8M 盐酸胍溶液
8M 盐酸胍溶液
Thermo Scientific™

8M 盐酸胍溶液

Thermo Scientific Pierce 8M Guanidine-HCl Solution is an accurately formulated, ready-to-use solution of guanidine hydrochloride, that can be easily diluted了解更多信息
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货号 24115
价格(CNY)/ 200 mL
价格(CNY)/ 200 mL
8M 盐酸胍溶液
价格(CNY)/ 200 mL
Thermo Scientific Pierce 8M Guanidine-HCl Solution is an accurately formulated, ready-to-use solution of guanidine hydrochloride, that can be easily diluted and pH-adjusted to any concentration below 8M.

Features of 8M Guanidine-HCl Solution:

• Any concentration below 8M guanidine can be quickly and easily prepared.
• No wasting valuable research time weighing and dissolving guanidine crystals
• Free from UV absorbing materials in the range of 225-300nm
• Free from heavy metal contaminants
• Free from degradation products such as ammonia
• Excellent stability

Applications of Guanidine Hydrochloride:
• Solubilizing proteins from inclusion bodies
• Increasing solubility of hydrophobic peptides and proteins
• Denaturing proteins

Chaotropes, substances that disrupt the structure of water interactions, help to solubilize hydrophobic proteins and peptides for a variety of biological purposes. For example, hydrophobic peptides and proteins may be dissolved in coupling buffer containing either 6M guanidine-HCl or 4M urea prior to immobilization on AminoLink Plus Support to create an affinity column. However, because the degradation products of guanidine and urea include ammonia, which contains a primary amine that will compete for reaction to the support, urea and guanidine solutions must be prepared with high quality reagents immediately before use.

Guanidine is a general protein denaturant, unfolding proteins and altering their three-dimensional structure. Consequently, some proteins will be irreversibly altered upon interaction with guanidine solutions and may lose their binding function. Before any large-scale use of guanidine, it is best to test a small sample and determine whether the denaturing effects will adversely affect the intended use of the protein.

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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
数量200 mL
Unit Size200 mL