for all users to achieve reliable results. As more data arrives, results are continually and automatically modelled and refined using a range of statistical validation routines, providing complete peace of mind. 


Analytical accuracy using ChemiSEM Technology

Quite simply, ChemiSEM Technology delivers high-quality analytical results. It is optimized over the widest range of operating parameters, providing reliable results even in the presence of multiple overlapping peaks. Spectrum simulation automatically validates elemental identification and quantification based on the exact microscope settings, providing assurance in the results obtained.


For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.