Product References
CPA-seq reveals small ncRNAs with methylated nucleosides and diverse termini.
Cell discovery
Wang H,Huang R,Li L,Zhu J,Li Z,Peng C,Zhuang X,Lin H,Shi S,Huang P
Mon Apr 19 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Efficient Neural Differentiation using Single-Cell Culture of Human Embryonic Stem Cells.
Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE
Jeon K,Park K,Jetten AM
AF-100-16A was used in In vitro experiments to study inefficient and time-cosuming standard approaches for human embryonic stem cell (hESC) culture using colony type culture to maintain undifferentiated hESCs and embryoid body (EB) and rosette formation for differentiation into different germ layers to instead present a single-cell culture method using hESCs instead of a colony-type culture.
Sat Jan 18 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Stromal fibroblast growth factor 2 reduces the efficacy of bromodomain inhibitors in uveal melanoma.
EMBO molecular medicine
Chua V,Orloff M,Teh JL,Sugase T,Liao C,Purwin TJ,Lam BQ,Terai M,Ambrosini G,Carvajal RD,Schwartz G,Sato T,Aplin AE
Fri Feb 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Glutamine/glutamate metabolism rewiring in reprogrammed human hepatocyte-like cells.
Scientific reports
Ballester M,Sentandreu E,Luongo G,Santamaria R,Bolonio M,Alcoriza-Balaguer MI,Palomino-Schätzlein M,Pineda-Lucena A,Castell J,Lahoz A,Bort R
Fri Nov 29 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Efficacy of Two Delivery Routes for Transplanting Human Neural Progenitor Cells (NPCs) Into the Spastic Han-Wistar Rat, a Model of Ataxia.
Cell transplantation
Uhlendorf TL,Nuryyev RL,Kopyov AO,Ochoa J,Younesi S,Cohen RW,Kopyov OV
AF-100-16A was used in Cell Culture to show that direct implantation of hNPCs reduced ataxic symptoms in the sHW rat, demonstrating that stereotactic route of stem cell delivery correlates to improved clinical outcomes.
Thu Feb 16 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Inhibition of Proliferation and Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition in Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells by Heavy Chain-Hyaluronan/Pentraxin 3.
Scientific reports
He H,Kuriyan AE,Su CW,Mahabole M,Zhang Y,Zhu YT,Flynn HW,Parel JM,Tseng SC
AF-100-16A was used in Cell Culture to investigate heavy chain-hyaluronic acid/pentraxin 3 inhibition of proliferative vitreoretinopathy.
Thu Mar 02 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Carboxypeptidase-M is regulated by lipids and CSFs in macrophages and dendritic cells and expressed selectively in tissue granulomas and foam cells.
Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology
Tsakiris I,Torocsik D,Gyongyosi A,Dozsa A,Szatmari I,Szanto A,Soos G,Nemes Z,Igali L,Marton I,Takats Z,Nagy L,Dezso B
Thu Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Fetal derived embryonic-like stem cells improve healing in a large animal flexor tendonitis model.
Stem cell research & therapy
Watts AE,Yeager AE,Kopyov OV,Nixon AJ
Thu Jan 27 00:00:00 UTC 2011