PLEASE NOTE: These updates apply only to Attune cytometers currently running v2.1 or greater. If you are currently running version 2.0, DO NOT use these downloads. Contact your field service representative for further instructions.

 Attune NxT Cytometer Version 3.2.1Attune NxT Flow Cytometer v5.3Attune NxT & CytPix Flow Cytometer v6.2.2
Operating System64-bit Windows 7Windows 10 loT 2019*Windows 10 loT 2019*
Attune CytometerAttune NxTAttune NxTAttune CytPix
Computer model9010, XE2 (500GB), XE2 (2x2TB)NxT XE3: 2x2TB RAID 1 HDD
NxT XE2: 500GB & 2x2TB
CytPix XE3: 2x8TB RAID 1 SSD; 64GB RAM; Quadro™ P2200 NVIDIA™ GPU
NxT XE3: 2x2TB RAID 1 HDD or SSD
21 CFR part 11 features availableNot supportedYes (Requires additional license)Yes (Requires additional license)
File size236 MB631 MB4.7 GB
Zip fileDownload v3.2.1Download v5.3Download v6.2.2
Release notes: Installation instructions for instrument computer
Installation instructions for non-instrument computerNATo use Windows™ 11 on non-instrument computer only, Download DesKey driver
* NOTE: Win 10 OS is only available on XE2 and XE3 computer models. If Windows 10 has not been installed on the instrument PC it will require service to upgrade the system.
** IMPORTANT: Please note that a field service appointment is required to install the software for all CytPix instruments with serial numbers <74 (2IAFC007740821). Contact your local field service representative if you have one of these instruments.

Software downloads for the original first-generation Attune Cytometer

 Attune Cytometer
WITHOUT Autosampler
Attune Cytometer
WITH Autosampler
 photo of the original Attune without AutosamplerOriginal Attune without Autosampler
Purchase date of Attune CytometerBEFORE
January 1st, 2013
January 1st, 2013
Software versionv1.2.5v2.1.0v2.1.0
File size87.5 MB106.8 MB106.8 MB
Operating system Windows XP 64-bit Windows 7 64-bit Windows 7
