Pierce™ Kinase 富集试剂盒(带有 ATP 探针)
Pierce™ Kinase 富集试剂盒(带有 ATP 探针)
Thermo Scientific™

Pierce™ Kinase 富集试剂盒(带有 ATP 探针)

This Thermo Scientific Pierce Kinase Enrichment Kit utilizes an ActivX™ ATP Probe to covalently label the active site of ATPases,了解更多信息
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货号 88310
价格(CNY)/ EA 16 reactions
价格(CNY)/ EA 16 reactions
Pierce™ Kinase 富集试剂盒(带有 ATP 探针)
价格(CNY)/ EA 16 reactions
This Thermo Scientific Pierce Kinase Enrichment Kit utilizes an ActivX™ ATP Probe to covalently label the active site of ATPases, including chaperones and metabolic enzymes, to enable their selective enrichment using a desthiobiotin tag.

ActivX ATP Probes feature an amine-reactive nucleotide analog and a desthiobiotin (biotin analog) tag that facilitates selective labeling of lysines in the kinase active site and then subsequent enrichment and recovery of labeled protein. These features allow identification and profiling of target enzyme classes across samples or assessment of the specificity and affinity of enzyme inhibitors.

Features of the Pierce Kinase Enrichment Kit:

Specific – label only the conserved active-site lysines of nucleotide-binding proteins
Flexible – use for in vitro labeling of ATPase enzymes derived from cells or tissues
Compatible – use with Western blot or mass spectrometry (MS) workflows

• Profile small-molecule binding affinities and active-site inhibition in a dose-dependent manner
• Identify dozens to hundreds of inhibitor targets and off-targets from tissues, cells and subcellular proteomes
• Enrichment of enzymes based on function

Thermo Scientific ActivX Desthiobiotin-ATP is a nucleotide derivative that covalently modifies the active site of enzymes at conserved lysine residues in the nucleotide binding site. The structure of these probes consists of a modified biotin (desthiobiotin) attached to the nucleotide through a labile acyl-phosphate bond. Desthiobiotin is a biotin analog that binds less tightly to biotin-binding proteins resulting in binding that is easily reversed by biotin displacement, low pH or heat denaturation.

Desthiobiotin-ATP probes can be used to selectively enrich, identify and profile target enzyme classes or assess the specificity of enzyme inhibitors. Because many ATPases and other nucleotide-binding proteins bind nucleotides or inhibitors even when they are enzymatically inactive, the desthiobiotin probes allow profiling of both inactive and active enzymes in a complex sample. Preincubation of samples with small-molecule inhibitors that compete for active sites can be used to determine inhibitor binding affinity. Active-site nucleotide probes also can be used to identify inhibitor off-targets.

These products are subject to a limited use label license.

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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
配方含有脱硫生物素-ATP 探针的多组分试剂盒
检测方法化学发光、质谱、Western 印迹
产品线ActivX™, Pierce™
数量16 次反应试剂盒
Unit SizeEA 16 reactions
ActivX 脱硫生物素-ATP 探针同干冰一起单独运输,并在收货后立即储存于 -80°C。所有其他试剂盒组分均在环境温度下运输,接收后在 4°C 下储存。