Super Heavy TMT 标记试剂
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Thermo Scientific™

Super Heavy TMT 标记试剂

The amine-reactive Super Heavy TMT Label Reagent is an alternate form of TMT that contains twice the number of heavy了解更多信息
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货号 A43073
价格(CNY)/ 2 mg
价格(CNY)/ 2 mg
Super Heavy TMT 标记试剂
价格(CNY)/ 2 mg
The amine-reactive Super Heavy TMT Label Reagent is an alternate form of TMT that contains twice the number of heavy of isotopes for labeling of peptides, and when used with TMT-labeled samples, enables 2D TMT multiplexing applications for targeted quantitation.

Features of Super Heavy TMT (shTMT) Label Reagent:
• 2-dimensional multiplexing—enables multiplexing of traditional multiplex TMT-labeled samples with super heavy-labeled peptides for multiplexed targeted quantitation
• Improves quantitative accuracy—label reduces co-isolation and interference to enable more robust quantitation
• Reduces acquisition complexity—heavy-labeled peptide is used as the trigger for peptide selection

Super Heavy TMT Label Reagent is used to label synthetic peptides and is for use specifically with TMT multiplex-labeled samples. When used in combination, the mass offset from the super heavy-labeled synthetic peptide serves as a trigger for the selection of the targeted peptide in the multiplexed sample and reduces interference/co-isolation to enable more robust quantitation. This new method combines the power of multiplexing from TMT reagents with targeted quantitation methods and is referred to as the TOMAHAQ method (triggered by offset, multiplexed, accurate mass, high resolution, and absolute quantitation)1. For this application, the user is able to perform targeted quantitation on multiplexed samples for the target peptides without dependence on the chromatography conditions.

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For high resolution analysis of the TMT-labeled peptides, the recommended LC column for a Nanospray Flex source is Acclaim PepMap 100 C18 LC Column (Cat. No. 164942 or 164939). For an EASY-Spray source, the recommended LC column is EASY-Spray C18 LC Column (Cat. No. ES802 or ES803).

Erickson BK, Rose CM, Braun CR, Erickson AR, Knott J, McAlister GC, Wühr M, Paulo JA, Everley RA, Gygi SP. A Strategy to Combine Sample Multiplexing with Targeted Proteomics Assays for High-Throughput Protein Signature Characterization. Mol Cell. 2017 65(2):361-370.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
标签或染料Tandem Mass Tag™ (TMT) 标记
数量2 mg
Unit Size2 mg
在冰箱中储存(-5 至 -30°C)。