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Rhizoid cells from the marine alga Fucus serratus were pressure-microinjected with Ca2+-sensitive 10,000 MW Calcium Green™-1 dextran (Cat. no. C3713) and Ca2+-insensitive 10,000 MW Texas Red® dextran (D1828). Patterns of Ca2+ elevation following hypoosmotic treatment in dividing cells were visualized by confocal ratio imaging of Calcium Green™-1 (excited at 488 nm) and Texas Red® (excited at 568 nm). Emission ratio values were pseudocolored to represent calcium concentrations according to the scale bar in the lower left-hand corner. A) Sequential ratio images during the onset of a hypoosmotically induced (100% seawater to 50% seawater) Ca2+ wave shows an initial elevation of Ca2+ in the rhizoid apex, which declines before the onset of Ca2+ elevation arising in the apical nucleus (n1) region. B) A variation in this pattern was evident in a minority of cells where Ca2+ elevations were observed to arise in the subapical nucleus (n2) simultaneously with the apical Ca2+ elevation. The image was contributed by Colin Brownlee, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, Plymouth, UK, and reproduced with permission from Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 97, 1932 (2000).
Dual-emission ratiometric measurement of lysosomal pH using LysoSensor™ Yellow/Blue dextran. Go ›
Secondary motor neurons in a male western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis affinis) spinal cord. Go ›
REF-52 fibroblasts. Cyclic AMP Fluorosensor (FlCRhR) and fura-2 AM Go ›
Pseudocolored images of changes in intracellular free Ca2+ in AtT-20/D16v-F2 cells, monitored at 9 sec intervals with fluo-4, AM (F14201, F14202, F14217, F23917). Go ›
CD45.2 Antibody (63045482) in RE Go ›
CD34 Antibody (63034942) in RE Go ›