Product References
Epigenetic upregulation of MNAT1 by SMYD2 is linked to PI3K/AKT activation and tumorigenesis of pancreatic adenocarcinoma.
Histology and histopathology
Xu Z,Liu Y,Pan Z,Qin L
13-5700 was used in Western Blot to investigate the roles of SMYD2 and its interacted molecules in pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PAAD).
Thu Feb 01 00:00:00 UTC 2024
Extracellular Vesicles from M1-Polarized Macrophages Combined with Hyaluronic Acid and a β-Blocker Potentiate Doxorubicin's Antitumor Activity by Downregulating Tumor-Associated Macrophages in Breast Cancer.
Jorquera-Cordero C,Lara P,Cruz LJ,Schomann T,van Hofslot A,de Carvalho TG,Guedes PMDM,Creemers L,Koning RI,Chan AB,de Araujo Junior RF
13-5700 was used in Immunocytochemistry-immunoflourescence to suggest a direct effect in tumors and an upregulation in the TME immunomodulation, which corroborate with our in vitro data that showed increased apoptosis, modulation of macrophage polarization, and reduced cell migration after treatment with M1-EVs combined with HA and CV.
Tue May 17 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Cell-cell adhesion and 3D matrix confinement determine jamming transitions in breast cancer invasion.
Nature cell biology
Ilina O,Gritsenko PG,Syga S,Lippoldt J,La Porta CAM,Chepizhko O,Grosser S,Vullings M,Bakker GJ,Starruß J,Bult P,Zapperi S,Käs JA,Deutsch A,Friedl P
13-5700 was used in ELISA, Flow Cytometry, Immunohistochemistry (Frozen), Inhibition Assays, Western Blot to indicate that cadherins and extracellular matrix confinement cooperate to determine unjamming transitions and stepwise epithelial fluidization towards, ultimately, cell individualization.
Tue Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Statins attenuate outgrowth of breast cancer metastases.
British journal of cancer
Beckwitt CH,Clark AM,Ma B,Whaley D,Oltvai ZN,Wells A
13-5700 was used in Immunocytochemistry-immunoflourescence to examine statin efficacy against two breast cancer cell lines in models of breast cancer metastasis: a 2D in vitro co-culture model of breast cancer cell interaction with the liver, a 3D ex vivo microphysiological system model of breast cancer metastasis, and two independent mouse models of spontaneous breast cancer metastasis to the lung and liver, respectively.
Mon Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Statins attenuate outgrowth of breast cancer metastases.
British journal of cancer
Beckwitt CH,Clark AM,Ma B,Whaley D,Oltvai ZN,Wells A
13-5700 was used in Immunocytochemistry-immunoflourescence to examine statin efficacy against two breast cancer cell lines in models of breast cancer metastasis: a 2D in vitro co-culture model of breast cancer cell interaction with the liver, a 3D ex vivo microphysiological system model of breast cancer metastasis, and two independent mouse models of spontaneous breast cancer metastasis to the lung and liver, respectively.
Mon Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Oncogenic PI3K/AKT promotes the step-wise evolution of combination BRAF/MEK inhibitor resistance in melanoma.
Irvine M,Stewart A,Pedersen B,Boyd S,Kefford R,Rizos H
13-5700 was used in Western Blotting to show that PI3K/AKT signalling via potent oncogenic PIK3CA and AKT3 mutants, is not sufficient to overcome proliferative arrest induced by BRAF/MEK inhibition, but rather enables the survival of a dormant population of MAPK-inhibited melanoma cells.
Thu Sep 20 00:00:00 UTC 2018
CD103 (αE Integrin) Undergoes Endosomal Trafficking in Human Dendritic Cells, but Does Not Mediate Epithelial Adhesion.
Frontiers in immunology
Swain S,Roe MM,Sebrell TA,Sidar B,Dankoff J,VanAusdol R,Smythies LE,Smith PD,Bimczok D
13-5700 was used in Flow Cytometry to indicate that CD103 engages in DC-epithelial cell interactions upon contact with epithelial E-cadherin, but is not a major driver of DC adhesion to gastrointestinal epithelia.
