mMESSAGE mMACHINE™ T7 mRNA Kit with CleanCap™ Reagent AG
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mMESSAGE mMACHINE™ T7 mRNA Kit with CleanCap™ Reagent AG

mMESSAGE mMACHINE™ T7 mRNA Kit with CleanCap™ Reagent AG

The mMESSAGE mMACHINE T7 mRNA Kit with CleanCap Reagent AG contains all the reagents and buffers necessary for in vitro了解更多信息
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A5762050 Reactions
A576211000 Reactions
货号 A57620
价格(CNY)/ 50 reactions
50 Reactions
价格(CNY)/ 50 reactions
mMESSAGE mMACHINE™ T7 mRNA Kit with CleanCap™ Reagent AG
价格(CNY)/ 50 reactions

The mMESSAGE mMACHINE T7 mRNA Kit with CleanCap Reagent AG contains all the reagents and buffers necessary for in vitro synthesis of large amounts of mRNA with the naturally occurring Cap 1 structure for increased translatability in vivo compared to legacy capping methods such as the use of anti-reverse capping analog (ARCA). Utilization of the CleanCap Reagent AG ensures superior results relative to older capping technologies and greater protein production. Each standard 20-μL reaction yields a minimum of 100 μg of Cap 1-containing mRNA, while the scaled-up protocol yields up to 1 mg of mRNA. This kit is suitable for full- or partially-modified-nucleotide substitution to generate modified mRNA.

Features of the mMESSAGE mMACHINE T7 mRNA Kit with CleanCap Reagent AG include:
• Contains proven CleanCap capping technology
• Optimized to achieve high mRNA yields (>5 mg/mL)
• Produces mRNA that is over 95% capped
• Optimized for production of mRNA from 0.9–10 kb templates
• Minimum yields of 100 μg per reaction, up to 150 μg per reaction (see figure below) 
• Allows use of modified nucleotides, full- or partial-modified substitution
• Includes linearized 0.9 kb GFP control template, yields ≥100 μg mRNA
• Made up of high quality TheraPure reagents to enable transition from RUO to GMP
• Available in two sizes: 50 and 1000 reactions*

*Note: 1000 reaction kit is designed to support scale-up to large amounts of mRNA production enabling ≥100 mg mRNA. 

The mMESSAGE mMACHINE T7 mRNA Kit with CleanCap Reagent AG contains the trinucleotide cap analog CleanCap Reagent AG, which has the Cap 1 structure and can be used for co-transcriptional capping of mRNA without compromising yield. This reagent produces high capping efficiencies compared to legacy capping reagents such as ARCA. Cap 1-containing mRNAs are considerably more stable and have superior translational activities compared to Cap 0 mRNAs produced using ARCA or mCap cap analogs.

A linearized DNA template containing an AG-initiating T7 RNA polymerase promoter is strongly recommended for this kit to achieve mRNA yields >5 mg/mL with over 90% of the transcripts capped. The mRNA produced with this kit can be used for many applications, including transfections, preclinical mRNA therapeutic mRNA studies, preclinical vaccine development, microinjections, in vitro translation, and RNA structure and function analysis.

细胞类型HEK293, 293, HeLa, CHO-K1, CHO, Jurkat, Primary Human T Cells, Primary Cells, Stem Cells, iPSC, NIH-3T3, HepG2, A549, HUVEC
最终产品类型Synthetic mRNA, mRNA
分离技术Silica Spin Column
纯化目标mRNA, Synthetic mRNA
样品类型mRNA, Synthetic mRNA
反应次数50 Reactions
Unit Size50 reactions