White Paper: Preemptive Pharmacogenomic Insights to Improve Drug Treatment for Mental Health Disorders

Our latest white paper emphasizes the potential of preemptive pharmacogenomics (PGx) to transform mental healthcare by enabling personalized and more effective treatment strategies.

Key highlights include:
•  Rising mental health medication use—there has been a significant increase in the use of psychotropic medications, particularly post-pandemic
  •  Challenges in current treatments—clinicians often face difficulties with trial-and-error prescribing, leading to suboptimal treatment and adverse drug events (ADEs)
  •  Advantages of PGx testing—the Axiom PharmacoFocus Solution offers a comprehensive set of high-evidence ADME variants to generate accurate pharmacogenomic data, which can enhance drug efficacy and safety
  •  Integration with clinical systems—PGx testing results can be incorporated into clinical decision support systems (CDSS) and electronic health records (EHR) to provide tailored medication recommendations
  •  Global and clinical support—there is a growing advocacy for PGx testing in mental health for both safety and efficacy, supported by various studies and global health trends

For more detailed information, please fill out the short form below to download the white paper.

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