Fri Oct 25 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Post-translational modification of the interferon-gamma receptor alters its stability and signaling.
The Biochemical journal
Londino JD,Gulick DL,Lear TB,Suber TL,Weathington NM,Masa LS,Chen BB,Mallampalli RK
Published figure using E-cadherin monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5700) in Western Blot
Tue Oct 10 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Liver protects metastatic prostate cancer from induced death by activating E-cadherin signaling.
Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.)
Ma B,Wheeler SE,Clark AM,Whaley DL,Yang M,Wells A
Published figure using E-cadherin monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5700) in Immunocytochemistry
Tue Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
RAB2A controls MT1-MMP endocytic and E-cadherin polarized Golgi trafficking to promote invasive breast cancer programs.
EMBO reports
Kajiho H,Kajiho Y,Frittoli E,Confalonieri S,Bertalot G,Viale G,Di Fiore PP,Oldani A,Garre M,Beznoussenko GV,Palamidessi A,Vecchi M,Chavrier P,Perez F,Scita G
13-5700 was used in western blot to analyze control of MT1-MMP endocytic and E-cadherin polarized golgi trafficking to promote invasive breast cancer programs by RAB2A
Fri Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Intestinal Cell Tight Junctions Limit Invasion of Candida albicans through Active Penetration and Endocytosis in the Early Stages of the Interaction of the Fungus with the Intestinal Barrier.
PloS one
Goyer M,Loiselet A,Bon F,L'Ollivier C,Laue M,Holland G,Bonnin A,Dalle F
13-5700 was used in blocking or activating experiment to learn how invasion is limited of candida albicans through active penetration and endocytosis in the early stages of the interaction of the fungus with the intestinal barrier by intestinal cell tight
Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Identification of E-cadherin signature motifs functioning as cleavage sites for Helicobacter pylori HtrA.
Scientific reports
Schmidt TP,Perna AM,Fugmann T,Böhm M,Haller S,Götz C,Tegtmeyer N,Hoy B,Rau TT,Neri D,Backert S,Schneider G,Wessler S
13-5700 was used in western blot to identify cleavage sites for helicobacter pylori HtrA with E-cadherin signature motifs
Thu Mar 17 00:00:00 UTC 2016
The role of multicellular aggregation in the survival of ErbB2-positive breast cancer cells during extracellular matrix detachment.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Rayavarapu RR,Heiden B,Pagani N,Shaw MM,Shuff S,Zhang S,Schafer ZT
13-5700 was used in immunocytochemistry to study the mechanism for the metastasis of ErbB2-positive breast cancer cells.
Fri Apr 03 00:00:00 UTC 2015
The role of multicellular aggregation in the survival of ErbB2-positive breast cancer cells during extracellular matrix detachment.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Rayavarapu RR,Heiden B,Pagani N,Shaw MM,Shuff S,Zhang S,Schafer ZT
13-5700 was used in immunocytochemistry to study the mechanism for the metastasis of ErbB2-positive breast cancer cells.
Fri Apr 03 00:00:00 UTC 2015
The role of multicellular aggregation in the survival of ErbB2-positive breast cancer cells during extracellular matrix detachment.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Rayavarapu RR,Heiden B,Pagani N,Shaw MM,Shuff S,Zhang S,Schafer ZT
13-5700 was used in immunocytochemistry to study the mechanism for the metastasis of ErbB2-positive breast cancer cells.
Fri Apr 03 00:00:00 UTC 2015
The role of multicellular aggregation in the survival of ErbB2-positive breast cancer cells during extracellular matrix detachment.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Rayavarapu RR,Heiden B,Pagani N,Shaw MM,Shuff S,Zhang S,Schafer ZT
13-5700 was used in immunocytochemistry to study the mechanism for the metastasis of ErbB2-positive breast cancer cells.
Fri Apr 03 00:00:00 UTC 2015
A short-term colorectal cancer sphere culture as a relevant tool for human cancer biology investigation.
