LABScreen Multi Blood Screening

Improve the safety of transfusions with screening for HLA and HNA donor antibodies

Plasma plays a critical role in supplying patients with trauma, burns, liver or clotting issues many of the proteins that are necessary to support blood clotting and immune system responses. Patients who receive plasma-containing products may be at risk for Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury (TRALI), a rare but serious syndrome characterized by sudden acute respiratory distress (ARDS) following transfusion.11

In the majority of cases, TRALI is immune-mediated: an analysis of 36 patients showed that donor anti-HLA or anti-HNA antibodies were present in 89% of cases.14

TRALI is fatal in 5-10% of all cases.12

Mitigate TRALI risk with simultaneous detection of HLA and HNA antibodies in a single well

Current research suggests that both anti-HLA and anti-HNA antibodies have been implicated in clinical cases of TRALI.14 Thermo Scientific LABScreen Multi is the only FDA cleared assay for the simultaneous detection of HLA and HNA antibodies.* More specifically, antibodies directed against HNA 1a, 1b and 2a are with severe forms of TRALI, whereas anti-HNS-3a is often associated with fatal TRALI.15,16 Single antigen technology allows for the identification of HLA Class I, HLA Class II, and individual HNA specificities HNA-1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, providing coverage that meets international recommendations and exceeds standards set by the FDA and AABB. Optimized for the transfusion medicine community, the LABScreen Multi assay can maximize your pool by retaining more donors without compromising patient safety.

In addition, research shows that HLA type play an integral role in population level immune monitoring and vaccine development as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve. Convalescent plasma therapy, which is being investigated as a treatment for COVID-19 infection, may increase a patient's risk for TRALI. COVID patients who develop acute respiratory distress syndrome, or who may progress to ARDS, may also face a higher risk of TRALI due to their underlying lung injury.13

Read more about the role HLA play in the SARS disease.

LABScreen Multi workflow

LABScreen Multi offers an easy, efficient method for donor screening, allowing laboratory professionals to screen up to 96 samples in less than 4 hours with a simple immunoassay protocol.

Figure 1. LABScreen Multi workflow.


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For In Vitro Diagnostic Use.