The Thermo Scientific Pierce Glycoprotein Isolation Kit (Concanavilin A) allows isolation of glycoproteins from complex mixtures, including serum, tissue and了解更多信息
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货号 89804
价格(CNY)/ 10 reactions
价格(CNY)/ 10 reactions
Pierce™ 糖蛋白分离试剂盒,ConA
价格(CNY)/ 10 reactions
The Thermo Scientific Pierce Glycoprotein Isolation Kit (Concanavilin A) allows isolation of glycoproteins from complex mixtures, including serum, tissue and cultured cell lysates. The procedure uses concanavilin A (ConA) as a ligand to bind a specific class of glycoprotein from complex protein samples—those containing alpha-lined mannose or terminal glucose residues. This kit has been used to isolate glycoproteins from serum as well as HeLa and CHO cell lysates in approximately 50 minutes.
Features of this Glycoprotein Isolation Kit:
• High recovery—equivalent or greater glycoprotein recovery versus competitor kits and lectin resins • Fast—glycoprotein purification in less than an hour • Versatile—isolate glycoproteins from various sample types, e.g., human serum and cell lysate. • Robust—lectin does not leach from resin when processing sample • Convenient—complete kit offering lectin resins and spin columns with all necessary reagents • Compatible with Bradford-based protein assays—dialysis or protein precipitation of recovered glycoproteins is not required prior to protein assay