Product References
Copy number variation and expression of exportin-4 associates with severity of fibrosis in metabolic associated fatty liver disease.
Metwally M,Bayoumi A,Khan A,Adams LA,Aller R,García-Monzón C,Arias-Loste MT,Bugianesi E,Miele L,Anna A,Latchoumanin O,Han S,Alenizi S,Sharkawy RE,Elattar A,Gallego-Durán R,Fischer J,Berg T,Liddle C,Romero-Gomez M,George J,Eslam M
MA5-15663 was used in Proximity Ligation Assay to investigate if duplication in the exportin 4 (XPO4) copy number variations is associated with the severity of liver fibrosis.
Sun Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Core transcription regulatory circuitry orchestrates corneal epithelial homeostasis.
Nature communications
Li M,Huang H,Li L,He C,Zhu L,Guo H,Wang L,Liu J,Wu S,Liu J,Xu T,Mao Z,Cao N,Zhang K,Lan F,Ding J,Yuan J,Liu Y,Ouyang H
MA5-15663 was used in Western Blotting to highlight CRC TF cooperativity for establishment of stem cell identity and lineage commitment, and provides comprehensive regulatory principles for human stratified epithelial homeostasis and pathogenesis.
Mon Jan 18 00:00:00 UTC 2021
SOX4 can redirect TGF-β-mediated SMAD3-transcriptional output in a context-dependent manner to promote tumorigenesis.
Nucleic acids research
Vervoort SJ,Lourenço AR,Tufegdzic Vidakovic A,Mocholi E,Sandoval JL,Rueda OM,Frederiks C,Pals C,Peeters JGC,Caldas C,Bruna A,Coffer PJ
Published figure using SMAD3 monoclonal antibody (Product # MA5-15663) in Immunofluorescence
Fri Oct 12 00:00:00 UTC 2018
SOX4 can redirect TGF-β-mediated SMAD3-transcriptional output in a context-dependent manner to promote tumorigenesis.
Nucleic acids research
Vervoort SJ,Lourenço AR,Tufegdzic Vidakovic A,Mocholi E,Sandoval JL,Rueda OM,Frederiks C,Pals C,Peeters JGC,Caldas C,Bruna A,Coffer PJ
Published figure using SMAD3 monoclonal antibody (Product # MA5-15663) in Immunofluorescence
Fri Oct 12 00:00:00 UTC 2018
RIPK1-RIPK3-MLKL-dependent necrosis promotes the aging of mouse male reproductive system.
Li D,Meng L,Xu T,Su Y,Liu X,Zhang Z,Wang X
MA5-15663 was used in Immunohistochemistry to report that male reproductive organs of both Ripk3- and Mlkl-knockout mice retain ''youthful'' morphology and function into advanced age, while those of age-matched wild-type mice deteriorate.
Tue Aug 15 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Soluble MMP-14 produced by bone marrow-derived stromal cells sheds epithelial endoglin modulating the migratory properties of human breast cancer cells.
Tobar N,Avalos MC,Méndez N,Smith PC,Bernabeu C,Quintanilla M,Martínez J
MA5-15663 was used in western blot to study the modulation of breast cancer cell migratory potential by endoglin shed from epithelial cells by soluble MMP14 from bone marrow-derived stromal cells
Fri Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
c-Jun N terminal kinase modulates NOX-4 derived ROS production and myofibroblasts differentiation in human breast stromal cells.
BMC cancer
Tobar N,Toyos M,Urra C,Méndez N,Arancibia R,Smith PC,Martínez J
MA5-15663 was used in western blot to examine the role of c-Jun N terminal kinase in myofibroblasts differentiation in human breast stromal cells
Sat Aug 30 00:00:00 UTC 2014