For use when assay sensitivity is of the utmost importance, Applied Biosystems® Megaplex™ PreAmp Primers significantly enhance the ability to了解更多信息
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货号 4399203
价格(CNY)/ 50 reactions
价格(CNY)/ 50 reactions
Megaplex™ PreAmp 引物,啮齿类动物池 Pool A
价格(CNY)/ 50 reactions
For use when assay sensitivity is of the utmost importance, Applied Biosystems® Megaplex™ PreAmp Primers significantly enhance the ability to detect low expressed microRNAs enabling the generation of a comprehensive expression profile using far less sample, as low as 1 ng of input total RNA. With content matched to the Megaplex™ RT Primers, Megaplex™ PreAmp Primers, Rodent Pool A is designed to be used with Megaplex™ RT Primers, Rodent Pool A. Following reverse transcription using Megaplex™ RT Primers, Megaplex™ PreAmp Primers along with the TaqMan® PreAmp Master Mix uniformly amplify all microRNAs prior to quantitation by real-time PCR using TaqMan® MicroRNA Arrays.