AAV Purification Solutions for Gene Therapy Development

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Innovative solutions to help improve the productivity of your AAV process

To support gene therapy manufacturing, we developed a portfolio of innovative chromatography solutions specifically designed to improve the downstream purification of viral vectors such as adeno-associated virus (AAV).

Benefit from:

  • High selectivity and capacity for the purification of viral vectors
  • An efficient and robust purification process from crude material in one step, offering scalability and process consistency
  • Significant improvement to the downstream process of viral vectors, by reducing the purification steps and maximizing productivity

Get help selecting your purification resin. Use this interactive decision-making tool to determine the right chromatography resin for your downstream process.

AAV chromatography tools

Explore our robust portfolio of unique affinity resins developed to significantly improve downstream processing of viral vectors by helping reduce the number of purification steps and offering scalability, thus maximizing process consistency, efficiency, and productivity.

POROS CaptureSelect AAV affinity resins are engineered to address the high selectivity and capacity requirements for the large-scale downstream purification of a broad range of naturally occurring and synthetic AAV serotypes used for gene therapy applications.

Table 1. Summary of POROS CaptureSelect AAV affinity resin properties

  Binding capacity (vg/mL)* Serotype affinity
POROS CaptureSelect AAVX >1014


AAV6, AAV7, AAV8, recombinant and chimeric vectors**

POROS CaptureSelect AAV9 >1014 AAV9
POROS CaptureSelect AAV8 >1013 AAV8

Measured as viral genomes per milliliter (vg/mL)

** The AAVX affinity ligand has demonstrated binding reactivity towards a large set of AAV serotypes (including chimeric vectors), suggesting that an even broader range of AAV serotypes might be purified by this resin.

When the use of your product requires further polishing, such as removal of empty capsids, Thermo Scientific Ion Exchange resins can be utilized for subsequent polishing steps. The excellent resolution of these resins allows for separation of closely related product forms such as empty and full viral capsids.

To enable single-step purification of a broad range of AAV serotypes, we offer Dynabeads CaptureSelect AAVX Magnetic Beads. This easy-to-use solution enables efficient purification of AAV molecules directly from complex feedstocks using magnetic separators.

Chromatography columns are critical to achieving successful separation of any biomolecule in downstream applications. Our pre-packed chromatography columns are designed to save time and money when used in your gene therapy workflow. We offer a variety of small-scale prepacked 1 and 5 mL GoPure columns and RoboColumns, packed with Thermo Scientific AAV affinity resins.

Thermo Scientific POROS GoPure 96-well screening plates enable you to process multiple samples in a single experiment, helping improve efficiency by reducing the time and resources required for screening processes.

The CaptureSelect AAVX Ligand Leakage ELISA Kit is specifically designed to detect possible leached ligands present in adeno-associated viruses (AAV) purified using POROS CaptureSelect AAVX Affinity Resin. The kits are complete and ready-to-use, helping to improve process efficiency.

The CaptureSelect AAV conjugates are engineered to specifically detect and quantify AAV particles, allowing direct measurement of various AAV serotypes in both cell culture supernatants and purified AAV samples using sandwich ELISA technology.

The CaptureSelect Alexa Fluor 647 Anti-AAV conjugates consist of a 12–15 kDa single-domain antibody fragment (VHH affinity ligand) that binds with high affinity to AAV particles. These ligands are chemically linked to Alexa Fluor 647, retaining its binding reactivity for detecting AAV total capsids. The combination of the ligand's high affinity and the bright, far-red fluorescence of Alexa Fluor 647, excitable by 594 nm or 633 nm lasers, makes this product ideal for stable signal generation in Fluorescent Immune Assay (FIA) applications and imaging.

Educational resources to support your AAV purification process

eBook: Optimizing Gene Therapy

Explore innovative solutions that surmount technical hurdles and enhance downstream processes, producing high product yield at lower costs.

Poster: Advancing gene therapy purification

Explore the benefits of implementing affinity chromatography in the downstream purification of viral vectors.

Article: AAV Purification: Expert’s insights

Industry leaders share practical advice on how to prepare early to meet a continually evolving set of AAV manufacturing challenges.

Bioprocess Resin Selection Tool

Use this interactive decision-making tool to determine the right chromatography resin for your purification process.

Additional bioprocessing resources

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For research use or further manufacturing. Not for diagnostic use or direct administration into humans or animals.