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Preimplantation genetic testing – aneuploidy (PGT-A) is a rapidly growing area of fertility research commonly incorporated into IVF research workflows. PGT-A findings can determine chromosome presence and frequency in embryo biopsies, which provides scientific insight into reducing the time to pregnancy and decreasing miscarriage rates. Ion ReproSeq PGS kits for PGT-A leverage the speed and reliability of Ion Torrent next-generation sequencing (NGS) to offer important insight for future reproductive decisions.
Detect whole-chromosome, mosaic, and small copy number events with just 6 pg of DNA from single or multiple cells
Multiple kit configurations to analyze from 16 to 192 samples in a single run
Cells to results in less than 10 hours* and minimized user error, with <2 hours* hands-on time
Mosaicism detection, gender masking, and improved data plotting (for easier data interpretation)
Deliver enhanced PGT-A results with checks for triploidy, maternal contamination, and sibling identification
*Turnaround time for the Ion ReproSeq PGS Kit with Ion 510 Chips (16 samples/run) is less than 10 hours with less than 2 hours of hands on time
Ion ReproSeq PGS kits include all materials for library construction, template preparation, and sequencing on Ion Torrent NGS systems for cell to analysis in as little as 10 hours.* Simple cartridge-loaded reagents, straightforward user interface, and automated template preparation minimize user errors and facilitate rapid implementation of PGT research into your lab.
The Genexus workflow (blue) leverages the flexible design of GX5 chips, which can run from 24 to 48 samples per lane. Each lane can be run independently, for a total of 96 or 192 samples per chip.
For the Ion GeneStudio S5 System workflow (purple), the Ion sequencing chips (Ion 510 Chip, Ion 520 Chip, and Ion 530 Chip) provide sample throughput flexibility and scalability to match your needs and enable cost-effective analysis of 16, 24, or 96 samples in a single sequencing run.
*Turnaround time for the Ion ReproSeq PGS Kit with Ion 510 Chips (16 samples/run) is less than 10 hours with less than 2 hours of hands on time
Confidently identify triploidy 69, XXX, assess potential maternal contamination, and track sibling samples with the new Ion AmpliSeq Polyploidy Panel, now available as an optional add-on to Ion ReproSeq PGS Kits.
Introducing SNP-based quality controls for preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy
Adam Harris
Director of Research and Development
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Prepare next-generation sequencing libraries for noninvasive PGT-A (niPGT-A) from embryo culture media samples and perform aneuploidy analysis using Ion ReproSeq PGS kits. Explore more in the niPGT-A User Bulletin.
User Bulletin: Perform niPGT-A research analysis using Ion ReproSeq PGS kits
Catherine Welch, MBA, TS (ABB)
Founder and Managing Partner of Sequence46
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.