Creating a New Verification-Class MS for Biomarker Translation Using the Stellar Mass Spectrometer

Breaking barriers for biomarker translation toward validation: Creating a new verification-class mass spectrometer with the Stellar mass spectrometer


With the recent introduction of the Thermo Scientific Stellar mass spectrometer, a new paradigm for targeted quantitation has been introduced to greatly expand the number of peptides quantified in a targeted quantitative method, achieving higher LOQs using faster liquid chromatographic gradients.


This on-demand webinar will provide a detailed discussion on the new hardware and software innovations delivering the new performance that, when coupled with low-flow UHPLC systems, forms a powerful verification-class LC-MSn solution. Translational research results will be presented on biomarker development studies for cancer, neurodegenerative disorders and amyloidosis.


You will learn:

  • How to best create highly multiplexed PRM methods based on discovery data

  • Achieving ultimate quantitative sensitivity through automated intelligent PRM acquisition

  • Leveraging PRM acquisition to ensure high data confidence and quantitative accuracy

About the presenters

Dr. Philip M. Remeš, Senior Research Scientist, R&D, Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose, California


Philip Remeš received his Ph.D. in Gary Glish’s lab at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, where he worked on quadrupole ion trap and mass filter instrumentation. At Thermo Fisher Scientific, he worked with Jae Schwartz on instrument control software, ion trap analyzers, detectors and simulations for the Thermo Scientific LTQ Velos mass spectrometer platform.

Dr. Deanna Plubell, Research Scientist in the Michael J. MacCoss laboratory, University of Washington


Deanna is a Research Scientist at the University of Washington in the MacCoss lab, where she is currently focused on the development of highly multiplexed targeted assays. Specifically, she is interested in workflows to expedite the assay development process on the Thermo Scientific Stellar instrument, and in the application of these assays to Alzheimer’s and related dementias.

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