British journal of cancer
Weiswald LB,Richon S,Massonnet G,Guinebretière JM,Vacher S,Laurendeau I,Cottu P,Marangoni E,Nemati F,Validire P,Bellet D,Bièche I,Dangles-Marie V
13-5700 was used in blocking or activating experiment to correlate the ability to form colospheres with tumor aggressiveness
Tue Apr 30 00:00:00 UTC 2013
Oncogenic B-RAF(V600E) signaling induces the T-Box3 transcriptional repressor to repress E-cadherin and enhance melanoma cell invasion.
The Journal of investigative dermatology
Boyd SC,Mijatov B,Pupo GM,Tran SL,Gowrishankar K,Shaw HM,Goding CR,Scolyer RA,Mann GJ,Kefford RF,Rizos H,Becker TM
13-5700 was used in western blot to report that oncogenic B-RAF(V600E) regulates genes associated with epithelial-mesenchymal transition in normal cutaneous human melanocytes.
Wed May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2013
Loss of E-cadherin in multidrug resistant breast cancer cell line MCF-7/Adr: possible implication in the enhanced invasive ability.
European review for medical and pharmacological sciences
Lu L,Zhou D,Jiang X,Song K,Li K,Ding W
13-5700 was used in immunocytochemistry to elucidate the relationship between the multiple drug resistance and invasion.
Sat Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Cancer cells induced to express mesenchymal phenotype release exosome-like extracellular vesicles carrying tissue factor.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Garnier D,Magnus N,Lee TH,Bentley V,Meehan B,Milsom C,Montermini L,Kislinger T,Rak J
13-5700 was used in blocking assay to study the contribution of extracellular vesicles to the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition to cancer.
Fri Dec 21 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Silk film topography directs collective epithelial cell migration.
PloS one
Lawrence BD,Pan Z,Rosenblatt MI
13-5700 was used in immunocytochemistry to explore the collective cell behavior of migrating human corneal limbal-epithelial cell sheets.
Mon May 13 00:00:00 UTC 2013
Cadherin exits the junction by switching its adhesive bond.
The Journal of cell biology
Hong S,Troyanovsky RB,Troyanovsky SM
13-5700 was used in western blot to determine the function of the strand-swap and X dimer interfaces of E-cadherin
Mon Mar 21 00:00:00 UTC 2011
α-Catenin contributes to the strength of E-cadherin-p120 interactions.
Molecular biology of the cell
Troyanovsky RB,Klingelhöfer J,Troyanovsky SM
13-5700 was used in immunocytochemistry and immunoprecipitation to study the effect of α-catenin-p120 interactions.
Tue Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2011
The development and characterization of a human mesothelioma in vitro 3D model to investigate immunotoxin therapy.
PloS one
Xiang X,Phung Y,Feng M,Nagashima K,Zhang J,Broaddus VC,Hassan R,Fitzgerald D,Ho M
Published figure using E-cadherin monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5700) in Western Blot
Mon Jan 31 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Using cadherin expression to assess spontaneous differentiation of embryonic stem cells.
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)
Spencer H,Keramari M,Ward CM
13-5700 was used in flow cytometry to study how E-cadherin and N-cadherin regulate embryonic stem cell differentiation
Tue Feb 08 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Myosin II isoforms identify distinct functional modules that support integrity of the epithelial zonula adherens.
Nature cell biology
Smutny M,Cox HL,Leerberg JM,Kovacs EM,Conti MA,Ferguson C,Hamilton NA,Parton RG,Adelstein RS,Yap AS
13-5700 was used in blocking or activating experiment to elucidate the molecular mechanisms that coordinate adhesion and cytoskeleton at the zonula adherens
Thu Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2010
Abrogation of E-cadherin-mediated cellular aggregation allows proliferation of pluripotent mouse embryonic stem cells in shake flask bioreactors.
PloS one
Mohamet L,Lea ML,Ward CM
13-5700 was used in blocking or activating experiment to discuss methods to culture embryonic stem cells
Thu Sep 23 00:00:00 UTC 2010
Interaction of E-cadherin and PTEN regulates morphogenesis and growth arrest in human mammary epithelial cells.
