Applied Biosystem Solutions for Predictive Genomics

Applied Biosystems solutions have the answers to big predictive genomics questions

From preventing diseases to personalized treatments to reducing the cost of healthcare and predicting the future of disease through genetics, Applied Biosystems solutions are where the answers to population genomics’ biggest questions come together. We deliver the cost-effective, customized solutions and in-house expertise you need to advance your research at every stage of the workflow.

Navigating the technology landscape for population-scale predictive genomics

This white paper scrutinizes the complementary capabilities of whole-genome sequencing (WGS), low-pass sequencing (LPS), and genome-wide microarrays. It discusses the advantages and trade-offs of each technology in the context of genomic discovery and variant calling in populations and supports researchers to make holistic technology choices.

Customer spotlights

Peter Donnelly

Founder & CEO
Genomics plc

Sir Peter Donnelly, FRS, FMEDSCI, discusses the potential of integrating polygenic risk scores into standard healthcare practice around the world.


Richard Pither


Richard Pither, PhD, and his company, Cytox, are utilizing polygenic risk scores to develop tests that might accurately identify a person's risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.


Radja Badji

Genome Operations Manager
Qatar Genome Programme

Radja Badji, PhD, explains how her team is using custom microarray technology to bring the benefits of precision medicine to the Arab world.


Pui Kwok

Professor, UCSF
Director, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica

Pui Kwok, MD, PhD, discusses the Taiwan Precision Medicine Initiative, and the opportunities an challenges of integrating precision medicine into standard healthcare.

Timothy Rebbeck

Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

As leader of the MADCaP Network, Timothy Rebbeck, PhD, uses custom Axiom Genotyping Solutions to address outcome disparities for prostate cancer.

Philip Empey

Assistant Professor, Associate Director
Pitt/UPMC Institute of Precision Medicine

Learn how microarray technologies enable Philip Empey, PharmD, PhD, perform broad based genotyping, in an effort to understand more about drug variability.

Ulrich Broeckel

Founder and CEO
RPRD Diagnostics, LLC

Ulrich Broeckel, MD, shares his vision for the future of pharmacogenetics, and how its integration with precision medicine approaches can impact clinical care.

Bioinformatics and array design

Jeanette Schmidt, Head of Bioinformatics at Thermo Fisher Scientific, discusses how being able to collaborate with customers on array design and ultimately help them answer their research questions inspires her work every day.

Featured blog posts

Biobanks in Europe

Biobanks in Finland and Estonia are already revealing just how much can be learned when whole countries put in the resources necessary to use genomic information to its fullest potential.

Taiwan Precision Medicine Initiative

Europe is not the only place where biobanks are creating opportunities for predictive genomics to help people. The island of Taiwan presents just such an opportunity.

Cardiovascular genetic risk factors

We spoke to Alexandre Pereira at Sao Paulo University Heart Institute to learn more about his research using population-based predictive genomics to build understanding of unique determinants of cardiovascular disease.

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