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Advance your viral research with proven workflows using our leading-edge molecular biology products. Access educational content, protocols and tools to boost your research.
Viral research and surveillance are key to controlling virus spread. Our reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) technology provides a fast, low-cost method for testing and surveillance of viral pathogens.
Surveillance is critical in providing insights into viral evolution. The analysis of viral genomes by Collibri DNA Library Prep Kits for Illumina Systems provides high coverage with sensitive variant detection.
Our SuperScript IV reverse transcriptase yields high-quality viral RNA ready for RNA-direct sequencing to understand the pattern of viral gene expression.
For an in-depth look on how you can incorporate Thermo Fisher Scientific products in your viral detection and surveillance research, consult our resources and peer-reviewed publications below.
Viral susceptibility and response to antiviral drugs and vaccines can be largely influenced by the genetic background of the host. Our Collibri portfolio of NGS library preparation kits provides you with the tools to efficiently genotype hosts of viral infections.
Viral infection or its treatment can affect the endogenous gene expression profile in the host. Our SuperScript IV Vilo and Collibri kits for RNA library preparation are the perfect solutions for your RNA sequencing workflow.
Curious how Thermo Fisher Scientific products can support your host-response studies? Consult our resources and peer-reviewed publications below.
Modifying and purifying viral genes and proteins are keys to understand the mode of action of a virus. Our viral delivery systems are the perfect companions for your viral expression experiments.
Direct isolation and purification of viral RNA is a powerful tool for viral research. Our custom-made GeneArt Strings DNA fragments are ideal for multi-fragment assembly.
Purifying viral proteins is the first step towards developing antibodies for research or treatment. Our cell-free protein expression systems streamline viral protein productions.
Consult our educational resources to learn more on how you can incorporate Thermo Fisher Scientific products in your workflow.
Understanding a virus mode of infection rely on robust model systems that express either native or mutated forms of viral genes. Our genome editing solutions give you the power to design a construct where you modulate gene expression levels as needed.
Your model system is only as good as your initial construct. Testing the integrity of the viral sequence or checking for the presence of the desired point-mutations are critical steps in establishing models of viral infection. Our simple and fast Sanger workflow is the solution you need to confirm your constructs.
Learn how Thermo Fisher Scientific products can help you developing model systems or cell-based assays by consulting our educational resources.