KingFisher™ Ready DNA Ultra 2.0 预装板,用于 KingFisher Flex 仪器
Thermo Scientific™
KingFisher™ Ready DNA Ultra 2.0 预装板,用于 KingFisher Flex 仪器
KingFisher Ready DNA Ultra 2.0 Prefilled Plates are automation-ready plates prefilled with MagMAX DNA Multi-Sample Ultra 2.0 reagents suitably configured了解更多信息
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货号 A36586
价格(CNY)/ 96 preps
价格(CNY)/ 96 preps
KingFisher™ Ready DNA Ultra 2.0 预装板,用于 KingFisher Flex 仪器
价格(CNY)/ 96 preps
KingFisher Ready DNA Ultra 2.0 Prefilled Plates are automation-ready plates prefilled with MagMAX DNA Multi-Sample Ultra 2.0 reagents suitably configured for KingFisher Flex purification systems. KingFisher Ready DNA Ultra 2.0 Prefilled Plates enable isolation of genomic DNA from 50 to 400 μL of multiple sample types such as whole blood, saliva, buffy coat, buccal swabs, and more. The purified gDNA is ideal for a variety of downstream molecular biology applications.
Key features of the KingFisher Ready DNA Ultra 2.0 Prefilled Plates: • Maximize convenience with MagMAX DNA Multi-Sample Ultra 2.0 isolation chemistry prefilled into KingFisher SBS microtiter plates • Increase ease of use—process 96 samples on instrument without the hassle of reagent setup • Designed to reduce user error • Helps to reduce hands-on time • Formatted specifically for KingFisher Flex instruments
All the benefits of MagMAX sample prep chemistries in automation-ready plate format Maximize convenience and confidence with ready-to-use prefilled plates and accessory plastics configured specifically for the KingFisher Flex instrument. KingFisher Ready DNA Ultra 2.0 Prefilled Plates eliminate the need to aliquot magnetic beads, lysis solutions, and wash solutions. Just peel off the foil seals from the KingFisher Ready DNA Ultra 2.0 prefilled plates; add enhancer, 50-400 μL of your sample, and proteinase K; and load all of the plates into the KingFisher Flex instrument.
Eliminate the need for pipetting reagents, searching for plastics, or risking reagent mix-ups in your DNA isolation workflow.
Complete, prefilled automation-ready sample prep kit improves convenience with all accessory plastics Not only are KingFisher Ready DNA Ultra 2.0 Prefilled Plates prefilled with industry-leading MagMAX DNA Multi-Sample Ultra 2.0 reagents (Cat. No. A36570), the plates come complete with all required tip-combs and plastics necessary for processing 96 samples in one small convenient box.
What you get • Seven foil-sealed KingFisher Ready DNA Ultra 2.0 Prefilled Plates sufficient to process 96 samples in one instrument run (96 samples in total) • One empty and sealed sample input 96 deep well plate • KingFisher 96-tip comb • Proteinase K solution and enhancer solution sufficient for 96 samples
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
产品规格96 孔深孔板
样品类型口腔拭子, 血沉棕黄层, 唾液, 全血
数量96 次制备
Unit Size96 preps
• 1 整套 KingFisher Ready DNA Ultra 2.0 预装板 • 4.5 mL 蛋白酶 K 溶液 • 4.5 mL 增强剂溶液 • 1 个 KingFisher Flex 96 吸头梳