Cancer research
Fournier MV,Fata JE,Martin KJ,Yaswen P,Bissell MJ
13-5700 was used in blocking or activating experiment to test if PTEN contributes to the maintenance of tissue integrity
Fri May 15 00:00:00 UTC 2009
Tumor suppressor function of BCSC-1 in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
Cancer science
Zhou YQ,Chen SL,Ju JY,Shen L,Liu Y,Zhen S,Lv N,He ZG,Zhu LP
13-5700 was used in western blot to investigate the effect of BCSC-1 expression on malignant behaviors of CNE-2L2 cells
Thu Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2009
Cadherin adhesion receptors orient the mitotic spindle during symmetric cell division in mammalian epithelia.
Molecular biology of the cell
den Elzen N,Buttery CV,Maddugoda MP,Ren G,Yap AS
13-5700 was used in blocking or activating experiment to test if cadherin adhesion receptors are required for planar spindle orientation in mammalian epithelia
Sat Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2009
Cadherin adhesion receptors orient the mitotic spindle during symmetric cell division in mammalian epithelia.
Molecular biology of the cell
den Elzen N,Buttery CV,Maddugoda MP,Ren G,Yap AS
13-5700 was used in blocking or activating experiment to test if cadherin adhesion receptors are required for planar spindle orientation in mammalian epithelia
Sat Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2009
Cadherin switching dictates the biology of transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder: ex vivo and in vitro studies.
The Journal of pathology
Bryan RT,Atherfold PA,Yeo Y,Jones LJ,Harrison RF,Wallace DM,Jankowski JA
13-5700 was used in blocking assay to investigate the role of P-cadherin in bladder transitional cell carcinomas.
Sun Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2008
Cadherin switching dictates the biology of transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder: ex vivo and in vitro studies.
The Journal of pathology
Bryan RT,Atherfold PA,Yeo Y,Jones LJ,Harrison RF,Wallace DM,Jankowski JA
13-5700 was used in blocking assay to investigate the role of P-cadherin in bladder transitional cell carcinomas.
Sun Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2008
Anti-oestrogens but not oestrogen deprivation promote cellular invasion in intercellular adhesion-deficient breast cancer cells.
Breast cancer research : BCR
Borley AC,Hiscox S,Gee J,Smith C,Shaw V,Barrett-Lee P,Nicholson RI
13-5700 was used in immunocytochemistry and western blot to ascertain the effects of tamoxifen and fulvestrant treatment on invasive signaling and compared this with the effects of oestrogen withdrawal
Tue Apr 07 00:00:00 UTC 2009
Role of E-cadherin in the induction of apoptosis of HPV16-positive CaSki cervical cancer cells during multicellular tumor spheroid formation.
Apoptosis : an international journal on programmed cell death
Haga T,Uchide N,Tugizov S,Palefsky JM
13-5700 was used in blocking or activating experiment to assess whether E-cadherin-dependent cell-cell contact mediates CaSki cell apoptosis during multicellular tumor spheroid formation
Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2008
Expression of epithelial cadherin in the human male reproductive tract and gametes and evidence of its participation in fertilization.
Molecular human reproduction
Marín-Briggiler CI,Veiga MF,Matos ML,Echeverría MF,Furlong LI,Vazquez-Levin MH
13-5700 was used in immunocytochemistry to ascertain the role of epithelial cadherin in gamete interaction
Wed Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2008
p120-catenin is a key component of the cadherin-gamma-secretase supercomplex.
Molecular biology of the cell
Kiss A,Troyanovsky RB,Troyanovsky SM
13-5700 was used in immunoprecipitation to investigate the involvement of p120-catenin complexes in cadherin-based adhesion and signaling
Wed Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2008
p120-catenin is a key component of the cadherin-gamma-secretase supercomplex.
Molecular biology of the cell
Kiss A,Troyanovsky RB,Troyanovsky SM
13-5700 was used in immunoprecipitation to investigate the involvement of p120-catenin complexes in cadherin-based adhesion and signaling
Wed Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2008
Stable and unstable cadherin dimers: mechanisms of formation and roles in cell adhesion.
