The Applied Biosystems CytoScan XON Suite is an exon-level copy number solution that provides the sensitivity and flexibility required to了解更多信息
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货号 931311
价格(CNY)/ EA 24 reactions
The Applied Biosystems CytoScan XON Suite is an exon-level copy number solution that provides the sensitivity and flexibility required to improve and complement the analysis of important variants for clinical research. It is designed to cover the whole genome, with an increased focus on 7,000 clinically relevant genes. The CytoScan XON Suite is a full solution comprised of the assay, array, and analysis software. This CytoScan XON Assay Kit contains arrays and reagents sufficient for 24 reactions. Customer training is required for the CytoScan XON Assay. Different training programs are available based upon your experience level. Please contact your local distributor for details.
Sensitive exon-level copy number and superior coverage across the whole genome Comprehensive and effective detection of deletions and duplications can be challenging from a cost perspective when using multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) assays or exome arrays for medical research. Additionally, custom-made products lack the flexibility to include any new gene of interest that is relevant to a particular disease.The CytoScan XON Suite is a microarray solution that detects single-exon deletion and duplication events with high sensitivity in key relevant genes in addition to providing whole-genome coverage. The single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) probes allow sample tracking, duo/trio, and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) analysis.
Smart design improves resolution in key genes The CytoScan XON Array content was designed through empirical selection from a pool of over 49 million probes for copy number responses across the genome. The best performing probes were selected to cover key genes and the exons within them. Any gaps were filled with additional probes flanking 500 bp from the targeted region ensuring that each exon contains enough probes to make a reliable call.
Reporting flexibility with gene panel or gene-level tier analysis The flexibility of Chromosome Analysis Suite (ChAS) data analysis software enables easy viewing and summarizes the exon-level CNV results in various ways based on your specific clinical research needs.
Gene panel analysis Simplify result reporting by using your preferred gene list or panel in the intuitive ChAS software. This analysis feature allows you to obtain exon-level CNV results limited to the gene panel you upload and view only the genes of interest.
Gene-level tier analysis Gene-level tier analysis is incorporated into the user-friendly ChAS software, providing a novel and flexible approach where the software provides results by gene-level tiers based on clinical research relevance. This unique functionality allows visualization of CNVs for a targeted number of clinically relevant genes (level 1) or expands the gene-level tiers for a whole-genome view. Thus, the user determines the gene-level tiers of interest for analysis and reporting.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.