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Use our collection of calculators to streamline your bioprocessing downstream process planning. Please select your desired calculator from the list on the left.
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Calculate column dimensions by providing column diameter, length and/or volume parameters. Determine volumetric flow rate, flow velocity, and residence time using the flow parameter.
Simulate the full chromatography process using this calculator. For each step, a buffer or solution is suggested as well as a number of CVs (column volumes). Note that you are able to manually input your own number of CVs value or select the suggested value.
For process description, select your modality, target molecule and choose the most appropriate Thermo Fisher recommended chromatography resin. The feedstock concentration unit will automatically update depending on the resin selected.
For chromatography modeling, input the recommended default dynamic binding capacity for the resin. Please specify here if you have predetermined the binding capacity for your specific target molecule.
The safety margin field indicates the level of usage of the resin to mitigate loss of target (e.g., if you plan to load at 80% of the dynamic binding capacity, specify a 20% safety margin).
Enter a value for the column diameter to determine the required volume of packed resin and the corresponding bed height.
It is generally recommended to have a minimum bed height of 2 cm. If the calculated bed height is <2 cm, we recommend decreasing column diameter or using a 1 mL prepacked column.
This buffer calculator provides formulation calculations based on the Henderson Hasselbach equation to help make quick references and decisions for the process liquid and buffer solutions critical to the downstream bioprocessing operations.
This tool enables the calculation of column symmetry, plate count, reduced plate height and HETP.
Input values from your chromatogram (select the relevant units) and the system automatically calculates symmetry factor, plates counts per meter and the height equivalent to a theoretical plate.