Silencer™ 人肿瘤抑制基因 siRNA 文库
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Silencer™ 人肿瘤抑制基因 siRNA 文库

Mutations that cause a loss or reduction in gene function can result in the progression to cancer, usually in combination了解更多信息
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货号 A30147
价格(CNY)/ 1 set

Mutations that cause a loss or reduction in gene function can result in the progression to cancer, usually in combination with other genetic changes. Tumor suppressor genes, or anti-oncogenes, can protect cells on the path to becoming cancerous. The Silencer™ Human Tumor Suppressor siRNA Library contains 2,175 Ambion™ Silencer siRNAs targeting 725 tumor suppressor genes. The library was designed using the most up-to-date genome databases, including the NCBI RefSeq database and cross-referenced to the Gene Ontology Consortium (GO) database and/or the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) as well as the Tumor Suppressor Gene Database (TSGene). Utilizing Ambion Silencer technology built on stringent bioinformatics to enable high target specificity and siRNA potency, the Silencer Human Tumor Suppressor siRNA Library is an ideal solution for focused and cost-effective RNAi screening against tumor suppressor genes.

  • Comprehensive—Expedite your tumor suppressor RNAi functional screens with pre-defined Silencer Human Tumor Suppressor siRNA Library
  • Reliable—Increase target screening accuracy with three individual siRNAs per gene target
  • Effective—Reduce off target impacts at low concentrations with proven Ambion Silencer siRNA design
  • Convenient—Reduce data de-convolution and accelerate target validation with our arrayed format
  • Customizable—Choose the best option for your workflow demands, including additional siRNA scales and pooled formats

Why use the Silencer Human Tumor Suppressor siRNA Library?

Together with careful bioinformatics selection of gene targets, Silencer siRNAs are optimized with design and high quality synthesis with guaranteed silencing. The Silencer Human Tumor Suppressor siRNA Library contains our pre-designed and when available, validated siRNAs generated with maximum potency and specificity in mind so you can focus on data quality. All Silencer libraries are selected against the latest available databases and resources for up-to-date content. Full siRNA sequence information, as well as the exon targeted and each targeted gene's symbol, full name, aliases, RefSeq number, and Locus ID, plus results from any validation experiments performed using the included siRNAs is provided. Please contact us for the complete list of targets.

Silencer siRNA libraries allow you to screen efficiently and maximize data output

Ambion Silencer siRNAs are designed with potency in mind to help ensure gene knockdown at minimum concentrations. This not only helps ensure less potential for off target effects and false positive data but also minimizes false negative outcomes of siRNA screening. The Silencer Human Tumor Suppressor siRNA Library contains 0.25 nmol of each siRNA, sufficient for 100 transfections (at 25 nM siRNA, 100 μL transfection volume).

Flexibility to meet your workflow needs

Thermo Fisher Scientific offers a comprehensive list of pre-defined or custom siRNA libraries to human, mouse or rat genes with 1, 2, or 5 nmol of each siRNA or larger sizes. For a complete gene list, additional information or to discuss your research with one of our technical experts, contact your local sales representative or e-mail us at RNAilibraries@lifetech.

产品规格96 孔板
RNAi 类型siRNA
产品类型siRNA 文库
数量1 套
Unit Size1 set
置于 96 孔板(27 个板)中的靶向 725 个基因的总计 2,175 个 siRNA

储存于 -20°C 或更低温度非自动除霜冰箱中。