Molecular biology of the cell
Troyanovsky RB,Laur O,Troyanovsky SM
13-5700 was used in immunocytochemistry to determine interaction affinities of E-cadherin dimers on both cell surfaces and agarose beads
Thu Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2007
Cytotrophoblasts infected with a pathogenic human cytomegalovirus strain dysregulate cell-matrix and cell-cell adhesion molecules: a quantitative analysis.
Tabata T,McDonagh S,Kawakatsu H,Pereira L
13-5700 was used in flow cytometry to discuss intrauterine human cytomegalovirus infection
Wed Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2007
Notch1 signaling promotes primary melanoma progression by activating mitogen-activated protein kinase/phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-Akt pathways and up-regulating N-cadherin expression.
Cancer research
Liu ZJ,Xiao M,Balint K,Smalley KS,Brafford P,Qiu R,Pinnix CC,Li X,Herlyn M
13-5700 was used in western blot to report that Notch1 signaling drives the vertical growth phase of primary melanoma
Sat Apr 15 00:00:00 UTC 2006
Role of notch-1 and E-cadherin in the differential response to calcium in culturing normal versus malignant prostate cells.
Cancer research
Dalrymple S,Antony L,Xu Y,Uzgare AR,Arnold JT,Savaugeot J,Sokoll LJ,De Marzo AM,Isaacs JT
13-5700 was used in blocking or activating experiment to study the role of notch-1 and E-cadherin in the bone metastasis of malignant prostate cancers
Sat Oct 15 00:00:00 UTC 2005
Cyclooxygenase-2 overexpression in MCF-10F human breast epithelial cells inhibits proliferation, apoptosis and differentiation, and causes partial transformation.
International journal of cancer
Lu S,Yu G,Zhu Y,Archer MC
13-5700 was used in western blot to investigate the effect of COX-2 overexpression on inhibiting proliferation, apoptosis and differentiation
Mon Oct 10 00:00:00 UTC 2005
Reduced E-cadherin expression contributes to the loss of p27kip1-mediated mechanism of contact inhibition in thyroid anaplastic carcinomas.
Motti ML,Califano D,Baldassarre G,Celetti A,Merolla F,Forzati F,Napolitano M,Tavernise B,Fusco A,Viglietto G
13-5700 was used in western blot to characterize human thyroid cancer cell lines of different histotypes for their responsiveness to contact inhibition and elucidate the mechanism
Wed Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2005
Osteopontin expression in ductal adenocarcinomas and undifferentiated carcinomas of the pancreas.
Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology
Sedivy R,Peters K,Klöppel G
13-5700 was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section to determine osteopontin expression is related to tumor infiltration by macrophages and the adhesive capacity of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas, undifferentiated pancreatic carcinomas, and os
Sat Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2005
EGFR signaling to p120-catenin through phosphorylation at Y228.
Journal of cell science
Mariner DJ,Davis MA,Reynolds AB
13-5700 was used in blocking or activating experiment to elucidate the role of epidermal growth factor receptor and other tyrosine kinases in regulating p120 function
Mon Mar 15 00:00:00 UTC 2004
Reversal of melanocytic malignancy by keratinocytes is an E-cadherin-mediated process overriding beta-catenin signaling.
Experimental cell research
Li G,Fukunaga M,Herlyn M
13-5700 was used in flow cytometry, immunoprecipitation, and western blot to suggest that E-cadherin-mediated cell adhesion is required for keratinocyte-mediated control of melanocytic cells
Thu Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2004
The relative contribution exerted by AF-1 and AF-2 transactivation functions in estrogen receptor alpha transcriptional activity depends upon the differentiation stage of the cell.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Mérot Y,Métivier R,Penot G,Manu D,Saligaut C,Gannon F,Pakdel F,Kah O,Flouriot G
13-5700 was used in western blot to assess the permissiveness of cells to estrogen receptor alpha activation functions
Fri Jun 18 00:00:00 UTC 2004
A core function for p120-catenin in cadherin turnover.
