The Feed Kit A+ provides two chemically defined supplements, GlygcanTune™ A+ Total Feed and EfficientFeed™ A+ Supplement, along with fed-batch了解更多信息
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货号 A3315901
又称 A33159-01
价格(CNY)/ EA 2 L
The Feed Kit A+ provides two chemically defined supplements, GlygcanTune™ A+ Total Feed and EfficientFeed™ A+ Supplement, along with fed-batch supplementation strategies designed to optimize cell growth and protein production while offering the ability to target and fine tune glycosylation profiles. GlycanTune A+ Total Feed is based on the chemically-defined EfficientFeed A+ Supplement and is specifically designed for fed-batch cultures of multiple cell lines. When used alone or with EfficientFeed+ supplement, this single-part total feeding supplement can shift glycan profiles from heavily G0F to mostly G1F and G2F glycans. GlycanTune A+ Total Feed provides an easy-to-reconstitute, pH-neutral solution that can be super-concentrated for delivery of key nutrients at smaller volumes.
Dialing in a glycan profile The manual included in the kit (and downloadable below) provides complete protocols for testing GlycanTune A+ Total Feed with EfficientFeed A+ Supplement or another feed to obtain a set of conditions similar to those shown in the charts below. The first chart depicts protocol conditions for establishing a glycan shift pattern and the second shows typical results from a shifting experiment to help you hone in on the best feeding strategy to achieve a desired galactosylation profile.
Simplified handling to reduce risk in scale-up The ability to scale up using AGT dry format provides easier handling and storage in manufacturing and other bioprocess settings. Fewer parts and reconstitution steps mean fewer opportunities for operator error. Further, the ability to store this feed, even when super-concentrated, for the length of a bioreactor run at room temperature in the dark may lessen the chance of contamination by reducing the number of connections to the bioreactor to one or two. Customization of other feeding formulations is possible should that option suit your needs better after trying this kit. Contact your local Field Application Scientist through your Account Manager to learn more about our customization capabilities.
形式AGT 干粉剂型
数量2 L
Unit SizeEA 2 L
• 1 x 1 L GlycanTune A+ 总补料 • 1 x 1 L EfficientFeed A+ 总补料 在冰箱 (2–8°C) 中储存以上内容。避光防潮保存。