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N-2 Supplement (100X) liquid

For the growth and expression of post-mitotic neurons and tumor cells of neuronal phenotype.

N-2 supplement is a chemically defined, 100X concentrate of Bottenstein's N-2 formulation (1). This supplement is recommended for the growth and expression of neuroblastomas and for the survival and expression of post-mitotic neurons in primary cultures from both the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and the central nervous system (CNS). It can be used as a substitute for the N-1 Bottenstein formulation. N-2 medium appears to be selective for neuronal cell lines and does not support the growth of nonneuronal cell lines. (in Current Methods in Cellular Neurobiology: Volume 4, edited by Jeffery Barker, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,1983.)

ComponentsMolecular WeightConcentration (mg/L)mM
Human Transferrin (Holo)10000.010000.01.0
Insulin Recombinant Full Chain5807.7500.00.0860926
Other Components


1. Bottenstein, J.E. (1985) Cell Culture in the Neurosciences, Bottenstein, J.E. and Harvey, A.L., editors, p. 3, Plenum Press: New York and London.

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