Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
货号 | 描述 | 最大压力 | 溶剂通道 | 色谱柱温度范围 |
IQLAAAGABHFAPBMBEX | UltiMate 3000 Standard Binary System | 62 Mpa (620 bar, 9000 psi) | 2 或 4 | 5°C 至 80°C |
IQLAAAGABHFAPBMBFD | UltiMate 3000 Standard Dual System | 62 Mpa (620 bar, 9000 psi) | 6 或 2 x 3 | 5°C 至 80°C |
IQLAAAGABHFAPBMBEY | UltiMate 3000 Standard Quaternary System | 62 Mpa (620 bar, 9000 psi) | 4 | 5°C 至 80°C |
Meet the demands of your microbore, analytical, and semipreparative liquid chromatography applications with a Thermo Scientific™ UltiMate™ 3000 Standard (SD) HPLC/UHPLC System. These systems combine versatility with the freedom to configure the appropriate system for your application. They are available with binary, quaternary, and dual pump systems to meet different application requirements. All system components are configured to produce best quality results.
View UltiMate 3000 SD resources ∣ Discover Vanquish systems ∣ HPLC Support Center
Standard HPLC systems
UltiMate 3000 Standard Binary System
Achieve stable retention times and accurate gradients in a high-throughput environment. This system is an ideal choice for fast LC and LC-MS applications, such as demanding routine analyses and high-throughput workflows in QC laboratories with a special focus on throughput, productivity, and uptime.
UltiMate 3000 Standard Quaternary System
Get mobile phase flexibility for your high-throughput routine or R&D separations. With a wide mixing portfolio for gradient delay volume adjustment, four-solvent gradient support, excellent flow stability, and a unique choice of detection technologies, this system excels where moderately fast gradient response is acceptable to gain the advantages of improved flexibility.
UltiMate 3000 Standard Dual System
Increase the speed and throughput of your workflows without redeveloping existing methods. This system is ideal for routine and advanced chromatographic methods, productivity solutions, and multidimensional analyses. The dual system lets you maximize throughput, resolution, or sensitivity, and offers options for improving information yield.
Ensuring Excellent Chromatography
Chromeleon CDS Makes Operation Easy
Choose the Right Configuration for You
Rapid Separation RS HPLC Systems
Standard Binary
Standard Quaternary
Standard Dual