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Computer aided engineering (CAE) is used in many fields, such as automotive, aerospace, and biomechanics. Expensive experiments are being replaced by numerical simulations, allowing faster time to market while reducing costs. Simulations also help to advance understanding in many research themes. CAE areas include stress analysis using finite element analysis (FEA) or thermal and fluid flow analysis using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Those analyses are combined with imaging techniques, such as microCT, to better understand and predict properties and to aid in creation of geometries for finite element models (simulation inputs).
Thermo Scientific Amira and Avizo Software provide a fast and robust meshing engine to automatically create simulation inputs from 3D labeled images. Amira and Avizo Software generate high-quality mesh with smoothed conforming interfaces from large multi-material segmented images. You have fine control over size element distribution, while Amira and Avizo Software preserve thin structures and topology. Meshes can be exported to major solver’s format, along with boundary conditions. Amira and Avizo Software also provide import of the solver’s output for post-processing the results with advanced visualization tools.
The XWind extension for Amira-Avizo Software provides dedicated meshing capabilities for advanced simulation (FEA/CFD):
通过专门为 Amira、Avizo 和 PerGeos 软件新用户设计的入门培训,缩短学习曲线,使投资收益最大化。
课程包括一个讲座及互动提问环节。培训材料重点讲述 Amira、Avizo 和 PerGeos 软件的基本特点和功能。
通过专为 Amira、Avizo 和 PerGeos 软件的现有用户设计的高级培训使投资收益最大化并缩短取得成果的时间。
课程包括一个讲座及互动提问环节。培训材料重点讲述 Amira、Avizo 和 PerGeos 软件的高级特点和功能。
赛默飞世尔科技在 3D 和图像处理方面拥有超过 25 年的经验,向众多小型和大型机构交付了数百个定制项目,可根据您的特定需求为您提供量身定制的解决方案。
Amira Meshing for FEA/CFD - Upper airway flow analysis in corrective rhinosurgery research.
Avizo software provides a virtual lab for characterizing materials. Avizo’s fast and robust meshing capability allows for collaboration with simulation solvers for FEA analysis.
Discover how Amira-Avizo Software enables the whole 3D printing workflow, from 2D image stack import, to 3D reconstruction and 3D meshing, right through to 3D printer compatible formats export.
Data courtesy of National University of Singapore.
Amira Meshing for FEA/CFD - Upper airway flow analysis in corrective rhinosurgery research.
Avizo software provides a virtual lab for characterizing materials. Avizo’s fast and robust meshing capability allows for collaboration with simulation solvers for FEA analysis.
Discover how Amira-Avizo Software enables the whole 3D printing workflow, from 2D image stack import, to 3D reconstruction and 3D meshing, right through to 3D printer compatible formats export.
Data courtesy of National University of Singapore.