The Journal of cell biology
Davis MA,Ireton RC,Reynolds AB
13-5700 was used in immunocytochemistry to study how p120-catenin stabilizes epithelial cadherin.
Mon Nov 10 00:00:00 UTC 2003
N-cadherin-mediated intercellular interactions promote survival and migration of melanoma cells.
Cancer research
Li G,Satyamoorthy K,Herlyn M
13-5700 was used in flow cytometry and western blot to assess the functional significance of N-cadherin in melanoma cells.
Tue May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2001
Molecular basis for leukocyte integrin alpha(E)beta(7) adhesion to epithelial (E)-cadherin.
The Journal of experimental medicine
Taraszka KS,Higgins JM,Tan K,Mandelbrot DA,Wang JH,Brenner MB
13-5700 was used in blocking assay to study the Ig-like fold of E-cadherin.
Mon May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2000
p21WAF1 regulates anchorage-independent growth of HCT116 colon carcinoma cells via E-cadherin expression.
Cancer research
Mueller S,Cadenas E,Schönthal AH
13-5700 was used in blocking assay to determine if p21 contributes to anchorage-dependent growth control.
Sat Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2000
E-cadherin expression in melanoma cells restores keratinocyte-mediated growth control and down-regulates expression of invasion-related adhesion receptors.
The American journal of pathology
Hsu MY,Meier FE,Nesbit M,Hsu JY,Van Belle P,Elder DE,Herlyn M
13-5700 was used in blocking assay to examine the role of E-cadherin in melanoma-keratinocyte interaction.
Mon May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2000
High levels of E-/P-cadherin: correlation with decreased apical polarity of Na/K ATPase in bovine RPE cells in situ.
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science
Burke JM,Cao F,Irving PE
13-5700 was used in immunohistochemistry (frozen) to determine the distribution of Na/K ATPase and E-cadherin in retinal pigment epithelium cells.
Thu Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2000
Truncation of the beta-catenin binding domain of E-cadherin precedes epithelial apoptosis during prostate and mammary involution.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Vallorosi CJ,Day KC,Zhao X,Rashid MG,Rubin MA,Johnson KR,Wheelock MJ,Day ML
13-5700 was used in western blot to test if truncation of E-cadherin results in epithelial apoptosis during prostate and mammary involution.
Fri Feb 04 00:00:00 UTC 2000
Inhibition of cadherin function differentially affects markers of terminal differentiation in cultured human keratinocytes.
Journal of cell science
Hines MD,Jin HC,Wheelock MJ,Jensen PJ
13-5700 was used in blocking assay to test if cadherin-cadherin interactions modulate keratinocyte differentiation.
Wed Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 1999
E-cadherin mediates aggregation-dependent survival of prostate and mammary epithelial cells through the retinoblastoma cell cycle control pathway.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Day ML,Zhao X,Vallorosi CJ,Putzi M,Powell CT,Lin C,Day KC
13-5700 was used in blocking assay to assess the role of E-cadherin and retinoblastoma tumor suppressor in cell survival and programed cell death.
Fri Apr 02 00:00:00 UTC 1999
E-cadherin mediates aggregation-dependent survival of prostate and mammary epithelial cells through the retinoblastoma cell cycle control pathway.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Day ML,Zhao X,Vallorosi CJ,Putzi M,Powell CT,Lin C,Day KC
13-5700 was used in blocking assay to assess the role of E-cadherin and retinoblastoma tumor suppressor in cell survival and programed cell death.
Fri Apr 02 00:00:00 UTC 1999
E-Cadherin-dependent growth suppression is mediated by the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27(KIP1).
The Journal of cell biology
St Croix B,Sheehan C,Rak JW,Flørenes VA,Slingerland JM,Kerbel RS
13-5700 was used in blocking assay to study the growth suppressor activity of E-cadherin.
Mon Jul 27 00:00:00 UTC 1998
E-cadherin regulates anchorage-independent growth and survival in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Kantak SS,Kramer RH
13-5700 was used in blocking assay to report that cadherin-mediated intercellular adhesions promote anchorage-independent growth and suppresses apoptosis.
Fri Jul 03 00:00:00 UTC 1998